Hormonal changes after childbirth. How to restore hormonal levels after childbirth? What does hormone imbalance lead to?


Major changes V hormonal system expectant mother begin from the moment of conception. Such a restructuring is necessary for the full formation of the fetus and preparation for childbirth. Sometimes this can become a serious test for the whole organism, even to the strongest hormonal imbalances and violations. Now that pregnancy and childbirth are behind us, the young mother needs to take care of her baby’s health and her own.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance after childbirth in a woman

Today hormonal disorders a fairly common phenomenon. Especially common in women who have had surgery caesarean section or were protracted labor with complications.

What symptoms indicate the presence of hormonal problems:

  • The appearance of dizziness and headaches;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Irritability and depression.

Increased fatigue and excessive sweating may also indicate hormonal changes.

Sometimes as a result hormonal changes External signs may appear:

  • Excess weight with a normal diet;
  • Hair loss;
  • Appearance excess hair over the body.

If you have a coincidence of several symptoms, you need to contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

How to restore hormonal levels for a young mother after childbirth?

To check for the presence of hormonal changes in the body and understand that a malfunction has occurred, you need to undergo tests and, based on the results, you can determine your health status and receive appropriate drug treatment.

The course of treatment must be carried out under strict medical supervision, visiting the attending physician in a timely manner. The selection of drugs is carried out in individually depending on the problems. Thanks to appropriate treatment, all indicators return to normal (tests are repeated).

Additional intake of multivitamins and omega-3s will also help improve the function of the endocrine system.

Except drug treatment a woman should not allow chronic fatigue, and if you need to seek help from your husband and loved ones, do relaxing gymnastics.

Chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue can worsen hormonal problems

To treat problems that have arisen in hormonal sphere Herbal medicines are also used:

  • Oregano, popular name"motherboard". It helps to increase lactation, i.e. increasing the level of the hormone prolactin. It is also used to normalize the menstrual cycle and for bleeding after childbirth;
  • Fenugreek seeds and stinging nettle decoction also stimulate the production of prolactin; Can be used in the form of infusion and decoction;
  • Sage decoction allows you to cope with hormonal imbalance due to estrogen deficiency due to the content of phytoestrogens;
  • Black cumin seed oil normalizes hormonal background due to high content Omega-3.

All of these drugs have the advantage that they contain phytohormones, which are characteristic of natural hormones.

How long does it take for hormonal levels to recover after childbirth and return to normal?

Hormonal imbalances, if not treated appropriately, can accompany a woman for a long period and have serious consequences.

External factors can also influence recovery:

  • The presence of stress and anxiety during this period;
  • Use of potent drugs;
  • Baby's health problems;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking.

If possible, they should be excluded.

After childbirth, the body needs time to recover correct work all systems, including hormonal. Breastfeeding helps speedy recovery hormonal background. If you pay close attention to your health, then by the end of the second month the body will restore all its functions.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth as a cause of excess weight

Some women experience a set of excess weight. The jump in weight can be quite drastic. Physical exercise do not give visible result. All this is the result of an imbalance between the levels of hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which changes with the onset of pregnancy. Drug treatment will help cope with this problem.

In addition, a woman must additionally adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should be varied to provide the body with required amount everyone nutrients. A woman should, if possible, give up flour and sweets, which lead to violations. carbohydrate metabolism. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits.

Means for restoring hormonal imbalance after childbirth (video)

Changes in the functioning of the hormonal system cannot be ignored and everything should be left to chance. If you don't want to be overtaken birth depression or problems with lactation begin, seek advice from specialists in a timely manner.

After childbirth, a woman often experiences a disruption in her body’s hormonal system. Physiological systems While carrying a child, they work with redoubled force to provide the fetus with everything it needs for development. After the birth of the baby, hormonal levels should be restored. If this does not happen, then it is required individual work with a young mother to maintain her health.

Hormonal changes after childbirth

Usually, postpartum period in a woman it lasts approximately 6 weeks after the baby is born. During this period of time, all body systems gradually return to normal, and hormonal levels improve:

  • Recovery muscle tone uterus. During lactation in large quantities Oxytocin is released, which promotes active contraction muscle fibers. Women experience cramping sensations during this period. After a short period of time, the pain subsides and the tone of the uterus returns to normal.
  • The vaginal mucosa becomes intact and swelling disappears. Due to a lack of estrogen, new mothers may experience dryness in the genitals, which over time gives way to a moist environment.
  • The ovaries stop working at an accelerated pace and produce in increased concentration progesterone, which protected the fetus from miscarriage. Due to the maturation of new follicles, the load on the ovaries is noticeably reduced.
  • Prolactin concentration returns to normal. Prolactin did not allow increased levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone in the body. This process canceled ovulation and menstruation, but did not protect against pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the release of an egg and its fertilization is possible in new maturing follicles. After pregnancy and childbirth, prolactin stops being released in such large quantities.
  • Blood clotting also returns to normal. Cardiovascular and respiratory system completely restored.

In addition, a woman who has given birth decreases body weight and blood volume. After termination breastfeeding After 6 - 8 weeks, menstruation begins. It is this moment that doctors record as the completion of the restoration of hormonal levels in a woman who has given birth.

Reference! A nursing woman may not have periods during the entire lactation process. Doctors also attribute this fact to normal functioning the body of the woman in labor, and it is quite possible.

Why does hormonal imbalance occur after childbirth?

There are several reasons for hormonal imbalance in the body of the mother who gave birth:

  • difficult birth and pathological changes during the birth process;
  • loss of large volumes of blood during natural birth or during caesarean section;
  • regular stress during pregnancy, emotional overload, psychological discomfort and apathy;
  • transferred infectious diseases during gestation;
  • failures in endocrine system body;
  • unbalanced nutrition of pregnant women, insufficient consumption fresh vegetables and fruits, following diets without consulting a specialist;
  • lack of time for sleep and rest, disruption of nighttime routine and wakefulness;
  • consumption by a woman during pregnancy alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • reception medicines without doctor's recommendations;
  • poor environmental conditions in the woman’s place of residence.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance after childbirth

When there is a hormonal imbalance, a woman’s physical, mental and emotional state changes. A young mother can independently detect signs of a disorder, paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Frequent changes in mood, most of which are occupied by a depressed state. Arises emotional instability and psychological breakdowns.
  • The nervous system is exhausted, and the desire to cry regularly appears. The woman becomes irritable and even develops an aggressive state.
  • Feelings of guilt and thoughts of failure in the role of mother become heightened. Suspicion and suspiciousness arise.
  • The mood worsens and becomes depressed. It is difficult to restore it with medications or delicious food.
  • Against this background, breast milk disappears, an additional feeling of guilt and failure of maternal qualities arises.
  • Hair begins to fall out rapidly.
  • A huge difference in weight compared to what it was before giving birth: either excess or deficiency.
  • Coming painful menstruation with copious discharge.
  • Rashes of various types appear on the skin. The body is covered with uncharacteristic pigmentation.
  • Libido decreases. The woman has no desire to enter into sexual intimacy, and during sexual intercourse feels painful sensations in the area of ​​the uterus.

Attention! Against the background of these symptoms, postpartum depression can last from one to two months. With a longer period, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone is sharply disrupted, which leads to a malfunction throughout the woman’s body.

How to restore hormonal levels after childbirth?

In order to diagnose the cause of hormonal imbalance and determine the hormone that needs to be brought back to normal, you need to take urine and blood tests for hormones. After precise establishment diagnosis, a therapist or gynecologist may advise a woman to take medications, such as biocalcium, cellulose, cordyceps, biozinc, estrinol, cyclodinone or antilipid tea.

A woman must comply correct mode day and eat food that maximally saturates her body with a variety of vitamins and microelements. To prevent the quality of milk from deteriorating, you should avoid high-calorie and fatty foods. The maternal body is subject to high-quality restoration through good sleep and rest in daytime days.

Efficiency drug therapy increases with simultaneous use some traditional medicine treatments:

  • To normalize estrogen production, you need to brew sage tincture. Take a tablespoon of dry raw material per glass of boiling water, infuse for about 30 minutes and take 3 times a day before each meal. The tincture should be consumed from 6 to 15 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • To increase progesterone production, drink the tincture during days 16-25 of the cycle. cinquefoil. Preparation and reception this tool similar to sage medicine.
  • For intensive production of female sex hormones, crush 2 tablespoons pharmaceutical herb oregano and pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture. You need to take 150 mg 2 times a day, immediately before meals.
  • Aromatic hops can be called a good phytoestrogen. It needs to be brewed in a thermos for 8 hours. Add a tablespoon of herb to a glass of boiling water. Take 2 times a day, 150 ml.

Important! Folk remedies for restoring hormonal levels should be used only after consultation with an experienced specialist. Self-treatment contraindicated, as it cannot take into account everyone physiological characteristics the mother's body without proper examination by an experienced doctor.

A young mother’s diet must include such foods as: sea ​​fish, black cumin seed oil, olive, flaxseed, nuts. These products contain beneficial fatty acid Omega-3 and cholesterol, which are very important for the synthesis of sex hormones.

Also, a woman’s diet should periodically include foods rich in the amino acids tryptophan and phenylalanine, which play a large role in the synthesis of endorphins and stabilization emotional state. This includes dates, bananas, tomatoes, cheeses durum varieties, eggs, beef and turkey.

A prerequisite for improving the hormonal levels of a young mother is her good mood. Therefore, a woman is recommended to visit more often fresh air and communicate with interesting people, avoid negative influence environment and pamper yourself with various pleasant surprises.

After childbirth, a woman’s general health and the body’s hormonal levels are disrupted. During this period, the young mother should not forget about herself and eat right, as well as get enough sleep and not be nervous. Doctors prescribe medications to women in labor during this period that can restore well-being and normalize the patient’s hormonal levels, and also recommend using traditional methods of treatment.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Theoretically, it should return to normal within a short time after birth. Unfortunately, this often does not happen. Hormonal imbalances are also found in women who became mothers a few months ago.

What prevents hormonal levels from restoring?

Doctors at our clinic highlight following reasons hormonal imbalance after childbirth:

  • you moved severe stress;
  • were long difficult childbirth;
  • there were diseases suffered during the postpartum period;
  • you don't follow your diet. For example, trying to get in shape as quickly as possible, you went on a strict diet;
  • you drink alcohol and smoke;
  • you are using strong medications;
  • you suddenly changed your lifestyle (you immediately went to work, stopped breastfeeding your baby, sleep little and do not rest).

Due to these factors, the production of hormones is disrupted, and your health deteriorates sharply. The body, weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, does not have time to recover, and here the help of a doctor is required.

How to recognize hormonal imbalance?

If 2-3 months after giving birth you do not feel that your body has recovered from the stress it suffered, then it is time to objectively assess your physical, mental and emotional state.

  • You are being tormented sharp changes mood, short temper, irritability.
  • You often cry, feel guilty, and ugly.
  • You are worried about the thoughts that you are not coping with your new responsibilities as a mother, that your husband has stopped liking you.
  • You have become suspicious and nervous, in a bad mood all the time.
  • You have lost your milk or you do not want to breastfeed your baby.
  • You have gained a lot of weight or, conversely, lost a lot of weight after giving birth.
  • Menstruation is accompanied by severe pain.
  • My hair became dull and brittle and began to fall out.
  • Rashes appear and dark spots on the skin.
  • Intimacy no longer gives you pleasure. You feel pain during sexual intercourse.

This state of the body is called postpartum depression, and it can last several months. Its cause is an incorrect ratio of the most important hormones female body– estrogen and progesterone.

The restoration of hormonal levels occurs differently in each woman and directly depends on breastfeeding. If you often feed your baby, your first period will appear only a year after birth. In the case when the child receives complementary feeding with formulas, menstruation will begin in 3 to 6 months. It may take a couple of months for your cycle to resume if you don't have milk.

Why does it need to be treated?

Hormonal imbalance is dangerous, first of all, because a woman does not feel the joy of motherhood and loses her taste for life. In addition, hormonal imbalances have a significant impact on the functioning of the entire body and can lead to very serious diseases.

How are hormonal imbalances treated after childbirth?

If you have recently become a mother and have noticed signs of hormonal imbalance, immediately contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist at our clinic. He will help you recover physical health and peace of mind.

During the appointment, the doctor will talk and examine you, and then send you for a blood test for hormones to find out which one needs to be brought back to normal.

Based on the results of the examination, you will be prescribed special drugs and give recommendations on lifestyle and diet. The success of treatment directly depends on how closely you follow your doctor’s advice.

Do not use the same medications and folk remedies that helped your friend or acquaintance. This can harm your health even more. Remember that only an experienced gynecologist will help your body fully recover after childbirth.

The content of the article:

Pregnancy and childbirth are a natural life process for a woman. And no matter how simple it may seem from the outside, in fact this is an extremely difficult process for the body. During pregnancy, a woman experiences a real restructuring of her entire body, which is aimed at the viability of the child. In addition to the organs, which are now working at full capacity, literally for two people, the hormonal levels begin to change immediately. The hormonal background that existed before pregnancy is very different from the hormonal background after childbirth.

Experts say that hormonal imbalance after childbirth should almost immediately be reprogrammed to a natural normal one, but in reality this is rare. Most often, hormonal levels are restored after breastfeeding is stopped.

A woman’s body produces a huge amount of hormones, but the main role for a woman who has given birth is played by progesterone and estrogen. The production of these hormones occurs in the ovaries, and during pregnancy and up to the fourth month this happens twice as much.

How hormonal levels change after childbirth

Herself labor activity this is already the cause of serious hormonal changes in women during the postpartum period. But besides this, various reasons can prevent hormonal levels from recovering faster:

1. Childbirth that was difficult and as a result complications arose;
2. Diseases of the newborn in the first months of life;
3. Use of hormone-based contraceptives before pregnancy;
4. Lack of milk in a woman in labor;
5. Stressful situations in the postpartum period;
6. Lack of normal nutrition;
7. Use of potent medications during pregnancy;
8. Abuse of alcohol and tobacco products.

Hormonal imbalances in women after childbirth may not go away for quite a long time, this may be due to a return to their previous lifestyle with cigarettes and alcohol, early going to work, and so on.

Most often hormonal disorders after childbirth occur due to a sudden cessation of breastfeeding small child. In this case, the body simply does not have time to rebuild itself, and restoration and improvement of well-being are replaced by a strong deterioration in the woman’s condition.

Postpartum hormonal levels can recover very slowly from the opposite situation - when the mother devotes herself entirely to the baby, completely forgetting about own food and rest. In this case, the body simply cannot recover; it simply has nowhere to draw strength from.


It is quite simple for a woman to recognize unstable hormonal levels; to do this, after three months after giving birth, she needs to start analyzing her own mental state. If following symptoms are present, which means that the hormonal balance is disturbed:

1. Constant change of mood;
2. Insomnia;
3. Outbursts of uncontrollable aggression;
4. The desire to cry;
5. Blood pressure surges;
6. Suspiciousness and feelings of guilt in front of a child or husband;
7. Lack of milk or simply the mother’s reluctance to feed her baby;
8. Hair loss on the head and its growth in unusual places;
9. A noticeable difference in weight between what it was before the birth and what it is now. Moreover, the difference can be either negative or positive;
10. Heavy and painful menstruation;
11. Formation of age spots;
12. Intolerable painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

The hormonal levels after childbirth should come to the same month by month. normal condition. Therefore, a woman’s aggression and apathy should subside from month to month. Otherwise, she will never feel the joy of motherhood, and hormonal imbalance will ultimately lead to an inevitable deterioration in the health of the young mother.


What to do in the event of a hormonal imbalance after childbirth can only be advised by an experienced specialist who will prescribe hormone tests. This is necessary to correctly determine which hormone is in excess and which is lacking.

In order to answer the question of how to restore hormonal levels after childbirth, a specialist needs to find out why this imbalance is possible. For this purpose, the mother will have to tell about the presence of all possible reasons: drinking alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, medications, whether she is nervous in the postpartum period.
Only a specialist can tell you how to properly normalize hormonal levels in a nursing mother; for this purpose, he will prescribe special targeted drugs that should restore hormonal levels. These can be drugs such as: biocalcium, biozinc, estrinol, cellulose, cyclodinone and others.

By self-medicating, a woman will only worsen her already bad condition. Consultations with a psychologist who will solve problems will help improve the dynamics of treatment nervous condition. Even application folk remedies to restore hormonal levels is unacceptable without prior consultation with a specialist.

The doctor may prescribe, depending on the condition and amount of hormones, the following herbs: oregano, sage, hops. They are brewed separately and used in combination is not permissible.

Thus, the best solution to treat hormonal imbalance in a woman after childbirth - consultation with a specialist and only with his permission: application medications directional action, as well as the use traditional methods treatment as an auxiliary method.

In order to prevent your hormonal levels from becoming destabilized in the future, you simply need to improve your diet, create correct routine day, try to get sick less and not get nervous about little things. It's better to send all your positive emotions for a small child and to have more rest, her husband or parents should definitely help her in this matter.

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You have already gotten used to your new role - the role of mother. It's time to remember that you are a woman and take some time for yourself. Raging hormones return to normal only after a woman stops breastfeeding her baby. Not only the quantity and quality of milk, but also the intensity of the production of other hormones depends on the concentration of prolactin, which is responsible for lactation - if there is more of some, then less of others.

When breastfeeding ends, the level of prolactin decreases, and a signal is sent to the brain, allowing the production of other biological active substances. In the body, the amount of progesterones and estrogens immediately increases, on which the menstrual cycle. The woman’s body is rebuilt in accordance with the tasks that become urgent, in particular, it will rush to restore its reproductive function.

So that everything goes smoothly

Prolactin levels increase gradually throughout pregnancy. By the time the baby is born, when milk becomes in demand, there is enough of this hormone in the body of the expectant mother to begin breastfeeding immediately after birth. Accordingly, by the end of lactation, with a gradual reduction in the number of feedings, the level of prolactin also gradually decreases. From this point of view, in order for the process of completing lactation to be painless for the body, with less stress, it is important to introduce complementary foods into the baby’s diet in a timely manner. As a result, the number of feedings will gradually decrease.

By the end of lactation (a year and a half after giving birth), the mother no longer feeds 12 times a day, as at first, but 2-3 times. But sooner or later a moment comes when even rare breastfeeding you need to stop completely. Then it is better to curtail the lactation function immediately. It will be difficult for the body to readjust if the end natural feeding will occur in parts, and episodic attachments of the baby to the breast will continue. Each such “unscheduled” feeding of the baby can cause jumps in prolactin, and as a result, hormonal imbalance.

IMPORTANT! Start protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy with hormonal drugs preferably three, or preferably six months after it is installed regular cycle menstruation interrupted by pregnancy and lactation.

No sudden movements

Restoring hormonal levels depends on many factors, and the production of hormones in the right ratio is a very delicate mechanism. It is related to daily routine, diet, psycho-emotional state, environmental conditions, transferred viral infections. Completion of breastfeeding - difficult period for woman. Don’t rush to radically change your lifestyle right away. Allow your body to adapt to new conditions. At the end of lactation, you should continue to follow the same “sanatorium-resort” regime for some time - rest more, spend time in the fresh air. It is very important to continue to eat well. After all, hormonal levels often go wrong simply because the young mother’s body lacks some elements - iodine, iron or even protein. Hormones are ready to be produced, but building material for them, no... To normalize hormonal levels, it is not required hormone therapy- it is enough to adjust your diet and daily routine. Please pay attention to beneficial features pineapple and some other exotics.

Almost all young mothers in our country experience iodine deficiency. In this regard, during pregnancy, all women are recommended to take iodine supplements. Lack of iodine in an expectant mother can increase hormone levels thyroid gland, in particular hormone TSH. This can cause the fetus to develop heart defects. It is advisable to take tests for hormone levels before conception. After all, it also happens that a woman already has some kind of endocrine pathology. It gets worse during pregnancy. As a result, after birth, hormonal levels do not return to normal, and drug treatment is required.

Restoring menstruation

Every woman who has given birth is interested in the question of when she should expect to return. critical days" The speed of restoration of the menstrual cycle directly depends on hormonal levels. And it is closely related to lactation.

✓ If a child feeds only on breast milk and receives his mother’s breast at any time of the day, as they say, on demand, then the resumption of menstruation should be expected no earlier than the end of the first year of the baby’s life, around the end of the lactation period.

✓ With the introduction of complementary foods, the child receives less mother's milk within 24 hours, and then the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth can begin before the end of the breastfeeding period.

✓ If the baby was supplemented with formula milk from birth, i.e. he was on mixed diet, then the restoration of menstruation after childbirth occurs, as a rule, at 3-4 months of the baby’s life.

✓ When the baby is on the artificial feeding and doesn't get it at all breast milk, ovulation begins approximately 10-12 weeks after the baby is born.

FACT! The establishment of a regular menstrual cycle no later than six months after the end of breastfeeding indicates that the woman’s body has undergone hormonal changes.

Is there something wrong

It happens that lactation period ended, but the long-awaited hormonal balance in the body does not occur. In this case, do not delay visiting an endocrinologist and take a blood test for hormones. Pregnancy can be a trigger various diseases, including endocrine ones. What symptoms should alert you?

✓ INSONALITY. You cannot fall asleep for a long time or your sleep is short, restless, with frequent awakenings. This may be due to sharp drop progesterone levels. It has a relaxing effect, so when the amount of this hormone decreases, you experience overstimulation.

✓ SAD MOOD. This condition may be caused low level in the body estrogen is a hormone that preserves youth and a positive attitude in life.

✓ CHANGES IN APPEARANCE. If symptoms such as hair loss, weight gain, constipation, tachycardia, dry skin appear, you should check your thyroid hormones.

✓ SUDDEN SUSPENSION OF MILK, IRREGULARITY OF MENSTRUGS can be caused by the so-called “free prolactin” circulating in the blood when the body does not stop producing it even after the end of lactation.

* * *

The hormonal levels of a young mother are restored after the cessation of lactation, on average after 1-2 months; in some cases, menstruation may resume during breastfeeding. While a woman is lactating, it is best to avoid taking combined oral contraceptives. If after stopping breastfeeding the menstrual cycle does not return for more than 1 month, consult a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. There is no need to take special blood tests for hormones after pregnancy. For contraception after the end of lactation, it is best to use combined oral contraceptives(COOK). Modern COCs contain natural estrogen - estradiol, which is identical to the hormone produced in a woman’s body in the ovaries.

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