Preservation and strengthening of human health is the primary task of mankind. Factors that promote health. Healthy lifestyle and disease prevention


Serotetto Victoria



Municipal state institution general education boarding school

"Panaevskaya boarding school of secondary (complete) general education"


With. Panaevsk, 2014

Health is wealth for all time.


I am always fascinated by people leading a healthy lifestyle. These are people who go in for sports, attend sections, work for the benefit of society, study, and develop themselves.

Scientists have calculated that a person's health is 60% dependent on his behavior, 20% on the health of his parents, heredity, and another 20% on the conditions in which a person lives.

Health is the main value of a person.

And I believe that a person should master the art from childhood healthy life to be able to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society.

When meeting, parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps to fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, reasonably preserved and strengthened by the person himself, provides him with a long and active life.

Scientific data show that most people, if they follow hygiene rules and maintain a healthy lifestyle, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more.

WITH early age it is necessary to active image life, harden, observe the regime of the day, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - to achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.

“To be healthy, you need your own efforts - constant ones, and therefore nothing can replace them” (N. Amosov)

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some people, succumbing to the addiction to smoking and alcohol, drug addiction actively shorten their lives.

Alcohol, smoking, narcotics are the main violators of health, are the cause of many diseases, sharply reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children. Even after trying once, a person can become addicted, which will turn into a big disaster for him.

Science now completely rules out any benefit of alcohol and nicotine to the body. The harm is huge. calling whole line most serious illnesses, worsening the course of any disease, alcohol and tobacco shorten the very life of a person.

Why then do people drink and smoke?

The reason for a person's craving for alcohol and tobacco lies in its euphoric action. A person, having drunk, feels more courageous, it begins to seem to him that he can easily overcome all the difficulties and hardships of life. This state is especially liked by weak and weak-willed natures. After two or three such techniques, the drug comes into its own, which gradually captures the person completely.

Nowadays, many scientists recognize that smoking is a slow suicide. Doctors have found that each cigarette smoked costs a smoker 15 minutes of life. These minutes gradually add up to years. A smoker lives 5-7 years less than he is given by nature.

According to world statistics, about 2.5 million people die every year among smokers.

smoking damages great harm for a young growing organism. The earlier a teenager starts smoking, the more sensitive his body is to the poisons of tobacco smoke and the more likely he is to get sick.

The fact that tobacco is harmful to health has long been known. We saw that smokers were tormented by a hacking cough, they knew that it was difficult to breathe in a smoky room, that tobacco interfered with mental work.

Experiments have shown that animals die under the influence of nicotine. Then the phrase was born: "A drop of nicotine kills a horse." To be precise, a drop of pure nicotine can kill not one but three horses.

Smoking is dangerous for non-smokers as well. Inhaling the tobacco smoke of smokers, non-smokers are also susceptible to various diseases.

A national disaster, the collective suicide of nations, the path to the catastrophe of mankind - this is how scientists and the public assess the rapidly growing abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholism is a harmful and terrible habit. Addiction to alcohol occurs imperceptibly for both the drinker and others, and ends chronic alcoholism creating a difficult psychological climate in the family, which has an irreparable negative impact on children, their upbringing and health.

It is especially unacceptable to attract and accustom children and adolescents to alcoholism. The addiction of the child's body to alcohol occurs quickly. Period domestic drunkenness in adolescents, sometimes it is reduced to the limit or is completely absent.

In alcoholics, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, and gastrointestinal tract are more common, the liver is severely affected, and sexual function is reduced.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs are especially detrimental to offspring. Women who use alcohol, drugs, smokers often have miscarriages, give birth to sick, premature babies, retarded, mentally handicapped.

Drugs are often referred to as the white death. How earlier man gets used to them, the faster it dies

Drug addiction is a morbid craving or addiction to drugs used different ways(swallowing, inhaling, intravenous injection) in order to achieve an intoxicating state. For this, use different substances such as genuine hard drugs such as opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana.

How much grief, misfortune, experiences a person who uses alcohol or drugs brings to his family and friends. A person leading an immoral lifestyle causes unpleasant feelings in those around him with his appearance and behavior. Indeed, often such individuals do not monitor their appearance, behavior - they behave aggressively, use obscene words, and are sometimes dangerous to others.

Scientists believe that insufficiently organized individuals who are easily suggestible, fall under the influence of others, are vulnerable, unadapted to life, infantile, who want to escape from reality, who do not know how and are unable to endure life's hardships, most often become addicted to alcohol, drugs and smoking.

Therefore, from childhood it is necessary to educate in oneself the will, from childhood to develop in oneself good habits- this is sports, work, observance of the daily routine, correct good nutrition.

There are many people in our country whose age has exceeded 100 years. Centenarians believe that there are secrets of longevity:
1. Hardened body
2. Good character
3. Proper nutrition and daily routine
4. Daily physical labor.
Remember that health is the main value of a person. Health, you can not buy for any money.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, do sports and useful work and you will be happy. Take care and increase your health!

Remember! That a person dies not from a certain disease, but from his lifestyle. So be well, all of you!

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Over the past decades in modern society there have been significant changes. The development of human potential, as a necessary condition for the progress of society, declared even at the level of power as an absolute priority, implies, first of all, the provision of opportunities for development and satisfaction of the whole complex of needs and interests of people. Naturally, a high level and quality of life, guaranteed education and employment, legal and personal security, and social security determine the growth of human capital. However, the most important factor determining the achievement of the stated strategic goals is the health of the population. This is what determines the relevance of this work. Indeed, the formation of a person depends on health, this is the basis of all his activity. Comprehensive thoughtful actions at all levels, focused on maintaining and strengthening individual, and therefore public health through the formation of a healthy lifestyle and increasing the availability and quality of medical care, can make the greatest contribution to ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of any country. However, without having an idea of ​​what “health” is and what it depends on, it is impossible to approach this problem rationally. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to reveal the factors that determine health. To achieve this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: Define the terms: "health", "factor". To study a multifactorial model of health conditionality. Determine the classification and structure of factors Consider the concept of “combination” of the impact of factors on human health. In the course of studying the topic, information sources were used: monographs, journals, as well as Internet resources.

Multifactor model of health conditionality: exogenous and endogenous factors

It is important to note that the relationship between factors and health indicators is not always unambiguous. This refers to the non-linearity of the dependence of the deterioration of health on a certain factor, when at certain extreme points of values, the factor equally negatively affects the human body. To classify many risk factors associated with health indicators in medical, epidemiological, sociological and other studies, various models. The most widespread approach is that the factors affecting health are divided into genetic, environmental, social and medical. Despite the established ratio various groups factors in health, their impact is more complex and requires additional analysis. 3 The concept of the combination of the impact of factors on human health The question of the ratio of endogenous and exogenous factors in the etiology of the disease, in the determination of human health today is solved not by opposing factors of different nature to each other, but by recognizing their interconnectedness and interaction. Almost every human condition is due to the influence of heredity and environment. Both extreme poles - only a hereditary disease or a disease caused only exogenous factors, - represent from a theoretical point of view "ideal poles", which practically do not exist. Between these poles there is a continuous series in which some diseases are predominantly endogenous in nature, others are predominantly exogenous. The key concept in describing the mechanism of the impact of risk factors on human health is the concept of "combination of action". Currently, combined action is characterized as the simultaneous action of several chemical, physical, biological or social factors. An illustrative situation demonstrating the combined effect of harmful factors on a person can be working with a computer. Studies have shown that adverse changes functional state users personal computers determined by a combination following factors: levels of generated electromagnetic fields, illumination parameters, indoor climate, health status, age, intensity and duration of work with a computer. In the entire history of the study of malignant neoplasms, no specific etiological factor, which would be present during the development of these diseases. However, as a result of numerous studies, a certain complex of heterogeneous factors (endogenous, exogenous) has been identified, for which the relationship with the risk of developing cancer has been confirmed. So the factors environment in combination with human behavior occupy approximately 80% of the etiology of cancer. 10% of cancer cases are associated with alcohol consumption, 35% with combined exposure to smoking and alcohol consumption, 4-10% with occupational risk factors, and 40% with combined exposure to smoking, alcohol consumption and occupational factors5. The role of individual risk factors in the occurrence and development of specific diseases is not the same. Of the more than 20 risk factors known to contribute to cardiovascular disease, the most greater value have arterial hypertension, smoking, hypercholesterolemia ( increased content blood cholesterol) overweight body, insufficient physical activity, dyslipidemia. Interesting are the results of a study of the role of biological and social factors in the occurrence of pathology of behavior in children (M. Lapides, E. Isaeva and V. Chernyaeva). Based on the analysis of the results of clinical observations, the authors came to the conclusion that the role of biological and social factors in the occurrence of pathological behavior is not the same in different cases: with hereditary predisposition biological factor- only the soil for the development of pathological behavior; the main reason is social factors; in cases where there are grosser residual effects cerebral lesion, the influence of the social factor is only additional; in some cases, the leading role belongs to the social factor, and the biological factor is not of great importance. In fact, when analyzing the etiology of diseases, the most common combination various factors risk. Thus, it appears that the significance of individual risk factors is not the same and depends on the severity and duration of each of them, as well as on the relevant conditions.

Does a person need to be healthy?

A lonely living speck of dust is our planet Earth. The earth is a dandelion. The life of man - the only rational living being - is not eternal. Each person will inevitably die: one - earlier, the other - later. Human lifespan is indefinite. But any early death is a tragedy. To prolong a long and happy life, you need to learn to appreciate and protect nature, as an indispensable environment for life and the cradle of mankind.

Except natural environment the health and longevity of a person determine the conditions of his work and life, therefore, from the school bench, it is important to master the scientific and spiritual culture of your people. And, of course, only a healthy lifestyle contributes to the realization of all the opportunities provided by nature to man.

Man, however, carelessly treats his health. One of the good reasons for this attitude to one's own health can be considered modern medicine and some discrepancy between the high level of well-being and the growth of the culture of the population. Free health care available at any hour of the day or night, major city and in the taiga mine, highly specialized and qualified, trouble-free and diverse (polyclinics, sanatoriums), on the one hand, had a positive effect on human health, but on the other hand, it dulled people's fear of illness. Second important reason thoughtless attitude to one’s own health can be considered insufficient conviction in the inevitability of punishment for a “crime” committed against health.

It seems to a person that bad things can happen to anyone, but not to him. You never know that someone died of diabetes or obesity, crashed. He was just a loser, incompetent, unhappy. And I'm lucky, nothing bad will happen to me. I will be able to “get out” ... But it is often not possible to get out. The third reason is a clear representation of perspective. Many argue whether I will take care of my health or not, but since the average life expectancy in the country is 72-76 years, then I will live to be at least 80 years old. Of course, these are just a few reasons, but taking care of your health is the main task of a person. One might get the impression that the preservation and enhancement of health is not only laborious, but also bleak. But this is a profound delusion. After all, no one requires you to give up the joys of a fulfilling life. There is such an aphorism: “Life is good. A good life is even better". The essence of this aphorism boils down to the fact that any life better than death but the good life is better than just life. But in order for life to become good, you need health. And to be healthy you need to want it.

Health and environment. Health and disease risk factors

The ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus wrote that he is happy who is healthy in body, receptive in soul and amenable to education.

In the charter World Organization health care refers to the highest level of health as one of the basic human rights. No less important is the right of a person to information about those factors that determine human health or are risk factors, that is, their impact can lead to the development of a disease.

One of the most important inherited properties healthy body is constancy internal environment. This concept was introduced by the French scientist Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878), who considered the constancy of the internal environment a condition for the free and independent life of a person. The internal environment was formed in the process of evolution. It is determined primarily by the composition and properties of blood and lymph.

The constancy of the internal environment is a remarkable property of the organism, which to some extent freed it from the physical and chemical influences of the external environment. However, this constancy - it is called homeostasis - has its limits, determined by heredity. Therefore, heredity is one of the most important factors of health.

The human body is adapted to a certain quality of physical (temperature, humidity, Atmosphere pressure), chemical (composition of air, water, food), biological (various living beings) indicators of the environment.

If a person stays for a long time in conditions that differ significantly from those to which he is adapted, the constancy of the internal environment of the body is disturbed, which can affect health and normal life.

In our age, a person, like all living organisms, is subject to external influences that lead to changes in hereditary properties. These changes are called mutational (mutations). The number of mutations has especially increased in recent years. Deviations from certain, habitual properties of the environment can be attributed to disease risk factors (see Appendix). So, the data given in the table indicate that morbidity and mortality are associated primarily with environmental conditions and people's lifestyle.

Each of us has the right to know about all the environmental changes taking place both in the area where he lives and in the whole country. We must know everything about the food we eat, the state of the water we drink, and doctors must explain the dangers of living in areas contaminated with radiation. A person must be aware of the danger that threatens him and act accordingly.

For the person around external environment is not only nature, but also society. Therefore, social conditions also affect the state of the body and its health. The conditions of life and work, as well as the nature and habits of a person form the way of life of each of us. Lifestyle - food culture, movement, profession, use of free time, creativity - affects spiritual and physical health, strengthening or destroying it, prolonging or shortening life. For the growing and developing body of schoolchildren special meaning has observance of the daily routine (the correct schedule of educational work and rest, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air). So, correct image life is a health factor, and unhealthy is a risk factor.

A morally responsible person understands the need to follow the rules and regulations, prohibitions and regulations. A conscious and responsible attitude to health should become the norm of life and behavior of each of us.

Labor and health

Labor is the basis for the creation of material and spiritual values. It is also necessary for the optimal flow of biological processes in the body, therefore, it has a great impact on health.

Under the influence of labor biological processes changed significantly in the human body. Features of the structure of the skeleton, the development of muscles, the work of the senses - all this is ultimately the result of human labor activity. Thus, the efficiency of labor increased from the fact that one hand, the left, began to improve in supporting the object of labor, and the other, the right, improved in its processing.

The concepts of “work” and “work” are not unambiguous. The term "work" means all activities associated with the expenditure of energy and the release of the body from a state of rest. For example, a child throwing a ball into the air expends a certain energy and, therefore, from a physical point of view, does work. However, no one will classify this occupation as work. Thus, with any kind of labor, work is performed, but not all work can be considered labor activity.

It is customary to divide labor into physical and mental. The division is conditional, since no labor activity is impossible without the regulatory role of the central nervous system, without volitional efforts. When assessing physical effort, the concept of “labor severity” is used, which reflects the load on the skeletal muscles, cardiovascular and other physiological systems. To characterize mental activity the concept of “labor intensity” was adopted, reflecting the predominant load on the central nervous system.

Physical labor consumes a lot of energy rapid development fatigue and, at the same time, relatively low productivity. In working muscles, blood flow increases, delivering nutrients and oxygen, which carries away decay products. Physiological changes occur in the body muscle activity. As the severity of physical labor increases, oxygen consumption increases. There is a limit to the maximum amount of oxygen that a person can consume - the so-called oxygen ceiling. Usually it does not exceed 3-4 l / min. During the performance of very hard work, the supply of oxygen to the body reaches its limit, but the need for it becomes even greater and is not satisfied in the process of work. At this point in the body there is a state of oxygen deficiency - hypoxia. Moderate hypoxia trains the body. But if hard physical labor continues for a long time, or a person is not used to heavy loads, and his respiratory and cardiovascular systems poorly provide muscle work, hypoxia becomes a damaging fact.

When performing work of great severity and duration, there is a decrease in working capacity, fatigue develops, which is subjectively perceived by us in the form of a feeling of fatigue. If the working capacity does not have time to recover by the beginning of the next day, overwork develops, accompanied by chronic hypoxia, impaired nervous activity - neuroses, diseases of the cardiovascular and other systems.

The severity of mental work during study increases even more due to the fact that it takes place against the background of static stress associated with the need to maintain a certain posture for a long time.

A good rest, as the classic of Russian physiology I.M. Sechenov, is not in idleness, but in a change of activity. “Work sitting, rest standing,” he wrote. Therefore, mental work, study must necessarily alternate with motor activity. Physical education sessions held at the lesson at the moment when signs of the excitatory phase of fatigue are observed can significantly delay the onset of severe fatigue, make work full-fledged and effective.

Profession and health

Normal job satisfaction is more conducive to longevity than physical structure, diet, non-smoking and longevity of parents.

M. Burnet.

The way of life largely depends on the profession that a person has acquired.

Each of us, by nature and upbringing, has a complex of individual (biological and social) characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing a profession. These characteristics: abilities, aspirations, interests - everyone should know or at least think about them. For if there is no harmony (correspondence) between the properties of the personality, the nature of the activity and the surrounding conditions of life, then sooner or later this will negatively affect the functions of the body and the quality of work.

Professions of the first type are distinguished on the basis of the “man-nature” relationship. This includes livestock breeders, beekeepers, foresters, agronomists, geologists and many others. The second type combines professions associated with the relationship "man - technology". This group includes the professions of a locksmith, seamstress, engineer, and so on. Painters, graphic designers, painters - “a person is an artistic image”.

Whatever profession you choose, in order to succeed, you need to learn how to work. Main source job satisfaction is the job itself. At the same time, it is important to know not only what a person gives her, but also what she gives a person. When work captures, captivates, gives pleasure, then one does not feel tired.

However, there are also uninteresting industries where a person does not experience an emotional upsurge from work due to its specifics. But even in such conditions, diligence and organization help a person in his work. Of course, much here depends not so much on the worker himself, but on the organization of labor as a whole in production.

Your mood, and consequently, your mental well-being, a healthy psyche, depend not only on you. It is important that your efforts are fairly evaluated so that conflicts and disputes are resolved honestly. Everyone can and should choose a profession to their liking and on the shoulder.

Family and health

A family is a small group of people based on marriage or consanguinity. Family members are connected by common life, mutual help and moral responsibility. The modern family consists, as a rule, of spouses and children. Therefore, they say that the family is a moral and legal union of a man and a woman.

Family life affects people's health. Family life determines the health of members both directly and indirectly. It is known that happy married people live longer and get sick less often. The death rate of widows is always higher than that of married women. The situation in the family, the nature of the relationship of its members to a large extent determine the birth rate, affect the outcome of pregnancy, affect various indicators health. The desire of a woman to have a child depends on the conditions of life, but this dependence is mediated by the relationship between spouses. With satisfactory living conditions and financial security, but tense intra-family relations between spouses, the number of abortions among women is increasing.

The mode, daily routine of family members is one of the indicators of lifestyle. In families with an unfavorable psycho-emotional climate, children are more likely to suffer from stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis. Violation of the regime of rest, sleep, nutrition in the family leads to the development of a number of diseases in most family members: cardiovascular, neuropsychic, metabolic disorders.

The family affects the formation of character, the spiritual health of its members.

In general, in the city, family members do not communicate much with each other, they often gather only for dinner, but even during these short hours, the contacts of family members are suppressed by watching television programs. In large urban families, when 2 or 3 generations live together in the same apartment, contacts of family members are often difficult due to high psycho-emotional tension. All these and a number of other conditions have a significant impact on the stability of the family, and therefore adversely affect the health of the population as a whole.

matured in society urgent problem strengthening the family, the decision of which is largely determined by the culture of those entering into marriage, in particular, by understanding the role of the family as a factor in the health of all its members.

Stress in modern world

According to UN statistics, the urban population has doubled since 1950. According to current estimates, as a result of population growth and migration to cities, the number of slum dwellers is increasing by 10-15% annually. Terrible conditions give rise to physical overload, tension, depression, violence and disease.

According to the latest statistics from the United Nations and the World Bank, half of the countries in Africa and South-East Asia, with a combined population of nearly 2 billion people, has an average annual per capita income of less than $300. Massive poverty of the population in developing countries is the cause of hunger, malnutrition of many children, sometimes with fatal; V best case- Children grow up physically and mentally handicapped. Thus, hundreds of millions of people in the poor countries of the world find themselves in a vicious circle of disease, suffering and death. In such conditions, acute physical, mental and social stresses arise that threaten the life, health and well-being of people, belittling their sense of dignity, destroying the close ties between them and giving rise to a feeling of inferiority. Similar phenomena may, in turn, provoke reactions leading to further morbidity and mortality.

As scientists have established, crowding conditions, the so-called “meter stress”, have a strong negative effect on people. In a person, the constant violation of his personal space, which is typical for life in big cities, causes severe neuropsychic stress, leading to pronounced stress reactions.

Not only our emotions react to the stresses and overloads of modern life, but also internal organs person. The impact of stress affects the basic physiological reactions of the central nervous system, as well as the activity of the endocrine glands. biologically active substances produced endocrine glands(hormones), together with nerve impulses affect almost every cell in the body.

Thus, poor living conditions cause serious, sometimes unbearable suffering for more than a quarter of the world's population. True, people can adapt even to extreme conditions. However, as already mentioned, you have to pay for this with your nerves and physical health.

First steps to health

You can improve and increase your health by making a certain schedule of work on yourself. Not everyone can immediately radically take up the improvement of health. In this case, the implementation of the program can be started gradually, for example, starting with morning exercises, and then supplement it with jogging. Then we can deal with the fight against excess weight. Achieving the goal should not be extraordinary measures ( complete starvation or exhausting sitting in the steam room), and again, gradual reductions in the diet of carbohydrates, fats, and the exclusion of alcohol. Do not allow young people to drink alcohol, do not decorate the table with bottles, refuse to drink.

Our health in our own hands. We must understand that only healthy people can survive in the modern world, so we must protect the most valuable thing that we have.


health stress environment environmental

Based on the analysis of the above material on the factors determining health, the following can be noted: Currently, there are several definitions of the term health. In particular, WHO characterizes health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects. Factors that determine health are the main driving forces defining the nature or state of health. Factors are divided into: exogenous and endogenous; objective and subjective; sustainability factors and risk factors, controlled and uncontrolled. But a more acceptable option: for genetic, environmental, social and medical. Based on the material provided, it can be concluded that human health today is under the influence of a huge variety of factors of various nature (endogenous and exogenous, genetic and social, etc.), unequal in intensity and mechanisms of influence. However, all factors are divided into sustainability factors and risk factors. Resilience factors increase a person's resistance to risk factors. Risk factors are factors of various nature that provoke or increase the risk of deterioration in human health. Naturally, this set of factors requires ordering, systematization and limitation according to the criterion of significance in the determination of health. Currently, great attention is given to the so-called combined effect of factors on the state of health. That is - the simultaneous impact of several factors, whether chemical, physical, biological or social. Thus, in the course of consideration of the topic "Factors influencing health", the originally set goal was achieved, and the tasks were solved. It should be noted that the significance of the information presented in this work can be used in the future for a more detailed consideration of issues related to factors affecting health, conducting research in the field of valeology, as well as writing more in-depth works.

Bibliographic list

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Zhuravleva I.V. Attitude to the health of the individual and society. M.: Nauka, 2006. p. 66-75.

Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Kiryanov D.A., Barg A.O. Assessment of the combined impact of social and industrial risk factors on the health of employees of the enterprise // Health of the population and the environment (ZNiSO). 2010. Issue. 11 (212). With. 44-46.

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Official website of the World Health Organization // URL: 1

Bredikhina N.V. The main factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the preservation of public health // Sociological problems of modern culture and statehood. Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of SUSU, 2010, pp. 6-18.

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Teacher of physical culture MBOU secondary school No. 106 Apashkina N.V.

“Health is not given for free, you have to fight for it.”

In the history of mankind, people have always strived to preserve their health, to fulfill their biological and social destiny. Attitudes towards one's health changed fundamentally already in the slave-owning communities as the property and social stratification of people increased. At one time, Abu Ali ibn Sina (980-1037) in the "Canon of Medicine" pointed out how the most effective way to longevity is to maintain health, and not cure diseases. Life in the 21st century poses many new problems for us, among which the most urgent today is the problem of maintaining and strengthening health.

Against the backdrop of environmental and social tensions in the country, against the backdrop of an unprecedented increase in the diseases of "civilization", in order to be healthy, you need to master the art of maintaining and strengthening health. Currently, negative trends in the health status of the population persist in the Russian Federation. Life expectancy continues to decline, the birth rate is falling, and overall mortality rates and the associated natural population decline remain high. There is an increase in the overall incidence of the adult population, recently the incidence of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases has significantly increased, at the same time, the number of smoking population. The threatening state of public health has led to a threat to the national security of Russia, its future. For many decades in our country there was no priority of health. As a consequence of the previous situation, there is no fashion for health in the country. The mass media pay little attention to the formation of a harmoniously developed - physically and spiritually - person. For comparison, when ranking 17 life values, health ranked first among American high school students, and ninth among Russian ones. But the formation of a healthy lifestyle with early childhood is the foundation of health in adulthood.

“In general, 9/10 of our happiness is based on health. With it, everything becomes a source of pleasure, while without it absolutely no external goods can give pleasure. Even subjective benefits - the qualities of the mind, soul, temperament - weaken and freeze in a diseased state. It is by no means without reason that, first of all, we ask each other about health and wish it to each other: it is truly the main condition for human happiness, ”wrote the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.

Health should be considered as a holistic multidimensional dynamic state organism and the form of human life activity, which provides him with a physiologically determined life span, sufficient satisfaction with the state of his body and acceptable social capacity. The main indicators of health, integrally reflecting its various aspects, are: the level and harmony physical development, the functional state of the body and the availability of reserve capabilities of its main physiological systems; body resistance to various adverse factors; the presence of diseases, disorders of physical or mental development. According to none of the indicated parameters, the health of Russians cannot be considered satisfactory, which is confirmed by the presence of unfavorable trends in medical and demographic indicators, indicators of morbidity and mortality. The current situation is largely a consequence of the low hygienic culture of the population, which is manifested in a sharp increase in the prevalence of bad habits (smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, poor nutrition, low physical activity), deterioration of the environment, working conditions, life and rest. Thus, the preservation and strengthening of human health, increase medium duration life, prevention of premature mortality are topical issues society as a whole. Health promotion is a process that provides the population with the opportunity to exercise control over the state of their health and the factors influencing it. The main elements of the health promotion system are hygienic education and upbringing and disease prevention, which are interconnected. The current state of society, the highest pace of its development, impose ever higher demands on a person and his health. Security own health This is everyone's immediate responsibility. To preserve and strengthen their health, each person creates his own way of life, his own individual system of behavior, which in the best way provides him with the achievement of physical, spiritual and social health. Every person is interested in their well-being and happiness. You can achieve them first of all by constantly maintaining and strengthening your health, following the rules of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). HLS is dynamic system human behavior, based on deep knowledge of various factors that affect his health, and the choice of behavioral algorithms that maximize the preservation and promotion of health, and the constant adjustment of one's behavior, taking into account the acquired experience and return features. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy - he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty. The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of mental and physical strength organism. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various fields our life. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity, not allowing the “soul to be lazy”.

At present, in connection with the sharply aggravated problem of preserving and strengthening human health, the development of physical culture and sports is given great attention all over the world. During physical activity in active work almost all organs and systems of the body are involved. The beneficial effects of regular exercise on health and physical state a person of any age occurs as a result of:

    increase the tone of the central nervous system;

    improving the properties of nervous processes - the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, balance;

    strengthening the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

    an increase in the total volume of circulating blood, an increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content;

    development of the muscular system;

    improving the motor qualities of muscles: speed, strength, agility, endurance; development of motor activity and coordination of movements;

    improvement of blood circulation of muscle fibers;

    development of adaptive abilities of the body;

    thickening bone tissue, its greater strength, greater joint mobility;

    normalization of metabolism in the body;

    improving the regulation of body functions;

    prevention of hypodynamia;

    getting rid of excess weight with systematic exercises with moderate nutrition;

    improvement of the functional state of the whole organism, positive impact on well-being, mood, performance.

Regular physical exercise bring the body into a state of fitness, which is based on the process of adaptation, i.e. adaptation of functions various organs to the new conditions of their activity. Adaptability is coordinated by the central nervous system. Its tone under the influence of systematic exercises increases, the mobility of nervous processes improves, their strength, balance, the regulation of all body functions improves. Systematic physical exercises cause important positive changes in the cardiovascular system: favorable morphological changes, economization of work at rest and under moderate load, and expansion of functionality. The heart muscle increases, becomes stronger and more efficient: it normalizes arterial pressure. Numerous studies show the beneficial effects of regular exercise on the health and physical condition of a person of any age. Physical exercise in middle age, they are used primarily to promote health and prevent diseases, increase general and professional performance, lengthen the working period of life, and prevent premature aging. In old age, the means of physical culture are used to maintain health and active longevity, slowing down involutionary processes, preventing the progression of chronic diseases and possible complications. Thus, physical culture, in unity with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, provides a practical solution to the issues of preserving and strengthening human health. Promoting physical development, expansion physical abilities, physical culture affects almost all aspects of human life: it develops the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, enhances the motivation for its self-development, social adaptation, helps to adequately respond to environmental stressors, forms the need for a healthy lifestyle, ensures the preservation and strengthening of health throughout life.

Health is a priceless condition not only of each person, but of the whole society. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, wisely preserved and strengthened by man himself, ensures him a long and active life. Scientific evidence shows that most people, if they follow the rules of hygiene, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more. Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based healthy lifestyle standards. So, let's once again think over our life tasks and goals, thereby allocating time for strengthening and maintaining health.

The current state of society, the highest pace of its development, impose ever higher demands on a person and his health. In the modern world, health ceases to be only a personal problem of a particular person. It is difficult to overestimate the value personal qualities teacher in the effectiveness of the educational process. From time immemorial, educators have noted that in education, the whole point is who is the educator. More K.D. Ushinsky pointed out that without the personal, direct influence of the educator on the educator, true education that penetrates the character is impossible. It is quite obvious that the teacher, who has a strong influence on the formation of the personality of the pupil, must be healthy. The health-saving professional position of a teacher is based on his awareness of the problems of his own health, understanding of the dependence of health on lifestyle, knowledge of the formation of a healthy lifestyle and activities to implement it. The acquisition of a professional position aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students reduces the authoritarian nature of pedagogical work and partly ensures the preservation of the health of the teacher himself. Therefore, the health-saving activity of the teacher is of a generalized nature and creates an opportunity to preserve and strengthen both the health of children and their own health.

To preserve and strengthen the health of children, as well as their parents and teachers, our school No. 106 in the city of Samara has built a system of work to form a conscious attitude towards one's health in children and adults. Traditionally, the “Health Day” is held annually, in which children, parents and teachers take part. On the "Health Day" sports events are held, a competitive program on the correct and rational nutrition where children and adults take part. The systematic holding of the "Health Day" plays an important role in educating children and adults in the need for a healthy lifestyle, in the ability to manage their behavior and emotions. Joint activity with adults strengthens and unites everyone in the formation of a conscious attitude towards their health. Also at the institution there is a gym with a highly qualified professional teacher. Children, teachers and parents work out in the gym

The problem of a healthy lifestyle in our time is one of the most difficult and relevant. After all, the main asset of any state, the main wealth is its citizens. In order for a state to exist normally and develop stably, it needs a healthy, active population.
"In a healthy body healthy mind". We have all heard this saying many times. This simple phrase has a deep meaning. A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development different parties human life (physical and spiritual).
"Healthy lifestyle". Let's take a closer look at this phrase.
What is "health"? Using the scientific definition, this normal functioning human body, all its organs together and separately. Human health is the most important value human life. It cannot be bought for any money, it must be protected and protected, developed and improved, improved and strengthened. Simply put, HEALTH = LIFE. What will a normal person choose, life or death? Of course, life. But not everyone understands that it is necessary not only to make a choice, but also to confirm it with your actions.
“Lifestyle” is the actions of a person, his behavior, attitude towards himself and others. Simply put, what a person does every day. If a person takes care of himself (and others too!), tries to prolong his life, maintain health, bring as much as possible more benefit society, we can say that his lifestyle is healthy.
Accordingly, a healthy lifestyle of a person is aimed at the physical and spiritual self-improvement of the individual, at his positive contribution to social life.
If we ask the question “What is a healthy lifestyle?”, we will get a limited number of answers. Regular exercise, some would say. Refusal to use drugs, tobacco and alcohol, others will argue. healthy eating, the third will answer. Both of them are absolutely right. But you need to understand that all this is only one side of the problem. After all, there is a paradoxical situation. Many people are actively involved in sports, but at the same time use junk food, tobacco and alcohol, arguing that one does not interfere with the other. So, the problem is not only in the material sphere.
Usually, when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, everyone unconditionally supports it. True, only in words. Why is this happening?
Adults refer to the heavy workload at work and in their personal lives. But a healthy lifestyle is needed just so that a person can overcome life's difficulties without stress and illness!
Young people have much more free time. Then why do young people, instead of playing sports, prefer to sit at the computer, drink beer, use drugs?
In my opinion, there are several reasons for this. First, the free time of young people is unorganized. Now there is no system of mass organizations that could direct the energy of young people into a useful channel. Secondly, the type of recreation of a person directly depends on his intellectual development. How stronger man developed spiritually, the greater the chance that he will choose a healthy lifestyle. The quality of education today is declining, the family is no longer able to fully fulfill its educational function. Thirdly, today young people do not have good example to emulate. This did not happen because young people do not want to imitate healthy, spiritually developed heroes. The problem lies in the media, which impose negative characters on young people (representatives of crime and asocial personalities). There is no state promotion of a healthy lifestyle, there is no single program of action to improve and support the health of not only young people, but also all other categories of citizens.
So, we have identified the main factors hindering the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in our country. How to solve these problems? Many will say that this should be done by the state. But what is a state? This is all of us, the citizens of our country, each person individually. And the problem of a healthy lifestyle is the problem of every person, not an abstract state.
Initial education, the concept of what is good and what is bad, a person receives in the family. It is the family that largely determines who the child will become in the future, including what lifestyle he will choose. It turns out that the problem of a healthy lifestyle is closely related to the problem of the family. No one will argue that in a healthy (physically and morally) family, children will be healthy. The number of single-parent and dysfunctional families suggests that it is not without reason that a healthy lifestyle takes root in our country so hard. If a person begins his life in an unhealthy environment, then he will choose an unhealthy lifestyle.
Both the state and the family can influence a person's behavior, his choice of lifestyle. But still, the last word always remains with the person himself. Only he can choose what he needs: unhealthy image life, that is, self-destruction, or a full, happy life in peace with yourself and your loved ones.
Only when a person understands that his happiness is not in the hands of the state, family or strangers, and his own, only then can we say - this person leads a Healthy Lifestyle.

Preservation and strengthening of human health - priority humanity. Today, against the backdrop of an unfavorable environmental situation, economic and social instability, the problem of health is particularly acute.

The above factors directly affect the number of morbidity, life expectancy, the level of physical development, and also adversely affect the condition mental health, which in turn entails negative changes in the field of creating healthy stable family relationships.

Basics modern views on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of man and society were laid down by ancient philosophers and doctors. In particular, Pythagoras defined health as the harmony of all elements of the human body that make up its spiritual and bodily life.

A healthy person not only does not have physical diseases and defects, but feels completely safe physically, mentally and socially. Bad habits, malnutrition, stress have a negative impact on health, so the healthier a person leads, the more chances he has to maintain and strengthen his health.

Factors of preservation and promotion of health

The main factors affecting health:

Judge for yourself, if a person cannot influence biological (age, heredity, gender, type of constitution, etc.) and geophysical (temperature and humidity, landscape, flora, etc.), then the influence of socio-economic ( the state of the environment, working conditions, life, lifestyle, etc.), and hence the psychophysiological factors are able to correct both society as a whole and each person personally.

Ways to maintain and promote health

The main condition for strengthening and maintaining health is a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle implies a whole range of norms of behavior: balanced diet, physical activity, rejection of bad habits, control over emotions, increasing the level of medical knowledge, hygiene, healthy sexual behavior, living in accordance with daily rhythms, harmony with nature, positive thinking and much more. is a guarantee of good physical and mental health.

Scientific evidence suggests that, provided that the above behaviors are observed, most people can maintain health and significantly increase life expectancy.

Factors negatively affecting health:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • malnutrition;
  • drugs;
  • frequent use of drugs;
  • working conditions unhealthy;
  • stressful situations (they also negatively affect health);
  • unfavorable material and living conditions.

If a person gets rid of risk factors for the occurrence and development of many diseases, then he maintains and strengthens his health.

In different cultures, there are numerous systems of healing, ways and methods of promoting health. In the east, traditionally, greater importance is attached to the spiritual, psychological component, in the west, considerable attention is paid to strengthening physical health person.

Ways to preserve human health:

  • optimal (walking, running, during which all muscles work, the lungs are ventilated, the heart beats rhythmically);
  • hardening and steam room (this is a system of special training for the body's thermoregulation processes, which increases the body's resistance to hypothermia or overheating);
  • periodic cleansing of the body;
  • rejection of chemicals;
  • qigong - the Chinese system of healing the body;
  • yoga;
  • aromatherapy;
  • sea ​​water and mountain air.

These are the main ways to stay healthy. Applying these methods and systems of maintaining and promoting health, any person can successfully resist negative factors modernity.

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