What causes inflammation of the anus and what should be the treatment. Inflammation of the anus. Negative factors and provoking diseases


The pictures show the most common diseases rectum. Their signs are revealed by questioning patients (complaints) and a special proctological examination of the rectum by a proctologist or surgeon.

Signs of rectal diseases

Pain in the anus and perineum (the area around the anus).

It is possible to distinguish between pain in which the doctor does not detect any formations in the rectum during examination and pain in which these formations are identified.

  • Pain in the absence of any formations is characteristic of anal fissure, proctitis, proctalgia.
  • Pain in which, upon examination and digital examination, some changes are determined, are characteristic of hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, polyps or tumors of the rectum

Discharge of mucus and pus from the anus and from fistulas in the perineum
Characteristic of paraproctitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, proctitis

Blood discharge– see blood in stool
Constipation – retention of stool for more than 48 hours

Characteristic for such diseases of the rectum as hemorrhoids, anal fissure, polyps and tumors of the rectum, irritable colon.

Diarrhea – frequent loose stool
With diarrhea caused by damage to the rectum, there is little feces in the stool, there is mucus, sometimes pus and blood. Characteristic for proctitis, ulcerative colitis, irritable colon.

Tenesmus- frequent false urge to empty the bowel - without the release of feces or with the release of a small amount of mucus, blood or liquid intestinal contents.
Characteristic of proctitis, ulcerative colitis, rectal tumors.

Incontinence of feces and gases
Characteristic of rectal prolapse

Preparation for proctological examination
When you first visit a proctologist, no special preparation is usually required. It is better if the patient comes to the doctor after a morning bowel movement and perineal toilet.

If a more in-depth proctological examination is ahead, preparation is necessary. It consists of administering cleansing enemas - the evening before the examination and 2 - 2.5 hours before the examination on the day of the examination.

To perform a cleansing enema, a disposable kit is used, consisting of a plastic bag with liquid, a plastic tube extending from it, ending with a tip, above which there is a tap to regulate the flow of liquid.

The patient is placed on his left side on the edge of the bed or couch. . He is asked to bend his legs and bring them to his stomach. With the left hand, the patient’s buttocks are spread apart, with the right hand, the tip is inserted into the anus, first towards the navel until a slight stop is felt, and then parallel to the tailbone. Open the tap of the connecting tube and gradually introduce water. After introducing the liquid from the bag, the tap is closed and the tip is removed. The patient is asked to hold the water for 5-10 minutes and then go to the toilet and have a bowel movement. Bowel movements must be repeated 2-3 times.

Proctological examination

Proctological examination can be divided into 2 stages.

The first stage is the initial examination. Here is held:

  • examination and digital examination of the rectum,
  • anoscopy - examination of the final section of the rectum using a rectal speculum inserted into it.

Stage 2 studies are prescribed depending on the results of the first examination. This includes:

  • rectoromanosopia - examination of the rectal mucosa over 28-30 cm from the anus;
  • colonoscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the rectum and the entire colon;
  • biopsy of the rectal mucosa - taking for microscopic examination a piece of fabric;
  • stool and blood tests.

Pain in the rectum (proctalgia)

Pain in the rectum occurs with many of its diseases. They occur most often during bowel movements (bowel movements), less often after it. Proctalgia (translated as pain in the rectum) is pain in which the doctor is unable to detect any organic cause, any disease of the rectum. This pain may be associated with emotional disorders and is caused by short-term spasms of the rectum.

Proctalgia occurs in adults, more often in middle-aged men. At night, pain in the anus of varying intensity suddenly appears, lasting from 3 to 30 minutes. Sleep is disturbed, attacks of pain can be repeated several times a night. To recognize proctalgia, the doctor must exclude organic, more serious reasons pain in the rectum. Therefore, if pain occurs in the anus, the patient should seek help from a proctologist and undergo an examination.

Treatment after diagnosis of proctalgia consists of normalization (as far as possible) psychological state, avoidance of situations emotional stress. Inhalation of an aerosol of salbutamol, a drug usually used in patients, helps with proctalgia bronchial asthma. You need to take two breaths from the can immediately at the beginning of an attack of pain. Naturally, this treatment must be agreed with your doctor.


Hemorrhoids are the expansion of the veins of the rectum and the formation of nodes. The disease is very common, affecting up to 10% of the entire adult population. There are internal and external hemorrhoids (see diagram). Internal hemorrhoids may bleed and “fall out” from the anus, but usually do not cause pain. External nodes do not bleed, but can thrombose, at which time severe pain and itching in the anus appear.

The main causes of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation, standing or sitting, sedentary work, heavy physical work, alcohol abuse, frequent consumption of spicy irritating foods, repeat pregnancies. Most common cause chronic constipation is a lack of food vegetable fiber And dietary fiber.

The course of the disease is most often chronic. There is a certain staging of clinical manifestations internal hemorrhoids. Initially, there may be a period of warning signs, when the patient notes discomfort in the anus like foreign body, itching, slight difficulty during bowel movements (see diagram -1). Then bleeding from the rectum appears - main feature hemorrhoids. Bleeding appears during bowel movements, the blood is scarlet, sometimes flows out in a trickle after passing stool, often patients first notice blood stains on linen or toilet paper (2). Hemorrhoidal bleeding can be quite heavy. Further, the nodes may fall out of the anus, the patient himself feels them and sets them back with his hand (3). Serious complication internal hemorrhoids are not only the prolapse of nodes, but their strangulation in the anus when they cannot be reduced (4).

A complication of external hemorrhoids is thrombosis hemorrhoids (5). Very severe pain appears in the anus, sensation of a foreign body.

The biggest mistake that people make with the first manifestations of problems in the anus is putting off contacting a proctologist. “It’s probably hemorrhoids, everything will go away soon,” they think. Meanwhile, according to the observations of the Asteri Med clinic network, for every thousand patients who applied with suspected hemorrhoids, this disease was detected in 325, in the remaining cases these were other diseases of the rectum, sometimes very serious. In addition, the sooner a patient turns to a proctologist and undergoes an examination, the earlier in the stage of the disease hemorrhoids are recognized and complications such as thrombosis and strangulation of nodes can be prevented.

Currently there are a number effective methods treatment of hemorrhoids, which are carried out on an outpatient basis, without the need to go to the hospital or miss work. This is “sclerosing therapy”, when special substances are injected into the hemorrhoids, and the blood is directed through other unaffected vessels. The knots are also tied with special rubber loops. In more severe cases, sometimes it is enough advanced cases Instead of previously frequently practiced operations to remove hemorrhoids, treatment with a special laser is used.

Treatment with medications, ointments and gels is significantly less effective. They reduce congestion in the veins and have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Troxevasin (venoruton) is prescribed orally with meals, 0.3 in capsules for 2 weeks, 2 times a day, then 1 capsule per day, the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Tribenoside (glivenol, tribenol) is available in capsules or tablets of 0.3; Usually prescribed 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 6 weeks.

In case of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to observe bed rest. In case of severe pain, first apply cold to the perineum, then warm sitz baths 2-3 times a day with a weak solution potassium permanganate, suppositories with belladonna, anesthesin, novocaine and xeroform. Locally, you can lubricate the nodes with ointments, jelly or gels (troxevasin gel, indovazin ointment, procto-glivenol, reparil-gel).

Preventing the development of hemorrhoids and exacerbations of the disease is to follow a diet with an increased amount of ballast substances. This leads to the disappearance of constipation and normal bowel movements without straining. Vegetables and fruits are rich in ballast substances. The largest amount is found in wheat bran, which can be added to food. The simplest scheme for people suffering from constipation. A teaspoon of wheat bran is poured into a quarter glass of warm water and drunk after 10-15 minutes. In the first 2-3 days, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1-2 tablespoons of bran; if there is no effect, gradually increase the dose daily to 5-6 tablespoons per day, and when stools begin to normalize, gradually reduce the dose and take bran for a long time, 1-2 tablespoons per day.

Anal fissure

Fissures of the anus (anal fissures) are a defect in the wall of the anus of a linear or oval shape, 1-2 cm long (see diagram). They are located in the vast majority of cases along the midline. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of cracks are constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis and other diseases of the rectum. At first, the cracks represent a tear in the skin, then most often they acquire a chronic, relapsing course, then their edges become hard and the bottom is covered with granular tissue.

Anal fissure is characterized by two complaints - pain in the anus at the beginning of bowel movement (defecation) with sharp crack and after defecation in case of chronic, as well as scanty bleeding - a few drops of scarlet blood at the end of defecation. The pain lasts from a minute to several hours and is caused by spasm of the anal sphincter. The pain is sometimes very severe and the patient subconsciously tries to reduce the number of bowel movements, which leads to the development of a kind of vicious circle: constipation---crack---pain---constipation---crack.

The sooner a patient with an anal fissure turns to a proctologist, the more chances heal completely from the crack, do not let it go into chronic form. Currently, there is a method for treating cracks using a special laser, which can save the patient from troubles within a short time.

At home, in case of acute fissure or exacerbation of chronic fissure, give a water enema every morning before bowel movement. room temperature, after defecation, a sitz bath with potassium permanganate is prescribed for 10 minutes, then the perineal area is dried with gauze and a suppository with belladonna and xeroform is administered. Before going to bed, repeat the sitz bath and introduce a candle of the same composition. Local treatment of cracks can be carried out with the same drugs as for hemorrhoids - troxevasin, glivenol, ultraproct, aurobin. You can also apply hormonal ointments Lorinden, Fluorocort, Hyoxysone topically after toileting the anus. These treatment methods provide only a partial, temporary effect.


Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectal mucosa. Patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, in the anus, there may be diarrhea, mucus and streaks of blood are visible in the stool. There are many causes of proctitis, and only a doctor can accurately determine the nature of the disease. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor, preferably immediately to a proctologist.

For this disease, it is necessary not only instrumental, but also laboratory examination because the reason inflammatory process There are often numerous microorganisms in the rectum. Successful treatment of the disease will largely depend on isolating the causative agent and prescribing the necessary antibiotics.

In the phase of subsiding exacerbation in patients with proctitis, therapeutic enemas with hormonal ointments- lorinden, fluorocort. You can also prescribe therapeutic enemas with sea ​​buckthorn oil, rosehip oil, but only after reducing acute manifestations diseases and bleeding of the mucous membrane.


Paraproctitis is an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue located next to the rectum due to the entry of microorganisms from the intestine there. There is acute paraproctitis and chronic paraproctitis in the form of a fistula - a channel through which pus constantly flows from the rectum under the skin.

Acute paraproctitis begins suddenly, the patient develops severe pain in the perineum, in the rectum, the temperature rises, and the general health. With this form of paraproctitis, urgent surgical intervention is necessary. Patients with chronic paraproctitis should be observed and treated by a proctologist.

Polyps and tumors of the rectum

Unfortunately, characteristic symptoms most serious illnesses rectum - practically no polyps and cancer. Once they reach a certain size, they manifest themselves as bleeding from the rectum, constipation, and pain. Collateral early detection polyps and tumors is a person’s attention to his health and contacting a proctologist at the slightest signs of dysfunction of the rectum. The earlier polyps and tumors are recognized, the more favorable the prognosis for the treatment of these diseases.

Rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapse refers to the protrusion of the intestine outside the anus. Hemorrhoids and chronic inflammatory diseases of the rectum contribute to this disease. There are three stages of loss (see diagram).

1 - only the mucous membrane falls out during bowel movements, then the intestine is reduced on its own.

2 - the intestine prolapses not only during defecation, but also during physical exertion, it does not reset on its own, the patient resets it with his hand.

3 - the intestine prolapses at the slightest physical exertion, in vertical position, after reduction it immediately falls out again.

With frequent prolapses, the intestinal mucosa bleeds easily, and there may be pain and ulceration. Already in the first stages of the disease, it is necessary to urgently contact a proctologist. In these cases modern methods treatments will help cope with the disease.

Anal itching (itching in the anus)

Itching in the anus may be the only sign independent disease with the same name. It is called primary anal itching and, since its causes are unknown, it is also called idiopathic. Itching in the anus can be a sign of many diseases - this is secondary anal itching.

Causes of secondary anal itching.

Diseases of the rectum– hemorrhoids, anal fissure, genital warts in the anus, rectal tumors, dysfunction of the anal sphincter, chronic proctosigmoiditis (often asymptomatic).

Gynecological diseases– vulvovaginitis, vaginal secretion disorders

Sexually transmitted diseases– chlamydia, trichomoniasis, nonspecific urethritis, chronic prostatitis.

Skin diseases– psoriasis, contact dermatitis due to the use of toilet paper, powders, and certain types of clothing.

Diseases internal organs diabetes, chronic liver diseases.

Fungal infections.

Side effects of antibiotics– tetracycline, erythromycin, penicillin.

Allergic reaction to certain types of foodspicy seasonings, tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate,.

Psychogenic causes– anxiety, depression.

In the mechanism of development of itching, the main importance is given to the disruption of the chemical properties of the skin in the anus. Most often this occurs due to the fact that a small amount of mucus from the rectum gets onto the skin of the periphery. anal area, the chemical environment of the skin changes and irritation occurs nerve endings.

When examining the skin in the anus, if it itches, it either becomes wet, traces of scratching are visible on it, but in some cases the skin, on the contrary, is dry.

To determine the nature of anal itching, an examination by a proctologist is necessary. The blood must be tested for sugar, a stool sample is taken for worm eggs, a urine test is taken, the rectum is examined using anoscopy, and, if necessary, a colonoscopy is performed. It is advisable to examine stool for dysbacteriosis.

Treatment of anal itching. If anal itching is secondary and its cause is determined, vigorous therapy for the underlying disease is necessary. For any type of anal itching, it is advisable to perform some hygiene measures.

You should try not to scratch your skin; you can wear light cotton gloves at night to avoid scratching. You should not take hot baths or take long showers. It is necessary to individually select soap or shampoo that does not cause increased itching. We must try to keep the skin in the anus always dry; you can use soft pads, constantly changing them through certain time. It is necessary to achieve regular bowel movements. Locally – necessarily after consultation with a doctor- ointments with hydrocortisone or quinoline derivatives are used.


Constipation- this is a decrease in bowel movements (stools), stool retention for more than 48 hours. The feces are hard and dry, after stool there is no feeling of complete emptying of the bowel. Constipation, therefore, should include not only stool retention, but also those situations where stool is daily, but in an extremely small volume. Constipation – frequent illness, especially in developed countries. In most cases, without threatening human life, they cause a lot of suffering.

Constipation is caused by a disruption in the formation and movement of feces through the intestines. With constipation, the flow of fluid into the intestinal cavity decreases, its absorption from the intestinal cavity into the intestinal wall increases, intestinal movements intensify, which mix feces in the colon, and at the same time, those movements that move feces to the exit into the rectum weaken. In order for feces to be released (defecation), a certain amount must accumulate in the rectum. Feces affect the nerve endings located in the rectum and a reflex to defecate occurs. In some patients suffering from constipation, the excitability of these nerve endings weakens and a paradoxical situation arises - there is a lot of feces in the rectum, but its excretion does not occur.

Causes of constipation.

Eating disorders. What we mean here is a decrease in diet products containing dietary fiber. These are substances that are not exposed to digestive juices; they were also called ballast, because they were believed to have no of great importance. It turned out that dietary fiber attracts water, swells and increases the mass of feces, which contributes to normal intestinal activity. Most of these fibers are found in grain products and bran, so you should eat baked goods made from wholemeal flour, where the bran does not go to waste. Quite a lot, but less than in grains, dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits.

Psychological factors. What is mainly important here is the disappearance of the defecation reflex. Disturbances in the usual rhythm of bowel movement are caused by getting up late, the morning rush, working in different shifts, and irregular meals.

Physical inactivity (little physical activity). This is the cause of constipation in elderly and elderly people who move little due to illness, in hospital patients who are forced to remain on long-term bed rest.

Diseases of the intestines and, especially, the rectum– irritable colon, colonic diverticulosis, megacolon, dolichosigma, hemorrhoids, anal fissure.
In these diseases, all factors that cause constipation are important.

Mechanical factors that impede the movement of feces. Here we are talking about colon tumors that close the intestinal lumen, the adhesive process in abdominal cavity.

Toxic influences. This happens when working with lead, mercury, thallium, or when abusing certain laxatives.

Medicinal influences. Constipation is a side effect of many medications. This includes atropine, codeine, drugs for depression, some sleeping pills, and diuretics. This usually happens when long-term use medicines.

Endocrine diseases– myxedema, hyperparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, pituitary disorders.

People with constipation often have abdominal pain that is relieved by bowel movements or passing gas. They also complain of decreased appetite, belching, heartburn, and nausea.

Can be difficult for people with constipation constant bloating belly. Constipation is often accompanied by decreased performance, headaches, sleep disturbances, and mood disorders.

As can be seen from the list of causes of constipation, in most cases they are caused by poor nutrition, a small amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, and psychological factors. But they can also be a sign of more serious diseases of the intestines and other organs. digestive system, especially tumors. A particularly alarming sign is constipation that occurs and worsens over a relatively short time - 1-2-3 months. Therefore, people suffering from constipation should consult a doctor in a timely manner to undergo the necessary examinations. These include digital examination of the rectum, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and careful questioning of the patient. Here diseases are identified that require surgical intervention, primarily tumors; or active methods of treatment - hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, rectal prolapse.

Treatment of constipation.

1. Treatment of diseases, contributing to the occurrence of constipation, primarily diseases of the rectum, inflammatory bowel diseases, endocrine disorders, rational use medications.

2. Diet. Treatment of constipation itself should begin with it and it is advisable to limit it only to it, although this is not always possible. The main requirement for the diet is regular meals and use in increased quantity foods that promote bowel movement and a reduction in foods that interfere with bowel movement.

Foods that promote bowel movements.

Sour milk, fruit juices, wholemeal black bread, sour fruits, honey, vegetables and vegetable dishes, buckwheat, barley cereal, white grape wines.

Foods that delay bowel movements.

Blueberries, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, red grape wines, pureed dishes, very hot, semolina and rice porridge, slimy soups, jelly.

Products that do not affect bowel movements.

Minced meat and fish, unleavened cottage cheese, wheat bread.
The diet requires fluid intake of up to 2 liters per day.

3. Use of laxatives.

They should be prescribed if dietary measures do not give the desired effect. The figure shows the main groups of laxatives.

Highest value in this group they have so-called bulking agents that increase the volume of intestinal contents. These products are essentially dietary and are suitable for long-term use. They must be appointed first. The main ones among them are wheat bran, lactulose, seaweed- substances containing indigestible fibers that absorb water, increase the volume of intestinal contents and promote normalization motor function intestines. Wheat bran, they are now being released food industry under different names, they are doused with boiling water before use. They can be used in the form of a mash for oral administration, and can also be added to compotes, jelly, soups, and porridges. For the first 2-3 days, bran is prescribed 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, then every 2-3 days the dose is increased by 1 teaspoon per day until normal stool appears; then the amount of bran is slowly reduced until a dose is reached that guarantees normal rhythm bowel movements (once a day or every 2 days). Bran can be used for a long time. In the first days of treatment with bran, abdominal pain may appear or intensify, they can be relieved by taking antispasmodics, the pain will weaken and then stop. Psyllium gives a good effect from this group of drugs.

The second group of laxatives are drugs that inhibit the absorption of water in the colon and increase the flow of fluid into it. There is medicinal herbs and preparations from them - senna, buckthorn, rhubarb; synthetic drugs- phenolphthalein, bisacodyl. This group also includes saline laxatives - magnesium and Castor oil. Long-term use This group of laxatives is not recommended, as it can lead to a number of undesirable consequences. In addition, addiction to laxatives occurs, which forces people to use them in higher doses or change medications.

The third group is used only for a short time.

4. Increase in physical activity, physiotherapy, massage of the anterior abdominal wall, in some cases wonderful effect provides acupuncture.

5. Spa treatment. During spa treatment, the main methods are drinking treatment with mineral waters, intestinal lavage with mineral waters and mud therapy. The technique is also useful shared baths- mineral, pine, oxygen, healing showers.

Mineral waters are prescribed 3 times a day, a glass, cold.

Colon lavage mineral water are especially effective in patients with prolonged constipation. Stagnation in the intestines is reduced, products that cause intoxication of the body are washed away. Perhaps most importantly, a reflex to bowel movement appears and stool normalizes. Healing mud They are usually applied to the peri-umbilical area, lower abdomen, the temperature of the mud is 35 degrees, the duration of one procedure is 15 minutes, a total of 8-10 procedures are prescribed for the course of treatment every other day.

Unfortunately, diseases of the anus in people often remain without proper attention from a specialist, since those who are ill are simply embarrassed to see a doctor, believing that they can cope with the disease on their own.

Such a misconception, as a rule, only leads to increased negative symptoms and further progression of the disease. If left untreated, any intestinal disease can eventually lead to the development of cancerous tumor.

Today, diseases of the anus in humans are very common and can be caused by big amount various reasons. Most often, diseases are associated with the intestinal mucosa or the vascular system of the rectum. However, there are also skin diseases perianal area.

Anal fissure

Approximately every tenth case of discomfort and bleeding from the anus associated with inflammation of the anus in people (see photo), which arose due to the appearance. Typically a crack occurs as a result mechanical injury or an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

Picture of anal fissure

As a rule, this pathology is accompanied by acute pain during defecation, as well as the release of a small amount of blood. If an anal fissure is not treated, then it can become chronic. Detecting and diagnosing a crack is quite simple; all you need to do is external examination at the proctologist.


Among the diseases of the rectum and anus (see pictures) should also be mentioned. This disease is purulent inflammation of the perirectal tissue, which is located under the intestinal mucosa and can also affect the anal glands in the anal sinuses.

Like many other inflammatory diseases of the rectum and anus, its symptoms (see photo) are often expressed in acute pain, as well as the presence of blood and pus in the stool. In addition to impaired intestinal motility and the development of constipation and diarrhea, with paraproctitis in anal canal may form seal.

If the purulent-inflammatory process is left untreated, then the formation of a fistula from which purulent discharge will periodically disturb. Inflammation can also spread to other intestinal tissues (see photo of an ulcer in the anus) or even affect nearby internal organs.


Makes up more than half all diseases of the anus (see photo with a description of the stages). Its high prevalence is usually associated with the spread of a sedentary lifestyle, vascular diseases and low-quality food.

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the hemorrhoids, which are located in the submucosa of the rectum. Inflammation of this occurs due to malfunction vascular system intestines and the development of blood clots as a result of deterioration of vascular patency. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are usually the following:

Stages of development of hemorrhoids

  • pain and discomfort during bowel movements;
  • discharge of blood and mucus along with feces;
  • bump-like swelling around the anus;
  • unexpected sharp pain at rest, when coughing, sneezing and walking:
  • prolapse of swollen hemorrhoids outwards on late stages development of the disease.

Hemorrhoids can develop from the most common constipation and intestinal overstrain during defecation, which leads to rupture of the vessels of the rectum and disruption of its functioning circulatory system. When hemorrhoids are advanced, the prolapsed nodes become impossible to set without outside help and surgery will be required.


Proctalgia is the most mysterious disease of the rectum and anus, whose symptoms and treatment are not so well studied. As a rule, this term is used to generalize sudden periodic episodes in the area of ​​the anus and anal canal.

Proctalgia can be a consequence of muscle spasm, mechanical injury, or even indicate the development of internal inflammation, a cyst, hernia, or even a cancerous tumor in the intestine. Anyway you must consult a doctor immediately if there is any pain in the anus.


Among the diseases and diseases of the anus presented in the photo, it can rightly be considered the most dangerous. In the first stages, the disease may proceed completely asymptomatic, making it difficult to detect until the cancer becomes too large to safely remove.

Stages of development of colorectal cancer

There aren't any specific symptoms to detect cancer yourself, so cancer can easily be confused with any other disease intestines or anus.

However, sores around the anus in adults and children, as well as anal bleeding, general weakness, discomfort, the presence of pus in the stool and other alarming signs should force a person to consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis and development of treatment.


Any sore in the anus, regardless of its size and specificity, can create serious problems for health and be a symptom of any dangerous disease. It is necessary to immediately visit a proctologist as soon as any discomfort is detected in the anal canal.

It should also be remembered that many unpleasant ailments can be avoided in advance by exposing your body to prevention. To this end, you need to move more and spend less time sitting, as well as adhere to a healthy and regular diet.

Rectal disease in women and men is one of the most common and very sensitive topics relevant today. Perhaps this is because many are embarrassed to seek help from a specialist.

The most terrible disease that can affect the rectum is cancer. Like other types of tumors, it is characterized by an asymptomatic course. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to pay attention to any changes in the rectum.

diseases, symptoms, treatment

The rectum is a pelvic organ that is part of the digestive system and is designed to remove processed food (feces) from the body.

The rectum begins at the level of the third sacral spine and ends with the anus. Her average length 15-17 cm.

The organ consists of a mucous, submucosal and muscular layer. Thanks to this structure, the mucous membrane can shift - gather into folds or straighten out, depending on the overcrowding of the rectum.

The main function of the organ is bowel movement. Due to its purpose, the rectum is highly susceptible various injuries and diseases.

Common diseases include fissures, polyps, proctitis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, and cancer. The same symptoms of rectal disease may indicate different ailments. In case of any ailments, you should immediately consult a doctor. A proctologist deals with problems of the rectum.

Polyps in the rectum: symptoms

Polyps are benign formations on the epithelium of the rectum. There are fibrous and adenomatous, villous and multiple polyps of mixed type.

  • Fibrous polyps are formed from connective tissue.
  • Adenomatous - from gland tissue (this type of polyp is the most dangerous, as it can degenerate into cancer).
  • Villous polyps are epithelial growths that have many papillae-villi.
  • Mixed type of polyps - combinations of previous types.

The main causes of the disease are untreated inflammation in the rectum (colitis, hemorrhoids, enteritis).

When polyps appear in the rectum, symptoms may be as follows:

  • Blood during bowel movements.
  • The stool is painful, sometimes accompanied by bleeding.
  • If an infection occurs, fever and chills may increase.
  • Constipation (if polyps are large).
  • Feeling of a foreign body in

It should be borne in mind that very often it is difficult for the patient to detect the formation of polyps or simply inflammation of the rectum - symptoms as such may be absent.

Polyps are treated surgically. Other methods are simply ineffective and only provide temporary relief.

Single polyps are removed using electrocoagulation (cauterization). Transanal excision is used to treat large polyps. Treatment of polyps that have begun malignant degeneration is carried out by removing the affected area of ​​the rectum.

Paraproctitis: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of rectal diseases can be very different, or may be completely absent. For example, the main sign indicating paraproctitis (purulent inflammation of the rectum) is discharge of pus in the anus.

The cause of the disease is the formation of micro-holes (fistulas) in the anal crypts, due to frequent constipation, diarrhea, heavy lifting, and hypothermia. Such suppuration either opens up independently or with the help of doctors. In its place, a fistula (chronic paraproctitis) appears.

Signs of the disease - malaise, weakness, headache, slight increase in temperature, chills, aching joints. Decreased appetite. Urination and bowel movements may be impaired.

There are several forms of paraproctitis:

  • Subcutaneous. Symptoms are redness, swelling, compaction in the anus, which is accompanied by pain and discomfort.
  • Pelvic-rectal. Symptoms - general weakness and intoxication, similar to respiratory infection. There may also be painful urination and painful bowel movements.
  • Ischiorectal. Symptoms - education purulent inflammation in the ileorectal fossa, asymmetry of the buttocks, redness of the skin.
  • Submucosal. This is the appearance of purulent foci on the mucous membrane. The symptoms resemble those of subcutaneous paraproctitis.
  • Pelviorectal. The most severe form. Symptoms are chills, fever, pain in the pelvis and abdomen.
  • Necrotic. Accompanied by tissue death - necrosis.

Most favorable method treatment - surgical. During the operation, not only the abscess is removed, but also the internal micro-hole. After such an operation, there is no relapse of the disease.

Hemorrhoids: causes and symptoms

Hemorrhoids are venous dilatation in the rectum, which carries chronic nature with periodic exacerbations.

The symptoms of such diseases of the rectum are quite unpleasant - itching, burning, pain during stool, bleeding, prolapse of part of the intestine.

The main cause of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation, pregnancy, heavy lifting, and severe hypothermia.

If the disease is ignored and not treated, this can lead to the formation of polyps, blood clots, and cancer. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to a specialist. Traditional methods of treatment are effective - suppositories, ointments containing raw potatoes, beets, carrots, garlic, propolis and honey. Decoctions of herbs (millennium, rowan) and infusions of horse chestnut have proven themselves well.

You should not ignore the symptoms when the rectum becomes inflamed. Diseases, photos of which you won’t see in a regular hospital, are not only “inconvenient”, but sometimes life-threatening.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids

This is a complication of hemorrhoids that occurs as a result of neglect of the disease. Timely diagnosis and helps prevent it further development and relapses.

However, when the disease is ignored, blood clots appear, which have varying degrees of severity:

I - the formation of clots that disrupt blood circulation in the nodes. The main symptom is the appearance of small sizes.

II - inflammatory processes begin. The pain becomes stronger, the temperature rises, and the swelling of the skin of the anus increases.

III - spread of inflammation to groin area with possible tissue necrosis.

The main symptoms of rectal disease to which you need to respond:

  • Pain in the anus, perineum.
  • Bloody stool.
  • Defecation disorders (diarrhea, constipation).
  • False urge to go to the toilet.
  • and feces.

Of course, rectal diseases are a delicate problem, but they need to be solved. You can't leave everything to chance. Otherwise, health complications cannot be avoided, in particular the formation of malignant tumors.


Rectal prolapse is the turning out of all layers of the distal colon. It occurs equally often in children, men and women. In the first case this is explained anatomical features child's body, in the second - by hard work, in the third - by bearing and giving birth to a child. Many diseases of the rectum in women are associated specifically with childbirth.

Sometimes the causes of the disease can be injuries to the buttocks, falls, bruises of the sacrum or spinal cord.

There are three degrees of the disease:

  1. The intestine falls out during defecation, and then returns to its place on its own.
  2. The intestine falls out during bowel movements and physical exertion. It can only be returned back by repositioning it.
  3. Prolapse occurs during coughing, laughter and may be accompanied by fecal and urinary incontinence.

Symptoms of rectal disease in such cases may begin suddenly or appear “increasingly.” This may result in mucus or blood discharge, abdominal pain, and constipation.

Treatment of prolax (intestinal prolapse) is most effective if performed surgically. Drug therapy used as an additional method.

Rectal cancer: risk group

In most cases, the disease does not arise out of the blue. It is always preceded by inflammatory processes in the organ, which for a long time were ignored and not treated. These are all kinds of fistulas, fissures, polyps, hemorrhoids.

The tumor is most often found in those over fifty. The risk group includes people:

  1. With a hereditary predisposition.
  2. Suffering from dysbacteriosis.
  3. Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Those with diabetes or those who suffer from obesity.
  5. Abusing carcinogenic substances(nicotine, alcohol).
  6. Who has precancerous conditions.

There is probably nothing more terrible and unpleasant than the condition when the rectum becomes inflamed. The symptoms of the disease may be the same, but the treatment will be different.

It should be remembered that rectal cancer remains asymptomatic for a long time and is detected only at the stage of metastasis. Therefore, people at risk need to pay special attention to this organ.

Diagnosis of rectal diseases

To diagnose diseases in proctology, a large arsenal of a variety of methods is used:

  1. The most accurate and reliable is rectoscopy. It involves the insertion of a special rectoscope device (tube with lighting) into the rectum to a depth of about thirty centimeters. This helps to identify various inflammatory processes in the patient (ulcers, polyps, tumors). The procedure will cause a little discomfort, but is practically painless. The use of a rectoscope also allows for the treatment of diseases of the rectum (electrocoagulation).
  2. Colonoscopy is an examination of the rectum using a probe. Used for tumor formations. Contraindications: acute pain, infectious diseases, heart and pulmonary failure.
  3. Biopsy is the removal of tissue or cells from the rectum for further diagnosis under a microscope.
  4. (introduction of a special sensor).
  5. Blood, urine, stool tests.

Thanks to a variety of methods for examining the rectum, it is possible to most accurately diagnose any inflammation and diseases of this organ and select the most correct treatment regimen.

Treatment methods for proctological diseases

Depending on the complexity of the disease, the following methods are used for treatment:

  1. Medicines. Effective only when initial stages diseases. With the help of medications you can relieve pain and inflammation (suppositories, ointments).
  2. Surgery. The main method that is successful in almost 100% of cases. Used at any stage in combination with medications.
  3. Cryosurgery. Treatment of neoplasms with low temperatures. The method is powerful in various areas of medicine.
  4. Laser therapy. Impact of electromagnetic radiation on disease.
  5. Hypothermia. Therapy using temperature. A device with a temperature limitation is used - from -5 to +35 degrees. Hypothermia is often used after surgery, for proctitis, and fissures.

Treatment with diet

At various ailments rectum is prescribed and different diets. For example, if you have constipation and fissures, it is recommended to adhere to diet No. 3. Namely, include thermal and mechanical irritants in the diet to stimulate the rectum. This is vegetable coarse fiber - meat, bread, eggs (hard-boiled, omelettes), fish and dairy products, cereals and pasta, fats, vegetables.

The diet for diseases of the rectum is adjusted depending on the stage and complexity of the disease. In any case, you need to exclude alcohol and carbonated drinks, spices, spicy foods, as well as other foods causing flatulence. Meals should be as balanced and fractional as possible. Don't forget about vitamins (fruits, vegetables, raw and in the form of juices).

After surgery in the anus, you need to fast for one or two days to avoid bowel movements and, accordingly, irritation of the anus.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine for rectal ailments can be quite effective if you know how to use it correctly. It is used as an additional treatment method. People know thousands of recipes for relieving not only pain, but also other symptoms.

All recipes can be divided into two types:

  1. For oral administration. Decoctions of millennial, spotted arum, elderberry, bittersweet, tartar, nettle, chamomile.
  2. For local use - suppositories, ointments, baths, microenemas. For this they use celandine, sea buckthorn oil, camphor oil, calendula.

In any case, before using drugs traditional medicine You need to consult a proctologist, otherwise treatment may not alleviate the course of the disease, but, on the contrary, do harm.


Diseases of the rectum are a delicate problem, but one that needs urgent resolution. Prolonged ignoring of symptoms leads to chronic inflammation, which is difficult to treat. Worst Consequence chronic ailments of the rectum is a cancer that can manifest itself only in the third or fourth stage, when there is no way out...

The rectum is the last section of the intestine that is responsible for excreting feces. The digestion process no longer takes place here. However, there is a significant amount nerve fibers– for timely transmission of a signal about rectal overflow.

Muscle tissue, as well as the intestinal mucosa lining this section of the intestine, experience enormous stress, especially in patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system and a tendency to constipation. In this case, the risk of rectal diseases increases significantly.

If you seek medical help in time (when the first symptoms of the disease appear), in most cases the disease can be stopped. The doctor will prescribe treatment that will help the individual patient avoid repeated episodes.

However, many are embarrassed to consult a doctor with such delicate complaints and prefer to endure it or self-medicate. Unfortunately, in these cases the chance of recovery is quite small. And the rapid development of the disease can affect health and significantly spoil the patient’s daily life. Constant pain, debilitating burning and itching, and the painful process of emptying lead to the accumulation of nervous tension, neurosis and insomnia.

Doctors themselves say that all the causes of rectal ailments have not been studied in detail. There is a list of situations and conditions that high probability provoke these diseases. When several factors are present at once, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly.

  1. Inflammation of other parts of the intestine.
  2. Frequent constipation (retention of stool for more than 48 hours).
  3. A history of varicose veins.
  4. Anal fissures caused by too tight feces. This also includes other mechanical damage and ruptures of the mucous membrane.
  5. Poor nutrition (the diet contains a lot of fats, meat, baked goods and carbohydrates with a lack of vegetables and fruits).
  6. Insufficient motor activity, as a result - stagnation of blood in the pelvis.
  7. Sexual infections.
  8. Dysbacteriosis, thrush.
  9. Ruptures during childbirth in women.
  10. Peptic ulcer.

Important: The likelihood of developing rectal diseases increases in patients with a history of diabetes mellitus, dermatitis, allergic reactions, neurosis, painful anxiety.


Diagnosis of this group of diseases is complicated by the fact that in the initial stages the symptoms are practically not expressed, or are expressed so weakly that the patient does not pay attention to them. When the signs of the disease become obvious, it turns out to be so advanced that the person requires a thorough examination and long-term treatment.

Symptoms that should alert you:

  1. Indigestion (frequent constipation or, conversely, stool upset for no apparent reason, when diarrhea is not a sign of an intestinal infection and is not accompanied by other characteristic signs).
  2. Severe burning, itching outside and inside the rectum. These sensations are especially pronounced immediately after liberation from feces.
  3. The feeling is not complete liberation from feces.
  4. Frequent urge that does not result in defecation.
  5. Painful bowel movements that occur even when stool passes freely through the rectum. The pain persists long time after stool.
  6. Discharge from the anus of mucous discharge mixed with blood and pus.
  7. Scarlet blood on the surface of stool or toilet paper.
  8. Sensation of a foreign body in the rectum.
  9. Uncontrolled passage of intestinal gases and feces.
  10. Pain in the lumbar region and in the abdomen below the navel. It occurs when there is overflow, as well as after the rectum is emptied of feces.

Important: To contact a doctor, even one of the symptoms listed above is enough. If there are several of them, a visit to the doctor should be scheduled as soon as possible.

Video - How do rectal diseases manifest themselves?

Who to contact for diseases of the rectum?

He is involved in the examination and treatment of this group of diseases. He prescribes diagnostic tests and procedures, conducts a survey and examination of the patient, and makes a final diagnosis. Additionally, he may recommend consultation with a surgeon or oncologist if there are tumors in the rectum.


Mandatory for all patients with complaints of discomfort in the rectal area are:

  1. Visual inspection and palpation.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. General stool analysis, as well as analysis for dysbacteriosis.
  4. – examination of the rectum using an endoscopic device.

If the data from these studies is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis or they are doubtful, the doctor prescribes additional examinations: biochemical analysis blood, computed tomography or X-ray of the intestines, fibrocolonoscopy, examination of other parts of the digestive tract.

Types of rectal diseases

All diseases of this part of the intestine can be divided into 4 main groups.

Table 1. Groups of rectal diseases

Inflammation of the anus

These diseases often develop as a consequence food poisoning, acute intestinal infection or constant constipation. The mucous membrane can become inflamed from overly spicy foods.

The symptoms are as follows: painful bowel movements, a burning sensation that lasts from several minutes to several hours after bowel movement. With severe inflammation, false urges appear, as well as the discharge of a small amount of blood, pus and mucus - immediately after stool or some time after.

Proctitis is divided into several types:

  1. Polypous (appearance of growths on the mucous membrane -).
  2. Ulcerative leads to the appearance of erosive lesions and ulcers.
  3. Catarrhal-hemorrhagic is accompanied by multiple hemorrhages and damage to small vessels.
  4. Catarrhal-purulent form - it is characterized by purulent formations.


This is inflammation of the edge itself anal sphincter and surrounding tissues. The disease also affects the anal glands. Signs: severe pain, formation of compactions, disturbance of stool in the direction of its retention. With severe inflammation, ulcers appear and the patient experiences a fever.

Paraproctitis - inflammation of the rectal gland

Men who lead a sedentary lifestyle due to abuse of carbohydrate foods and fast food, or patients with diseases of the genital organs, especially prostatitis, are more susceptible to paraproctitis.

Damage to the mucosa

Rupture of the mucous membrane can be caused by too dense stool, inaccurate administration of an enema, or the use of foreign objects during sexual intercourse.

A shallow crack causes significant discomfort to the patient. This is one of the most common forms diseases of the anal area. Under favorable circumstances, a crack a few millimeters in size will heal itself. If the size of the crack is more than a centimeter, the patient requires drug treatment.

Deep injuries and ruptures are more dangerous: they often lead to infection in the peritoneum and inflammation of the internal organs.


  1. Pain directly in the anus, as well as in the abdomen.
  2. Flatulence, hard stomach.
  3. Temperature increase.
  4. Difficulty breathing.

In particularly severe cases it develops internal bleeding and peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). Such patients require urgent surgical care. If it is not provided, the patient will face a painful death within a period of several hours to several days.


This benign formations, which manifest themselves as a result of impaired intestinal development even during intrauterine development. The cyst is also a complication of a long-term inflammatory process in the rectum. The disease does not manifest itself for a long time, especially if the size of the cyst is small. When it grows, the patient begins to be bothered by symptoms:

  1. Heaviness and pressure in the anal area, It's a dull pain.
  2. Stool disorder (alternating diarrhea and constipation).
  3. Gas incontinence. If the size of the cyst is very large, fecal incontinence occurs.

Important: If the cyst is damaged and infected, suppuration may develop, which is accompanied by acute throbbing pain and discharge of pus. Body temperature rises, signs of intoxication and inflammation appear. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Even in the absence of inflammation and suppuration, an untreated cyst can lead to the formation of fistulas.


The second name for this disease is rectocele. It occurs due to muscle weakness or tearing pelvic floor(during childbirth in women, as a result of surgical operations on the abdominal organs). A hernia can become a complication of chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, and excessive physical activity. Main symptoms: aching pain, heaviness in the anal area, long delay stool and painful bowel movements, discharge of blood and mucus. In women, bulging of a hernia towards the vagina causes pain during sexual intercourse and urination, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, which are often mistaken for signs of gynecological diseases.


Polyps are benign formations that often do not cause any discomfort. The patient feels pain and difficulty during bowel movements if the polyp is very large or there are several formations. In this case, surgery is recommended.

Symptoms of polyposis:

  1. Aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  2. Ineffective urge to stool.
  3. Retention of stool, which is replaced by diarrhea.
  4. Drainage of blood and mucous contents.


Cancerous tumors often arise against the background of already existing cancer intestines or as a complication of untreated diseases of the rectum, especially inflammation and polyps. The main difficulty is that the disease does not manifest itself for a long time. The patient is worried about the maximum sensation of a foreign body and a small amount of blood during bowel movements - the same signs that indicate a number of other diseases and are ignored by patients until the last moment.

At later stages there are:

  • frequent stool disorders - prolonged constipation alternating with diarrhea;
  • fever, increased temperature;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • severe pain that occurs during intervals between bowel movements;
  • allocation large quantities blood and mucus. The volume of daily blood loss can reach 200 ml, against which anemia and exhaustion develop.

Important: Metabolic disorders, weakness, dysfunction of the genital organs - frequent complications advanced stages of rectal cancer.

Diseases associated with vascular damage

Varicose veins in the lower intestine lead to hemorrhoids. The disease has three main causes: heredity, lack of activity, poor nutrition. Main signs of hemorrhoids:

  1. Redness and swelling of the anus.
  2. Unpleasant painful sensations during bowel movements.
  3. A feeling of incomplete cleansing of the rectum, the presence of a foreign object in it.
  4. Severe piercing pain after defecation.
  5. Discharge of a small amount of mucous and blood impurities.
  6. If the disease is not treated, the nodes fall out, causing severe pain and discomfort.

Hemorrhoids can be external or internal. External is easy to detect during a visual examination of the patient. Internal is diagnosed using endoscopic methods or rectal examination. The sooner a person comes to see a proctologist, the easier and faster the treatment process will be. Early stages of hemorrhoids are well treated with conservative methods, and if further recommendations are followed, relapses can be completely eliminated. In the later stages, surgical intervention is indispensable. The appearance of hemorrhoids indicates that the disease is already advanced.

Often this condition is a consequence of hemorrhoids, but can also occur independently. Part of the mucous membrane falls out. This happens during bowel movements or with the slightest effort and physical activity.

There are three stages of loss:

  1. The first is characterized by episodic prolapse during bowel movements, especially after stool retention. After some time, the dropped part returns to its original position without additional help.
  2. In the second stage, the loss can be triggered by physical effort - for example, lifting weights, physical exercise. The prolapse cannot be eliminated on its own; it must be corrected. After which re-loss does not occur.
  3. In the third, a section of the rectum falls out even without physical activity, just in a standing position. After reduction, the rectum falls out again immediately or within a few minutes. This condition is usually accompanied by incontinence of feces and gases, bleeding.

Important: The more often hair loss occurs, the more likely formation of ulcers and bleeding areas on the mucous membrane.


For diseases of the rectum, conservative and surgical methods. Folk remedies are used as an addition to the main treatment. The patient’s diet and lifestyle also play an important role.

Inflammatory diseases and shallow cracks in the mucous membrane are treated with medication. For this purpose they use local remedies– suppositories, ointments, gels, microenemas. Severe inflammation requires antibiotics and painkillers.

Neoplasms, especially malignant ones, are treated by surgical removal. This process is accompanied by drug treatment.

For acute pain and difficulty in bowel movement, laxatives (local or general) and painkillers are used. Anesthetic suppositories, which are injected into the rectum after bowel movements, help to quickly relieve pain.

Drug treatment of rectal diseases

For conservative treatment, medications are used:

  1. General action - tablets, less often - injections. In this form, antibiotics, venotonic and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. Taking pills helps to significantly enhance the effect of local treatment and speed up recovery.
  2. Local remedies - suppositories, ointments, microenemas. These can be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing, painkillers and laxatives.

Table 2. Drug treatment rectal diseases

Proctitis, paraproctitis
  • antibiotics (Clarithromycin, Ciprofloxacin);
  • local antibacterial drugs (microenemas with a solution of furacillin, rivanol);
  • mild laxatives (Duphalac, Lactulose);
  • anesthetics (Betiol, Anuzol);
  • drugs that accelerate mucosal regeneration (Relief);
  • drugs based on hydrocortisone and prednisolone - to reduce severe inflammation;
  • antiallergic - to eliminate swelling (Cetrin, Fenistil, Claritin);
  • probiotics to improve intestinal microflora(Bifiform, Linex).
  • Anal fissuresFor the treatment of anal fissures, the same drugs are used as for the inflammatory process:
  • mild laxatives - for oral administration and local in the form of suppositories and microenemas;
  • antibacterial drugs - for the prevention or treatment of associated infection;
  • wound healing agents (Levomekol, Relief, nitroglycerin ointment, Methyluracil suppositories);
  • painkillers – Anestezol, Proctoglivenol;
  • microenemas with sea buckthorn oil or sea ​​buckthorn candles At the same time, I relieve inflammation and promote healing of the mucous membrane.
  • Local remedies are used to reduce pain and accelerate the resorption of hemorrhoids. Tablets are prescribed to improve vascular tone.

    Main medications used:

  • anticoagulants – heparin-based drugs;
  • hemostatics - needed to reduce and stop bleeding. In this regard, they have proven themselves well rectal suppositories Natalsid;
  • venotonics, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their permeability (Proctoglivenol, Troxevasin, Detralex, Phlebodia, etc.). These drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets and topical preparations;
  • anesthetics (lidocaine in spray form);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • CystMedications are used only to reduce inflammation and pain during suppuration - these are antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. This treatment is temporary and is used to prepare the patient for surgery. The main method of treating cysts is only surgical removal.
    HerniaConservative treatment is effective only at the first stage. General and local antibacterial, painkillers, antispasmodics, as well as gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

    The second and third stages are not amenable to conservative treatment; in this case, only surgery will help the patient.

    Important: Laxatives should not be used in patients with irritable bowel syndrome..

    There are many traditional methods for getting rid of rectal diseases. It is advisable to use them as an addition to the main therapy.

    For the treatment of proctitis and paraproctitis:

    Healing of anal fissure:

    How to get rid of hemorrhoids using traditional medicine:

    For polyps in the rectum:

    Important: If you have cancer, get treatment traditional methods Not recommended. In this case, it is necessary to undergo chemotherapy and surgical removal of the tumor. Hoping for people's councils, the patient risks losing valuable time and seriously progressing the disease.

    Rectal cysts and hernias cannot be completely cured either. folk remedies. Anti-inflammatory methods - the same as those used in the treatment of proctitis - can be used to relieve unpleasant symptoms. The main treatment is surgical.


    Preventing the development of a disease is much easier than getting rid of it. But preventive measures require the patient to thoroughly review their lifestyle and habits. First of all you need to:

    It should be remembered that the occurrence of rectal diseases largely depends on wrong image life: abuse of unhealthy and spicy foods, alcohol consumption, lack of mobility. If you instill healthy habits in yourself, these unpleasant diseases can be avoided.

    Pathologies of the rectum and perianal region have one common name: diseases of the anus. They develop under the influence of unfavorable factors. The most common diseases are fissures, proctitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, malignant and benign formations. Each disease has a specific clinical picture, the intensity of which depends on the course of the pathology and individual characteristics human body. Diseases are manifested by pain, discharge, itching, burning and disturbances in the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract. Only a specialist can identify the presence of pathology and make an accurate diagnosis based on the diagnostic measures performed.

    Causes and symptoms of anal pathologies

    Experts identify the main reasons for the development of anal pathologies. The leading position in this ranking is occupied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Poor nutrition negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system.

    This entails a variety of disorders, including constipation. Due to problems with stool, a person is forced to constantly push, thereby increasing intra-abdominal pressure. This is the first reason for the development of hemorrhoids. Dry feces injure the mucous membrane, causing cracks and ulcers.

    The appearance of hematomas is caused by rupture of veins due to the development of a fistula and other diseases that are sexually transmitted. Constant diarrhea causes irritation of the mucous membrane and the formation of ulcers. Lack of normal hygiene procedures leads to allergies and dermatitis.

    All anal diseases have standard list clinical manifestations. These include:

    • pain syndrome;
    • mucous discharge;
    • bloody streaks in stool;
    • burning;
    • spasms;
    • swelling.

    A person records both a complete list of symptoms and individual signs, with a certain intensity.

    The severity of clinical manifestations depends on the disease itself. They develop at any age, in many cases suddenly. This is due to the asymptomatic course of the pathology with the appearance of signs only as it progresses. With absence therapeutic effects there remains a high risk of worsening the situation.

    Inflammatory diseases

    Inflammatory processes are associated with changes in the colon and rectum. The most common pathologies are:

    • proctitis;
    • paraproctitis;
    • haemorrhoids.

    Proctitis is inflammatory disease rectum, arising under the influence of unfavorable factors. The main reasons for the development of pathology are injuries, anal fissures, the presence of hemorrhoids and intoxication. Proctitis manifests itself in the form of itching and acute pain, which can intensify during the act of defecation.

    Paraproctitis is a purulent disease that affects tissues located near the rectum. The main reason for the development is the presence of an inflammatory process in the anal glands. Manifests itself in the form of acute pain of a pulsating nature and painful lump. In some cases, a feverish state is recorded.

    Hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases today. It is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones inside the rectum, followed by prolapse outside. The main reasons for its development are poor nutrition, increased intra-abdominal pressure, and intense physical activity. Manifests itself in the form of swelling, itching, burning, bloody discharge And pain syndrome of varying intensity.

    Inflammatory diseases are the most common among all pathologies of the anus. They are characterized by a moderate course with gradual progression.

    Defects on the mucous membrane

    Ulcerative defects often develop on the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus. They are represented by ulcers, anal fissures, epithelial cyst and hernia. If they are present, a person experiences a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

    Ulcerative defects of a single localization are extremely rare. In most cases, the pathology damages many parts of the colon. The development of ulcers is due to chronic constipation, as a result of which the mucous membrane is constantly injured by dry feces. The disease manifests itself in the form of bloody discharge, false urges to emptying and pain.

    Other ulcerative defects have their own manifestations.

    Defeats Causes Manifestations
    Anal fissure. The second most common anal defect. Pathology develops due to weakness of the mucous membrane, which is susceptible to injury and micro-tears due to constipation. It manifests itself in the form of acute pain that develops during the act of defecation. Minor bleeding is possible.
    Epithelial cyst. Progresses due to the abnormal structure of the anus. Clinical manifestations develop only with increasing growth of the formation and its suppuration. Severe growth of the cyst leads to disruption of the act of defecation.
    Hernia. This is a disease associated with weakness of the pelvic muscles, resulting in a violation of the fixation of the rectum. Frequent constipation and injuries during medical procedures can cause the development of formation. Manifestations of anal disease are pain and difficulty during bowel movements.

    Defects in the mucous membrane can only be corrected surgically. If the disease is not dealt with, severe complications develop. If there is a hernia or cyst, intestinal obstruction cannot be ruled out.

    Malignant and benign formations

    Benign and malignant formations. The most formidable and dangerous disease is cancer. It is difficult to detect due to its asymptomatic course. The first clinical manifestations are recorded as the tumor progresses. When it reaches an impressive size and begins to actively grow in nearby tissues and organs appear severe symptoms. In the early stages, a person feels weakness, decreased appetite and a slight increase in body temperature. As the disease progresses, it manifests itself as acute pain.

    Polyps are benign growths that grow in the rectum. They do not harm human health, but when exiting the anus they lead to the development of pain and bleeding. In this case, they must be removed surgically.

    Benign and malignant formations are pathologies of a special nature. They demand immediate surgical intervention. Detection in the early stages will help stop the progression of the pathology and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

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