What a man should not do when planning a pregnancy. Pregnancy planning for men. Healthy lifestyle


Responsibility for planning a child should be borne not only by the woman, but also by the man. If you believe today's statistics, then it is the man's fault that causes 30% of cases of infertility, 20% of miscarriages, and many genetic diseases can be transmitted exclusively through the male line.

How to plan a pregnancy

In order for sperm to fully mature in the male genital organs, 75 days must pass. If they do not come out within 25-28 days, then their life ends. If a man has an active sex life, then with each sexual intercourse, mature sperm are released into the urethra, and new ones begin to mature in their place.

Many people assume that the success of conception depends on the sexual activity of a man, but this is actually not the case. The most ideal option for successful conception there are sexual intercourses after 2-3 days. During this time, sperm significantly improves its quality, sperm mature, and their number increases. If a man abstains for too long, then of course the amount of sperm will be greater, but at the same time the motility of sperm will be several times less.

How to plan a pregnancy for a man

First of all, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and give up all bad habits. You need to quit smoking and completely stop drinking alcohol, because this can have a very negative impact on the child’s health. If a man drinks alcohol, the number of “incorrect” germ cells increases several times, and this can provoke fertilization of the egg with a sperm with defects. Smoking also destroys germ cells, just like any other cells in the body. This can greatly affect the functioning of the lungs, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract The child has.

When you can give up bad habits, you need to acquire good ones. It will be very good if you sufficient quantity you will spend time on fresh air. Also, planning pregnancy for men should include moderate physical exercise. At the same time, you should not overload your body too much, because this can have a very negative impact on the quality of sperm.

Pregnancy planning for men: research

If a man is young and healthy, then he only needs to undergo a therapist and a few tests. You can take a general blood and urine test, as well as tests for the presence of infection in the body. An analysis for the presence of antibodies to rubella and chickenpox will also not be superfluous. If you and your wife are not immune to these diseases, then you should think about vaccination. Three months before conception, you can also get a flu vaccine to avoid infecting your pregnant wife. If a couple has different Rh factors, then a test to determine if there is a conflict of Rh factors would be appropriate.

Also, the future dad needs to cure all chronic diseases, if he has any. It is very important to treat your teeth because it can also affect your child. If pregnancy does not occur within a year, then it makes sense to go to a urologist and take a spermogram. Also this analysis and examinations would be appropriate for men who have had genital surgery, inflammatory processes or chronic diseases. If the spouses have genetic diseases, it is necessary to contact a geneticist to solve this problem.

Pregnancy planning for men: healthy eating

Also, do not forget about proper nutrition, because this is also very important. It is worth completely eliminating harmful foods, as this not only negatively affects the health of the man himself, but also affects the quality of sperm.

Take care of yourself and keep in mind that planning a pregnancy for men is no less important point than for women.

All about preparing a man for conception.

Proper pregnancy planning is the key to giving birth to a strong and healthy baby. Both parents should plan a pregnancy: mom and dad. A man needs to start preparing 3 months before the desired date of conception. It is during this time that sperm renewal occurs.

Which doctor should a man see when planning a pregnancy?

Good health of parents plays a major role in the conception and birth of a child. Therefore, the first thing a man should do is go to the doctor. You can be examined in a public clinic or in a private one. In a public clinic, the process can take much longer than in a private clinic.

First, send the future dad to a urologist. Or better yet, see a urologist-andrologist. Urology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that interfere with conception. An andrologist is responsible for the reproductive health of men. In addition to the urologist, you need to go to a therapist for a general health examination.

Typically, men are reluctant to see a doctor. It's connected with psychological reasons. The fear of appearing inferior and insolvent greatly hurts the pride of men. If your man flatly refuses to go to the doctor, try to convince him of the correctness of this decision.

Not only mom, but also dad should prepare for pregnancy

Tests for men when planning pregnancy

The following tests are mandatory when planning pregnancy:

Test for sexually transmitted infections (STDs)

Important: Sexual infections in men most often occur in a latent form and do not appear outwardly in any way. However, these infections negatively affect conception.

But even if conception occurred with an existing STD, the pathogens infectious diseases may harm the fetus.

It is imperative to conduct a study to identify pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardella). It is also necessary to be examined for the presence of oncogenic types of human papillomavirus.

There are several methods of testing for STDs:

  • PCR— a smear is taken from the urethral mucosa (the method is considered the most accurate)
  • ELISA— the presence of antibodies in the blood to infectious pathogens is determined
  • Bakposev

Blood test for HIV, hepatitis C and B

Important: Doctors advise all people to be tested for HIV, regardless of whether they are planning a pregnancy.

But if we are talking about planning a child by a man and a woman, then donating blood to detect these diseases is extremely necessary. HIV and hepatitis C and B are harmful not only to the fetus, but also to the parents.

Blood tests for TORCH infections

TORCH infections include:

  • rubella
  • cytomegalovirus
  • herpes
  • toxoplasmosis

These infections are fraught with infection of the fetus in the womb and further damage to systems and organs.

General analysis of urine and blood

These analyzes reflect general state men's health. Treatment of almost all diseases begins with the donation of urine and blood.

Blood chemistry

The functioning of the liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. is determined. On the day of the test, it is important not to eat anything until the blood is drawn.

Before conception you need to undergo a series of tests

Examination of men when planning pregnancy

Important: If a couple is unable to conceive a child after prolonged attempts, the man is recommended to undergo a more thorough examination.


This type of examination shows whether a man is able to conceive a child naturally. The sperm is examined under a microscope. The motility, quantity, and concentration of sperm are determined.

Study of prostate secretion

Detection and treatment of inflammation in the prostate.

Blood test for hormones

The level of hormones important during conception is examined: testosterone, also insulin and gonadotropic hormones.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor

Blood testing for group membership and determination of the Rh factor is not necessary if the man already knows these data. If you don’t know, then you need to donate blood. Based on the results, you can determine what blood type the child will have.

Important: The Rh factor must be established if the expectant mother of the child is negative. There is a possibility of Rh conflict between mother and fetus, which can cause a miscarriage.

If a man, like his chosen one, negative Rh factor- there will be no Rh conflict. In any case, the doctor leading the pregnancy must be aware and prepared.

Dad and baby

Nutrition for men when planning pregnancy

  1. Anyone who wants to become a father should give preference to meat, fish, greens, fruits and vegetables, nuts
  2. From sweets, flour products in large quantities, carbonated water, fatty and spicy foods are best avoided

Good nutrition is a very important step on the path to procreation. Along with the products, the man receives useful material, affecting sperm quality.

To procreate, a man's diet must be varied.

What vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy?

Vitamins supplied through food may not be enough. The main vitamins that have a beneficial effect on conception are:

  • Folic acid
  • Selenium
  • L-carnitine
  • Vitamins C and E

Vitamin E for men when planning pregnancy

  • Vitamin E affects male fertility. The higher your fertility, the greater your chances of creating offspring.
  • Vitamin E improves sperm motility and viability.

Omega-3 for men when planning pregnancy

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on sperm maturation. With enough of these substances, sperm become elastic and mobile, which increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Multivitamins for men when planning pregnancy

There are multivitamins for men that can help them become fathers. Here are the names of some of them:

  1. Spermactiv
  2. Speroton
  3. Orthomol
  4. Spermstrong

Important: To choose a multivitamin, you must consult an andrologist. This specialist deals with issues of the male reproductive system. Only a specialist will be able to determine in what dosage and what vitamins a man’s body needs.

Speroton - multivitamins for conception

Can a man drink alcohol when planning a pregnancy?

Men are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol when planning a child. The answer is categorical - No.

  • Some men are sure that they should only give up strong alcoholic drinks. However, even alcoholic drinks with low percentage alcohol (such as beer) can have a detrimental effect on the health of the fetus
  • The semen of a non-drinking man contains about a quarter of damaged sperm. That's a lot, you might think. But if a man drinks alcohol, the percentage of defective sperm increases. Hence there is a risk of conception not healthy child
  • Smoking has the same negative impact. It's better to refuse bad habits, because the health of the unborn baby is at stake

Important: Alcohol should be completely eliminated three months before the desired conception. It is during this time that the sperm are completely renewed.

Alcohol - no

A competent approach to conception is an indicator of a man’s responsible attitude towards impending fatherhood. Such a man will be a loving and caring father. Support your man in his desire to continue a healthy birth.

Video: Preparing for a man to conceive

The times have finally come when the father in the family plays not only the role of breadwinner and inseminator, but also takes an active part in the processes of preparation for conception. Often throughout pregnancy he supports and accompanies his wife in every possible way. antenatal clinic and is even present during the birth of the baby.

A process as necessary as preparing the woman herself for conception, since both of them participate in the birth of a new life. Health and hereditary characteristics the baby borrows from both his parents.

Today, to prepare a man for conceiving a child, there are many programs aimed at ensuring that a man is not an outside observer of his wife’s pregnancy, but actively takes part in this process - supporting her in every possible way and helping not only physically, but also morally. Dads who, together with their wives, have gone through the school of a healthy child from conception to birth, become especially tender and attached to their baby and better understand and help the future mother of their child. It is not surprising that the attitude of such men towards pregnancy and conception itself is very responsible.

How can a man prepare for conception?

Preparation for conception in men begins long before conception. If he wants healthy offspring, he must understand that from now on there is no place for bad habits. Alcohol, nicotine, the passive lifestyle of the father - all this negatively affects the mental and physical development of the child. Don't underestimate the impact of a man's smoking on conception - tobacco smoke can even lead to infertility. A man’s body is completely cleansed of alcohol in 3 months; nicotine is eliminated much longer. You need to give up bad habits at least 3 months before your planned pregnancy.

A man’s nutrition before conception is an equally important component. It must be complete. Vitamins for men before conception should be taken both from food and from additional vitamin complexes in the form of tablets.

Pregnancy planning should include testing for men. Among mandatory examinations men before conception - visit a urologist and therapist, who will prescribe a number of necessary tests and studies:

  • general urine analysis;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • analysis for sexually transmitted infections;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, Wasserman reaction;
Topics: Fatherhood, Family planning, I want a child! | Tags: Author - Puma Mom, Conception, Man, Father, Pregnancy planning

All parents want their child to grow up healthy and strong. Mothers know how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy - the development of the baby in the womb is influenced by the mother's nutrition, the vitamins she takes, illnesses and stress. But It is equally important to plan your pregnancy before conception, and not only for women, but also for men.

Today the site for mothers Supermams.ru will tell about pregnancy planning for men. Our article is for responsible and conscientious future dads

When to start?

Preparing for conception should ideally begin as early as possible. The sooner you give up bad habits and make a choice in favor of the right lifestyle, the higher the likelihood of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child. But what if you are only now concerned about this issue? The minimum period for pregnancy planning for men should be 3 months.- this is how long sperm mature in a man’s body.

What not to do

Naturally, do not drink alcohol or smoke. Dear future dads, think - after all, you are giving life to a small, touching creature! Are you really capable of deliberately harming him by smoking several cigarettes a day and drinking alcohol to excess? And then, you don’t want the expectant mother and child to be passive smokers and hostages of your bad habit?

For those who still doubt, let us remind you:

  • Alcohol and smoking reduce spermatogenesis– there is a risk that your beloved woman simply will not be able to get pregnant from you while you are abusing them.
  • Alcohol and smoking have powerful toxic effect on sperm quality. You don’t want pregnancy to occur from a defective sperm, do you?

During these three months, it is highly undesirable to expose your body to various kinds exposures, including X-ray, work with pesticides and toxic substances.

Baths, saunas and other hot baths, as well as winter swimming, in planning pregnancy for men are not at all useful, since there is a risk of overheating or hypothermia of the reproductive organs.

For the same reason, you should not constantly wear skinny jeans and tight underwear, especially synthetic ones - they also contribute to overheating.

What to do to plan a pregnancy for men

1. Visit a doctor and get tested

Pregnancy planning for both women and men begins from a doctor's visit. Everyone knows how stubbornly men avoid this event. But you have a powerful incentive - a healthy, desirable baby!

Firstly, the doctor will tell you which urogenital infections it is necessary to be examined - this is a mandatory precaution for both parents.

Secondly, it is necessary treat existing chronic diseases– a source of smoldering infection in the body. The most responsible future fathers can consult a urologist or andrologist, since many diseases of the genital area that adversely affect a man’s reproductive health can occur in a latent form and not bother them in any way.

2. Eat right

Eat right! Healthy and nutritious food should become your ally in eliminating accumulated toxins. This means that you need to avoid foods with preservatives and other synthetic additives as much as possible. (convenience foods, sausages, pates, fast food, sweets).

By the way, if the expectant mother eats right with you, probability of toxicosis and other unpleasant manifestations of the beginning of pregnancy are reduced. Make a choice in favor fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, fish, seafood.

3. Improve health

Do your favorite activities sports , but without fanaticism: you should still have the strength to conceive Regular exercise, swimming, jogging are especially important if you have sedentary work , causing blood stagnation in the pelvic area.

Everyone accessible ways try strengthen immunity– after all, how strong the baby’s health will also depend on the dad. Ideally, pregnancy planning includes vacation for two by the sea or in an area with favorable climatic conditions. If this is not possible, try to walk more.

Well, one more important element for a man when planning a pregnancy - correct psychological attitude Perhaps soon your wife will surprise your loved one - and you will become the father of a healthy and cheerful baby!

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Look how many interesting things there are:

Vitamins for men over 40

If men over 40 are planning a pregnancy, then they cannot do without vitamins.

When planning a pregnancy, special attention should be paid to selecting a vitamin complex for men over 40. This vitamin complex will differ from what young guys need when planning a baby. After 40 years, the human body absorbs minerals, vitamins and microelements much worse than in youth.

In addition, the doctor will select a vitamin complex for men during the planning period. future pregnancy so that the substances “help” each other as they are absorbed by the body. Some substances are incompatible, you need to know this. At this age, it is necessary to reconsider your diet, giving preference to fresh vegetables and fruits.

You also need to eat more cereals, sea ​​fish and meat. Only a balanced diet will supply the body with all the necessary substances when planning a pregnancy. Food must be fresh, and how food is prepared is also of great importance. The greatest benefit will come from boiled and baked foods, as well as steamed dishes. You should avoid fried and fatty foods.

Another helpful advice: consume better vegetables and fruits that grew in the area where you live. This will significantly increase the chances of actually eating healthy dish without preservatives and chemicals. This applies not only to men who are preparing for their wife’s upcoming pregnancy, but also to everyone who wants to be healthy.

Pregnancy planning for men

Conceiving a baby is the most crucial moment for the future father and this must be approached with all seriousness. Be sure to undergo a medical examination before doing this. First of all, you need to go to the urologist and if there are any tips and recommendations, then strictly adhere to them. If you cannot conceive a child, a urologist will help you find the reason.

Also, when planning a pregnancy, a man must be tested for various sexually transmitted infections, even if he has never encountered diseases. The infection may be hidden and when it begins to develop, it may lead to inflammation. Among the recommended tests are PCR - polymerase chain reaction, as well as a test for toxoplasmosis. It is important not to neglect the latter, especially if you have animals.

Even if all the tests are good, this is still not enough. Before conceiving a baby, it is better to strengthen the male body. This can be done using the technique different vitamins, and thus get rid of the deficiency of certain microelements. Taking folic acid is especially helpful.

Read also: How to determine the sex of a child by blood

As for smoking, tobacco destroys the body's cells and leads to infertility. This can also affect the child’s health - possible violation functioning of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Planning a CHILD. When to give birth?

Especially for beremennost.net- Maryana Surma

Pregnancy planning for men

Fortunately, those still recent times are irrevocably gone when the role of a man - the future father was reduced only to “insemination” of his wife, and paternal feelings awakened closer to the child’s school years. The modern father understands that at least half of the future baby is him, with his health and illness, with his characteristics, which are inherited by the future child. And the point is not at all about whose nose or eyes the baby has - everything is much more complicated and more interesting.

Realizing this, more and more young fathers, together with their beloved woman, go through pregnancy and childbirth. Now there are many programs based on preparing parent couples for the birth of a child; they are increasingly saying that the participation (not outside observation, but active participation) of the father in the birth process has a beneficial effect on strengthening the relationship between spouses and on the emergence of paternal feelings to the baby.

Dads who have gone through pregnancy and childbirth with their wives are not afraid to take the little one in their arms, they perfectly understand the “language” of the crying and movements of the newborn baby - in a word, in their new family of three they feel not like guests, but like masters.

And at the stage pregnancy planning It is necessary to understand that bearing and giving birth to a baby is not the business of a woman, but of a married couple. Therefore, the father’s active participation in pregnancy planning is extremely necessary and important for him, his wife, and the future baby.

Just as it is impossible to study successfully at school if you enroll after kindergarten straight into fifth grade, it’s impossible to get involved in caring for a child from the middle of the journey.

You need to start being a father, as well as a mother, from the very beginning - not after childbirth, not during pregnancy, but from the moment when the couple decides that they will have a child. Of course, it is the mother who will bear and give birth to him, but, we repeat, half of the contribution to the health of the future heir is the contribution of the father. And you need to plan a child precisely so that by the time of conception you can be sure that everything possible has been done to conceive a healthy child.

What does the concept of pregnancy planning for the father include?

Firstly, in order for a child to be healthy, the body of both parents must be ready for conception. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the “business”, the body must be checked and, if necessary, cured diseases which can interfere with conceiving a healthy baby.

But this is not enough. Several months before conception, the body needs to be strengthened by taking vitamins, getting rid of the deficiency of essential microelements, especially folic acid.

Proper nutrition, reasonable physical activity, quitting smoking and alcohol - all this will be an invaluable gift from a father to his future baby. And of course, there is a role that no one can do better than him - this is the role of a loving husband of a woman planning a child. Her psychological state and the atmosphere in the family depend on him.

If future dad determined to go through the entire stage from planning-conception-pregnancy to childbirth with my wife, doctorsmedicalcenter « Euromedprestige» are ready to help him choose the right direction. They will advise the couple on diagnostic features, analyzes necessary when planning pregnancy. Also, future parents will be able to choose a doctor who will manage the pregnancy and protect the health of the expectant mother and baby.

We remind you that no article or website can make the correct diagnosis. Need to consult a doctor!

  • Call now:
  • Mistakes during pregnancy

How to plan a pregnancy

Conception is the formation of a new organism in the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm. Sperm are constantly produced in the testicles, but it takes 75 days for them to fully mature, after which they travel along the route: testicle - epididymis - seminal vesicles - prostate. The lifespan of sperm in the male genitals is short - 25-28 days, after which, if they do not escape, they die.

If a man is active sex life, then with each sexual intercourse, accumulated sperm are released into the urethra, and new ones mature in their place. It is a mistake to believe that the success of conception depends primarily on potency and sexual activity men. It is not uncommon for sexually weak men to have excellent sperm, and vice versa, for sexually active men, the content of sperm is reduced or there is no sperm at all. According to the literature, the number of sperm in the ejaculate and their mobility can differ several times even in the same man, depending on the period of sexual abstinence, the intensity of physical or emotional stress. So, for conception, the most optimal break between sexual intercourse is 2-3 days: this time is needed for the “maturation” of sperm, improving the quality and quantity of sperm. With a longer period of sexual abstinence, the number of sperm increases, but their motility deteriorates.

In accordance with the above, in order for sperm to be full, you need to start preparing for pregnancy no later than 3-4 months before conception.

Pregnancy planning for men

First, you should reconsider your attitude towards your usual way of life. And first of all, you need to give up bad habits. Any quantity alcohol, drunk before conception, can negatively affect the mental and physical development of the child.

In the sperm of any healthy, non-drinking man, there are 25% unhealthy cells, but their chances of participating in conception are much less than that of normal sperm.

After drinking alcohol, the chances of healthy and defective sperm are almost equal, as a result of which the “wrong” reproductive cell may participate in fertilization, which will lead to a miscarriage or the birth of a child with certain abnormalities.

Bad effect on man's abilities to childbearing and smoking. Tobacco poison destroys any cells, including germ cells, which in some cases affects the ability to conceive. If a man continues to smoke next to pregnant woman, then this habit can affect the child’s health in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the lungs, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to giving up bad habits, try to acquire useful ones during this time. It is advisable to spend at least 1.5 hours a day in the fresh air, for example, taking walks together in the evening. Preparing a man for conception also involves moderate physical activity, the main thing is not to overdo it: “overload” negatively affects the fertilizing ability of sperm.

Pregnancy planning for men: research

Young healthy men will only need to visit a therapist and undergo a short examination. It makes sense to take a general blood and urine test and tests to detect sexually transmitted infections (they not only have a negative impact on health, but can also lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus and diseases of the newborn), to exclude the possibility of hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV. All these infections are very dangerous for the fetus.

It is also recommended to be tested for antibodies to rubella and chickenpox. If neither you nor your wife have immunity, consider vaccination. Also, during the period of preparation for pregnancy, it is advisable to get vaccinated against the flu, so as not to bring this infection to your pregnant wife. It is better to get vaccinated 3 months before the expected conception.

A blood test for Rh factor is important for couples in which the woman has a negative Rh factor. If this indicator is different between partners, the woman will be advised to receive an injection of anti-Rhesus globulin before conception so that the child is born healthy.

In terms of preparing for pregnancy, it is advisable for the future father to treat all existing foci of chronic infection, the most common of which are caries and problems with the nasopharynx. Before conception, treat your teeth and monitor them closely. If you suffer from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, you need to prevent exacerbations - washing and rinsing. The incidence of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections in newborns (which, as a rule, is blamed on the maternity hospital) could be significantly reduced if the family itself were not the source of infection.

But not all men planning to become a father need to visit a urologist and have a spermogram (sperm analysis). This is necessary in cases where pregnancy does not occur for more than one year or if the wife has had miscarriages. This study can also be recommended for men who have undergone genital surgery, trauma, or inflammatory diseases. If you have chronic diseases and are constantly taking any medications, then consult your doctor to see if they will have a negative effect on conception. If the family has hereditary diseases, the couple is recommended to undergo testing with a geneticist.

Pregnancy planning for men: healthy eating

No less important for the successful conception of a child is the nutrition of the future father. The more complete a man’s diet, the better the quality of sperm, and the easier fertilization occurs. First of all, you need to exclude from your menu all fast food, canned, fatty, spicy food, chemical seasonings and smoked meats. The diet should include as many fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products as possible. Eating sprouted wheat grains, seeds, nuts, cheese and milk, liver, salmon, caviar, and oysters increases testosterone levels.

Men with excess body weight should pay special attention to nutrition. The fact is that adipose tissue produces female sex hormones, blocking the production of male hormones necessary for the full formation of sperm. In obese men, the volume of sperm and the concentration of sperm in it is lower, and the number of unhealthy germ cells is higher.

Vitamins for pregnancy

In order for the fetus to develop normally in the future, you need to include in the menu folic acid, vitamins C, B, E, selenium, zinc and fatty acids.

400 mcg folic acid per day significantly reduce sperm levels with wrong number chromosomes, as well as with defective chromosomes. Folic acid is found in fresh greens, cabbage, beets, carrots, bran, seeds and nuts.

Vitamin C deficiency affects the gonads, reducing sperm production and causing sperm to stick together in the ejaculate. A lot of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, bell pepper, greens, rose hips, green tea.

B vitamins activate metabolic processes, participate in the synthesis of DNA and hormones, improve motor activity sperm and their ability to penetrate the egg. The main sources of these vitamins are meat, eggs, dairy products and grains.

Vitamin E improves sperm quality and sperm viability, has a positive effect on their quantity and motility. With its deficiency in sperm, the percentage of immature cells increases, which reduces the chances of conception. Products containing vitamin E: vegetable oils, eggs, grain bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, nuts. Sprouted wheat grains are richest in vitamin E.

Selenium protects biological membranes from damaging effects free radicals, removes heavy metal salts, promotes sperm renewal. With a deficiency of this element, fetal malformations occur more often. Selenium is found in milk, seafood, liver, fish, and garlic.

Zinc- a component of more than a hundred enzymes, stimulates the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which control sperm synthesis. Zinc deficiency can lead to infertility. It is found in buckwheat, oatmeal, cheese, beans, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds. The most unique product in terms of the amount of zinc is wheat bran, 1 tablespoon contains daily norm this microelement.

And still main vitamin for successful conception it is love. Love each other, take care of each other, spend more time together, and the baby won't keep you waiting long!

You might be interested in the article “Future dad of the same age” on the website mamaexpert.ru

Modern men are increasingly interested in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, they monitor their health even while planning a big event in life - the birth of a child.

At the first stage of preparing for the future pregnancy of the woman he loves, a man must be mentally prepared and want a child.

Conceiving a baby is the most crucial moment for the future father and this must be approached with all seriousness. You definitely need to go through this before. First of all, you need to go to the urologist and if there are any tips and recommendations, then strictly adhere to them. If you cannot conceive a child, a urologist will help you find the reason.

Also, when planning a pregnancy, a man must be tested for various sexually transmitted infections, even if he has never encountered diseases. The infection may be hidden and when it begins to develop, it may lead to inflammation. Among them are PCR - polymerase chain reaction, as well as analysis for. It is important not to neglect the latter, especially if you have animals.

Even if all the tests are good, this is still not enough. It is better to strengthen the baby before conception male body. This can be done by taking different vitamins, and thus get rid of the deficiency of certain microelements. Taking folic acid is especially helpful.

When a man wants to have a healthy child, he needs to give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. It is important to consider that alcohol consumed before conception can negatively affect the physical and mental development of the unborn baby. You can completely cleanse a man’s body of alcohol in three months.

As for smoking, tobacco destroys the body's cells and leads to infertility. This can also affect the child’s health - possible disruption of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Healthy image life is also very important. Let a man do physical activity every day and eat well; for this, future offspring will thank him with a healthy smile.

Sedentary work and constant passive rest are not conducive to conceiving a baby. A man should pay attention to his clothes. Tight jeans and underwear interfere with blood circulation in the pelvis and lead to stagnation of blood in the vessels. And this has a bad effect on the possibility of conception. Poor circulation may also be associated with overheating. Therefore, warm trousers and thick blankets are contraindicated; there is no need to go to baths and saunas too often.

But it is one thing to conceive a child, and another to love him sincerely. In order for a man to awaken his fatherly feelings, young people need to go to various preparations for parental couples for the birth of a child. This will have a beneficial effect on the relationship between parents and will contribute to the emergence of paternal feelings in a man.

Even at the pregnancy planning stage, the future father must understand that not only the woman will bear the child, but they together. The active participation of a man at the first stage is very important not only for himself, but also for the expectant mother.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

For this purpose, they can conduct a bacterioscopy (smear on the flora), bacteriological examination(culture), PCR (DNA diagnostics) or ELISA (serological test for antibodies).

The mandatory program also includes a blood test (ELISA) for syphilis, AIDS and hepatitis C, the presence of which a man may also not be aware of, since at the very beginning these diseases have hidden character currents.

Analysis for TORCH infections

This infamous “famous” TORCH complex represents a number of particularly dangerous diseases for the developing fetus at all stages of pregnancy:

  • toxoplasmosis,
  • herpes,
  • rubella.

Every planning and pregnant woman is required to take a blood test for TORCH infections, which is carried out using the ELISA method. IN the best option, the planning man should do the same. The purpose of this analysis is to detect IgG and IgM antibodies in the blood, the first of which mean that the body encountered an infection some time ago and successfully fought it off, and the second indicates that the body is fighting the infection at the time of analysis, then there is a disease in the acute stage. If IgM antibodies are detected in a man, then pregnancy planning must be postponed until recovery; if only IgG are found, then there are no obstacles to planning.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor

It is important to determine the blood type and Rh factor of the future father. This is especially true in cases where a woman’s blood type is first and her Rh factor is negative, since there is a danger of developing an immunological or Rh conflict between mother and fetus. If, based on the results of such an analysis, it becomes clear that the likelihood of a conflict exists, then the woman during pregnancy will have to regularly donate blood for specific antibodies.


For those couples who have just started planning a baby and have not encountered problems conceiving in the past, a spermogram is a desirable analysis rather than a mandatory one. Sperm analysis will allow you to assess its fertilizing ability and the state of important indicators and, if some deviations are detected, correct them in a timely manner.

Clinical (general) blood test

The result of a general blood test can indicate anemia, the occurrence of some inflammatory processes or general acute and chronic diseases in a man’s body. If it is found in the blood low level red blood cells or platelets, increased or low hemoglobin, an increase in the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes or ESR compared to the norm, then this is a clear reason for a thorough examination of the man’s health, and planning will have to wait.

Blood chemistry

Study biochemical composition blood will help assess not only the metabolism of many substances in the body, but also the work of most organs. If at least one of the organs is not working correctly or in full force, then this will inevitably be reflected in the results of the analysis, which will suggest the presence of a hidden chronic disease or the initial stage of some disease. In addition, blood biochemistry makes it possible to determine the lack of vitamins or microelements.

General urine analysis And

It is prescribed to identify any deviations from the norm, the detection of which will serve as a reason for a more detailed examination of the man for internal diseases or infections of the genitourinary system.

And although not all couples yet think about it, responsibility for the health of the unborn child lies equally with both potential parents. That is why it is so important to take everything before the planned conception. necessary tests not only for a woman, but also for a man, which will allow preliminary treatment, if necessary, and to conceive a child, being as prepared as possible.

Tests before planning pregnancy

Which tests before planning pregnancy need to submit? All couples who are preparing to conceive a child face this question. For each couple, the list of necessary tests is selected individually, based on the general examination.

  • Cost of tests

In order for the baby to be born healthy, both the woman and the man must undergo full examination and be healthy. It is important to promptly identify gynecological diseases or other chronic systemic diseases in the expectant mother. After all, it is the woman who will bear the child and now she will be responsible not only for herself, but also for the new emerging life.

An extended list of tests is prescribed only in cases where future parents have some systemic, genetic diseases, injury or pregnancy does not occur for more than a year. Before planning a pregnancy, a woman must undergo the following standard tests:

  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • scraping from the cervix for PCR testing;
  • scraping cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary and thyroid glands, pelvic organs to exclude the presence of pathology.

This will help you see the overall physiological picture and determine the readiness of the woman’s body for conception and pregnancy.

What tests should I take when planning pregnancy?

What tests should I take when planning pregnancy? More than one married couple has faced this question. Basically, two types of tests are prescribed - an infection test and, if necessary, additional tests.

Infection tests are prescribed to determine the presence of antibodies to the most common viruses and infections. These are some of the main tests prescribed for women. These are tests for:

  • The presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus;
  • Antibodies to HIV, syphilis, gonococcus, mycoplasma, gardnerella;
  • Antibodies coli, staphylococcus;
  • Blood clotting test.

If suddenly, as a result of the study, any disease appears, then both the woman and the man need to undergo appropriate treatment, and only after taking the test again. analysis And negative result start planning. Sexually transmitted infections are very contagious and during pregnancy and childbirth can harm the child and even cause developmental abnormalities. Rubella, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus are especially dangerous - these infections can cause fetal malformations and lead to death.

Additional tests are prescribed if there is a history of irregular menstrual cycles, problems with conception, or there have been abortions or miscarriages. A series of tests and studies are carried out - on the patency of the fallopian tubes, sex hormones, on the state of the endocrine system.

Mandatory tests when planning pregnancy

What mandatory tests partners need to take when planning a pregnancy can be clarified at a family planning center or a gynecologist. Mandatory tests include a clinical blood test, a biochemical blood test, a general urine test, blood for a hormonal mirror, and pelvic ultrasound.

Based on the results of all the necessary tests, doctors will be able to make sure that both partners are healthy and the woman’s body is ready for pregnancy and gestation. The slightest pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus, as it can cause malformations and intrauterine death, and treating a woman with antibiotics during pregnancy is very risky.

Mandatory tests when planning pregnancy, included in the general complex:

It is important for expectant mothers to be tested to detect antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus. If antibodies are not detected in the blood, then vaccination should be carried out at least three months before conception.

Additional tests are prescribed if it is necessary to determine genetic compatibility or to make a prognosis for possible genetic abnormalities that can be inherited.

Tests for women when planning pregnancy

Tests for women when planning pregnancy are carried out in several stages and affect all systems of the body.

The first step is to assess the general condition of the woman’s body; for this, the expectant mother should visit the following specialists:

  • Gynecologist – consultation with a gynecologist is very important; this is a specialist doctor who will manage the entire pregnancy.
  • Dentist – timely examination oral cavity and treatment of diseased teeth will eliminate the risk of dangerous infection.
  • Otolaryngologist. Diseases of the ENT organs are also dangerous and even in chronic form will be a constant source of infection.
  • Cardiologist. Additional load on cardiovascular system Women during pregnancy and childbirth can be harmed if there are diseases or pathologies in this area.
  • Allergist.

All diseases that doctors identify must be cured strictly before conception.

Tests for women when planning pregnancy, which must be taken when planning to conceive:

  • blood test for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV, antibodies to herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, toxoplasmosis;
  • vaginal smear to determine flora;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands, pelvic organs;
  • PCR examination of scrapings taken from the cervix - for the presence of pathogens of herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • cytology of scrapings from the cervix;
  • blood clotting test;
  • study of the level of thyroid hormones TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, which regulates the function of the thyroid gland), T3 (thyroxine), T4 (triiodothyronine).

Tests for a man when planning pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, a man also needs to undergo tests, but not in all cases.

  1. Genetic consultation. Genetic consultation is not prescribed in all cases. Only if a woman or man has a history of diseases or pathologies that are inherited - Down syndrome, schizophrenia, etc. In addition, if the man is over 40 years old, then consultation with a geneticist is also necessary. Women who have a history of miscarriages or stillbirths are also referred for genetic counseling.
  2. Spermogram and compatibility analysis. If a couple is unable to have a child within a year, then first of all the man is prescribed a spermogram test - this will provide information about the activity of sperm and their percentage in the sperm. This way you can identify infertility in a man and prescribe a treatment plan.
  3. Also after long attempts To conceive a child, a compatibility test is prescribed, but there are few such couples and it is prescribed extremely rarely.
  4. Fluorography. A man must undergo a chest X-ray examination to exclude the possibility of tuberculosis.
  5. Blood test for infections. A man, like a woman, must donate blood for HIV, syphilis, etc. Especially in cases where, as a result of a woman’s blood test, the presence of infectious agents and sexually transmitted viruses is noted.

When planning a pregnancy, a man must undergo tests, because the healthier a man is at the time of conception, the higher the likelihood of having a healthy baby. And you can take all the necessary tests at any clinic in your city.

Hormone analysis when planning pregnancy

Hormone analysis when planning pregnancy is not of secondary importance in preparing for conception. Based on a study of hormonal levels, one can judge about malfunctions endocrine functions the body and will help determine the cause of infertility. You need to take a hormone test if a woman has hair growth male type, the weight of men and women is above normal, oily and acne-prone skin, as well as age after 35 years.

There are factors that will be decisive in prescribing a hormone test:

  1. Dysfunction of the menstrual cycle.
  2. There was a history of miscarriages, frozen fetuses, and stillbirths.
  3. I haven't been able to get pregnant for over a year.

When planning a pregnancy, you should pay attention to the following hormones:

  • Progesterone. It is responsible for attaching the embryo to the walls of the uterus and ensuring its development.
  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Responsible for the growth of eggs, responsible for the production of estrogen. In men, it is responsible for the maturation of sperm.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) - regulates the maturation of the egg in the follicle, participates in the formation of the corpus luteum. In men, it promotes the full maturation of sperm.
  • Prolactin stimulates ovulation, and after childbirth is responsible for lactation.
  • Estradiol. Playing important role in the development of the uterine mucosa and its preparation for pregnancy.
  • Testosterone is a male hormone. If a woman’s percentage is too high, this can lead to a lack of ovulation or fetal death if pregnancy has already occurred.

Before taking the test, high physical activity, smoking, and emotional stress are prohibited. You need to take it in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Tests for infections when planning pregnancy

Tests for infections when planning pregnancy should be taken first - this is the only way to prevent the risk of infection of the fetus and harm to it during the treatment period. So, the necessary tests for infections when planning pregnancy:

  • RW (blood test for syphilis). May be false positive for tumors diabetes mellitus, after drinking alcohol, etc.
  • HbSAg - hepatitis B.
  • HCV - hepatitis C.
  • Separately, you should take a blood test for rubella. This is a particularly dangerous infection. If a woman has had this infection previously, she develops strong immunity. In a pregnant woman who has not been ill, rubella can pass easily, but in the fetus it causes severe deformities and malformations. If there is a high risk of infection, vaccination is indicated, but conception will have to be postponed for several months.
  • Blood for toxoplasmosis. A severe infection carried by animals. You can become infected by eating raw or poorly cooked meat, or through contact with stray animals.
  • Cytomegalovirus. May cause intrauterine fetal death or may cause death soon after birth. Transmitted by airborne droplets, blood transfusions, and sexual contact.
  • Herpes is genital. Infection during pregnancy is especially dangerous. If the percentage of antibodies is very high, then pregnancy cannot be planned. In this case, the doctor prescribes the correct treatment.

Genetic analysis when planning pregnancy

Genetic analysis when planning pregnancy is being performed by more and more couples who want to have a child. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of couples who care not only about their financial readiness to become parents, but also want their unborn child to be healthy.

Every parent wants their child to be healthy, but you can hardly find absolutely healthy married couples nowadays - every second person has a history of one or another hereditary disease.

You should seek genetic advice at least three months before your expected pregnancy. During this period of time, all necessary tests and studies can be carried out and treatment can be prescribed.

There are 6 main groups having high degree risk of having a child with pathologies:

  1. One of the parents has severe hereditary diseases in the family.
  2. The woman had a history of miscarriages or stillbirths of children with anomalies.
  3. Young age of parents (up to 18 years) or vice versa, age exceeds 35-40 years.
  4. The couple are blood relatives.
  5. Living in an anomalous, polluted area, constant contact with harmful substances and chemicals.
  6. A woman takes vital medications that can affect the formation and development of the fetus.

During the main studies, additional tests are prescribed:

  1. Spermogram – to exclude sperm pathology;
  2. Cytogenetic examination - determination of the quality and quantity of chromosomes;
  3. HLA typing - to determine the degree of tissue compatibility for unclear causes of infertility.

Blood test when planning pregnancy

A blood test when planning a pregnancy includes several mandatory steps to exclude all possible pathologies and infections, and will provide information about the general condition of the woman’s body:

  • General blood analysis

A general blood test will tell you about possible inflammatory processes in the body. It will also give information about the number of formed elements in the blood.

  • Blood for HIV, hepatitis A, B, C, RV (3 times during pregnancy)

Blood for these diseases is donated from a vein and on an empty stomach. Timely diagnosis These diseases will help to adjust the most effective and safe treatment, which will not harm the fetus and the pregnant woman herself. If a woman ignores taking these tests, she will have to give birth in the observation department.

  • Blood biochemistry (during initial treatment; at 18 and 30 weeks of pregnancy)

In biochemical analysis, protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. It is necessary to carry out an analysis of total protein and sugar levels serum iron. Additional biochemical tests are prescribed for chronic pathologies (pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, biliary dyskinesia).

  • Study of the coagulation system:

A blood test from a vein for a coagulogram, that is, to determine the rate of blood clotting. Thus, the tendency to bleeding is determined, and this can cause a miscarriage.

  • Blood type and Rh factor
  • Detection of TORCH infections

To determine TORCH infections, blood is taken from a vein to check for antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella virus, and cytomegalovirus. If a high percentage of Ig M is detected in the blood, this indicates acute illness and requires treatment if the percentage of Ig G is high - this indicates that the woman has already had an infection and has developed a strong immunity.

Cost of tests when planning pregnancy

As soon as a married couple decides to have a child, everything in their life undergoes changes - feelings, thoughts, appearance and of course, financial waste. Therefore, you need to start planning your pregnancy first of all with the budget.

It is better to calculate the pregnancy planning budget in advance in order to know how much the process of preparing for pregnancy, pregnancy and childbirth can cost. This will help avoid unpleasant situations and stress due to lack of finances.

Taking tests when planning a pregnancy, plus the necessary vitamins, costs a lot of money, so this expense item must be taken into account.

Once pregnancy occurs, in the second trimester a woman’s body will change, so she will need to buy new clothes and wear low-heeled shoes.

Later, in the last months of pregnancy, you will need to worry about buying everything necessary for the child - clothes, strollers, cribs and much more.

  1. A visit to the doctor during preparation for pregnancy itself will cost approximately 2,200 UAH.
  2. Analyzes and examinations will cost 7-8,000 UAH.
  3. Vaccinations will cost approximately 300 UAH.
  4. Tests will cost 140 UAH.
  5. Vitamins – 1,800 UAH.
  6. Special clothing and shoes – 4,000 UAH.
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Contrary to popular belief, a man’s role in conceiving a child does not end only with pleasant activity in bed and material support afterwards. Planning a safe and successful pregnancy is a joint process that requires the participation of both members of the couple who want to become parents of a healthy baby.

This article will talk about what pregnancy planning for men involves, as well as how to carry it out correctly.

Which doctor should a man consult when planning a pregnancy?

It should be said right away that not everyone knows where to start for a man who wants to become a father and how to properly plan the course of his actions when planning conception. First of all, a person is recommended to seek an initial examination from doctors, namely the following specialists:

  1. Therapist. This doctor will conduct a general examination of the man, ask him about his complaints, measure his blood pressure and temperature. It is the therapist who will draw up a general clinical picture of the person’s health condition and prescribe traditional tests. Moreover, such a doctor must be informed about the presence of chronic pathologies in a man.
  2. Urologist. This doctor specializes in the functions and general condition of the male reproductive system. He must prescribe a number of mandatory diagnostic tests to the person, as well as conduct an initial examination of the person’s genital organs.
  3. Venereologist. Before planning a pregnancy, a man must visit this doctor and check everything venereal diseases. It is strictly forbidden to begin the process of preparing for conception without a visit to a venereologist, because both parents must be completely healthy so as not to pass on their infectious diseases to the baby.
  4. Nutritionist. Such a doctor is not obligatory for men to visit when planning a pregnancy, but it is still advisable to consult him, because a nutritionist will be able to give professional advice on proper nutrition for men. general strengthening body and improve sperm quality.

Moreover, excess weight often becomes a significant problem before conceiving a child, so a nutritionist can help you get rid of problematic pounds and bring your weight back to normal.

  1. Geneticist. It is advisable for all men who want to have a healthy child to undergo examination by this specialist. This is especially true for those people who suffer from allergic reactions, neurological pathologies and other diseases that are likely to be transmitted along a genetic line (from father to child or via paternal DNA from close blood relatives).

Important! Examination of a man, as well as general preparation for the purpose of conceiving a child, should begin at least three months before the upcoming fertilization. This is exactly how long it takes for sperm to completely renew itself and for the body to cleanse itself. If the couple does not take necessary measures according to preparation, the risk of improper conception and subsequent illnesses in the child increases significantly.

What tests should a man undergo when planning a pregnancy?

Immediately before conceiving a child, you need to make sure that none of the future parents is a carrier of infections that can be sexually transmitted. At the same time, it is important to know that hidden forms of diseases can easily occur in a man’s body, which during for long years may not manifest themselves at all, so the person will not even realize that he is sick.

If a man suffers from untreated infections, this can lead to a protracted inflammatory process and impediment to conception. More the situation is more dangerous observed in those diseases that can be transmitted from father to mother and child.

Important! Due to the fact that some antibiotics and other drugs can worsen the activity of sperm, you need to plan conception no earlier than three months (preferably six months) after taking them.

It is mandatory for a man to undergo tests when planning a pregnancy. In this case, the first thing you should do is check for sexually transmitted infections, since they can lead to defects or death of the fetus while still in the womb.

The list of necessary studies includes checking for the following diseases:

  1. Hepatitis. It is especially important to get tested for hepatitis D, C and B, as they are by far the most common and easily transmitted.
  2. HIV test.
  3. Examination of semen and blood for ureaplasma, chlamydia lesions and candidiasis. It is also important to get tested for viral infection papillomas (HPV).
  4. To protect the fetus, you need to be tested for infections that are dangerous to the child. These include herpes, rubella and toxoplasmosis. It is strictly forbidden to start planning conception during any of these infections, because otherwise, the probability of miscarriage is as high as possible.
  5. Traditional DNA diagnostics and antibody testing.
  6. Blood test to identify group and Rh factor. At the same time, if the opposite Rh factor of the blood is detected, then the woman has a high probability of an immunological conflict. IN this state A pregnant woman will have to constantly undergo tests to monitor the child’s condition throughout the entire period of bearing a child.
  7. Spermogram analysis will allow you to assess the ability of sperm to conceive a child, as well as check it for a number of important indicators. With the help of this study, you can identify the problem in time and, if necessary, eliminate it with the help of properly selected treatment.
  8. A complete blood count will report the level of platelets, hemoglobin and leukocytes in the body. This, in turn, will indicate the general state of a person’s health, as well as the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, exhaustion, dehydration, etc.
  9. General biochemical advanced analysis. It will help assess the functioning of internal organs, as well as metabolism in the body. If the analysis result is poor, this may indicate poor or incomplete work internal organs, as well as a general lack of vitamins.
  10. General urine analysis. This study will help detect acute or chronic pathologies of the kidneys or genitourinary system, which can occur in a person in a latent form. At bad analysis It is recommended that a man undergo additional tests for infections.

Important! If any sexually transmitted infection is detected in a man, treatment should be carried out on both partners, because this is the only way to completely get rid of the disease. Moreover, during this therapy, practice unprotected sex prohibited.

To further assess a man’s general health, the following studies may be prescribed:

  1. Fluorography.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Blood test for sugar levels.
  4. Blood test for thyroid condition.

Essential vitamins

You need to start taking vitamins for men and women 3-4 months before the upcoming conception, so that the body can be saturated with all the beneficial substances and fertilization occurs successfully.

Before taking these substances, you need to remember that the dosage of vitamins for men is slightly different from the standard dose for women, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking such substances.

The following vitamins are identified that a man needs most during the period of planning a child:

  1. Vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on normal development nervous system, eyes, bones and heart of the fetus, and also plays a significant role in the development of the child even in the embryonic stage. Most of this vitamin observed in milk, carrots, nuts and eggs.
  2. B vitamins help saturate the blood with oxygen and have a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s nervous system. This substance is found in nuts, bananas, eggs, liver and meat.
  3. Vitamin E is very useful for men, as it has a pronounced protective effect. When planning a child, a person should consume at least 10 IU of the vitamin per day. It is found most often in cereals, butter, liver and milk.
  4. Iodine. It is needed for the production of hormones responsible for reproductive function. The daily dose of iodine is 200 mg. This substance is found in fish, seaweed and seafood.
  5. Selzinc or selenium improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Its daily dosage is 100 mcg. Selenium is found in seafood, mushrooms, bran and yolks.
  6. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, normalizes the transfer of genetic information and helps in the synthesis of testosterone. Its daily dosage is 1500 mg. Rich in vitamin C are rose hips, citrus fruits, dill, cabbage and black currants.
  7. Folic acid facilitates conception and promotes the production of healthy sperm. It is found in sardines, herring and flaxseed oil.

It should be noted that not always a man can get all the necessary nutrients from his diet. It is for this reason that expectant fathers are often prescribed special vitamin complexes that contain all the necessary substances. The best drugs in this group are Vitrum, Duovit, Complivit and Alphabet.

Nutritional Features

  1. Greenery.
  2. Freshly squeezed homemade juices.
  3. Various porridges.
  4. Seafood and mushrooms.
  5. Vegetables.
  6. Fruits.
  7. Boiled meat and eggs.
  8. Liver.
  9. Dried fruits.
  10. Fish.

The following products are not recommended for consumption:

  1. Alcohol in any form and quantity, especially beer, vodka and cognac.
  2. Sweets (cakes, pastries, candies).
  3. Baking and all flour products.
  4. Sweet carbonated drinks.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Chips and crackers.
  7. Fast food.
  8. Canned vegetables.

It is also very important not to overeat and follow a certain diet.

Bad habits

If a man wants his child to be healthy and not have any defects, then he should give up bad habits at least six months before the upcoming conception. This is especially true for smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially taking any drugs.

Moreover, taking analgesics, antidepressants, antibiotics and other medications greatly interfere with normal fertilization. For this reason, it is better to stop taking such drugs in advance, so as not to harm the unborn child.

In order for conception to be successful and lead to the birth of a healthy baby, a man is recommended to adhere to the following advice from a doctor:

  1. Spend more time outdoors. You can also practice active species sports that will have a good effect on sperm quality. For example, it is useful to jog, swim or ride a bike. It is important that outdoor exercise is regular.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the men's underwear used. When planning a pregnancy, a person needs to avoid wearing too warm panties and trousers. They must be of high quality (preferably made of cotton). Also, the underwear should not squeeze anywhere or be too parky. The same applies to today’s ultra-fashionable skinny jeans, which urologists strongly advise men not to wear.
  3. You should not visit baths or saunas.
  4. Stress and anxiety should be avoided, since chronic nervous tension directly affects the quality of sperm and can cause problems with potency.
  5. In order for a man to fully recover and sperm to again acquire “working functions,” sexologists and reproductive system specialists advise having sex for fertilization no more than once every three days. This is the only way the fertilization process will be of the highest quality.

Moreover, it would not be amiss to discuss the upcoming period of pregnancy and its features with a woman who is ready to bear a child from a man. A couple can also turn to an experienced psychologist for advice and recommendations before the birth of a child.

Everyone knows about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, lack of stress and adherence to medical recommendations pregnant woman. Carrying a child is undoubtedly important stage its development, and yet those couples who dream of giving the best to their baby should not underestimate the role of preparing future parents for conception. Yes, yes, both parents, because the formation of a small organism begins with two cells. Mom and dad make an equal contribution to the creation of a new little person, and his DNA will consist of your DNA 50 to 50. Planning pregnancy for men and women, of course, is somewhat different from “female”. But it doesn’t just come down to a banal refusal of alcohol. We will tell you how future dads can prepare for conception correctly in this article.

Pregnancy planning for men: where to start?

Before planning a pregnancy, a man must first of all be mentally prepared to conceive a child. A sincere desire to become a father, to help a woman during pregnancy and after childbirth, to participate in raising a baby are essential conditions for preparing for pregnancy planning. Where to start for a man who wants to become a dad?

First of all, let's understand the planning time frame. If for a woman to conceive a healthy child it is ideally better not to have bad habits in principle and to constantly monitor her health (eggs remain in the female body all her life), then for men the planning conditions are much simpler. Sperm mature and are completely renewed in 3 months , therefore, this period is considered the minimum in relation to pregnancy planning by a couple. Quitting bad habits, eating right and physical activity at least three months before the expected conception is an important contribution to the baby’s health.

Which doctor should a man see when planning a pregnancy? If the future dad is young and healthy, it will be enough to go to a therapist and undergo a series of tests recommended by him. Their list will be given below. If you have chronic diseases and are constantly taking any medications, you should consult a therapist to see if this will affect conception. It is also necessary to get rid of all existing foci of chronic infection. The most common are caries and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Staphylococcal and streptococcal infection dangerous for a newborn, and often it is parents who unwittingly infect their children with them. Prevention of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (washing, rinsing) can reduce the risk of illness in children.

A visit to a urologist, as well as a spermogram, are not necessary for all men who take a responsible approach to planning a pregnancy. This is only really shown in certain cases:

  • pregnancy does not occur during active sexual life for a long time (more than a year);
  • the partner had miscarriages;
  • the man has undergone surgery, trauma or inflammatory disease of the genital organs.

A visit to a geneticist by a couple planning a pregnancy is advisable only if there is a high risk of pathologies and hereditary diseases in the unborn child.

What tests should a man undergo when planning a pregnancy?

The therapist, in the absence of any health problems, will most likely recommend undergoing a short examination. Tests that a man must undergo when planning a pregnancy:

  1. General and biochemical blood test reflect the overall picture of health.
  2. General urine analysis may reveal some problems with genitourinary area affecting the possibility of conception.
  3. Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C it is extremely important to pass in order to be confident in own health. These diseases are dangerous for the man himself and carry a huge risk for the unborn baby.
  4. Analysis for sexually transmitted infections helps determine the presence of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases. These are chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococci, papilloma virus, herpes virus and Epstein-Barr virus. Sexually transmitted infections often do not manifest themselves in any way, and the disease is asymptomatic. There are several ways to identify hidden sexually transmitted infections:
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction or DNA diagnostics) - scraping from the urethral mucosa, is the most informative method;
  • blood test (ELISA, serological test for antibodies);
  • bacterioscopy (smear on flora);
  • bacteriological examination (culture).
  1. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis (TORCH complex infections). These infections are dangerous for pregnant women, so it is important to determine before conception whether the future dad is at risk of contracting them. If you decide to get vaccinated against rubella, remember - you should not do this later than 3 months before the planned conception.
  2. Blood test for Rh factor recommended for those couples where the woman has a negative Rh factor. If a man is found to be Rh positive, doctors will recommend the woman measures to prevent a possible Rh conflict.
  3. Hormone tests When planning a pregnancy, men are not required to undergo mandatory research. Hormones that influence conception are testosterone, gonadotropin and insulin.
  4. Spermogram - the study is desirable, but not mandatory for couples who are just starting to plan a pregnancy and have not previously encountered any problems with conceiving and bearing a child. A spermogram is a microscopic analysis of sperm and allows you to determine its fertilizing ability, as well as evaluate a number of indicators important from the point of view of conception.

Where can a man get tested when planning a pregnancy? There are many private laboratories that provide the opportunity to undergo all necessary studies. Of course, this will be paid. If you want to get tested for compulsory medical insurance policy, get ready for the fact that this, unfortunately, will be a long and exhausting process. Is a man ready for this, that is the question. However, it is up to your couple to decide.

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy: folic acid, vitamin E, zinc and complex preparations

Thinking about the upcoming conception, many couples ask themselves: what vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy? Unfortunately, about changing diet and taking vitamins in their natural form only a few think. But complex vitamin preparations- is far from a panacea in the prevention of hypovitaminosis. And doctors treat the prescription of such complexes with caution.

If a man wants to strengthen the immune system before conception and make the maximum contribution to the health of the unborn child, he should pay special attention to own nutrition: minimize the amount of fried, smoked, fatty foods, sweets and flour and be sure to include them in the diet raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens.

The most important vitamins for men, which play a primary role in conceiving a child, are B9 (folate, folacin, folic acid), vitamin E, L-carnitine, zinc, vitamin C, selenium. Folic acid is essential to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and substance that improves sperm motility and viability. L-carnitine promotes better maturation and motility of male germ cells, and zinc stimulates testosterone production and affects sperm quality. Vitamin C optimizes testosterone levels. Selenium helps maintain sexual activity, which is especially important for older men.

Nutrition often does not provide sufficient intake for males necessary substances, so doctors recommend taking them additionally in the form of synthetic supplements. The dosage of drugs should be selected individually in each case. Typically, to prevent disorders, all men planning pregnancy are prescribed folic acid at a dosage of 1 mg per day (400 mcg per day is required). In addition, there are special vitamin complexes for men specifically during pregnancy planning, for example Alphabet for men, Spermaktiv, Orthomol Fertil Plus and others.

Pregnancy planning for men and alcohol, smoking

Alcohol is contraindicated for a man when planning pregnancy. Some are convinced: complete failure alcohol a few months before conception is too much, you just need to avoid strong drinks such as vodka and cognac. Hence the popular question on the Internet: can a man drink beer when planning a pregnancy? If you are ready to play roulette, where the mental and physical usefulness of the unborn child is at stake - go ahead. But not a single doctor will approve of drinking even weak alcoholic drinks before conception. ANY amount of alcohol consumed within three months before fertilization can harm your baby.

Let's try to explain the nature of the toxic effects of alcohol on conception. If a man does not drink and is relatively healthy, on average about 25% of his sperm are defective. Quite a lot, but: their chances of taking part in fertilization are much less than healthy ones. Drinking alcohol not only damages some sperm, but also equalizes the “abilities” of unhealthy and normal cells. The result may be a miscarriage or the birth of a sick child. Surely you have noticed how many children are now born with certain disabilities. But many cases could have been avoided...

Tobacco poisons and toxins, no less than alcohol, destroy all cells of the body, including reproductive cells. The probability increases that the defective one will “win” in the race of sperm. In addition, smoking and drinking alcohol impair spermatogenesis (production of male reproductive cells). Many couples where the man abuses alcohol and/or cigarettes are faced with the inability to conceive a child. And if conception does occur, passive smoking near a pregnant woman often leads to disruptions in the functioning of many organs and systems of the developing fetus: lungs, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract. The answer to the question of how many months a man needs to quit smoking when planning a pregnancy is similar to the answer about the time when planning begins. Sperm renew within three months - stop smoking at least three months before you expect to conceive.

Other important issues: lifestyle, proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system, treatment

Nutrition for a man when planning a pregnancy is a matter of paramount importance. It should be approached with full responsibility, if only because it is from food that we obtain most of the substances necessary for the functioning of the body, including the formation of normal, healthy sperm in men. As mentioned above, when preparing for conception, your diet should include a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts. This will help enrich the male body with vitamins, naturally strengthen the immune system and will contribute to the trouble-free conception of a healthy child. Men do not need a special diet when planning; the main thing is to realize your involvement in the creation of the future little man. Surely this will keep you from abusing harmful and “empty” products and will stimulate you in relation to healthy eating. Try to eat well for at least 3-4 months before conceiving.

Of particular interest is the topic of visiting a bathhouse, namely, is a bathhouse harmful for a man when planning a pregnancy? Let's put it this way: overheating of the male genital organs is undesirable in principle, and visiting baths and saunas, wearing tight underwear and trousers, and sleeping under an overly warm blanket disrupts the blood circulation of the pelvis. This is fraught with problems with conceiving a child.

In addition, a man should be more attentive to his lifestyle in general. Like to the expectant mother, he is advised to take long walks in the fresh air, active leisure and regular physical activity.

You should be extremely careful with medications and dietary supplements when planning a pregnancy. For example, after a man takes antibiotics, it is recommended that his partner not become pregnant for at least three months. If you cannot do without taking medications (you have chronic diseases), discuss this issue with your therapist.

A conscious and responsible attitude towards conception on the part of both partners is an excellent trend observed in modern society. A man who participates in tests and other activities along with his wife will certainly become a loving and caring father. We wish your family success in planning your pregnancy!

Planning a pregnancy should begin with assessing the health status of both spouses:
1. Submission of a urine test and clinical blood test, consultation with a therapist.
2. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, consultation with an endocrinologist.
3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, consultation with a gynecologist. My husband should consult a urologist, and if necessary, an andrologist.
4. Screening for sexually transmitted infections ( PCR method, ELISA).
5. Determination of immunoglobulins in blood serum to the rubella virus and Toxoplasma Gondi.
6. Determination of blood hormones (according to indications).
7. Spermogram.
8. Medical and hepatic consultation for married couples.

It is good to start such activities 3-4 months before the planned pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning. Prevention.
During the examination period, in order to prevent the risk of defects (especially neural tube defects), we prescribe, 2-3 months before the expected conception, the multivitamin preparation “Elevit Pronatal” (made in Switzerland), which contains vitamins, macro- and microelements in balanced quantities . The effectiveness and safety of the drug when planning pregnancy is confirmed by 15 years of experience of use in more than a million pregnant women in European countries.

Pregnancy planning tips.
First of all, lead a healthy lifestyle!
Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Even passive smoking is harmful to the fetus!
Stop taking birth control pills, they are dangerous for the fetus.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Protect your health from autumn and spring colds, avoid crowded places. Walk in parks and squares away from highways. To prevent a runny nose, use oxolinic ointment to put in the nose or put interferon. You can treat the nasopharynx with a saline solution and drop it into the nose sunflower oil with garlic or onion juice. In general, do not regret adding garlic and onions to your food. These activities are harmless to the fetus. Well, if your family has a runny nose, use masks!
Receive only positive emotions. Stress is dangerous for you and is not at all necessary for your unborn baby. Don't quarrel, smile more often! Analyze your work or study from the point of view of harm to the fetus. Therefore, it is recommended to sharply limit your time at the computer during the period of preparation for conception. Pregnant women who work on a computer often have miscarriages “out of the blue,” premature birth, or the child is born with a “defect”. Therefore, if your work activity is related to a computer, the employer must provide other work that is not related to a computer during pregnancy.

Most often, pregnancy occurs at the end of the second - beginning of the third week, counting from the first day of the last menstruation - this is the period most suitable for conceiving a fetus.

Before this period, it is advisable to take a two to three day break from sexual activity. You cannot drink alcohol, even beer, go to the bathhouse, or lie in the bath with hot water(warm shower only). Do not quarrel under any circumstances. Sperm can lose their activity from any even minor stress. Alcohol has a particularly harmful effect on them. They become lethargic and reduce the likelihood of conception by 15 times.

Douching the vagina before sexual intercourse during this period is undesirable, because... The acidity of the vagina may change, because sperm are extremely sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment they find themselves in - even saliva has a detrimental effect on them.
After ejaculation, the likelihood of conception increases if the woman remains in a supine position with a pillow under her lower back.

What tests need to be taken.

1. Therapist (to determine the general state of health), dentist (many infections enter the body from teeth affected by caries).

2. General clinical blood test (taken from a finger).

3. General urine analysis (the morning portion is collected in full).

4. Examination by a gynecologist, do a colposcopy (this will exclude cervical pathology).

5. Both you and your husband must donate blood to determine your blood type and Rh factor. There are two options here:

you are positive Rh factor– excellent, no problems;

you have a negative Rh factor - you need to take a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor (even if the man is also negative). If the test result is positive, pregnancy is currently impossible and the condition needs to be corrected. If negative, you can safely plan the birth of your baby. Just do not forget to repeat this test once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has 1 blood type, and a man has any other; for a woman – 2, and for a man 3 or 4; a woman has 3, and a man has 2 or 4, possible incompatibility in blood groups. An analysis for group antibodies, as well as an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor, is carried out once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy.

6. TORCH complex (presence of antibodies in the blood). Only a quantitative analysis with a titer will detect antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and chlamydia. Don't ask your parents if you've had rubella. It is impossible to know this for sure - the disease often occurs under the guise of an acute respiratory infection, and vice versa. Only analysis can provide accurate information.

7. Tests for infections: regular smear, PCR (polymerase chain reaction, performed on both spouses). Allows you to detect hidden infections that can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus.

8. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

9. The basal temperature chart will give an idea of ​​the work of the ovaries. To compile it, measure every day at the same time between 6 and 8 am, without getting out of bed. mercury thermometer temperature in the rectum. All violations of the regime (for example, if you overslept and measured the temperature later), as well as special circumstances (these include taking medications, ailments, sleep disorders, menstruation, intimacy, stool disorders) note in a special column. In order for the data to be informative, it must be recorded for at least 3 cycles. And preferably before pregnancy.

10. If you have irregular menstrual cycle, painful, heavy or, on the contrary, scanty periods, oily skin, excess hair growth, there is excess or, conversely, a clear lack of body weight, the chart you have drawn up or an ultrasound scan shows some deviations, then the doctor may prescribe a blood test for hormones (determination of hormonal status).

11. Hemostasiogram, coagulogram - this test shows blood clotting. The state of the coagulation system determines the flow of blood and the provision of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. It is better to identify and correct congenital, original disorders in advance.

12. Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids will help identify factors of early miscarriage. Even before conception, you need to know whether there are reasons for concern on this side, and if there are, take action.

How to increase the chance of pregnancy

Most women become pregnant without any problems and even against their wishes. Others have been trying to get pregnant for many years and make great efforts to achieve this. Many women feel guilty if they cannot get pregnant quickly, and often suspect infertility. However, women are quite capable of increasing their fertility levels and thus increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Stay optimistic

A woman's physical health plays a huge role in her ability to conceive a child. Think positive. Than more stress, which a woman experiences, the lower her fertility level falls. Find time in your busy schedule to relax. Every woman has her own relaxation methods, so use the ones that work for you.


Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on a woman's fertility, especially in combination with IVF (in vitro fertilization). Research into the effects of acupuncture on pregnancy has not yet been completed, but short-term studies show positive effects of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used by Chinese doctors for 5,000 years. This type of therapy helps to heal many various diseases However, the healing effect of acupuncture received official recognition only a few decades ago.

If you are interested in trying acupuncture, use only a trusted, qualified acupuncturist.


Ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) usually occurs on days 12–18 of the menstrual cycle. The probability of conception reaches its maximum.
It is generally accepted that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle (we are talking about a regular 28-day menstrual cycle). To determine the probable day of ovulation, it is enough to solve a simple mathematical problem: subtract 14 from the total duration of the individual menstrual cycle. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, subtract twenty-eight from fourteen and get the date of maximum fertility (in this case, the 14th day of the cycle is the most favorable for conception). However, the menstrual cycle is a purely individual phenomenon, so ovulation can occur either on the thirteenth or fifteenth day.
To determine the time of ovulation, you can also use special tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, sex during ovulation also increases the likelihood of pregnancy, but couples trying to conceive should have sex at least three times a week.
After sexual intercourse, try to remain in bed for a while (at least twenty minutes) without moving to prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina - this will increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Nutrition and diet
Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, products containing protein, bread made from flour from whole grain, as well as foods rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, rice and pasta).

Also, the likelihood of conception increases certain nutrients and vitamins contained in food, including:

– Leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, lettuce and spinach contain high amounts of folic acid, a vitamin that is essential for the health of mother and child. Folic acid is beneficial for fetal development and helps prevent developmental defects, including spina bifida. In addition, folic acid is also very important for reproductive and general health women. Sources of folic acid include bread, cereals and dietary supplements.

– Lean meats and legumes contain high amounts of protein and iron. These essential nutrients help support high level iron content in the body. Low iron levels in the blood can affect the general condition of the ovaries and disrupt the ovulation mechanism.

– Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you are trying to get pregnant, be sure to include enough calcium-containing foods in your diet to build up reserves for fetal development.

Women who have been trying to conceive for a year or more are often depressed, which does not increase their chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a doctor and discuss all problems with him, including psychological difficulties.
I found an article on where to start planning a pregnancy, it might come in handy.
Girls, I wish all of us who want to get pregnant as soon as possible and bear our babies, and for pregnant women easy pregnancy and childbirth

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