A simple way to cook rabbit. How to cook a rabbit at home - the secrets of preparing rabbit dishes. Rabbit in the oven with cream


The phrase that rabbit meat is considered dry meat, and only true masters can cook it correctly, is a myth. It's worth just trying.
How to cook a rabbit in the oven? The same as chicken: stew, boil, fry, bake, prepare rolls, stews. The oven version is used more often, since the meat does not lose its beneficial properties and reveals a unique taste.

Rabbit meat is a dish of royal tables. And it is no coincidence, since it is saturated with proteins with a minimum amount of fat. Doctors prescribe diets with rabbit meat on the menu. Complementary feeding for infants begins with the introduction of a dietary product.
Before cooking, soak the rabbit meat in dairy products or light alcohol. Water will also do. Grease old meat with mustard before cooking. It is permissible to cook a young carcass immediately.
The result will be faster if you chop the carcass into parts. You can cook the pieces together with rice, potatoes, and mixed vegetables.
The rear part of the animal is more valued for its meatiness, taste and uniformity.
A baking sleeve or foil will protect the meat from dryness. Lard or bacon is also used.

The secret and irreplaceable friend of a specific meat product is herbs. The ones you like will do. You can sprinkle the rabbit meat with aromas in advance or during cooking. It depends on what result you want to achieve.

Rabbit in the oven, stuffed with lard

All recipes for cooking rabbit are good, but with lard it’s a win-win option. This is a dish done right, juicy and rich.

  • Rabbit carcass
  • Lard – 100 grams
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp.
  • 1 carrot and onion each
  • Seasonings: herbs, garlic, salt

We stuff the belly of the animal with lard and place it on a baking sheet.
Coat with a pre-prepared sour cream mixture of crushed garlic and salt.
Place in the oven at medium temperature and determine readiness by sight. In the process, juice will be released, which we pour on top of the dish.
The last step is to give it an appetizing look. Chopped parsley or dill can help.
It is preferable to bake in the oven in a sleeve: it will be juicy and aromatic. In foil is another option that won’t let you down. The foil will prevent the juice that accumulates from below from leaking out. As an addition, pre-cooked potatoes are suitable.

Rabbit with potatoes and mushrooms

Rabbit meat according to this recipe is often cooked in the oven with potatoes, but when stewed it gets a special flavor.

  • Carcass cut into parts
  • Half a liter of broth
  • Mushrooms – 300 grams
  • A glass of full-fat sour cream
  • Fresh onion feathers
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Spices and salt

Fry the meat pieces in a frying pan.
In the same oil we fry the onions. When the golden color appears, pour the broth into the vegetable sauté and simmer.
Place rabbit meat into the boiling mixture, add spices and salt. We also send mushrooms here. We continue to simmer under the lid for at least an hour.
We use fresh or defrosted mushrooms. The right choice would be white or champignons that do not require long-term heat treatment.
Closer to readiness, add potato wedges and dairy product. Leave on low heat until the potato pieces are soft. Turn it off and let it brew. When serving, sprinkle with chopped onion feathers.

Baked rabbit in the oven with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

  • Rabbit carcass
  • 2-3 onions
  • 400 grams of champignons
  • Sour cream – 400 grams
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce for marinade
  • Spices: garlic, dill, pepper, salt

We cut the carcass into portions and keep it in soy sauce for half an hour. Do not add salt, immediately place in boiling oil and fry until crusty.
Fry the mushroom halves separately in oil, do not add salt, otherwise the juice will begin to release.
You need a lot of onion rings, don’t regret it, chop them up. We also fry separately.
In a heat-resistant bowl, spread the layer of vegetables and mushrooms. Place the rabbit meat on top and sprinkle with the rest of the side dish. Pour some water and wrap it with a thin metal sheet.
You need to simmer the dish for about an hour to get it in its own juice.

Rabbit baked in the oven in wine

  • Rabbit meat – 2-3 kg.
  • Red wine – 2-3 glasses
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar – 20 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bulb
  • Parsley
  • Oregano - small spoon
  • Ground pepper and salt

To allow the rabbit to languish in its own juices, the carcass is cooked in foil,
We combine the spices and spread them inside and out.
We also combine the liquid ingredients, mix and pour over the meat.
We cover the rabbit inside and outside with onion circles.
The heat will evaporate the liquid, thickening it into a sweet, spicy gourmet sauce. The dish is ready when the meat is covered with a crust.

Baked rabbit in the oven with apples

  • Rabbit meat - more than 1.5 kg.
  • 2 carrots and onions
  • Glass of white wine or wine vinegar
  • 3 apples (preferably sour)
  • Raisins – 2 handfuls
  • Spices and salt

To soak the rabbit meat better, cut the carcass into pieces, marinate it in chopped onion rings and wine and remember thoroughly. This way the marinade will be absorbed better. Add spices: oregano, thyme, dry parsley.
The next ingredient is carrots, cut into circles, pour into the meat marinade.
Add raisins (or other dried fruits) last. Let it sit for an hour. During this time, the juice will release and nourish the added ingredients.
Take a baking dish with a lid. It is important that the marinade does not evaporate, but covers the meat and vegetable side dish. If there is no lid, cover with foil.
We cover the edges of the workpiece with slices of sour apples and put it in the heat. When the meat is soft and falling apart, the dish is ready.

Baked rabbit in sour cream

Rabbit baked in sour cream differs from stewed rabbit. Stewing makes the meat soft, and the heat makes it juicy and elastic with a subtle aroma of prunes. To cook a rabbit in the oven you need:

  • 2 kg. rabbit meat
  • Carrot
  • Bulb
  • Half a glass of prunes
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Half a liter of sour cream
  • Pepper and salt

We do the same as with chicken: divide into portions, rub in garlic.
Fry the marinated rabbit meat until brownish.
At the same time, saute the onion and carrot cubes. Place the workpiece in an oven dish, cover with a vegetable coat, prunes and grease with a fermented milk product. To prevent the dish from coming out dry, add water and cover the top with foil. Baking time – 40 minutes.

How to cook rabbit with olives

  • Rabbit meat, at least a kilogram
  • 1 can of olives
  • Bacon – 150 grams
  • 2 onions
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • Thyme, parsley, bay leaf
  • 300 ml. dry white wine
  • 1 tbsp. cognac
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • Black pepper and salt

Preparation of products: divide the dietary product into portions, cut the bacon and onion. Grind the garlic cloves and parsley separately.
Fry the meat pieces in boiling olive oil until half cooked. In a separate frying pan, fry the onion and bacon.
Combine the meat and the roast and continue to simmer together.
Sprinkle with cognac, set on fire so that the meat is engulfed in fire for a few seconds.
Add the remaining ingredients, pour in the wine diluted with water, add olives, spices and bay leaves. Simmer for at least 40 minutes.
To make the sauce thicker, add water mixed with a spoonful of flour.
When serving, dilute the hearty dish with chopped vegetables or salad mix.

Rabbit in the oven in marinade

  • Rabbit meat
  • Bulb
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil
  • Bay leaf, cloves, turmeric
  • Chili pepper – 1 pc.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 4 tbsp.
  • Mint, tarragon – 1 tsp.
  • Rice – 200 grams

Chop the onion feathers coarsely and the hot pepper finely. Stir in balsamic vinegar and vegetable oil.
Prepare a water-based marinade: dissolve pieces of cloves and bay leaves, squeeze in garlic, add tarragon and mint.
Place the meat in the spicy marinade to soak for 1-2 hours.
Fry the cereal on the stove, adding color with turmeric. Then pour in the liquid from the filter and evaporate until the rice swells.
Combine in a heatproof bowl. There is rabbit meat in the center, rice along the edges, and cover with a lid on top so that the heat does not dry it out. You can eat in about an hour.

Rabbit in the oven with vegetables

  • Rabbit meat
  • 0.5 kg potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • Mustard – 2 tbsp.
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 2 eggplants
  • Vegetable oil
  • Bay leaf, ground pepper, fresh parsley, salt to taste.

In order to save time, we soak it in a quick way: coat the pieces of rabbit meat with mustard.
We cut vegetables: potatoes, eggplants, peppers - into strips, carrots into circles, onion rings.
In a heat-resistant sleeve, place the rabbit meat in the center, and surround it with vegetables, sprinkle with bay leaves. We pierce the bag in several places to allow steam to escape.
Fry in a bag until golden brown.

Rabbit in the oven with cream

  • Rabbit carcass
  • 130 grams of celery
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • Leek – 70 grams
  • 1 liter of cream
  • Dry white wine – 150 grams
  • Olive oil
  • Thyme sprigs
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper

Rub the rabbit pieces with a mixture of spices and butter.
We make vegetable slicing: cut carrots, onions, leeks, celery into large squares. First, cook the meat base until golden brown over high heat in a frying pan. Afterwards we put it in a special frying dish.
We continue to saute the vegetables on the stove. When fried, add to the rabbit meat.
Pour wine over the mixture, add bay leaves and add cream.
Place in a hot oven to simmer the dish over low heat. The result is a delicate, aromatic, creamy dish.

Whole baked holiday rabbit in the oven

Each of the recipes given above claims to be on the holiday table. The following recipe will captivate guests with its simplicity and taste.
What you will need:

  • Rabbit - 1 pc.
  • Bacon – 350 grams
  • 2 kg. potatoes
  • Vegetable oil – 100 grams
  • Salt and rosemary sprigs

How to cook:

Potatoes are a side dish. We cut it into large slices.
If you don’t have bacon, take salted lard and cut it into thin slices to wrap around the carcass. We start with the limbs: we wrap the paws overlapping, then the middle, securing the edges from the bottom. So the rabbit is entirely under the sebaceous membrane. Place the potatoes with their backs up and bake in the oven at 200 degrees.
Turn the card over to bake without touching the meat. When baked, turn off the heat and leave to “reach” the desired state.
Meat, potatoes and rosemary - a festive combination on the festive table!

Rabbit meat contains a lot of protein and virtually no fat. It contains phosphorus, vitamins and minerals, so including it in your daily diet is definitely a smart choice. However, rabbit meat dishes require a special approach. Without knowing how to cook rabbit meat correctly, you may end up with something completely different from what you would like.

To prepare a rabbit for eating, you need to decide on the dish that will be made from it. Cut the carcass into three main parts: back, middle and front. The rear part of the rabbit is the meatiest and is best suited for frying. The middle part includes the spine, but there is also a lot of meat there. The front is the driest, it is better to boil it and use the resulting broth for sauces or gravy. In addition to cutting, it is also important to soak the meat in water or marinate. Rabbit meat has a noticeable natural smell, which not everyone is delighted with. If you don’t like the taste of marinades, just leave the meat in running water - this will successfully get rid of unnecessary aromas. If you prefer a marinade, then use vinegar, white wine, whey or olive oil with garlic. These products will successfully highlight the taste of rabbit meat and make the dish tastier. For a more flavorful result, a variety of seasonings work well: tart juniper, lemon, cinnamon, coriander or cloves.

You can make roasted meat, stew or stew.

For cooking, it is best to use a tall frying pan with thick walls, a roasting pan or a roasting pan. If you decide in favor of baking the question of how to cook a rabbit, then you can use a baking sheet. Rabbit in sour cream turns out very tasty. Try this recipe: take a rabbit carcass, five hundred milliliters of sour cream, onions and carrots, butter, seasonings and garlic. Cut the rabbit and marinate in any marinade you like. Fry in oil and transfer to a duck roaster. Chop the onion and carrots, fry them in butter, and place on top of the rabbit. Add spices and seasonings. Heat the sour cream slightly in a water bath and pour over the meat. Simmer in an oven preheated to 185 degrees. Periodically baste the meat with the juice that forms around the edges. When the rabbit becomes softer, reduce the temperature and simmer for about half an hour. You can serve this meat with any side dish of your choice.

How to cook rabbit in sour cream. Method two

You can prepare the dish in a more original way. You will need two hundred grams of beef liver, rabbit, one hundred and fifty grams of smoked brisket, two hundred and fifty grams of fresh mushrooms, a couple of spoons of sour cream, a glass of red wine, fifty grams of cognac, melted butter, mustard, spices and a little flour.

Slice the brisket and boil it with onions and garlic, fry the mushrooms in a frying pan. Before cooking the rabbit, cook the onions with powdered sugar in a saucepan to caramelize them. Add mustard to the sauce. Separately, fry the brisket; in the remaining oil, fry the pieces of rabbit, previously rolled in flour. Pour cognac over the roasted rabbit and set it on fire. When the cognac has evaporated, add table wine to the bowl, add herbs, spices and sour cream. Cover with a lid and simmer for about half an hour over medium heat. Place the brisket, liver, and mushrooms into the dish and cook for about twenty minutes. Before serving, pour over the prepared sauce. This method of cooking a rabbit is called fricassee. It turns out very tasty and original, and you can eat it both hot and already cooled.

Many people know that rabbit is the healthiest and most dietary type of meat, which is easily digestible and contains a minimum of fat. But as soon as it comes to preparing it, the vast majority of home cooks thoughtfully scratch their heads and expressively throw up their hands. If you overheat this exceptionally delicate product, you will get a dry, hard and unappetizing result (there is simply no other word) with a featureless “papery” taste. How to avoid this? How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft and juicy, and not rubbery and dry? It's simple. Here are a few rules for cooking rabbit meat and 4 reliable recipes for its preparation.

Principles for preparing soft, tender, juicy and flavorful rabbit at home

It is quite easy for an inexperienced cook to spoil a delicate dietary product. If the technology is violated, the most tender meat will become tough, chewy, dry and almost tasteless. These basics of cooking rabbit meat will help you prevent culinary failure.

  1. Properly selected, high-quality, young meat is much easier and more enjoyable to cook; dishes from it turn out softer and juicier. The weight of the rabbit carcass should not exceed 1.5 kg. The larger it is, the older the animal and the worse the characteristics of the raw materials (smell, hardness, dryness).
  2. It is best to prepare fresh (steamed) or chilled product. Frozen rabbit loses a significant part of its organoleptic properties; less juice remains in it after heat treatment due to damage to the fibers. Be sure to pay attention to its color, smell and consistency. Young meat is usually light pink. There should be no stains, damage, or sticky residue on the surface. An unpleasant, repulsive aroma indicates a violation of storage conditions or damage to the goods. If you buy a carcass in a store, look for a special stamp that indicates it has passed quality control. Sometimes fur is left on the tips of the paws and tail so that the buyer can be sure that he is purchasing rabbit meat and not another animal.
  3. For frying and baking, it is better to use the back part. The front of the carcass is more suitable for long simmering (stewing) and cooking.
  4. Pre-frying until golden brown will help retain maximum juice inside during subsequent baking.
  5. Soaking or marinating will help get rid of the smell of middle-aged meat. In the first case, a vinegar solution is usually used (1-2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar per 1 liter of water) or a water-salt mixture (1 tablespoon of table salt per 1 liter of liquid). Soak the product for 6-10 hours, replacing the water with a new portion every 2-3 hours. The most successful marinades are: wine, kefir (whey), based on vegetable oil with the addition of fresh or dried spices, onion, beer.
  6. To create a crust on the surface of the rabbit pieces when frying, place them in the frying pan in small portions, 2-3 pieces each. small size. A large amount of cold raw material will cool the heated oil. As a result, the dish will not be fried, but stewed.
  7. It is better to refrain from the traditional method of checking readiness - piercing with a knife or toothpick. The rabbit will lose a lot of juice and will end up dry. Follow the cooking time indicated in the recipe.
  8. Rabbit meat does not like powerful heat treatment. Traditionally, it is simmered for a long time at relatively low temperatures. With high heat, do not cook it for more than 30 minutes.

Cooking rabbit in the oven with sour cream, vegetables and aromatic herbs


How to bake a rabbit in sour cream to make its meat as juicy and tender as possible:

Cut up the carcass. Wash it. Be sure to dry off moisture with paper towels. Chop half the thyme. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. vegetable oil. Stir. Rub the fragrant mixture over the pieces of rabbit meat. Marinate for at least 1 hour. If you have the opportunity to marinate overnight, be sure to use it.

Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the frying pan. Reheat slightly. Place a block of butter there. Melt it. Place 1 piece of rabbit (if small, you can use 2). Fry over moderately high heat until browned on all sides. Cook for 2-3 minutes, no more. Brown all the meat. Salt the cooked side while frying. Remove ingredients from the pan, trying to capture as little fat as possible. Place the rabbit in a heat-resistant form.

You can change the set of vegetables at your discretion. Rabbit goes well with stalked celery and potatoes.

Chop the onion into thin half rings. Fry until half cooked in the remaining fat. Add more oil if necessary.

Cut the carrots into halves or slices. Brown.

Peel the champignons from the top layer and cut into 4-6 pieces.

Add vegetables to the rabbit meat. If desired, add a few more sprigs of thyme and a few cloves of garlic.

Mix sour cream with a glass of water. Add pepper and salt to taste. Stir. Warm over low heat, stirring.

Add sour cream filling to the rest of the ingredients. Cover the pan with foil or a lid. Place the dish to bake in an oven preheated to 150-160 degrees. Simmer for 1-1.5 hours until the rabbit becomes soft. At the end of cooking, remove the foil to form a golden brown crust on top.

The result is very tasty, aromatic and juicy meat. Serve it hot, with a vegetable side dish.

Colch meat baked in the oven with potatoes

Required Products:

Method of preparation (simple recipe with step-by-step photos):

Mix 50ml oil with thyme, rosemary and basil. If the herbs are fresh, chop them. Add a pinch of pepper. Stir.

Rub the resulting marinade over the washed, dried and cut into pieces rabbit carcass. Cover with cling film. Place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Better - at night.

Peel the potatoes. Cut into slices. Add 1/2 tsp to it. salt, paprika, a little pepper and garlic passed through a press. Pour the remaining oil into the potatoes. Stir.

Place potato slices on a baking sheet. Place the marinated rabbit on top. To make the dish softer and retain more juice, cover it with a sheet of heat-resistant foil or place it in a heat-resistant bag. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until the potatoes are done (30-40 minutes). Remove the foil 10 minutes before the end of cooking. A delicious golden crust will appear.

Don't put off tasting! Taste while the dish is still hot.

Stewed rabbit with vegetables in a slow cooker, in tomato sauce


How to cook stewed rabbit in a slow cooker with tomato sauce and vegetables:

Cut, wash and dry the carcass. Almost any part can be cooked this way. In any case, the meat will be soft and very juicy. Quickly fry it on all sides on the “Fry” mode until a crust forms (2-3 minutes). Depending on the coating of the multicooker bowl, use 1 to 2 tablespoons of vegetable fat.

Remove the fried pieces. Brown the chopped or coarsely grated carrots. Cook on the same mode for 3-5 minutes, stirring.

Add finely diced onion. Fry the vegetables until soft and golden brown.

Return the pieces of fried rabbit to the multicooker bowl. Stir.

Dilute tomato paste with warm drinking water. Add salt and spices. Pour into the slow cooker. If using tomatoes canned in their own juice, peel them if necessary. Mash with a fork or grind in a blender. Cook in the “Extinguishing” mode for 40-60 minutes (depending on the power and features of the device).

Serve the finished meat along with stewed vegetables and gravy. It turns out to be the softest and easily separates from the bone.

Many people don’t know how to cook a rabbit deliciously, much less how to properly cut it into portions. Having available recommendations, it will be possible to highlight all the best aspects of dietary and healthy meat and turn dishes with its participation into a real culinary masterpiece.

How to cook delicious rabbit?

When properly prepared, rabbit meat dishes are not only tasty, but also characterized by high nutritional value. However, like any product, this meat has its own processing characteristics, which you need to know about when starting the process.

  1. The carcass is cut into separate parts.
  2. The specific smell of rabbit meat is neutralized by soaking.
  3. The juiciness of the product will preserve the marinade. With its help you can give the dish a special taste and piquancy.
  4. Another way to preserve the juiciness of meat is to pre-fry it.
  5. Dietary rabbit meat goes well with any vegetables and mushrooms.
  6. Rosemary, juniper berries, and any greens add a special taste to rabbit dishes.

How to butcher a rabbit?

Many housewives are afraid of the upcoming cutting of a rabbit. But in reality, the process is simple and, with a sharp knife, scissors and a board, anyone can handle it. Visual photos and step-by-step instructions will help you complete the task correctly.

1. Prepare everything necessary for cutting.

2. Remove the entrails from the carcass and cut off the fat.

3. Cut off the back. It is not recommended to use an ax when cutting - it is necessary to cut the carcass into pieces with scissors or a knife at the joint, maintaining the integrity of the bones.

4. Cut off the hind legs.

5. Each paw is cut in half at the joint.

6. Cut off the front paws.

7. Cut each front paw into 2 parts.

8. The remaining body is cut from above with a knife, determining the size of the pieces.

9. Cut the spine at the joint at the site of the notches with scissors.

10. The breastbone is removed from the lungs and cut into portions with scissors.

11. Place the resulting rabbit portions in a bowl.

Secrets of cooking rabbit

A tasty, appetizing rabbit, the recipe for which can be either the simplest or the most sophisticated, will be an ideal solution for a holiday menu, a weekday dinner or any other meal. To make the dish successful, you need to know some secrets.

  1. The main condition for obtaining the desired result is high-quality and always fresh (not frozen) young rabbit meat.
  2. You should not opt ​​for mature carcasses. The meat of such animals is tough and has a characteristic odor, which is more difficult to get rid of.
  3. To improve the characteristics of rabbit meat, soak it in salted, acidified water (regular or mineral), milk or whey.

How to marinate a rabbit?

The right marinade for rabbit will not only give the dish the desired flavor, but will also make it more juicy, tender and soft.

  1. Most often, wine, lemon juice, or simply a mix of dry spices, herbs and garlic are used for pickling.
  2. Rabbit meat goes well with most spices, taking on their flavor and acquiring an amazing piquancy.
  3. The use of sweet ingredients should be avoided, and only dry wine with low sugar content should be used.
  4. After soaking, an hour of marinating is enough for the meat to be imbued with the desired taste. Without soaking, the rabbit is marinated for at least three hours.

Rabbit dishes - recipes

For those who have not yet encountered such dishes in cooking, the following information is about how you can cook a rabbit so that the debut is successful, and the result satisfies both the cook and the eaters.

  1. The simplest rabbit dishes are prepared by stewing in a saucepan, cauldron or deep frying pan. The meat is complemented with a laconic set of onions and carrots, or more original solutions are used with multi-component accompaniment in exquisite sauces and gravies.
  2. The dietary properties of rabbit meat contribute to the use of this meat in the preparation of soups and other first courses. The ease of the resulting culinary compositions and excellent taste characteristics are combined with the incommensurable benefits of the food. The hot dish is prepared with vegetables, with the addition of cereals, mushrooms or any other composition of your choice.
  3. Rabbit meat will taste the most delicious if you cook it in the oven. A good accompaniment for the slices in this case would be potatoes or other vegetables, mushrooms and other additives of your choice.

Stewed rabbit meat

Dairy products have a beneficial effect on the taste of rabbit meat, both during soaking and during heat treatment. Next, you will learn how to cook rabbit in sour cream simply, quickly, without much hassle or fuss. The recipe can be used as a basis for your own subsequent culinary creations and experiments.


  • rabbit meat – 1 kg;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 300 g;
  • pink peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • marjoram – 2 teaspoons;
  • broth or water – 250 ml;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons or to taste.


  1. Pieces of prepared rabbit meat are fried over high heat in hot oil.
  2. Add onions and carrots, pink pepper, fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix sour cream with broth or water, season to taste, and pour the mixture over the meat.
  4. Stew the rabbit in sour cream for 1.5 hours.

Rabbit soup

Read on to learn how to properly prepare a rabbit for the first meal. Rabbit broth soup with meat is an ideal solution for a homemade lunch and will satisfy the diverse tastes of the whole family. As a filling, you can take a vegetable mix of potatoes, onions with carrots, cabbage, or add any cereal of your choice.


  • rabbit meat – 500 g;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • rice (millet, buckwheat) – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, seasonings, herbs, sour cream.


  1. Boil the rabbit pieces until cooked.
  2. Separate the meat from the bones, chop it, and return it to the broth.
  3. Add potatoes and washed cereal and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Add fried onions and carrots to the pan, season the dish to taste, and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. Rabbit soup is served with sour cream and herbs.

Oven rabbit recipe

The following recipe will help you figure out how to cook a rabbit in the oven so that the meat remains juicy and at the same time acquires a golden-brown, appetizing crust. Before baking, the slices can be browned over high heat in oil in a frying pan or generously sprinkled with olive oil before cooking.


  • carcass of a young rabbit – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms – 200 g;
  • white wine – 200 ml;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, spices, herbs, olive oil.


  1. Slices of rabbit meat are rubbed with salt, pepper, garlic, and left for a couple of hours.
  2. Place tomatoes, mushrooms, carrot slices on a baking sheet, sprinkle everything with herbs and garlic.
  3. Place the meat on top, pour wine and oil over the dish, and place it in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.
  4. In an hour, the rabbit baked in the oven will be ready.

Roast rabbit

The recipe for the next dish is for those who have special respect for roast. From the recommendations outlined, you will learn how to cook a rabbit in a similar way, so that the meat and vegetables will delight you with an incomparable harmony of taste. The secret of success is in the sauce, prepared with the addition of raisins or prunes.


  • rabbit meat – 750 g;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • carrots and onions – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable and butter – 50 g each;
  • sour cream – 50 g;
  • tomato paste – 30 g;
  • raisins or prunes – 50 g;
  • broth - 1 l;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, spices, herbs.


  1. Cooking the rabbit begins with marinating in a mixture of salt, pepper and spices.
  2. In a mixture of oils, rabbit meat, carrots, onions and potatoes are fried alternately until golden brown.
  3. Place the meat in a cauldron and simmer with the addition of broth for 40 minutes.
  4. Vegetables are placed on top.
  5. Mix sour cream with pasta, raisins, garlic and broth, pour the mixture into the contents of the cauldron.
  6. Bake the dish covered at 190 degrees for 45 minutes.

How to cook rabbit in a slow cooker?

The recipe below will help you figure out how to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker. In this case, the meat is supplemented with mushrooms, carrots and sour cream. However, the set of components accompanying rabbit meat can be compiled according to your preferences by replacing mushrooms with potatoes, zucchini or other vegetables.


  • rabbit meat – 0.5 kg;
  • champignons – 250 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 250 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt, seasonings, herbs.


  1. In the “Frying” mode, brown the rabbit meat slices in oil.
  2. Add carrot slices, and then mushrooms, fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Add seasoned sour cream, switch the device to “Stew”.
  4. In 50 minutes, delicious rabbit meat will be ready.

Stewed rabbit

Rabbit stew is prepared at home, as a rule, when a large amount of meat needs to be processed. Dishes made from fresh produce always taste better, however, when you need to save time or quickly create a nutritious and tasty meal, prepping it will be very appropriate. The amount of salt and spices is indicated for 1 half-liter jar.


  • rabbit meat;
  • salt – 1 heaped teaspoon;
  • peppercorns and laurel - 2 pcs.


  1. Slices of meat are soaked in water for 6-12 hours and placed in jars with salt and spices.
  2. Pour water into the jars and put it in the oven to simmer for an hour at 180 degrees, adding boiling water from time to time.
  3. Reduce the heat to 130 degrees and keep the workpiece for another 4 hours.
  4. The jars are sealed and put away under the “fur coat”.

A properly prepared rabbit can become a decoration for any holiday table. Rabbit meat is not only very tender and tasty, but also beneficial for the human body, due to its dietary properties and the content of a large number of essential amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Rabbit meat contains a very low amount of cholesterol, so it is recommended for nutrition for obese patients and people who have suffered a stroke.

Nutritionists advise consuming rabbit meat as often as possible. But there is a problem: many people think that rabbit is difficult to cook, since the meat often turns out to be very tough. The only difficulty in cooking rabbit meat is the time, because the meat must first be marinated, and the rabbit meat takes a long time to stew. In this article you will learn recipes on how to cook this dietary meat deliciously.

How to cook delicious rabbit - spices for rabbit meat

Rabbit meat requires spices that will highlight its juicy taste. But, most importantly, do not overdo it with seasonings and not overshadow the delicate notes of the taste of the meat itself.

Great fit:

  • Black pepper.
  • Shallot.
  • Oregano.
  • Thyme.
  • Parsley.
  • Basil.
  • Marjoram.
  • Khmeli-suneli.

How to cook delicious rabbit - marinade

Rabbit meat has very dry meat, so it is recommended to soak it in the marinade before cooking. In addition, this procedure will remove the specific rabbit aroma, which many gourmets do not like.
The following ingredients are great for marinating:

  • Olive oil with crushed garlic.
  • Acetic acid.
  • White or red dry wine.
  • Spices and seasonings.
  • Lemon juice.

Recipe for rabbit stewed in sour cream with potatoes

To prepare this very tasty and satisfying dish you will need:

  • Rabbit meat.
  • Sour cream (it is better to take medium fat content).
  • Bulb onions.
  • Carrot.
  • Dried seasonings: onion, garlic and dill.
  • Potato.
  • Green pea.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Khmeli-suneli.
  • Butter.
  • Black pepper, salt.
  • Olive oil, garlic.

First, wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel, then cut it into small pieces. Add crushed garlic, salt and black pepper to the olive oil and rub the mixture over the rabbit, leaving it to marinate for an hour.

While the meat is marinating, prepare the potatoes and carrots: the vegetables need to be boiled. After the potatoes are ready, mash them thoroughly with a fork or other convenient method, but you should not get mashed potatoes, but just large pieces of boiled potatoes. Add butter, salt and dill to the pan, along with green peas and diced carrots. Mix the side dish thoroughly.

When the rabbit is marinated, fry it on both sides for about 10 minutes in a deep cauldron in hot oil. Add water, onion, bay leaf, spices to the rabbit and simmer for about 30 minutes. After the time has passed, add sour cream to the broth and simmer for another half hour (until the meat separates from the bone). Add more seasonings if necessary.

Rabbit baked in the oven

This recipe will appeal to connoisseurs of traditional and simple cuisine: such a dish will decorate any holiday table.

  • You can bake a whole rabbit, but this process is very long, and the meat does not always turn out soft. Therefore, many housewives cut the meat into small pieces before baking.
  • Before cooking, it is advisable to marinate the rabbit meat overnight in a classic marinade consisting of seasonings, olive oil and garlic. Remember, the longer the rabbit is marinated, the softer and tastier it is.
  • If the meat is young, then it is not necessary to marinate it; simply soaking it in water will be enough.
  • You can also boil the meat with spices and bay leaves before baking to make the rabbit soft.
  • The rabbit is baked at 200 degrees for at least an hour. You can bake meat with potatoes or in foil.

Baked rabbit with apples

We bring to your attention a delicious and quite interesting recipe.
For preparation you will need:

  • Rabbit meat.
  • Green apples.
  • Lemon.
  • Soy sauce and spices.

Marinate washed and dried rabbit pieces in honey, lemon juice and spices. You can buy a special seasoning for rabbit, but it will also work for chicken. Add small pieces of apples to the rabbit.
Place the bowl of meat in the refrigerator for an hour so that it absorbs the subtle aroma of the mixture.
After the time has passed, place the rabbit in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

As you can see, cooking a rabbit is not that difficult, even a beginner can do it, the main thing is to have patience. Choose one of the recipes that you like and please your loved ones with a delicious and healthy dish!

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