How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms and treatment of the disease of modern society at home


Fatigue can be different: a person is simply tired - he will rest, get some sleep, and it will all go away; or so tired that no matter how much you rest, no matter how much sleep you catch, the weakness does not go away.

Doctors in the West have long been diagnosing: chronic fatigue syndrome, this is one of the diseases, such as tonsillitis, and requires thorough treatment. In recent years, our doctors have increasingly begun to write a previously unknown phrase in outpatient records. But since it is a disease, it makes sense to know what it is. Moreover, times have come when many are forced to work long hours, regardless of their health.

Chronic fatigue symptoms

Subjectively, the patient himself may suspect chronic fatigue, if even a long sleep does not relieve him of headaches, bad mood, dissatisfaction with himself, and irritability. More objective symptoms of the disease are as follows:

Emotional instability manifests itself in irritability and unmotivated outbursts with loved ones.

Frequent dizziness and/or headaches.

Sleep disturbances are observed: either difficulty falling asleep or regularly waking up earlier than the natural time.

Double vision, floaters, or other forms of eye fatigue caused by narrowing of small blood vessels due to nerve spasms.

Increased heartbeat, tachycardia.

Numbness in fingers. Secondary symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome may include:

Hardening of the muscles in the collar area, as well as in the interscapular area (often in schoolchildren and students, in children who seriously play musical instruments, in short, in everyone who sits for a long time in a tense state and does not know how to relax in a timely manner);

Hyperemia of the eyeballs - redness or yellowing;

Particular tension in the fingertips;

Hardening of the calf muscles and buttocks (especially in those who played sports in their youth).


When the modern workaholic finally decides to go on vacation in order to finally rest, it may turn out that the desired rest, despite the efforts made, does not come.

If tension in the body accumulates day by day, and a person does not give the body rest, fatigue, going off scale beyond a certain limit, affects the functioning of individual organs, primarily the heart, pancreas, liver and kidneys. Overload of the pancreas leads to the fact that proteins are not fully broken down and fats and glucose are oxidized. Because of this, excess lactic and oxaloacetic acids are formed. These are toxins, or internal poisons, that do not allow the body to receive the carbon dioxide, water and energy it needs for the body’s life support during the proper breakdown of food.

Due to poor liver function, pigment spots and papillomas appear on the face and other parts of the body, which, in essence, can be interpreted as signs of premature aging. Pigment spots indicate stagnation of blood flow. Problems with the eyes can also be caused by problems with the liver: it is not without reason that in Tibetan medicine it is believed that the eyes are a reflection of the liver. Headache and irritability are often also a consequence of poor liver function.

The kidneys suffer in cases where a person experiences fear. It doesn’t matter what: fear of death or loss of loved ones, fear of superiors or jitters before exams. “The fear hormone” - adrenaline causes vascular spasms, which hit the kidneys the hardest, and also lead a person to hypertension.

Heart with chronic syndrome Fatigue manifests itself with rapid heartbeats and outbreaks of sweating.

If chronic fatigue is not treated, like any advanced disease, it will begin to provoke secondary, sometimes more serious diseases. The consequences may be as follows: against the background of decreased immunity with fatigue - infectious diseases, including viral (acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis), as well as male (prostatitis) and female (fibroids), in old age it is very likely to develop Parkinson's disease, in children, if they are excessive overload and do not treat fatigue syndrome, schizophrenia and even - due to spasms of cerebral vessels - epilepsy can develop.

So, there are no more doubts: chronic fatigue syndrome must be treated.

WARNING Dear readers! Before using any suggested recipe, please consult your doctor. We hope for your discretion!

Chronic fatigue treatment - Fatigue should be treated!

First of all, you should relieve tension from the collar area, fingers, and calf muscles. This is achieved by massage. The neck and upper back area should be massaged by someone from the household.

It's good if you master vacuum back massage. To do this, they take one or two medical jars, which have always been used for colds or coughs, and in recent years, following Western fashion, for some reason they abandoned them, unjustifiably afraid that the blood vessels might burst, well. Small blood vessels will burst, and that’s okay. So, you need to rub your back with vegetable oil, put one or two cans and roll them thoroughly up and down your back for 5-10 minutes. 9-11 sessions in a day or two - and there will be no trace of tension in the collar area.

A person can massage his fingers independently: with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, each individual finger of the other. In this case, you need to ensure that the pulling movements of the active fingers are directed “away from you,” that is, from the palm to the fingertips. Then you can interlock your hands and crunch them.

¦ Massage of the ears is very useful, in the area of ​​which 140 biologically active points are localized. It can be done one to three times a day. During this massage, plug the ear openings with your index fingers, rotate your fingers once or twice, then pull them out sharply - you will hear a loud pop. Such exposure once a day will relieve you of wax plugs, which sometimes cause discomfort when blown out by an otolaryngologist.

¦ You can also massage the calf muscles yourself.

¦ Facial massage is the usual “washing” movements. We must remember that we wash our face not only for the sake of cleanliness, but largely for the sake of massage.

Head massage (against headaches) is performed independently by scratching the scalp and tapping the head for half a minute to a minute with your fingertips or knuckles. There is no need to be afraid: a person will not harm himself.


The massage effect on the so-called morale points is extremely effective. Finding them on the body is very easy: mentally outline the outline of the left shoulder blade; Along the right vertical edge of the shoulder blade, four morale points are located at equal distances from each other. You can press on them with a plastic pen, a pencil, even your thumb, and go from top to bottom 3-4 times, just let one of the family members, even a child, do this. After such a very short massage, you will immediately feel a surge of energy.


Bend your head low, touching your chin to your chest, and slowly, with tension, shake your head from side to side. Now, with tension, tilt your head back, to the right, to the left. Raise your right shoulder as much as possible without changing the position of your left. Now do the opposite: lift the left one, leaving the right one in place. Raise both shoulders with tension, then relax your torso. Pull both feet towards you, then point your toes out. Do this several times. These exercises are good after sleep to get into the rhythm of wakefulness.

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome requires strengthening the immune system, for which I recommend drinking adaptogens: ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Schisandra, Zamanika - any of them to choose from, you can buy them at the pharmacy, the dosage and regimen are indicated on the package.

An adaptogen option is golden root. Its tincture is prepared as follows: grind 50 g, pour into a bottle of vodka, wrap it in a thick cloth and put it in a dark place for two weeks, not forgetting to shake it daily. Drink in the morning or in the first half of the day 10-15 minutes before meals, one teaspoon for a month.

PREVENTION of chronic fatigue

But even when the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome have disappeared, and you can congratulate yourself on your success, we must not forget about prevention: all chronic diseases are unpleasant because they tend to return.

Prevention lies in a reasonable combination of work and rest: if chronic fatigue has already occurred, you will have to forget about workaholism for the sake of a career or earnings. Swimming in the pool is beneficial - at least once a week. Daytime sleep is very desirable, especially necessary for people after 60 years of age. If work does not allow you to take a nap, try to relax after lunch for at least 10-15 minutes. Prevention, of course, is necessary even before the onset of a chronic disease. although few people think about it until the thunder strikes. However, a healthy lifestyle is the prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Good health to everyone!

In the 19th century, it was condescendingly called “hypochondria.” In the 20th century, it became known as “chronic fatigue,” and in the 21st century, “the disease of the century.” The symptoms are the same, but the age and extent of the spread have changed significantly. The disease is like an epidemic; more and more young people, residents of megacities, and the population of economically prosperous countries are falling into its sphere of influence.

Scientists are at odds arguing about the causes of various nervous system disorders characteristic of this syndrome, and cannot come to a common denominator. However, they are unanimous on one thing: CFS is a diagnosis officially recognized by medicine..

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease in which a feeling of weakness and fatigue accompanies a person for a long time (more than six months). Moreover, this condition does not disappear even after prolonged sleep and rest.

Figures and facts: Chronic fatigue syndrome has been considered an independent disease since 1988, with recognition of the need for treatment.

Symptoms of CFS have been identified in 20% of the inhabitants of planet Earth. And this figure is growing.

2% of teenagers suffer from CFS.

80% of cases are women.

Causes: 3 different opinions

There are many versions about the mechanism and causes of the disease, but there are three main ones that deserve attention.

Scientists from the Netherlands have discovered a connection between the syndrome and a lack of iodine in the body or chronic problems with the thyroid gland. The blood composition of patients suffering from a lack of the hormones TSH and T4, as well as people with CFS, is similar. If this conclusion is correct, then an iodine diet can return a patient with the syndrome to normal life.

Risk factors

  • Representatives of professions exposed to constant stress, from whom increased responsibility and concentration are required - air traffic controllers, military personnel, firefighters, surgeons.
  • Workers with intense mental work who ignore vacations and weekends.
  • Teenagers preparing to enter university, students during the session.
  • Not receiving adequate nutrition.
  • Sleep deprived.
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Living in an unfavorable ecological environment.
  • Not getting enough sunlight and fresh air.
  • Those experiencing life's troubles and troubles.
  • Possessors of a suspicious, conflicting psychotype.

Thus, the main factor leading to the occurrence of CFS is of a nervous nature - nervous stress, insomnia, mental fatigue. All this provokes endocrine and metabolic disruptions in the body, reducing the protective forces of the immune system.

What to look for when diagnosing CFS

How to recognize chronic fatigue syndrome: signs and symptoms

Jamming the nervous system in a constant state of emergency is fraught with serious health problems and far-reaching consequences, so it is important to recognize the “enemy” in the early stages in order to know how to deal with it.

Symptoms of CFS are divided into mental and somatic.

Mental symptoms

  • Decreased performance - absent-mindedness, problems with concentrating, remembering, systematizing information, inability to perform creative activities.
  • Psychological disorders - depression, anxiety, anxiety, irritability, gloomy thoughts.
  • Intolerance to bright light.

Somatic symptoms

  • Decreased physical activity - weakness, feeling tired and exhausted even after doing simple work.
  • Migraines - frequent, accompanied by “pulsation of the temples”, dizziness.
  • Insomnia - despite fatigue, sleep does not come or is weak and intermittent.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Enlarged and painful lymph nodes.
  • Impaired motor functions - muscle and joint pain, hand tremors, muscle weakness.
  • Decreased immunity - pharyngitis, sore throat, frequent colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Symptomatic diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome

The presence of these symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary studies and tests. And based on the results obtained, he made an expert opinion and prescribed treatment. It is useless to wait for it to “go away on its own”, just as it is useless to hope that this is normal overwork and that it is enough to go to the seaside and sleep on the weekend. Neither a change in activity nor a change in environment will help with CFS. Qualified treatment is required.

Note: a full examination is also important because such dangerous diseases as early stage oncology and tuberculosis are cleverly disguised as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Doctors you should contact

  • Psychologist/psychotherapist - for symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, and increased psycho-emotional stress.
  • Neurologist - for migraines, dizziness, decreased performance, depressive states that arise against the background of constant stress and nervous tension.
  • Endocrinologist - for tremors, muscle pain, constant state of weakness and fatigue.
  • Immunologist - for frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Therapist - if the symptoms are difficult. The therapist will either prescribe treatment himself or give a referral to the right specialist.

Basic treatment methods

The disease requires complex therapy, which includes 4 important components:

  1. Adequate rest - a deep night's sleep of at least 8 hours, daily half-hour walks in the fresh air.
  2. Balanced nutrition - high-quality products that supply the body with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Minimize or eliminate sweets, which cause sudden spikes in blood sugar, which a weakened body does not need.
  3. Psychotherapy is the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist aimed at improving mood, self-confidence, and getting out of a stressful situation.
  4. A competent daily routine - eliminating overload, emotional and physical, alternating work and rest, 3 food breaks, more time in the fresh air.

Note: it is important to treat diseases that can provoke constant hypoxia - sinusitis, rhinitis or chronic inflammation - carious teeth, tonsillitis.

Drug treatment

In addition to psychotherapeutic treatment, medications are often prescribed for CFS. There are 5 groups of drugs that are used for therapy.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed for pain syndromes - headaches, muscle pain, joint pain.
  • Vitamin complexes. Their goal is to restore proper metabolism, the body’s energy reserves, and strengthen the immune system - B vitamins, magnesium.
  • Immunomodulators. Prescribed to increase the body's immune strength and its resistance to infections and viruses.
  • Antiviral drugs. They fight viruses in the body and prevent their reproduction.
  • Psychotropic drugs. Antidepressants and daytime tranquilizers normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Relieves feelings of restlessness and anxiety.

It is a myth that taking tonics, such as eleutherococcus and lemongrass, is useful for raising vitality. In fact, they are not able to eliminate any of the causes of decreased vitality. Taking them by people with chronic fatigue syndrome will only lead to increased consumption of internal reserves, which are already in short supply. As a result, worsening health problems.

Taking tonic drugs is indicated only for healthy people who are facing serious physical or nervous stress.

Treatment at home

Simple folk remedies and preventive measures are available at home, and there is also nothing complicated about them.

You can resort to traditional medicine methods and prepare an “invigorating oil”.

For this you will need:

  • olive oil - 1 bottle;
  • fresh rosemary - 1 teaspoon.

Mix and use when cooking.

Licorice root is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that reduces cortisol levels in the blood. Its regular use (2 g) can restore vitality in 2 weeks.

Aromatherapy with lavender, rosemary or sandalwood oil. A few drops on a handkerchief and inhale. Helps you relax and promote healthy sleep.

Preventive measures

  • Work breaks every 2 hours.
  • Physical activity - walking, swimming, morning exercises.
  • Quitting bad habits and fast food.
  • Increasing the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits with the addition of nuts, honey, and berries.
  • A full 8 hours of sleep.
  • Change of scenery - trips to nature, out of town, visits to resorts.

Acupuncture is often used to combat chronic fatigue.

Useful physical procedures for chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Acupuncture/acupuncture - influencing certain points of the body helps relieve pain, calms the nervous system, and restores energy balance. It has a positive effect on the immune system and helps relieve tension, both muscular and nervous.
  • Massage - therapeutic, acupressure, lymphatic drainage. Improves blood circulation and lymph flow, metabolic processes, helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and improves immunity.
  • Therapeutic exercise - activating different muscle groups, improving blood circulation and restoring energy.
  • Laser therapy - activates metabolism, stimulates the activity of the nervous system.
  • Magnetic therapy has a good effect on the endocrine and immune systems. Has an analgesic and relaxing effect.
  • Hydrotherapy - water treatments relieve stress, soothe and relax.

Is it possible to cure yourself by doing nothing?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. On the one hand, there is a common misconception that laziness is an excuse for those who avoid work. In fact, laziness may be a manifestation of a natural instinct - the desire to save vitality.

Important: if the desire to lie down and rest arises often and becomes regular, then this is an alarming signal that the body is on the verge and its supply of vitality has depleted. Laziness can be evidence of both CFS and another serious illness.

On the other hand, there is another persistent myth: “Chronic fatigue will go away if you rest a little.”

It won't work! If a person is healthy, then even with heavy physical activity his strength will be restored after a night's sleep. With CFS, you can not bother with anything, sleep all night and the next morning feel completely broken and empty.

If the causes of fatigue lie in illness, then a regular “chill” will not help.

The causes of fatigue are internal, not external. For example, this could be a malfunction of the thyroid gland, which slows down metabolism and deprives the brain of adequate nutrition.

Fact: 14% of patients referred to a psychiatrist with signs of depression and weakness actually suffer from a low thyroid function.

The question arises: what causes the thyroid gland to malfunction? Psychologists believe that the imbalance between stimuli is to blame for this - those that are sent to us by the external environment and those that we give in response.

Most often this occurs among housewives and people with monotonous work. They don't get enough stimulation to their nervous system. In other words, they lack impressions, a certain dose of stress, so that the body has the opportunity to shake itself up, mobilize and react properly.

When there are few such incentives, the settings begin to go astray. A similar situation occurs when there is too much stress.

Everything is good in moderation. Achieving the golden mean, finding harmony with oneself and the world around us will be the very antidote that will save humanity from the disease of the 21st century - chronic fatigue syndrome.

It’s not a whim, as some might think, but a rather serious illness. Many people feel tired all the time.

When they wake up in the morning, they completely lack strength, the desire to move actively, and they absolutely don’t want to communicate with anyone.

Fatigue accumulates in the body gradually: a working day, a week, a month, a year and has no way out.

You must try to learn to listen to your body, although this is a very difficult task. It is extremely important not to confuse overwork after a hard day with chronic fatigue, which requires close attention and qualified treatment from the patient.

There are plenty of factors influencing the occurrence of such a problem: systematically accumulating nervous and physical fatigue, large flows of information that bombard our brain every day (television, computer, press). In addition, one should not discount the high level of industrial air pollution, electromagnetic radiation, and background radiation that exceeds normal levels. All of the above negative facts, over a long period of time, many months, monotonously undermine the health of the body, inevitably leading it to chronic fatigue syndrome.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The fundamental sign indicating the occurrence of such a problem is fatigue, which manifests itself in literally everything, seizing all power over the human body. If earlier, endurance and physical activity were clear favorites, now weakness comes to the forefront, and it arises without any reason, prostration.

First of all, some try not to pay close attention to these alarm bells. However, this position is categorically incorrect, since chronic fatigue accumulates gradually, like a snowball. There comes a point when normal performance becomes problematic. Feeling tired during CFS is much more than just feeling unwell.

Over time, exhaustion reaches higher levels, the degree of fatigue becomes maximum. The next working day comes with great difficulty. A person’s cherished dream is the simple desire to lie down; he always wants to relax. Unfortunately, many people around them quite often do not understand such people. They call it whims, “whining.”

I would like to note that there are other signs of chronic fatigue syndrome, among which the following stand out:

  • widespread muscle weakness
  • absent-mindedness
  • forgetfulness
  • memory problems
  • bad mood, short temper, irritability
  • tormenting insomnia
  • regular colds
  • fear of light
  • loud noise

When all of the above symptoms appear on a regular basis for six months, we can state the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Causes of the disease

The answer to the question - “Why does CFS occur?” does not have a generalized consensus. There are a number of hypothetical assumptions, but not one of them fully explains the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is believed that one of the reasons is poisoning of the body, since it has been noted that people living in large industrial cities are more often susceptible to this disease. The next on the list of possible factors provoking the onset of the disease is depression, since extremely often, a sharp deterioration in mood is considered an accompanying symptom of CFS. Many have weakness and constant irritability.

A similar fatigue syndrome can occur after an infection. There is an assumption that the cause of the disease is a herpes virus that can cause infectious mononucleosis. In addition, the activity of viruses increases, and significantly, with a decrease in immunity. A person who systematically works excessively hard, with impaired functioning of the immune system, exposes the body to danger - a virus can easily become a catalyzing factor for the onset of the disease.

If a person in everyday life tries to maintain normal conditions for a healthy lifestyle (is nervous to a minimum, has a full vacation, eats a healthy diet), then the chances of the virus actively manifesting itself rapidly decrease, it is able to hide in the body for a long time.

How to overcome fatigue

If you have a similar feeling regularly, starting from the very morning, a bad mood, vitality at minimum levels, and everything only intensifies every day, then in such a situation the help of a doctor is definitely necessary.

However, you can independently try to overcome the systematically creeping fatigue and get rid of apathy. Any person ever feels a loss of strength. The most efficient method of “getting energy” is to consume a portion of carbohydrates. Fresh fruit, porridge, vegetables and bread are quite suitable for these purposes. However, energy of this kind is not distinguished by its longevity.

To “recharge” the body for a longer period of time, you will need food enriched with fiber. The time interval for digestion is much longer, while energy is constantly supplied. Proteins and nuts are useful, but there is a very important nuance - such food is high in calories, so it is not recommended in large quantities.

The next measure in case of decreased performance, to restore strength, is to consume a high dose of vitamin C. It has the ability to burn fats for energy. Contained in vegetables, fruits, especially citrus fruits.

A concomitant sign of fatigue may be a headache, and possible dehydration. The body urgently needs liquid, of course, within reasonable limits. If your blood pressure is normal, drinking green tea is an excellent alternative to coffee.

Let's move on, next in line stress, excessive workload, and finally, just a simple regular lack of sleep. All these are key factors that have a tremendous impact on the occurrence of fatigue. Relentless monitoring of your lifestyle is necessary. For example, sleep time should range from 7-8 hours. Moreover, deviations in any direction, not just less, can lead to excessive drowsiness. The main criteria for healthy sleep: “strong”, uninterrupted.

Down with chronic fatigue

1. If, upon returning home after work, you feel the strongest, then you should not start dinner as quickly as possible. Try to initially rest and relax, since eating, as well as the further process of digestion, is an energy-intensive activity.

Take a comfortable position, lying down, raising your legs, leaning them against the wall, preferably at the greatest possible angle. This type of rest can cause blood flow. The result will be a partial relief of leg fatigue, possibly some relief.

2. Then you can try more “radical” methods. Don't be lazy, just 5 minutes. spend on foot baths that significantly increase blood circulation.

You will need two basins with hot (over 40 g) and cold (30 g) water.

Alternately lower your legs into each of the basins, literally for a couple of seconds. The number of repetitions is at least three.

3. Another effective measure to eliminate leg pain and relieve heaviness is a hot foot bath. The herbal infusion can be prepared in advance. The raw materials used are: chamomile, sage, lavender, valerian. Pre-crushed, dried herb (2 tbsp) is combined with very hot water (1000 ml). Allow to stand for half an hour and filter. This procedure has a calming effect on the nervous system and promotes rapid restoration of strength. There are contraindications - varicose veins.

4. Taking a general bath has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. You can add many components, for example, a decoction of bay leaves.

To prepare, you need to pour ten small bay leaves with cold water (1000 ml). Boil for a third of an hour. The water temperature should not be high, the duration of use is a maximum of five minutes.

5. A warm shower does an excellent job of eliminating muscle fatigue. If you are planning household chores in the evening, then the final stream of the shower should be slightly cool to maintain the tone of the whole body. When finished, rub thoroughly with a terry towel.

Folk remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome

1. You need to take linden blossom, peppermint (tsp), pour boiling water (200 ml), let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Recommended dose: 100 ml twice.

2. Eleutherococcus tincture, which is sold in many pharmacies, is very effective. Preparations based on this plant enhance motor activity, normalize sugar, increase mental performance, and improve vision.

3. Rosemary essential oil can deliver a great boost of energy to the body. It is enough to simply carry out the inhalation procedure in pairs.

4. Peony is an excellent sedative for neurasthenia, insomnia, and vegetative-vascular problems. It is worth especially noting that blood pressure, breathing and other vital functions of the body are not significantly affected when using drugs based on this plant.

The range of diseases for which peony tincture helps is quite impressive: atherosclerosis, stroke, many “women’s problems”, nodules in the thyroid gland, diabetic impotence.

It’s quite simple to prepare: pour a half-liter bottle of vodka into pre-prepared raw materials (50 g). Let it brew for two weeks in a place inaccessible to sunlight. The recommended dose is 20 drops, diluted with water (100 ml). Several times throughout the day. The duration of the therapeutic course is thirty days, after which, after a week's break, the treatment can be repeated.

5. Syrup made from juniper berries is extremely useful for nervous exhaustion, vitamin deficiency, and excessive physical exertion. In addition, among its advantages it is worth noting: the ability to reduce cholesterol levels, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, strengthen the nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on mental activity.

6. The main component of the following recipe will be young pine shoots, no more than 3 cm in size. You need to mix the raw materials (40 g) with previously prepared onion peels (tbsp), add licorice root (tsp), which should be finely chopped . Fill the entire resulting mixture with water (2000 ml), boil for a quarter of an hour. A minute before removal, add rose hips (tbsp), having previously mashed them. A suitable container for the decoction is a thermos; leave it to steep overnight. Then strain, boil again, and allow to cool. Use throughout the day.

7. Coniferous is an excellent remedy against fatigue. The required container is half filled with pine branches, needles, and cones. Add cold water to the brim and boil for half an hour. After this, having carefully wrapped it, we remove the container to infuse for ten hours. Add the resulting extract to the bath, the temperature of which is 35 degrees. After mixing thoroughly, take it for a maximum of 15 minutes.

8. Using a coffee grinder, you need to grind the pre-prepared unpeeled oats. Combine (tbsp) with very hot water (200 ml). Leave to stand for ten hours. After further straining, the broth is ready for use.

9. It is necessary to mix the following tinctures: rhodiola rosea (0.3 ml), propolis (1 ml), eleutherococcus (2 ml). Mix everything well and use. Carry out a similar procedure for three weeks.

Chronic fatigue syndrome in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the lot of workaholic people who literally have no time left for rest, due to excessive busyness. However, we should not forget that such ailment can affect pensioners, women running a household, and children. Very often, parents themselves provoke the onset of the disease by loading the child to capacity: attending numerous clubs and sections is added to school activities. Of course, a child’s leisure time should be varied, no one disputes this, but everything should be in moderation.

It’s especially bad if children spend their free time watching TV or playing consoles. Spending such time leaves an even greater imprint of fatigue. Many teachers, of course, not all, rarely think about a similar reason for a child’s inappropriate behavior, such as chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, difficulties in upbringing and training are attributed to bad character.

Take an interest in your health in time, goodbye.

Chronic fatigue syndrome - fatig syndrome (fatigue - fatigue, weakness) - manifests itself in causeless fatigue, which is not relieved even by long rest, muscle weakness, joint pain, forgetfulness, insomnia or drowsiness... At the same time, any task that was previously coped with with ease, comes with great difficulty. If you have 2 of the four main symptoms and 6-8 of the ten additional symptoms, it is safe to say that you suffer from CFS.

Main symptoms:

  1. Sudden onset of weakness.
  2. Fatigue increases and does not disappear after rest.
  3. Efficiency is reduced by almost half.
  4. There are no other causes or diseases that can cause constant fatigue

Additional symptoms

  1. Prolonged fatigue, most pronounced after physical activity that was previously easily tolerated.
  2. Frequent sore throat.
  3. Soreness in the lymph nodes.
  4. Muscle weakness and myalgia (muscle pain).
  5. Sleep disorder (or, on the contrary, drowsiness).
  6. Migrating arthralgia (joint pain).
  7. Neurotic disorders: sensitivity to bright light, vision problems (spots before the eyes) and memory, irritability, indecisiveness, inability to concentrate.

Some researchers argue that with CFS, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and heart, allergies and increased sensitivity to odors, medications, and alcohol are possible. A person can suddenly lose weight or, conversely, gain weight without breaking the diet; sweating at night and hair loss occur.


Modern medicine has been studying this disease for more than 20 years, but it still does not have answers to many questions, and no one can say for sure what causes CFS. Various theories suggest that viruses that infect the human immune, nervous and muscular systems are to blame for its development (Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses types I, II, VI, Coxsackie virus, hepatitis C, enterovirus, retrovirus), and also genetics, weakened immunity, mental disorders. There is evidence from which scientists have concluded that CFS develops due to increased formation of lactic acid in response to physical activity due to impaired oxygen transport to tissues; due to a decrease in the number of mitochondria and their dysfunction. In addition, it is believed that the symptoms of CFS may be a consequence of impaired cellular metabolism. A relationship has been established between the level of L-carnitine in the blood plasma and the risk of developing CFS: the less L-carnitine is contained in a person’s blood plasma, the lower his performance and the worse his health. Magnesium deficiency also plays an important role in the development of CFS.

It has been reliably established that this syndrome is characteristic, first of all, of city dwellers who live in a tense rhythm with an ever-increasing mental and psychological load. Symptoms of CFS in most patients appear after many years of overwork and lack of sleep. It is no coincidence that it is believed that workaholics are predisposed to this disease - well-to-do people aged 20 to 45 years, with a higher education, striving to achieve career growth and succeeding in business. There are twice as many women at risk as men.

As you know, there are two types of fatigue - physical and psychological. Physical fatigue associated with work or sports activities, a tired body signals that it needs to restore its energy supply. It goes away after rest and is more useful than harmful, especially for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Another thing is chronic fatigue. With it, it is psychologically difficult for a person to force himself to work, his body hurts, he doesn’t want to think, and the light is almost always unpleasant. And most often this is associated with professional activities, to which we devote at least a third of the day.

The mental and psychological stress that a person experiences at work, the huge amount of information, great responsibility, lack of time (which is why you have to work overtime) - all this sooner or later accumulates and causes overstrain. Add to this a lack of physical activity, long hours of working at the computer in the wrong position, and muscle strain (neck, shoulders, lower back) is added to psychological stress. Most often, work dictates to us the wrong lifestyle that we lead. And the degree of fatigue directly depends on bad habits, proper nutrition, daily routine...

If you have brought yourself to chronic fatigue syndrome, then getting rid of it will take not months but years. It is believed that with chronic fatigue syndrome, the blood circulation process is disrupted, which means the process of saturating the blood with necessary substances, and the activity of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted. This leads to headaches, an increase (decrease) in blood pressure, increased heart rate, disorders of the genitourinary system, which is fraught with such serious consequences as decreased potency and even infertility...

Typical risk factors for developing CFS:

  • unfavorable environmental and hygienic conditions
  • influences that weaken the general, immunological and neuropsychic resistance of the body (surgery, anesthesia, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and possibly other types of non-ionizing radiation (computers), etc.
  • frequent and prolonged stress
  • hard work;
  • insufficient physical activity with excessive poor nutrition;
  • lack of life prospects and interest in life.

Associated pathologies and bad habits that are typical for those suffering from CFS and influence its development:

  • irrational and high-calorie diet, leading to excess weight gain
  • casual drunkenness - an attempt to relieve nervous excitement in the evening
  • heavy smoking - an attempt to stimulate decreased performance
  • hypertensive and hypotensive disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia and others.


Despite the fact that the diagnosis of CFS is recognized by official medicine, many doctors are skeptical about it, especially since there is no objective scale for measuring fatigue. Most people experiencing these symptoms go in a vicious circle. The therapist prescribes a blood test, detects low hemoglobin levels and diagnoses “anemia” and recommends medications to restore its level, the psychotherapist will diagnose “depression” and prescribe antidepressants, the endocrinologist will call the disease hypothyroidism, and the cardiologist will call it vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Manifestations of chronic fatigue, as well as the syndrome itself (CFS), often accompany fibromyalgia, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints. It is important to differentiate them in order to prescribe the correct treatment.


There are no quick and effective ways to treat CFS, since its main cause is still unknown. The main principle of assistance is symptomatic treatment. It usually begins with the use of drugs that help improve the general condition of patients, normalize sleep, restore mental activity and physical fitness.

Since in many ways the symptoms of CFS are similar to the symptoms of neurasthenia, it is first of all better to consult a neurologist.

Treatment should be comprehensive, as a rule, it includes:

  • vitamin therapy - vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C, L-carnitine, magnesium.
  • massage (daily general massage of the whole body or segmental massage of the collar area), preferably combined with water procedures and physical therapy
  • psychotherapy
  • immunocorrection (prescribing medications)
  • prescribing, if necessary, daytime tranquilizers, enterosorbents, nootropic drugs.

One of the effective methods of treating chronic fatigue syndrome is acupuncture (acupuncture), a method of influencing biological active points using special needles. Acupuncture has a regulatory effect on the entire body, restores broken connections between internal organs, improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and relieves the effects of stress.

It is best to go to a specialized sanatorium for the period of treatment, where for 2-3 weeks you can take walks in nature, take courses in exercise therapy, massage, hydrotherapy and psychotherapy with autogenic training.


The basis for getting rid of chronic fatigue syndrome is giving up bad habits, changing your daily routine with the obligatory inclusion of rest and physical activity, and walks in the fresh air. It is useful to prescribe fasting diet therapy.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is one of the pathologies that became widespread only in the last century. This is due, first of all, to the peculiarities of life of the population of large cities, unfavorable environmental conditions, as well as excessive emotional and mental stress on modern people

Rosa Ismailovna Yagudina, Doctor of Pharm. Sc., prof., head. Department of Organization of Drug Supply and Pharmacoeconomics and Head. laboratory of pharmacoeconomic research of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. -Sechenov.

Evgenia Evgenievna Arinina, Ph.D., leading researcher at the Laboratory of Pharmacoeconomic Research, First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. -Sechenov.

Diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome

Many people are familiar with the feeling of accumulated fatigue after a busy work week, emotional and physical exhaustion on the eve of vacation. Obviously, CFS is different from normal physiological fatigue, but is it a disease?

Indeed, the syndrome as an independent disease is not recognized by all doctors. This is partly true, because the reason for its appearance is not completely clear. Most often, CFS occurs in young, energetic, purposeful people who are concerned about building a career. There is also a hypothesis about the viral origin of the syndrome, since antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus are often found in the blood of patients. Perhaps the presence of a latent viral infection contributes to the rapid exhaustion of the body under high emotional and physical stress. Another version of the origin of the syndrome is depression. In 50 % of CFS patients, its signs are detected, however, on the other hand, the so-called masked, somatic depression includes almost all manifestations of chronic fatigue. According to the “depressive” theory, CFS is simply a variant of this mental disorder. However, the fact that not only antidepressants, but also anti-inflammatory drugs have proven themselves well in the treatment of chronic fatigue, rather speaks of the complex origin of the syndrome, including both viral and mental etiology.

Since the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are nonspecific and the pathogenesis is not clear, its diagnosis still relies on clinical signs. To make a diagnosis, a combination of several clinical criteria is necessary, which are divided into major and minor.

TO big(mandatory) criteria include:

  • a constant feeling of fatigue and a decrease in performance by 50 % or more in previously healthy people for at least 6 months;
  • absence of diseases and other reasons that can cause such a condition.

Small The criteria are combined into several groups:

  • symptoms of a chronic infectious process (low-grade fever, chronic pharyngitis, swollen lymph nodes, muscle and joint pain);
  • signs of mental and psychological problems (sleep disorders, memory impairment, depression);
  • manifestations of autonomic-endocrine dysfunction (rapid changes in body weight, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased appetite, arrhythmias, dysuria);
  • symptoms of allergies and hypersensitivity to medications, insolation, and alcohol.

The diagnosis of CFS is considered reliable if the patient has two mandatory criteria and has observed four of the following eight additional signs for at least six months: impaired memory or concentration; pharyngitis; painful cervical lymph nodes; muscle pain; polyarthralgia; unusual, new headache for the patient; unrefreshing sleep; malaise after physical exertion (these diagnostic criteria were established in 1994 by an international group of scientists led by US epidemiologist Keiji-Fukuda).

Other manifestations of CFS include: sore throat or chest, confusion of thinking, dizziness, anxiety, as well as other low-specific symptoms of unknown pathogenesis.

There are also objective indicators of the presence of the syndrome associated with changes in immune status: a decrease in IgG (primarily due to the G1 and G3 classes), as well as the number of lymphocytes with the CD3 and CD4 phenotype and natural killer cells, an increase in the level of circulating complexes and antiviral antibodies of various types, β -endorphin, interleukin-1 (β) and interferon, as well as -tumor necrosis factor.

Common causes of chronic fatigue syndrome and risk groups

Why do you feel constantly tired? In our country, there are several population groups whose representatives suffer from CFS more often than others. Among them: liquidators of the Chernobyl accident; citizens living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions; postoperative patients, especially cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy; patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, including latent ones; businessmen are typical city dwellers who are subjected to excessive emotional and mental pressure against the backdrop of decreased physical activity.

The main risk factors and causes of constant fatigue:

  • unfavorable living conditions, especially increased radiation load;
  • influences that weaken the general, immunological and neuropsychic resistance of the body (anesthesia, surgical interventions, chronic diseases, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, constant electromagnetic exposure — computers, mobile phones);
  • frequent and prolonged stress;
  • monotonous stressful work;
  • constant lack of physical activity and unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of life prospects.

For patients, bad habits are typical, which become pathogenetically significant moments in the development of CFS: alcoholism (often in the form of domestic drunkenness associated with an attempt to relieve nervous excitement in the evening) and heavy smoking, which is an attempt to stimulate declining performance. Chronic diseases of the reproductive system, including chlamydia, hypertension stages I-II, and various forms of autonomic dysfunction contribute to the occurrence of the syndrome.

Clinical picture of the syndrome

A thorough clinical analysis allows us to fairly accurately paint the picture of chronic fatigue syndrome as a separate nosology.

As a rule, patients consult a doctor due to periodic pain in various parts of the body, including headaches, discomfort in the throat, weakness, and fatigue. When collecting anamnesis, you can find out that the patient has sleep disorders, with drowsiness noted during the day. In a conversation with a doctor, such patients, as a rule, complain that they have become uninterested in life, that stress forces them to drink alcohol or sedatives in the evening, and during the day they try to cheer themselves up with psychostimulants. Therefore, when a young or middle-aged patient comes to see a doctor without clear complaints, it is always necessary to clarify his emotional and psychological status, as well as find out his diet, work, and level of physical activity. Having collected such a complete history (and excluding all other possible pathologies), you can make a diagnosis of CFS.

It must be remembered that the symptoms of the syndrome, as a rule, increase progressively and cannot be explained by any somatic diseases.

A thorough clinical examination often fails to identify any objective abnormalities other than changes in immune status—laboratory studies indicate the absence of abnormalities. It is impossible to detect changes in blood and urine tests, the syndrome does not manifest itself in any way during ultrasound or x-ray studies, and the indicators of biochemical blood tests are normal. Memory and mental disorders are confirmed by changes in the EEG only in advanced cases of CFS.

General principles of treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

What to do if you feel constantly tired? Several groups of drugs are currently used in the treatment of CFS: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives, antidepressants, and immunomodulators.

How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome? The general treatment package must necessarily include:

  • normalization of rest and physical activity;
  • -diet therapy;
  • vitamin therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome (vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C), massage, hydrotherapy and physical therapy;
  • autogenic training or other active methods of normalizing the psycho-emotional background, including group psychotherapy;
  • general immunocorrectors with a clearly expressed general adaptogenic effect;
  • daytime tranquilizers, nootropic drugs.

The prognosis for a CFS patient with a reverse development of symptoms during the first years of the disease (1-2 years) is usually favorable. With a long course of the syndrome, its appearance after 40 years, and signs of depression, the chances of a full recovery decrease.

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome with drugs:

Medicines that stimulate the body's immune responses, immunostimulants

Immunostimulants (immunomodulators) include several groups of drugs that differ in both their mechanism of action and chemical structure. They have the ability to stimulate (normalize) the processes of cellular and/or humoral immunity. In addition, drugs that can increase the body’s overall resistance, that is, stimulate nonspecific immunity, are widely used in clinical practice. Immunostimulating drugs can be classified as follows:

  • pyrimidine derivatives—methyluracil, -pentoxyl;
  • thymus preparations;
  • imidazoline derivatives—levamisole, -bendazole;
  • interferons and interferonogens—interferon alpha, interferon beta;
  • aliphatic polyamines — azoximer bromide;
  • derivatives of nucleic acids — sodium nucleinate.

In clinical practice, these drugs are used to increase specific and nonspecific resistance to infections, to accelerate the regeneration of sluggish wounds, ulcers, burns, after radiation or cytostatic therapy in cancer patients, with lymphocytic leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis and other diseases.

Medicines that affect the functioning of the central nervous system

Sodium polydihydroxyphenylene thiosulfonate— an antihypoxic and antioxidant drug that significantly increases the body’s performance in extreme situations. Increases the efficiency of tissue respiration under hypoxic conditions, especially in organs with a high level of metabolism (brain, heart muscle, liver), increases tolerance to physical and mental stress. The antihypoxic effect is associated with the presence of a polyphenolic ubiquinone component in the structure; the antioxidant effect occurs due to the thiosulfate group. The drug prevents the development of free radical oxidation reactions and the formation of lipid peroxides, stimulates the destruction of peroxide oxidation products.

Available without a prescription. Contraindicated during pregnancy; breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Side effects: in case of individual intolerance - allergic reactions (erythema, skin itching, hypotension), in some patients with an overdose there may be a short-term feeling of drowsiness, dry mouth, dyspeptic symptoms, abdominal pain. Incompatibility with other drugs has not been identified.

Aminoacetic acid/glycine— metabolic agent that normalizes metabolic processes. Regulates metabolism, normalizes and activates protective inhibition processes in the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional stress, and increases mental performance. It has glycine and GABAergic, α1‑adrenergic blocking, antioxidant, antitoxic effects; regulates the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors, resulting in: reduction of aggressiveness, conflict, increased social adaptation, improved mood, easier falling asleep and normalization of sleep, reduction of vegetative-vascular disorders (including during menopause) and the severity of brain disorders in ischemic stroke and TBI, as well as reducing the toxic effects of alcohol and drugs that depress the function of the central nervous system.

Available without a prescription. Available in the form of sublingual tablets. There are no contraindications, other than individual intolerance, registered.

Methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline (Semax)— a nootropic drug, a synthetic peptide drug belonging to the group of neuropeptides that have an adaptive effect. An analogue of a fragment of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is a heptapeptide (Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro), but lacks hormonal (adrenocorticotropic) activity. The mechanism of action is based on adaptive changes in cellular metabolism of the limbic system. These, in turn, lead to increased production of cyclo-AMP. In addition, it affects the level of monoamines, acetylcholinesterase activity and dopamine receptors in the central nervous system.

Dispensed by prescription. It is produced in the form of a solution for intranasal use. Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects: possible headache, agitation, insomnia, irritability.


Pipofezin (azafen)) is a tricyclic antidepressant from the group of non-selective inhibitors of neuronal monoamine uptake. It has antidepressant (thymoleptic) and sedative effects, and also has anxiolytic properties. The mechanism of antidepressant action is associated with non-selective inhibition of the neuronal reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, which leads to an increase in their concentrations in the central nervous system and relief of symptoms of depression. Affects affective disorders, weakens depression and associated mental, autonomic and somatic disorders. It has a positive effect on endogenous depression with pronounced manifestations of asthenia, which occur with somatic complications of mental illness. It has proven itself well in the treatment of borderline states of various origins, including depression of a neurotic level. Reduces the feeling of anxiety and internal tension in patients. Normalizes sleep without subsequent drowsiness.

Dispensed by prescription. Produced in tablet form. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, liver and/or kidney failure; chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease; after acute cerebrovascular accident; for severe infectious diseases, diabetes, pregnancy, and lactation.

Side effects: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions. Potentiates the effects of alcohol and other central nervous system depressants, antihistamines and anticoagulants.

Sertraline (“Aleval”, “Sirlift”, “Zoloft”, “Thorin”, “Seraline”, “Asentra”, “Stimuloton”, “Deprefault”, “Serenata”) - an antidepressant, a powerful special

a physical serotonin reuptake inhibitor (5‑HT). Selectively inhibits the process of serotonin uptake by the presynaptic membrane of brain neurons and platelets. Inhibition of serotonin reuptake activity increases serotonergic transmission. It has a very weak effect on the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine. With long-term use it leads to a decrease in the activity of adrenergic receptors in the brain. It does not have a stimulating, sedative or anticholinergic effect, does not change psychomotor activity, does not enhance the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and does not have cardiotoxicity.

Dispensed by prescription. Produced in tablet form. It should be used with caution in patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency; in case of liver dysfunction, the dose should be reduced or the intervals between doses should be increased. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to sertraline, unstable epilepsy, severe liver failure, pregnancy, breastfeeding, do not use for children under 6 years of age. It should not be prescribed together with MAO inhibitors (including selective ones with a reversible type of action - selegiline and moclobemide), and also within 14 days after their discontinuation. Co-administration with tryptophan and fenfluramine should be avoided. Concomitant use of sertraline does not enhance the effects of alcohol, carbamazepine, haloperidol or phenytoin on cognitive and psychomotor function in healthy people. When sertraline is taken simultaneously with warfarin, an increase in prothrombin time is observed.

Fluoxetine (“Fluoxetine”, “Fluoxetine-OBL”, “Fluoxetine Lannacher”, “Fluoxetine-Canon”, “Flunisan”, “Fluoxetine Hexal”, “Fluval”, “Prozac”, “Prodep”, “Apo-Fluoxetine”, "Profluzac") is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Refers to antidepressants that combine thymoanaleptic and stimulating effects. The mechanism of antidepressant action is explained by the selective blockade of serotonin (5 HT) reuptake at the synapses of neurons in the central nervous system. Inhibition leads to an increase in the concentration of this neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft, strengthens and prolongs its effect on postsynaptic receptor sites. The drug has little effect on the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine, does not directly interact with serotonin (type C2), muscarinic, histamine (H1), α-adrenergic receptors and dopamine (D2) receptors (it is a weak antagonist of cholinergic, adrenergic α1- and α2- and H1 ‑histamine receptors). Helps improve mood, reduces feelings of fear and tension, eliminates dysphoria.

Dispensed by prescription. Produced in the form of tablets and capsules.

Side effects: from the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system - anxiety and irritability, nervousness, increased suicidal tendencies, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances or drowsiness, headache, changes in visual acuity and taste, mydriasis, thought disorder, tremor, akathisia, ataxia, depersonalization, mania, muscle twitching, buccolingual syndrome, myoclonus, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Rarely seizures. If a full-blown seizure develops, the drug must be discontinued. From the digestive system: dry mouth, dyspepsia, nausea (less often vomiting), diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia. From the urinary system: urinary disorders. From the reproductive system: decreased libido, ejaculation disorder, lack of orgasm, impotence, dysmenorrhea. From the cardiovascular system: palpitations, orthostatic hypotension. From the blood coagulation system: skin hemorrhages. Allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, itching, angioedema, urticaria or disorders similar to serum sickness, chills, and muscle and joint pain. In patients with diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia may develop during fluoxetine therapy and hyperglycemia after discontinuation of the drug. When fluoxetine is used concomitantly with alcohol or centrally acting drugs that cause central nervous system depression, their effect may be potentiated and the risk of side effects increases. Fluoxetine increases the likelihood of side effects of maprotiline, trazodone, carbamazepine, diazepam, alprozolam, barbiturates, metoprolol and may prolong their half-life. Enhances the effect of tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants (the concentration of antidepressants in the blood plasma can more than double). Incompatible with -MAO inhibitors.


Anxiolytics or tranquilizers, — psychotropic drugs that suppress or reduce the severity of anxiety, fear, restlessness, and emotional stress. The effect of anxiolytics is manifested by reducing the excitability of the subcortical areas of the brain responsible for emotional reactions, inhibiting the interaction of these structures with the cerebral cortex, as well as inhibiting polysynaptic spinal reflexes. Tranquilizers are capable of relieving states of mental stress or fear both in healthy people and in various neurotic and neurosis-like disorders. Since in addition to the main anxiolytic effect, most tranquilizers have hypnotic, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects, so-called “daytime” tranquilizers are used in the treatment of CFS, in which sedative and hypnotic effects are practically not detected. Treatment with true anxiolytics can only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. When prescribing benzodiazepines for the treatment of anxiety disorders, the principle of gradually increasing the dose should be observed - from the minimally effective to the optimal dose to obtain a therapeutic effect (with the exception of acute conditions). If multi-month treatment is necessary, the course should be carried out using the method of intermittent therapy, stopping treatment for several days and then prescribing the same individually selected dose. Withdrawal should be done by gradually reducing the dose to reduce the risk of withdrawal syndrome.

Drug interactions: potentiate the effects of other drugs that depress the central nervous system (narcotic analgesics, anesthetics, hypnotics, neuroleptics with a pronounced sedative effect, antihistamines with a pronounced sedative effect), muscle relaxants.

When taking anxiolytics, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable - loss of consciousness with respiratory depression, toxic liver damage, paradoxical reactions (psychomotor agitation, aggressive behavior, state of pathological intoxication) may occur. IN table 1 presents anxiolytic drugs used in the treatment of CFS, as well as other drugs that have a similar effect

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is a rather complex process, in which, in addition to medications, an important role is played by a correct daily routine, diet, reducing prolonged static loads and playing sports, giving up alcohol and tobacco, as well as reducing time spent on the computer, game consoles and TV.

Fukuda K, Straus SE, Hickie I, et al. The chronic fatigue syndrome: a comprehensive approach to its definition and study. Ann Intern Med 1994; 121:953-9.

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