Why do men have a lot of body hair? This is what we think about the hair on your body, dear men.


Body hair growth is normal, and moderate hair growth on certain areas body indicates the health of the body. However, too intensive growth body hair or sudden loss may be due to a number of factors indicating some health problems that need to be urgently addressed with the help of a doctor. So, as a result of what can be observed increased hairiness body or sudden hair loss on the body? Let's look at a few reasons.

1. Genetic predisposition

The intensity of body hair growth may depend on your genetic characteristics and your nationality. Too thick hair on the body is usually characteristic of people of southern and eastern blood. The hair of representatives of “hot” nationalities is usually dark, thick and coarse, so in their case there is no need to worry about their presence. If you do not ethnically belong to the eastern and southern nationalities, and also your parents do not have dense, coarse hair, then the sudden appearance of thick dark hairs on your body may indicate hormonal disorders, especially if you were not previously prone to increased hairiness.

2. Autoimmune disorders

Sometimes malfunctions immune system may affect the functioning of hair follicles. In this case, there may be a sudden loss of hair on the head and body in whole handfuls, “bald spots” form on the separate areas or all over the head and body. Such disorders are treated with systemic steroids, but it is not always possible to restore hair completely.

3. Hormonal disorders

A sharp increase in body hair or sudden loss of body hair can be the result of a disruption in the production of male hormones in the body in both men and women. If testosterone levels are higher than normal, then body hairiness increases sharply, and hair begins to become darker, coarser and thicker, and can also begin to grow even in areas where there was none before. Sudden hair loss on the body may indicate sharp changes production female hormones, which is also not beneficial for your body. In both cases, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist so that he can prescribe appropriate treatment with hormonal drugs.

4. Ovarian problems in women

If women, in addition to increased body hair, experience irregular critical days, most likely, this indicates problems with the ovaries. Most often, increased hairiness in combination with irregular periods indicates the presence of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, in addition to the above symptoms, there is also sharp increase weight. Contact your doctor immediately for timely treatment.

5. Tumor

A sharp and sudden increase in body hair may be a sign of a tumor in your body. As a rule, in this case, the tumor most often affects the adrenal glands or ovaries, so these glands need to be examined with particular care.

6. Iron deficiency or thyroid disorder

Sudden hair loss on the head and body may indicate a lack of iron in the body or a disorder thyroid gland. Most often, people who suddenly switch to vegetarianism suffer from iron deficiency. Thyroid disorders are often accompanied by loss of eyebrows, the formation of grooves on the nails and sudden baldness of the head and body. In this case, it is necessary to urgently donate blood for analysis and begin treatment for the thyroid gland. Also, sudden hair loss can occur in women due to pregnancy or abrupt cessation of contraceptive use. In this case, hair loss is short-term, and enhanced treatment does not require medications.

7. Bad habits

Smoking and consumption narcotic substances lead to the death of hair follicles, because hair does not reach the follicles and roots nutrients, necessary for nutrition and hair growth. The obvious solution to baldness in this case is to stop smoking or taking drugs.

It would seem that what could be dangerous is that the hair on your arms and legs begins to fall out? Many girls, on the contrary, will even call this a wonderful event, because they will not be forced to remove vegetation that only gets in the way. But according to experts, if the hair on your legs suddenly begins to fall out, this can be a sign of very serious ailments, so it’s worth knowing why hair on your legs may stop growing, what natural and disturbing factors influence this process and how change the situation.

Main Factors

So why might leg hair fall out? Experts say that there are several reasons for this phenomenon.

First, hair on the legs may stop growing or even fall out completely if a person wears jeans or trousers that are too tight or high-top shoes. In this case, the vegetation is abraded, and that is why it disappears and does not appear again. Similar phenomenon often observed by men after serving in the army. There, the guys wear boots, and if their boot fits too tightly to the leg, then the hair can simply fall out in places of friction and not grow back.

Secondly, the reason for the disappearance of vegetation may be a lack of certain microelements in the body. Poor nutrition, stressful state, anxiety, lack of sleep and rest can trigger the appearance various violations in organism. This dangerous process, because the next symptom There may be not only smoothness of the skin of the legs, but also hair loss on the head, or the disappearance of eyelashes or eyebrows.

It is important to eat a balanced diet and avoid strict diets without sufficient proteins, fats and vitamins.

Thirdly, the factor that caused similar violation, the use of certain medicines. For example, these could be anabolic steroids, anticoagulants, contraception, NSAIDs, antidepressants, etc. As a rule, we're talking about about the so-called overdose, and not about the development allergic reaction. This is why experts do not recommend self-medicating and taking medications “as the neighbor said.”

And finally, hair loss on the legs or arms can be caused by certain diseases, which are discussed below.

Pathologies leading to the disappearance of body hair

Currently, experts identify three main types of diseases, the symptoms of which can be hair loss on the legs. As a rule, when visiting a doctor, you need to take a blood test to determine your blood sugar level, and also undergo an examination by a dermatologist and endocrinologist. After all, hair loss can be caused by:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland.

All of these ailments are serious, so if the hair on your legs suddenly begins to fall out, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Remember that the sooner the cause is determined, the more likely that the disease can be stopped or completely cured.

Only a specialist will be able to determine what exactly was the factor that provoked the problem, and will also select necessary method treatment. You should not be afraid of going to the doctor; on the contrary, only he will be able to help in a timely manner in such a situation.

The attending physician or will select vitamin complex, or prescribe certain medications for treatment, or simply replace medications already taken by a person with more effective ones. It is impossible to resolve such issues on your own, so do not put off going to the clinic.

Safety regulations

In order not to worry about the problem that has arisen, you should follow a few simple rules, which will help avoid the occurrence of such troubles as hair loss on the legs. You should carefully choose clothes and shoes that will not rub in areas of hair loss, and under no circumstances wear tight clothes. This can cause not only the disappearance of vegetation, but also lead to poor circulation.

It is equally important to undergo timely medical examination. Experts recommend taking a blood test at least once a year, which will help determine your sugar level, and also visiting an endocrinologist who can identify even the slightest disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland involved in the production of certain group hormones.

Representatives strong half humanity is celebrated more active growth hair on the torso than in women. In fact, nature prescribes the presence hairline in both sexes (the area of ​​the body covered with hair is the same in both men and women), but in men it is clearly visible, while women's fuzz is often lighter, lighter and less noticeable. Why can men’s body hair grow so much, and what functions do they perform? Let’s look at the material below.

Types of hair on a man's body depending on where it grows

When trying to figure out why men grow body hair, the first thing to note is its structure. Thus, the vegetation of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity is thicker, denser and tougher. That is why it is so clearly visible. In addition, the cover of vegetation on a man’s body has a pigment, unlike a woman’s, which is weaker.

It is important to know that a lot of hair on a man’s body is a whole combination of certain factors, such as:

  • Heredity (genetic predisposition);
  • Nationality;
  • Physical, hormonal and sexual health of a representative of the stronger half of humanity.

Initially, when trying to figure out what the hair on a man’s body is talking about and why it grows so actively, it is worth knowing that the growth activity of the body cover is formed even when intrauterine development fetus That is, the baby in the womb is covered with a thin primordial fluff - lanugo. Later, after birth, within 1-3 months, this layer of vegetation is erased on its own, and thin vellus hair grows in its place. And only by the period of puberty they change to more mature and adult ones - bristly.

The structure of hair consists of the following components:

  • Protein - 76%;
  • Water - 15%;
  • Lipids - 8%;
  • Pigment - 1%.

Understanding the question of why men grow hair on their bodies, it is worth classifying all vegetation into types according to their location:

  • Beard and mustache. A bristly cover covering the line of the cheekbones, chin, neck and area above upper lip;
  • Pubic vegetation. Forms a cover in the groin area, somewhat affecting bottom part belly and top part hips;
  • Chest hair in men. Form a cover varying degrees density depending on the characteristics of the body and nationality, as well as genetics;
  • Axillary vegetation. It is an indispensable proof of a man’s puberty, just like the pubic area.

In addition, a certain degree of hair density is observed in men on the arms/legs, as well as on the back.

Important: the level of vegetation growth on the male torso is determined by the level male hormone testosterone. The testes and only the anterior lobe of the actively working pituitary gland are responsible for its production. It is noteworthy that the head also becomes covered with hair under the influence of testosterone, and also goes bald under its influence.

What is the function of body hair?

When understanding the topic “why hair grows on men’s bodies,” it is very important not to lose sight of the main functions that this hair performs. The fact is that nature has thought out everything in a person down to the smallest detail. Initially, a man is a breadwinner, a hunter, a protector. This means he must be able to survive in difficult conditions. wildlife, preserve your family and continue it. In order to maximally help the representative of the strong half of humanity in this, nature has genetically implanted hair growth into his body. Thanks to this, a representative of the strong half of humanity can:

  • Stay in the cold for a long time. A thick cover of vegetation along the torso allows you to normalize heat exchange and retain heat;
  • It's normal to endure the heat. In hot conditions, a person's torso begins to sweat. To prevent the body from cooling at a high speed through the released moisture, the hair somewhat restrains its evaporation and at the same time warms the person. That is, they again perform the function of regulating heat exchange;
  • Attract a female. In the modern interpretation - to please women. The fact is that the axillary and pubic vegetation is capable of retaining the dried male hormone-pheromone, which is felt by the chosen female (potential sexual partner).

Besides listed functions hair on the male's torso enhances the sense of touch and is even erogenous zone. When a man's hair is lightly touched, it gives off a signal nerve endings. The signal enters the brain, excitation occurs.

In addition, it is the vegetation on the torso in certain areas that prevents friction of skin or tissue against the skin while walking and other actions performed by a person. This is especially true for armpit and groin hair.

What determines the amount of hair in men?

When figuring out the answer to the question “why hair grows on the chest of men,” you need to know that it is testosterone that is responsible for the density and density of vegetation on the body of men. And the higher the level of this hormone, the hairier the representative of the stronger half of humanity will be. And the availability high level testosterone indicates that the potential male is hardy and capable of procreation.

Chest hair growth is also stimulated by another male sex hormone - androgens. They, along with testosterone, are responsible for puberty boy. In this case, the vegetation follicle reacts very subtly to androgen, responding with growth to a natural stimulus. Normal hair is chest boys begin to appear at the age of 16-18 years. If at 20 they are still not there, then this may signal a lack of male sex hormones androgens.

So, we found out why men have a lot of body hair and how it affects all areas of a person’s life. It is worth understanding that hair on a man’s torso is only a sign of masculinity. However, excessive hairiness (too thick cover over the entire body, including the back, neck) may indicate a reason such as hormonal pathology. In this case, you should contact an endocrinologist or at least a family doctor.

Until recently, removing body hair was an absolute taboo for men, but now many men take care of their skin and remove body hair as carefully as women. We asked several girls in their 20s and 30s to tell us what they think about men's body hair, and how they feel about the presence or absence of hair on certain parts of a man's body.

1. Do you think guys who shave their legs are weird?

Olivia: If a guy shaves his legs without objective reasons, then yes. I dated a guy who shaved his legs, but he was a professional swimmer, so in his case, I think shaving his legs is justified. In other cases, I just don't see the need for a guy to shave his legs.

Katie: Yes. Unless a guy is a swimmer, I think his hairless legs look too feminine.

Vanessa: Yes. A guy who pays a lot of attention to such insignificant things as the hair on his legs is probably too obsessed with his appearance and too narcissistic.

Hayley: If a guy is not an athlete, then I don't think he needs to shave his legs. The lack of hair on the legs of an unathletic guy deprives him of his masculinity.

Conclusion: Unless you're an athlete, you don't have to remove leg hair.

2. What about guys removing arm hair?

Karin: I think it's normal to remove hair on your arms. If a man has too thick and dark hair on your hands, then why not remove it?

Amanda: I don't accept it. All baseball players remove hair on their arms, and it doesn't look very attractive.

Jenna: Should a guy remove his arm hair? Definitely yes! It's so terrible when you're lying in bed with a guy and he hugs you with his hairy arm... It's scary to even imagine.

Vanessa: I myself don’t remove hair on my arms, so I won’t demand that a guy do it. In any case, this is his personal business.

Conclusion: Depends on the girl. Some of us don't pay attention to arm hair, but for some smooth skin the guy's hands are decisive factor his attractiveness.

3. What do you think about the beard?

Olivia: I once dated a guy who had a full beard. On the one hand, I was flattered to meet him, because in our college those with beards were considered the coolest guys. But on the other hand, I was just tired of the hair from his beard constantly getting into my mouth during a kiss. Plus, all my makeup stayed on his beard and I had to touch it up again and again. And in addition to all of the above, I kept thinking in horror that if he grows such facial hair, then what does he have “there”? In hot weather, the beard also became wet from sweat. Basically, shave or trim your beard, guys! Better yet, use wax. Then kissing you will be more pleasant.

Katie: Oh no. Beards absolutely turn me off. I automatically associate a guy with a beard with Santa Claus. However, I have nothing against short stubble a la Bradley Cooper. Sometimes it looks very sexy.

Jenna: 100% yes! However, the beard must be carefully trimmed and well-groomed: excess hair on the neck must be removed, the beard must be shaped: the hairs should not stick out at random. My fiance has a great beard. But keep track of her appearance very difficult. I always remind him that it's time to get his beard in order, otherwise he will resemble Jesus.

Vanessa: I'm fine with a little stubble. Short stubble can sometimes make a guy look very sexy without him looking like a caveman with a full beard.

Conclusion: No beards in the style of Santa Claus! Stylish stubble in the style of David Beckham - sometimes it really can be.

4. Do you like a mustache?

Karin: Mustache? Oh no not this!

Olivia: One question... Are you a maniacal rapist, and are you interested in sex with a girl who doesn't want it with you? If not, then get rid of your mustache immediately.

Vanessa: A mustache can only be an addition to some original retro image. IN Everyday life I don't accept having a mustache.

Jenna: I hate mustaches! No matter how handsome and cool a guy is, I won't even look in his direction if he wears a mustache.

Hayley: Guys with mustaches remind me of my dad. That's why I prefer my boyfriend not to have a mustache.

Conclusion: Get rid of your mustache immediately, only if you are not a hipster, not a maniac rapist, or were not born in the 60s.

5. Hair removal in the bikini area?

Jenna: It is not necessary to do complete hair removal in the bikini area. But still, some areas of the bikini area should be free of vegetation, so that during sex... Well, you understand everything yourself...

Hayley: Just don't shave! I don't want to cut my tongue while making out. Please don't skimp on your waxing session! I also do this so that my skin is perfect and smooth for you!

Olivia: I am begging you! Please! Remove hair from the bikini area! I have no desire whatsoever to cough up your hair. Even if after epilation in the bikini area you look somewhat childish, it is even touching. But not the hair! Either hair removal or no oral sex.

Karin: The hair definitely needs to be removed. When I give pleasure to a guy, I want to think about his and my pleasure, and not about how not to swallow his hair.

Conclusion: We strongly ask you: epilate your bikini area! However, shaving is not the best solution. Waxing is what you need. Try Brazilian hair removal, you might like it. Read about the benefits of Brazilian hair removal in the article: Benefits of Brazilian waxing for men.

6. Is eyebrow plucking just for girls?

Katie: If a guy doesn't pluck his eyebrows too much and make them look like a woman's, then there's nothing wrong with plucking his eyebrows. Just because a guy has neat eyebrows doesn't mean he'll look like a woman.

Vanessa: I personally pluck my boyfriend’s eyebrows every month. Although he pretends to hate the procedure and finds it stupid, he actually really likes the look of his well-groomed eyebrows.

Karin: Nothing like this! I secretly dream that one day my boyfriend will also start taking care of his eyebrows and trust me to pluck them.

Hayley: I prefer guys to give their eyebrows a neat shape without getting too carried away. A guy's eyebrows don't have to be 100% perfect. I talked my boyfriend into getting his eyebrows waxed and he loves the results.

Conclusion: Eyebrow plucking is by no means a purely girly procedure. However, your eyebrows should not look more perfect than ours. Don't be afraid to ask us for help if you decide to.

7. When is there TOO much chest hair?

Olivia: Too hairy chest is not for me. Maximum – average level hairiness. But if a guy wants to remove his chest hair, I'm all for it.

Katie: No chest hair! I make my boyfriend wax.

Amanda: Chest hair is not something I would like. It seems to me that the absence of chest hair makes a guy more masculine, especially if he has beautiful, sculpted muscles. Jenna: I'm okay with chest hair, but only if the chest is moderately hairy. Like eyebrows and beards, chest hair should be well-groomed. If the hair on the chest is too thick, then it is better for the guy to remove it, but in such a way that there is no prickly stubble left. Hayley: My boyfriend has three hairs in six rows on his chest, so I take it calmly. But an overly hairy chest is terrible.

Conclusion: Whether a girl will like your chest hair depends on the girl. However, an overly hairy chest is unattractive in any case.

8. Back hair: how do you feel about it?

Vanessa: A hairy back is disgusting and unsexy. I can insist that my boyfriend epilate his back hair.

Amanda: Get rid of this horror! Immediately!

Olivia: Remove back hair! I’m ready to cut it for you myself, but you don’t need to grow it!

Jenna: If a guy doesn't have a lot of hair on his back, then there's nothing wrong with having it. But it would be much better if the guy deleted them.

Hayley: If I see even one hair, I'll pull it out personally. It is much more pleasant to look at a smooth male back.

Conclusion: A hairy back is not a reason to break off a relationship. But only if you agree to have your back waxed.

9. Is it normal for a guy to shave his armpits?

Amanda: I am in favor of a guy, if not shaving, then at least trimming his armpit hair with a clipper. It is necessary!

Jenna: The hair should be shortened so that it is not visible when you do not even raise your hand. Shaving your head is not necessary.

Hayley: My 3-year-old nephew carefully examines his armpits every day. For him, having armpit hair means being a real man. But I don't entirely agree with him.

Vanessa: I wouldn't want my armpit hair to be longer than my boyfriend's hair. If I don't shave my armpits within a day, I start to feel unwell. For a guy, it’s normal to have hair cut with a clipper under his armpits.

Verdict: Thick underarm hair is not normal. We accept clipper-cut hairs.

Hair is characteristic of many mammals, including humans.

Initially he performed protective function, but in the process of evolution, most of the hair on the body has lost its importance.

Hair growth begins in utero, but by the time of birth most of the fine, delicate hairs have fallen out.

An adult normally has bristly hair (on the head and face, in armpits, in the groin), having limited localization, and vellus, barely noticeable, covering the entire body.

However, some people have thick, coarse hair that covers areas that are not typical for their gender. Why does hair grow on the chest, back, upper and lower limbs? There are many reasons for this increased hair growth, and sometimes this phenomenon is associated with serious diseases.

The number of follicles and hair structure depend on the gender and age of the person.

Many people believe that absolutely smooth skin is the standard of beauty and, indulging in aesthetic perception, shave off all the hairs.

However, it should be remembered that hair is needed to maintain healthy condition skin, since each bulb is surrounded by adipose tissue, has stem cells that contribute fast regeneration, well supplied with blood.

The main reasons for increased hair growth:

  • heredity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant hormone-producing tumors;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

IN in rare cases Traumatic hypertrichosis may occur - enhanced growth hair at the site of a scar or wound.

In men

A shaggy chest is considered a sign of masculinity in society and gives its owner a certain sexuality.

Therefore, most men do not suffer from chest hair and do not resort to depilation.

The first chest hair in men appears in adolescence and serve as a criterion for puberty.

Hair growth is regulated by male sex hormones - androgens (in particular, testosterone). When its level in the blood increases, the rate of appearance and rigidity of the hairline increases; if there is a deficiency, the skin remains smooth and soft.

In women and girls

If for a man a hairy chest is the norm, then for the fair sex the appearance of dark and coarse hair on the chest is always a sign of ill health.

This phenomenon is called hirsutism and is often explained by hormonal imbalances in the body, because increased hair growth is provoked by male sex hormones.

Hormonal disorders

Hirsutism is increased hair growth By male type among women. Thick and coarse hairs begin to grow on the chest, in the mustache and beard area. This is directly related to the change hormonal levels in a woman's body. A large number of male sex hormones leads not only to aesthetic defects, but also causes increased deposition subcutaneous fat, change menstrual cycle up to infertility, increased blood pressure.

In some cases, chest hair growth is reversible. So hormonal imbalance, which occurs during pregnancy, goes away after childbirth. However, in most cases, the appearance of hair on a woman’s chest requires a thorough examination and the appointment of hormonal corrective therapy.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The main causes of hirsutism are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors of the adrenal cortex;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • androblastoma of the ovaries.

Genetic predisposition

There are a number of hereditary diseases, one of the symptoms of which is increased hair growth.

These include adrenogenital syndrome - genetic disease, accompanied by a defect in the synthesis of cortisol, which stimulates the adrenal cortex and leads to excess production of androgens.

Another hereditary disease- Cushing's syndrome, characterized by excessive deposition of subcutaneous fat and increased production of glucocorticosteroids. Acromegaly, as a genetic abnormality, is also often accompanied by increased body hair growth.

There are cases of hereditary hirsutism, when in several generations of the same family, there is growth of hair on the body and face in women with normal level male sex hormones. The etiology of this phenomenon is still unclear.

Side effects of certain medications

Most often, increased hair growth is provoked by drugs containing hormones or causing them increased production in organism.

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • anticonvulsant medications (Phenytoin);
  • cytostatics (Cyclosporine);
  • drugs for alopecia used in cosmetology (Minoxidil).

How to deal with hairs?

In men, hair growth on the chest or back does not require any intervention, however, a sharp increase in hair growth with increasing excess weight- a reason to see a doctor.

Women in to a greater extent worried about the presence excess hair cov.

If thin dark hairs are concentrated only along the edge of the nipple alveoli, then there is no need to fight them.

Moreover, you cannot pull them out yourself; the skin in this place is delicate, easily wounded and mechanical damage may become infected.

Excess hair removal products can be divided into three groups:

  1. Mechanical. Trimming or shaving, like mechanical method hair removal, is now used quite rarely. This method is ineffective due to the fact that the hair follicle remains in the skin and the cut off part continues to grow. Black dots in areas of shaved hairs look unsightly, the skin can be injured by the razor blade, and infection will lead to inflammation. In addition, after shaving, the hair will grow even stronger and its structure will change - it will become thicker and tougher. Mechanical removal using wax strips enough effective method, but painful. This may leave skin irritation and redness.
  2. Chemical. Chemical method consists of using depilatory creams and gels. They soften the hair structure, make it more permeable, and facilitate easy separation from the hair follicle. Removing hairs treated with cream is not difficult. In addition, most creams contain special additives: oils, d-panthenol, vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin and prevent irritation.
  3. Instrumental. Modern and effective means are electrolysis (hair removal using current) and laser hair removal. They are held on special equipment and give lasting results. The mechanism of action is based on the destruction of the growth zone hair follicle. In this case, the hair not only falls out, but also new hair stops growing in this place.

After mechanical removal, a common complication is ingrown hairs, which can cause discomfort.

All these methods have only a cosmetic function, giving the skin a smooth and pleasant appearance. However, you can get rid of excess “fur” only by eliminating the cause of its appearance, and for this you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

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