Is distilled water safe to drink? The most important parameter of drinking water for health. Benefits of consuming distilled water


For many centuries there has been a debate about whether it is possible to drink distilled water, whether it is healthy, how often to drink it and whether it will harm your health? There are also a lot of different myths about the benefits and harms of water that many of us believe. Let's figure it out, destroy some prejudices and try to find out the truth about distilled water. And whether to believe it or not is up to you to decide.

Does distilled water contain minerals?

Why do so many people think this? The fact is that this opinion was based at a time when the very first water distillers appeared, which could impart a not very pleasant taste. But today such devices have special preliminary and final ones. They remove everything unpleasant odors and give distilled water a pleasant taste and fresh aroma.

To summarize the topic discussed about whether it is possible to drink distilled water, the answer should be unequivocal: drinking it is simply necessary, if, of course, you care about your health!

Attention! Articles on the site for information and discussion. You need to be treated by visiting a specialist in person!

Is it possible to drink distilled water, or maybe it is necessary?

What do you think is the healthiest water for humans? Mineral water, well water, distilled water, tap water, filtered water, river water, lake water, mountain spring water, glacier water, or supermarket bottled water?

Many people don’t know the answer to the question posed in the title because they don’t understand what kind of water is good for us. I believe that the main information about water is being hidden from us. If you are interested healthy image life, you are striving to change and improve your poor health, then I think you will be interested.
So, can you drink distilled water, if necessary.
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Should you drink distilled water?

Why do we drink bad water but put good water in our cars?

The fact that our body needs water has long been no secret to anyone. People who started using it regularly felt improvements in the functioning of their body, solved some of their health problems and simply began to feel better.

In any case, it is better to drink any water than not drink at all. But, if we have a choice, does it matter what quality of water we drink? Of course it is important.

About distilled water

We are talking about distilled water. I consider it the only high-quality water suitable for humans. It is found at every step, but no one explained to us that it is what we should drink.

Distilled water is water of ideal quality from nature itself and the first place where it is found is inside greens, vegetables and, especially, fruits. When we eat fruits or drink their juices, we get premium water that cannot be created on our own.

It cannot be purchased or purified or filtered in any way. This water fits our body like a key to a lock, because nature itself created it just for us and for our body. Everything that people create is created for sale and making money, which has nothing to do with health. The juicier the fruit, the more water you get.

By eating, for example, 3 kilograms of watermelon, you will get 250 grams of pulp and 2750 grams of perfect liquid, from which your body will thank you as soon as it can. Even starchy fruits like bananas contain ¾ of water.

Another example is rainwater. The water cycle in nature is distillation. Evaporating water that falls as rain is a natural purification process. And we didn’t invent it. We recreated it in a version that was worse for health. Of course, whether or not to drink rainwater is up to everyone to decide. With such an industry and terrible ecology, I hardly want to use it. But here no one is to blame but ourselves. Is nature to blame?

The best alternative created by people is stills. But someone told us that this water is dead and should not be consumed. But in in case of emergency we go to pharmacies and buy it for maternity hospitals and hospitals. So she's not that dead after all.

Doctors tell us that there are no vitamins or microelements in it. But the deception or ignorance lies in the fact that this is exactly the water the body needs. Only hydrogen and oxygen. Only such water ideally dissolves all impurities and toxins so that they can then be removed. And all mineral water contain a huge amount of salts that are deposited on our vessels, like scale inside pipes.

Where can I get distilled water?

At a pharmacy or car store. Moreover, this water is absolutely identical. And most importantly, you can and should drink it. Any driver knows that it is strictly forbidden to pour water from the tap, even from any filter, into the car. And why? Yes, because the manufacturer said so and even wrote it in the instructions. Otherwise, problems will begin over time.

Everyone sacredly honors this commandment and will never break it, because they know that the machine only needs pure water, without minerals, salts and other impurities. And you can pour any into yourself, even from the tap. And it doesn’t matter that our manufacturer also created a bunch of instructions on what to drink and feed yourself. But people don't care about that. We take care of cars washing machines, computers, but not about own bodies. After all, you can pour vodka, beer, and alcohol into them.

Your life is your health. You decide what to drink and what not to drink. Think, reason, study. No one needs your health except you!

Be healthy!


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with usual treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

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A person is 80% liquid. We are not only what we eat, but above all what we drink. Clean, high-quality water is the key to health and well-being.

Is distilled water safe for consumption? This question causes a lot of controversy and has been worrying people for several decades.

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Distilled water - what does it mean?

From the school chemistry course we know that water consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and also contains salts and other impurities. What can we say about the liquid from the water supply, which contains bacteria, viruses, fungi, chlorine, grains of sand and other components.

Distilled water is almost does not contain any additional components . They receive it in the following way: bring to a boil, and the steam is collected and cooled, the resulting liquid is distilled. This process is carried out two to six times to obtain a distillate varying degrees cleaning.

Is it possible to drink liquid obtained by distillation? There is no clear answer to this question. There are both supporters that you should not drink it and that it is harmful, and representatives of the opposite point of view, relying on it unique properties and usefulness. Some people believe that it can be used for a short time to cleanse the body. Everyone gives their own completely logical arguments.

For example, the American naturopath Paul Bragg believed that you can only drink distilled water, while any other liquid gradually causes the formation of kidney stones and the deposition of salts in the joints. He argued that there are entire nations who drink rainwater every day and feel great until old age.

Benefits of consuming distilled water

Proponents of the benefits of distillate cite the following fact as an argument: the distillation process is similar to natural process moisture cycle in nature. The liquid evaporates from the earth's surface, condenses in clouds and falls as precipitation.

In terms of its properties, distilled water is very looks like rain. They believe that it can be drunk, since purification does not change the H2O formula itself, but only removes impurities.

Distilled water can be turned into regular water by adding salts and minerals. But making a solution with an ideal composition, with the same proportions as in nature, can be quite difficult. So perfect option For daily consumption still just pure spring water.

Harm of distilled water

There are many opponents of consuming distillate; they claim that it is dead water. It contains neither beneficial nor harmful impurities. It is believed that it flushes out not only toxins, but also healthy salts, and this leads to the deterioration of the condition of human teeth and bones.

Why you shouldn’t constantly drink liquid passed through a distiller:

  1. Can wash away beneficial salts and minerals from the body.
  2. Quenches thirst worse, increases daily consumption liquids.
  3. Leads to disruption water-salt metabolism, when ingested, reduces the level of salt in the blood. For normal operation The body needs a certain amount of salt; if it decreases, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system may occur.
  4. If you replace the water in the aquarium with this liquid, the fish will not be able to live long.

Use of distillate for technical purposes

Most often, the distillate is used for technical needs and in medicine. For example, it is used to dilute the electrolyte in batteries. Regular tap water can react and cause deposits to form on the appliance. And the liquid obtained using a distiller is cleared of impurities and is an excellent solvent. Because of this, it is better to use distilled water. It's neutral and helps a lot increase battery life.

The distillate is also used in central heating systems to prevent contamination of pipes, so they will last much longer. Car enthusiasts often ask: is it possible to drink distilled water from a car dealership?

For car enthusiasts, the distillate is of particular value, since it can be used without fear that it will form white coating, because of this, the service life of machine parts increases. But drinking it is not recommended for the following reasons:

  • its degree of purification is lower than for medical purposes;
  • the container is not intended for storing food; non-food plastic may release substances harmful to humans;
  • This liquid is produced for technical purposes and should not be drunk.

Pharmacies also sell distilled water. Is it possible to drink this water? Pharmacies use water for the production of medicines, including for breeding intravenous injections, it is more suitable for drinking than all other types of distilled liquid, since its production requires the fulfillment of a number of requirements:

  • The manufacturer must have a license.
  • There are special requirements for sterilization of equipment.
  • Storage finished products carried out in accordance with strict standards.

Having considered different points point of view, we can conclude that it is still possible to drink distillate, but not all the time, but in medicinal and for health purposes . For regular use the best option What remains is pure natural or artesian water from trusted manufacturers.

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For human consumption, mineral water is used, which is obtained from fresh underground sources. However, there is a purified liquid that has undergone distillation and has unusual properties. According to some, it is harmful to health, while others believe that the distillate has no effect on the body or is beneficial.

What is distilled water

Some people do not know the differences and properties of purified water that has been distilled from drinking mineral water or tap water. It does not contain bacteria, viruses or other substances that can harm the body, salts, heavy metals, chlorine. Distilled water is a liquid that has been purified from organic impurities and mineral compounds. Any evaporated liquid collected in the form of condensate cannot be considered as such. Water distillation - special technological process.

pH of distilled water

The properties of distilled water cause a lot of controversy. For example, it is believed that it cannot be used not only for food, but also in closed heating systems. The pH value of distilled water is 5.4-6.5. The reason for this is carbon dioxide dissolved in it. This level of acidity makes the liquid unsuitable for aquarium use, cooking or drinking.

Composition of distilled water

The distillate obtained as a result of distillation must not contain volatile compounds, organics and others chemical elements. Inorganic substances included in chemical composition distilled water, but their quantity is controlled by the requirements of GOST 6709-72:

  • nitrates, copper – up to 0.2 mg/liter;
  • sulfates – up to 0.5 mg/liter;
  • iron, lead – up to 0.05 mg/liter;
  • ammonia – 0.02 mg/liter;
  • zinc – up to 0.2 mg/liter;
  • aluminum – 0.05 mg/liter;
  • calcium – no more than 0.8 mg/liter;
  • oxidizable elements – 0.08 mg/liter.

Can I drink distilled water?

In taste and structure, distilled water is similar to bottled water, which many people order for drinking. However, it is not recommended to abuse this liquid due to negative influence on the body. It is allowed to drink distilled water only if there are appropriate indications from a doctor for treatment. certain diseases. Otherwise, a number of problems may arise negative consequences:

  • Increase fluid intake by 20%.
  • Chloride deficiency.
  • Diuresis increases.
  • The concept of hormones that are responsible for salt metabolism is changing.

What is distilled water for?

Pure water distillate is widely used in various industries. Especially often the liquid is used for technical needs or in scientific purposes. Below are all the areas where distilled water can be used:

  1. Pharmacy. Here the distillate is used for the preparation of pharmaceutical solutions and dilution medicines.
  2. IN Food Industry and cosmetology also uses this composition of water.
  3. Steam brushes and irons. IN in this case the liquid is used to generate steam, because the distillate, unlike water with a regular composition, does not form scale on the walls of the device.
  4. Cars. To dilute the acid in the battery, distilled water is also used, because the composition from the water supply contains many impurities that cause a chemical reaction and the formation of sediment on the device. Similar reactions significantly reduce the life of the battery, so the distillate is indispensable for it.
  5. At home, many people use the liquid after purification from impurities for heating systems. The reason for this is again the absence of the risk of scale formation and reduced pipe permeability.
  6. Treatment. Some people believe that drinking highly filtered water is not harmful. The distillate has benefits, helping to cleanse the human body of toxins and waste. However, you should start taking it strictly as prescribed by your doctor. The course of therapy lasts no more than 6 months. It is worth noting that the distillate becomes useful after structuring (freezing). Ice defrosts after 6-8 hours. Drink melt water should be taken 30 minutes before meals or 2.5 hours after.

Distilled water in medicine

Pharmaceutical factories, medical institutions and laboratories cannot do without distilled water. It is needed for injections, dissolving tannins, alkaloids, and helps with poisoning. In addition, the purified liquid enhances hydrolysis. The distillate is used as a solvent for drugs, but due to the lack of an antiseptic effect, it has a short shelf life.

Distilled water is used very widely in medicine. It tends to attract unusable substances that are not part of the structure of living cells and remove them from the human body. In addition, distilled water is suitable for dissolving medications before oral administration.

How to make distilled water at home

The distillate formula does not differ from the traditional one. Benefit, unusual properties, positive reviews Many people ask about this liquid: where can I get distilled water? First of all, you can buy it at a price of 5 rubles per 1 liter. In addition, the distillation apparatus can be replaced using the following methods at home to obtain purified water:

  1. Freeze the liquid. First you need to let it sit for several hours or pass it through a filter. Ice from the purified composition will be obtained faster than from tap water. After thawing, the desired distillate will be obtained.
  2. A more common way to obtain distilled water at home is by evaporation while boiling at a temperature of 100 degrees. To do this, the liquid is settled and purified. When boiling in a kettle or saucepan, collect the resulting condensate (steam) from the lid or cap on the spout.
  3. The simplest is to obtain a distillate from rainwater or snow (liquid already cleared of impurities).

Price for distilled water

The distillate is sold by car dealerships, pharmacies and enterprises in both large volumes and 1.5 liters. The cost depends on delivery. For example, when ordering 200 liters or more, you can buy liquid at a price of 4 rubles/l, excluding delivery costs). Price per volume varies:

  • 1.5 l – 15-20 rubles;
  • 5 l – 30-40 rubles;
  • 20 l – 220-250 rub.

Video: how to get distilled water

Is it possible to drink distilled water? It is impossible to imagine human life without the presence of water. She may be different types, with and without impurities. Water that has undergone purification is called distilled. Let's try to figure out whether it's safe to drink.

Doctors prescribe for some people to enrich their diet with mineral water, and for others with distilled water. All this depends on the individual functionality of the human body.

Is it possible to drink distilled water - main myths

Many people wonder if drinking distilled water is recommended?

This question arose with the appearance of several myths:

  1. There is an opinion that the use of distilled water as a food product leads to the leaching of calcium from the human body.
  2. And also the statement that distilled water, which does not contain the trace element fluoride, contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel. In this regard, a study was conducted that proved that water does not in any way affect the condition of a person’s teeth.
  3. In addition, another erroneous opinion is a story that distilled water, if consumed for a week, can lead to the death of the body. This statement is based on the fact that it is deprived of all microelements, which means it takes them from the body and is called “dead water”.

Of course, these judgments belong to the fantastic imagination of people who, apparently, have never studied chemistry.

Distilled water, of course, can be drunk, since, when purified in a distiller, it does not change its chemical formula, in this case, only the impurities contained in it are removed.

Water for automobile needs

Literally all drivers or people directly related to cars have encountered water for batteries in their lives. It is sold in car dealerships and the label always says “distilled water for batteries.”

Most people have a question about whether a person can drink distilled water from a car store. Replying to this question, I would like to note that this store is still intended for cars. And therefore, the container in which the water is located may not be intended for food purposes.

Its use in this case is aimed at technical purposes, for example, for flushing the radiator. And it is cleaned in order to preserve your vehicle in working condition for a longer period.

If it comes extreme thirst, and besides of this product If you don’t have anything on hand, you can, of course, drink it, but doctors still don’t recommend constantly drinking water from a car store.

Drinking distilled water does not contain impurities. Based on this fact, we can say that this is the most The best way protecting the body from all harmful substances.

But if we consider the human body as an integral part of nature, then we can say that without microelements, salts and organic matter, coming from outside, significant disruptions in its operation may occur. Therefore, you should never go to extremes.

It is best to adhere to a state of balance, that is, drink distilled water as water, but for making tea, compote, and soups, it is better to give preference to spring water.

At times she is the best remedy in the fight against dry and oily hair.

Scientific opinions on food quality

Medical scientists do not classify distilled water as a harmful substance (food) because it is empty and does not contain any impurities that could harm the human body.

But at the same time, it is not included in the list of mandatory substances necessary for people.

  1. Distilled water may be indicated for some people because conditions such as kidney stones prevent drinking water. rich in minerals and salts.
  2. This water also helps to get rid of waste and toxins, which promotes cleansing. internal organs human body.
  3. Doctors adhere to the principle that this water is necessary for practical purposes, for example, using it as an injection solution or for washing newborn children.
  4. In this case, water without impurities is simply necessary so that no additional viruses are introduced into the human body or are not obtained when dissolving dry substances in water. medicine unplanned reaction.

Negative opinion of doctors about the use of distilled water as food product is based on what is not in it useful substances, which means it cannot bring benefits to the human body.

And also when constant use distilled water as a food product may be impaired water-salt balance the body, the maintenance of which is facilitated by the consumption of ordinary water.

In addition, distilled water is wide application V chemical laboratories. It allows you to get better quality clean products devoid of additional impurities.

Is it possible or not to drink water from a pharmacy?

Nowadays you can often find distilled water packaged in pharmacies on the shelves. plastic bottles different volumes.

Of course, this water It is not intended for injection, it is intended for use as a drink or for washing babies.

But to use it you need to remember a few rules:

  1. If a person purchases water for drinking, then there is no need to drink it directly from the bottle. Because you can introduce microbes that are in your body into it.
  2. After using water, it is necessary to tightly seal the container with the contents again, since upon contact with air space it can become saturated with impurities.
  3. If distilled water is purchased for the purpose of washing a baby, then each time it is necessary to pour out exactly the amount that is needed from a common container, and after that the bottle is sealed again. You cannot pour the water back, even if you just soaked a cotton swab in it.

Ultimately, I would like to note that you should not overdo it with distilled water. The work of the human body only then proceeds in normal mode when balance is maintained.

Therefore, remember that you should not completely switch your body to using distilled water for food.

Making distilled water at home

Water from which all harmful impurities have been removed can be called distilled. Harmful impurities that may be contained in ordinary water primarily include: harmful substances in the form of bacteria or other particles that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Ordinary water may also contain foreign impurities, which will also not be superfluous to get rid of.

The production process for preparing distilled water is quite convoluted and is not suitable for home use. Below is a method that will make it quite easy to prepare distilled water at home.

Cooking method.

This method does not require any effort on the part of a person to prepare distilled water. First you need to defend the usual tap water. This must be done in any open container. Settling time is at least 24 hours.

It is necessary to settle the water so that all harmful substances that enter the water through the pipes evaporate. After settling the water, it must be divided into several parts. The first will be the one that is needed to make distilled water, the second will be the water we don’t need. For getting required water should be carefully drained top part settled water, adjust the amount based on the total volume of the entire liquid, but the drained liquid should be at least three quarters of the total amount.

After the settled water has been drained, you can proceed to the most important part - preparing distilled water. To do this, place all the drained water in the freezer. The process is almost complete. When some of the water freezes, drain the still unfrozen water - it will no longer be useful, it has absorbed the remaining harmful substances that cannot be left. Now, the whole process can be considered complete. As the remaining water melts, a pure distilled liquid is obtained.

The use of distilled water in folk medicine

First of all, of course, it should be noted that drinking distilled water as a drink for humans cannot cause any harm. Whether in the heat or any other weather, you can safely drink even frozen distilled water and not fear the consequences.

In addition, any distilled water is actively used in medicine. It can be used to dilute absolutely any drug that requires the addition of water.

Distilled water will become a great assistant in mixing any liquids or substances, it will not give sediment and will not create chemical reaction with other substances.

Using distilled water you can prepare homemade eye drops. For this recipe you will need: honey and distilled water. The ratio of the parts is one part honey and five parts distilled water. Such drops can be used in the treatment primary signs cataracts.

Distilled water can be an excellent savior for snoring. To do this, simply drink a glass of distilled water before bed and go to bed. Good result should occur due to the dissolution of mucus that accumulates in the human body during sleep.

Distilled water and cosmetology

Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that the use of distilled water in for cosmetic purposes can give absolutely amazing results. In particular, using distilled water can improve the condition skin. This effect is achieved by producing various cosmetic mixtures used for the skin (ointments, creams, peelings, etc.).

  1. We offer a recipe for rose beauty water based on distilled liquid. For this recipe, take several rose flower buds (up to 7 pieces). Next, rinse them. This will remove excess debris or other unwanted chemicals. Place the buds in a container and fill them with hot distilled water. Cover everything on top with a tight lid. When everything has cooled down, strain off the remaining flowers and use rose water for its intended purpose.
  2. Distilled water can be used in the morning to wash your face. This recipe is suitable for moisturizing the skin. Everyone knows that after cleansing or using soap, the skin quickly dries out; distilled water will be an excellent assistant in this matter.
  3. The following recipe is perfect for people with problem skin. Having prepared water according to this recipe, you can easily use it at your discretion (morning, evening or lunch). For the recipe you will need: 90 ml of distilled water, 3 tablespoons of herbs that are suitable for your skin (chamomile, calendula, etc.), 30 ml of sea salt water, 10 ml of sanicula extract (or undergrowth), 20 ml of water bay leaf. Boil distilled water and then add herbs. Leave them to steep for a few minutes. After everything has cooled, strain and add all the other ingredients.

Use of distilled water in everyday life

In everyday life, finding where to use distilled water is not difficult.

  1. It is worth mentioning that distilled water is most widely used in diluting automobile fluids, in particular antifreeze (window cleaning fluid).
  2. Another auto use of distilled water is to dilute electrolytes in batteries. Plain water does not cope with this, as it contains many foreign impurities. Distilled water can also be used for automotive cooling systems.
  3. Housewives use distilled water to refill steam generators and irons. Pouring distilled water into devices allows them to work longer and more efficiently due to the fact that such water does not settle to the bottom and does not contain impurities that interfere with the operation of gadgets.
  4. You can also dilute absolutely any concentrated products with distilled water. The whole process becomes safer in terms of high degree water purification.
  5. For refilling printer cartridges various types Distilled water is also used.
  6. Distilled water can become excellent component in any alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktail. This combination allows you to significantly improve the quality of the drink produced.
  7. Distilled water can also be useful when inhaling air vapor - just add the right amount to the air humidifier.
  8. Distilled water can also be used as a filler for washing a vacuum cleaner in the house without any special prohibitions. You just need to make sure that the liquid does not run out in the device.

Summing up the conclusion about whether it is worth taking and preparing distilled water yourself at home, we can say with confidence - yes. This is due, first of all, to the fact that there will be no harm from such water. Just follow all the recommendations and rules given above, and then you will succeed ideal component, which can be added where the use of ordinary water is not permissible.

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