Companions. Fallout 4 companions where to find the deacon


Fallout 4 is a world filled with tons of interesting characters and places to visit. But as is often the case with huge open-world RPGs, and especially Bethesda games, Fallout 4 hides a lot of things that are hidden at first glance. This game is full of secrets, each one darker and more twisted than the next. In this article, we will take a look at fifteen such secret facts.

Cricket is a merchant you might meet while playing Fallout 4, but other than her strange name and haggard appearance, she's unremarkable. However, as it turns out, there is more to it than meets the eye. If you gain access to the "Robocontrol Bureau" wing of the Institute's headquarters, you may notice a file called "knowledgeable information."

And, as you may have guessed, trader Cricket is listed on this list as an informant. Although she is not a synth, she often helps the Bureau track them and provides information on known rogue synths.

Sturges is perhaps one of the characters that is mentioned quite often in the side stories of Fallout 4. Not only is he one of the characters you meet first in the game, but he is also the one who starts giving you quests to help you progress in the game. In fact, he even has a special role in the Minutemen quest line.

On top of that, he's also a synth, because if you kill him, you'll see that he has a synth part in his inventory, which all third generation synths have. It's weird, right? Sturges is a great guy, he even helps you fight against the Institute. Maybe he is out of control? Maybe.

Some will look at this and say, “What, what? Are birds hiding dark secrets from us? Yes, it’s hard to believe, these are birds, right? It is worth noting that some of them are just ordinary birds. But some are unmanned drones built by the Institute to spy on Commonwealth activities. It could be anything from sparrows to crows. Even radgulls. The Institute literally has eyes everywhere.

Observation Post Bravo is an abandoned former military outpost, but it hides quite an interesting story. If you manage to get past the main terminal and use the elevator to reach the underground section of the outpost, you will find notes about the last actions of the lone soldier who was sent here.

This soldier heard disturbing threats on radio frequencies and began to hear strange noises coming from the elevator. However, when he sent this information to his command, it turned out that none of this mattered, he could not see anything there, but simply went crazy from absolute and prolonged isolation.

Those who have visited Vault 81 may know about Holt Combs, a resident of the vault who owns a department store and has a daughter with his wife, Alexis. When you talk to Alexis, she will say that they were once very happily married. As it turns out, there's a pretty specific reason why things aren't working out right now. If players follow Holt, they will see that every night he secretly "dates" Tina De Luca, another NPC living in Vault 81.

Usually, when you think of raiders in a Fallout game, the first thing you think of is your character blowing up their heads. But there are even darker things. Near the train tracks at Sanctuary, if you walk there at night, you can see a raider kneeling on the ground. He stands like this in front of a freshly dug grave with a shovel placed a few feet away from him.

A raider who is mourning (presumably) his raider friend will not pay any attention to you (at least at the beginning) because he is in mourning.

Have you ever been to Long John's junkyard? Probably yes. Then you saw a small house nearby. This house, where the Miller family lived before the nuclear war, had a lot of security measures. If you manage to get into the bunker below, you will notice many scary details. For example, on a dirty bed lie two skeletons, the owners of which most likely died from lack of food and water.

But the worst thing is that in this bunker there are two small graves, on one of which lies a baseball glove, and on the other - a small bear. The Millers seem to have buried their children first and then starved to death themselves.

John Hancock, as you know, is the mayor of Good Neighbor, a city where he openly boasts of his involvement in rampant crime. He has a bodyguard, a young woman named Fahrenheit, whom you also most likely remember. But in accordance with the materials of the game, or rather with the materials about the relationships of the characters, Fahrenheit is, in fact, Hancock’s daughter. This fact was never mentioned in the game, but it is true. Why? Why was this never mentioned? What's the secret? Just ask Todd Howard.

Arlen Glass, as you may know, worked for a company known as Atomatoys before the war - in fact, he didn't just work for them, he created a line of toys known as the Buttercup mount. However, if we dig a little deeper, we discover that he was so engrossed in his work (before he was fired, removed from the premises, and banned from ever entering) that he completely ignored his family, including his daughter.

When the bombs fell, he was still at work while his wife and daughter were at home. Both of them died, and Arlen mutated and turned into a ghoul, which he still is.

If you visited the ruins of Suffolk County Public School, you may remember that the place was infested with little "pink" ghouls that were literally everywhere. And here's a little tidbit for you - these ghouls were once students of this school. The entrances to the terminal and the surrounding area indicate that, to cut costs, the school has replaced students' meals with an experimental pink "nutritional" slime from the government.

The children started getting sick and turning pink, but the school, of course, denied having anything to do with it. Pink ghouls, hundreds of years later, may not agree with this...

If you've played Fallout 4, you most likely know about Deacon. You don't interact much with Organization member Deacon, but as it turns out, he's been spying on you for a very long time, even before the game began. He has his own shack and can be found in locations such as Diamond City, Good Neighbor and Bunker Hill - Deacon is almost everywhere. The most interesting thing is that he always spied on us very quietly.

When you first arrive at the Alliance location, it seems bright and joyful. That is why you understand that something is clearly wrong here. And this is absolutely true. The people of the Alliance have tried to piece together all the ways to distinguish synths from real people, and although their intentions and goals are quite noble, the means of achieving them are far from this concept. Cruel experiments, kidnappings and violence are only part of this whole process.

Nick Valentine is a character that is very familiar to fans of Fallout 4. He belongs to the first generation of synths and has the memories of a real person. So synth Nick is the real Nick Valentine he was many years ago, and Nick's real memories are his memories. And god, what bad memories these are.

Nick Valentine was a cop leading the hunt for notorious mob boss Eddie Winter. Winter, however, decided to strike back at Valentine and killed his fiancée.

If you've been to a bar in Goodneighbor, then you've probably heard of Magnolia. She works at a bar as a singer, and most people who frequent the establishment know about her. But in reality she is a synth. If you accidentally kill Magnolia (and who wouldn't?), you'll find a synth part in her inventory, indicating she's a third-generation synth. Spy? Apostate? A synth whose memory was erased? We don't know, but it's very interesting.

Robert McCready is a character we also meet in Fallout 3. Although he was then the child mayor of an exclusive children's town known in Fallout 3 as Little Lamplight, he appears in Fallout 4 as a mercenary who is very embittered by his past, when he was kicked out of the city he ruled.

McCready apparently met a girl named Lucy, they got married and had a son, but he never told her about his past, making up the idea that he was a soldier. However, Lucy soon died a premature and terrible death at the hands of ghouls. She died without ever knowing the truth about McCready, and this thought still haunts him.

Companions in Fallout 4

Companions in Fallout 4- these are special characters that can be found on the destroyed lands of the Commonwealth, who can join the wanderings of the main character, while they will help him fight off enemies and collect items, and if certain specific conditions are met, they can enter into a very close relationship with the main character . To be honest, partners of the opposite sex can become lovers with the main character in Fallout 4.

For convenience, we suggest you use summary:

In total, there are 14 characters in Fallout 4 who are ready to become the main character's Companion. Companions greatly facilitate the passage of the game.

Description of Companions in Fallout 4

Each companion of the main character is very well thought out by the developers, each companion has its own character, its own beliefs and its own morals. If you have acquired a companion, then be careful in your actions, because the satellite will now evaluate your actions and actions. And based on these assessments, the companion’s attitude towards you will be formed, it will be either good or bad. You can find out how your partner appreciated your action by the messages that appear on the screen.

The relationship between the main character and his partner goes through several stages, the more you do things that your partner likes, the more his good attitude towards you, periodically passing the next mark, the partner will want to talk to you. When you reach the maximum level in a relationship, a surprise awaits you: each partner gives a certain, unique perk, and partners of the opposite sex can even become lovers of the main character.

If you do not like to do positive deeds, then simply travel with your companion throughout the Commonwealth, this will slowly but surely improve your relationship.

Fallout 3 also had satellites, but their presence was limited to fire support. Just like the companions from Fallout 3, the companions in the fourth version of the game have an endless supply of ammo.

In Fallout 4, a follower can approach a defeated enemy after a battle and pick up his armor or weapon.

What do Companions give in Fallout 4?

In Fallout 4, each partner, in addition to his unique character and unique moral principles, has his own unique skill, for example, detective Nick Valentine can hack terminals, Kate can pick ordinary locks, Preston Garvey periodically gives the main character a stimulant, but Piper Wright gives you what some random tasty treat.

To hack terminals or locks using the satellite, you need to do the following:

  1. We move away from the desired terminal/lock, but so that it is in direct visibility;
  2. In dialogue with the Companion, we indicate to him what needs to be done;
  3. We turn to the object that needs to be hacked and use the action button, while your companion will perform this action, but if he fails, then you will have to do it.

An important question is about the use of power armor by partners; only synths and people can use it, while their nuclear unit has an infinite charge, but the armor elements themselves wear out.

Possible Satellites

  1. Kate- She is the real opposite of Piper, Kate is a truly bad girl. She knows how to pick locks, she likes it when the main character walks around naked, drinks, threatens people and stuff like that. A love line is possible with Kate; when the maximum relationship is reached, the main character will receive the “Hasty Shooting” perk, the trick of this perk is that when the main character’s HP remains less than 25%, then health begins to renew much faster;
  2. Deacon- is an agent of the Underground faction. One of the features of the Deacon is hacking locks and safes; in order to achieve maximum relations with him, it is worth completing quests for the Minutemen (except for returning the Castle) and doing good deeds. Upon reaching maximum relationships, the main character will receive the “Cloak and Dagger” perk. Your character cannot be a lover, thank God;
  3. Piper Wright- this companion of the main character is a journalist from Diamond City. Piper's specialty is that she gives the main character a random treat every day. When a friendly relationship develops between Piper and the main character, the latter will receive the “Magic Language” perk; this perk doubles the experience for successful dialogues and finding new locations. Piper can become the main character's mistress, in which case your character will have a non-permanent “Lover's Embrace” ability, this ability will increase the experience gained by 15%;
  4. McCready- a professional mercenary, does not disdain anything, he can take candy from a child for money. McCready will become the main character's companion if the latter pays him 250 caps; upon reaching the ceiling in the relationship, he gives the "Deadly Shot" perk. This is a very useful perk, with it you can have a +20% chance of hitting your enemy in the head when aiming in V.A.T.S. mode;
  5. Preston Garvey - one of the Minutemen, loves when the main character helps settlements and does good deeds. When reaching maximum relationships, it gives the “Together we are strong” perk. If you travel with him around the Commonwealth, then from time to time Preston will give the main character smoke flares, stimulants and signal flares;
  6. Codsworth— the robot butler of the main character, still from that life. When walking around the territory of the Commonwealth, this companion gives the main character purified water once a day. Upon reaching maximum relationships, the protagonist receives the “Sympathy for Robots” perk, this perk increases protection from energy weapons;
  7. Curie- is a robot assistant, the same series as Codsworth. You can find Curie in Vault 81, to do this you need to visit the secret section of the shelter. In order for Curie to become the main character’s partner, you need to complete the quest “The Nook.” Curie likes good deeds and does not like harshness. Upon reaching maximum relationships, Curie gives the main character the “Military Doctor” perk;
  8. Ada is a robot that appears only in the Automatron expansion. Ada, in this expansion, is the guard of a trade caravan, after the main character helps repel an attack on this caravan, Ada will be able to join him;
  9. Paladin Dance - a member of the Brotherhood of Steel and, surprisingly, a synth. Paladin Dance, if you agree to his proposal, will contribute to the acceptance of the protagonist into the Brotherhood of Steel. The only companion initially wearing power armor. Paladin Dance likes it when the main character praises the Brotherhood, helps the Brotherhood, improves guns, and wears power armor. The Paladin himself practically does not interact with the outside world. The perk that paladin Dans gives is called “Know your enemy”, this perk increases damage to enemies of the Brotherhood by 20%;
  10. Nick Valentine- A runaway synth turned detective in Diamond City. Like a real android, Nick is inimitable in hacking terminals; when the ceiling in a relationship is reached, the main character receives the “Heart of Steel” perk (gives an additional attempt at hacking the terminal). A love line is impossible;
  11. X6-88- this is a synth hunter, a kind of specialist in the power and covert operations of the Institute, in order to take him as a companion, you first need to complete the quest “A New Face of Humanity.” Upon reaching maximum relationships, the main character will receive the “Wave Shield” perk;
  12. Dog- the most famous partner of the main character. Already initially, the relationship with Dogmeat is at the maximum level. Dogmeat does not give the main character any perk;
  13. John Hancock- is a ghoul who can be taken as a partner, is the mayor of the Good Neighbor location. Upon achieving friendly relations, the main character will receive the “Isotope” perk. John Hancock gives the hero different drugs once a day; to achieve maximum relations with John, you need to: be generous, use drugs, help settlers and synths in every possible way. At the same time, it is better not to do the following things: steal and offend the innocent;
  14. Strongman is a super mutant who can become the protagonist’s partner. Like any super mutant, Strongman loves when our character kills enemies, speaks with sarcasm, shows aggression and even eats defeated enemies. The strongman does not like break-ins and thefts. When the ceiling in a relationship is reached, the main character will receive the Berserk perk.

How to achieve maximum relationships with Companions?

To achieve maximum relationship with your partner, you need to do more actions that your partner likes and fewer actions that your partner does not like, everything is like in real life. Some people like the good deeds of the main character, while others, on the contrary, like it when the main character drinks alcohol, takes drugs and is rude to everyone he meets. Therefore, you need to study your companion well before starting the path to a high relationship with him.

Cunning players have found several ways to achieve maximum relationships with your companion without any problems. On the territory of the Commonwealth, there is a location in which there is a safe that can be hacked as much as you like, and since many companions like successful hacking, you can constantly hack this safe, and then close it from the terminal, hack it again and lock it again. Only here there is one moment, between locking and hacking again, you need to make a quick save and load from it.

It has been experimentally revealed that in order to achieve a high relationship with Piper, you need to crack the safe 60 times and have 4 dialogues with Piper.

The same method is suitable for the Deacon. If you want to win Kate's favor, then in front of her you will need to use drugs, alcohol, and be rude to everyone. If you have McCready as a companion, you can commit thefts in various locations, and with your partner Hancock, you can take chemistry.

  • The possible partners of the main character are very different people, and it seems that if they were in one place, they would kill each other, but it turns out that this is not so, the main character can send each companion to one of his settlements, and finding himself all in one settlement , they will surprisingly behave calmly;
  • If you use orders to force a companion to collect items or search corpses, the companion can eventually collect an infinite number of items;
  • If you go through story quests in Fallout 4, then be prepared for a very drastic change in your companion’s attitude towards you, for example, if you finish the game for the Brotherhood of Steel, then the X6-88 companion will become aggressive towards you.

There are 13 companions in Fallout 4 that you can take on as your partners. Each of them has unique abilities and skills. Each partner has his own quest, after which you can take him with you. You can only take one travel partner with you. All companions are divided into three types:

  1. Mutants - ghouls and FEV test subjects
  2. Mechanical - Robots.
  3. 3rd generation synths are robots that are practically no different from humans.


  1. If you sleep with your other half (received the highest level of relationship development, and the flirting was always successful), you get the temporary ability “Lover’s Embrace” (or “Embrace of Love”), which gives +15% experience for a limited time.
  2. When you reach the highest level of development of your relationship with your companion, you receive a special skill.

Codsworth is the protagonist's robot butler before the outbreak of the Great War. Even 200 years have not changed the attitude of the mechanical friend - he is always ready to serve faithfully the person from the shelter.

  • Transfer of things;
  • Treatment of Dogmeat;
  • Armor modification;
  • Weapon modification.
  • Help for settlers.
  • Chemical addiction;
  • Use of chemicals;
  • Killing of civilians;
  • Pickpocketing;
  • Theft.

A dog is man's friend at all times. So is our four-legged companion Dog. He is always ready to help, carry out your instructions (he will go to a certain location, pick up items for you). Dog has his own perk, War Dog, which will only be available if the hero’s charisma is equal to 4 units. In this regard, you do not need to take any actions to increase loyalty.

Preston Garvey is the leader of the Commonwealth militia and also the head of a group of people living in the Commonwealth itself. He is an excellent shooter with laser weapons. He is responsible for supplying items to expand your settlement.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Transfer of things;
  • Weapon modification.
  • Help for settlers.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Chemical addiction;
  • Eating corpses;
  • Killing of civilians;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Pickpocketing;
  • Theft.

Like all reporters, Piper loves being in the thick of things, which allows her to produce truly good stories. Has its own newspaper called “Public Events”. I don't see the fact that she is a woman, her pistol shooting skills are very impressive.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Transfer of things;
  • Treatment of Dogmeat;
  • Opening locks (not belonging to anyone).
  • Help for settlers.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Eating corpses;
  • Killing of civilians;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Pickpocketing;
  • Theft.

It’s rare that one companion can accommodate so many negative habits: use and dependence on chemicals, housebreaking, alcoholism, theft. But, as in all stories, when completing a side quest, Kate can change her mind about her life.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Naked;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Pickpocketing.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Chemical Addiction (Quest);
  • Use of chemicals (Quest);
  • Eating corpses;
  • Killing civilians.
  • Shows of kindness
  • Help for settlers

In its design, Curie resembles Codsworth, but unlike him, he is a more useful ally. He is not only an excellent fighter at close and medium distances, but also a medic.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Transfer of things;
  • Treatment of Dogmeat;
  • Choosing peaceful solutions;
  • Joining all factions (except the Institute);
  • Help the synths.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Use of chemicals;
  • Killing of civilians;
  • Pickpocketing;
  • Help for nuclear-world raiders;
  • Theft.

Paladin Dance is a true killing machine in power armor, and using a laser cannon solves all problems. By completing Brotherhood of Steel quests, you can improve your relationship with Danse.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Weapon modification;
  • Armor modification;
  • Using power armor;
  • Using a rotorcraft.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Chemical addiction;
  • Killing of civilians;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Pickpocketing;
  • Theft.
  • Fleeing from the battlefield (the location where the enemies remained)
  • When you ask for more money

Deacon is the best field agent for Operation Underground. Initially, he was sent to monitor the main character. Makes a great companion for those who enjoy stealth games.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Transfer of things;
  • Hacking computers;
  • Treatment of Dogmeat;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Opening locks (not belonging to anyone);
  • Successful persuasion in conversation.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Chemical addiction;
  • Use of chemicals;
  • Eating corpses;
  • Killing civilians.

No matter how it sounds, Hancock is one of the possible companions for the refugee. This character is impossible to miss - the cocked hat, earrings and red clothes of a revolutionary nature instantly catch the eye.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Chemical addiction;
  • Transfer of things.
  • Completing Underground or Minutemen missions.
  • Demand for an increase in reward.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Killing of civilians;
  • Naked;
  • Theft.

– a mercenary who is an expert in weapons, in particular in the possession of a sniper rifle. Thanks to his skills, this companion can cover the hero at a considerable distance. But most importantly, McCready is encountered for the second time in the Fallout universe. The first time we meet him is in Fallout 3, after completing the main quest. At the time, McCready was a cheeky kid and mayor Little Lamplight. Who, despite his age, knew how to bend a three-tier... After 10 years, he married Lucy, according to him, he has a son, Duncan. At the time of the meeting with the Survivor, McCready will agree to travel with him for a modest fee - 250 caps.

As the quest “A Long Road Ahead” progresses and your relationship with him increases, he will tell you that his wife Lucy was killed by wild ghouls, and his son became seriously ill. And asks the Survivor to help him find a cure.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Successful persuasion in conversation;
  • Theft.
  • Ask for more payment

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Chemical addiction;
  • Transfer of things;
  • Killing civilians.


  • McCready's Cloak
  • McCready's hat
  • Hunting Carbine

Yes, yes, a mutant named Strongman is also one of the possible companions for the wasteland explorer. The strongman relies on brute strength and prefers to engage in close combat - fortunately, the huge hammer allows him to do this.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Eating corpses;
  • Killing civilians.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Treatment of Dogmeat;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Opening locks (not belonging to anyone);
  • Successful persuasion in conversation;
  • Using power armor;
  • Using a rotorcraft.

With all his appearance, synth Nick Valentine proves that he is a real detective. Nick is the owner of his own detective agency in Diamond City. This companion can be encountered while completing the main quest to find your son.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Transfer of things;
  • Hacking computers;
  • Treatment of Dogmeat.
  • Help for settlers.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Eating corpses;
  • Killing of civilians;
  • Opening locks (belonging to someone);
  • Pickpocketing;
  • Theft.

X6-88 is the crown of the development of science and the creation of artificial people. He is an institute hunter and was created exclusively for combat. Has the ability to use advanced energy weapons and can recognize the presence of hostile creatures.

Actions that allow you to win the favor of a companion:

  • Hacking computers;
  • Armor modification;
  • Weapon modification;
  • Successful persuasion in conversation;
  • Pillorying of settlers;
  • Assistance to the Institute;
  • Helping raiders from the World Nuclei (capturing settlements, etc.);
  • Using power armor.

Actions that will worsen your relationship with your companion:

  • Chemical addiction;
  • Use of chemicals;
  • Transfer of things;
  • Dog treatment;
  • Naked;
  • Selfless assistance to people in the Commonwealth;
  • Using a rotorcraft;
  • Rudeness and demands for increased pay towards Institute scientists;
  • Bribe;
  • Completing missions from the Brotherhood of Steel.

Fallout 4 is unique in that in its open spaces you can meet a lot of interesting characters and partners. One of these is the Deacon - a suspicious, interesting and loyal person.

Deacon in Fallout 4

In Fallout 4 you will travel around the world for a long time and meet a variety of characters. They will all perceive you differently and respond differently. All this is of course interesting, but there is another interesting character in this virtual world who will surprise you with his story and will certainly charm you with his desire to change and become a completely different person. In Fallout 4, Deacon is a unique character whose fate can change for the better if you take him as a partner, or for the worse if you refuse him. But, nevertheless, you have to meet him and plunge into a little adventure.

What kind of character is this

At first, you always want to find out what he is like. If you talk to him a little, he will tell the sad story of his past. At first, the story will tell about his sad experience as a spy and manipulating people. Then he will tell you how he was actively involved in theft and he didn’t really like it. Then a conversation will start that love could have changed him, and he would like to live with Barbara all his life, but after the wedding, their farm is attacked and all hopes for a bright future are violated. After unfortunate events, he decides to engage in information trading and be an agent at will, that is, he is able to provide false testimony in such a way that it can be accepted as a valid argument and fact.

But he gets tired of all this and decides to go to the Commonwealth, where he ends up in the Underground. There he finds understanding and becomes a spy. And when you stay a little in this place and want to join this faction, it will be the Deacon who will put in a good word about you and prove that you are a good person. It turns out that he was watching you all the time and planting information about your identity. He was perfectly camouflaged and you probably didn’t pay attention to it, although when you play through it again you’ll be able to track exactly how he was watching you. And after several tasks, he will tell you that he feels guilty for all his actions and wants to help you in your adventure, in order to atone for all his sins, offering to become your partner.

Problems with this satellite

In Fallout 4, the Deacon bug is a known bug that prevented you from taking a given partner with you and sometimes it was the reason that saves crashed and the game froze. At first, many players suggested using a recovery code for the Deacon in Fallout 4, as it turned out, it was just a hoax. And if you are now encountering a situation where the Deacon is frozen in Fallout 4, this means that you are playing a pirated version of the game. There is no need to prove this; a patch has already been released in the licensed copy of the game project that corrects this problem. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is worth using pirated copies of adventures at all.

Character by name Deacon in Fallout 4 you can meet when you get to the Subway headquarters. This is a very colorful hero, who, moreover, can become your companion.


The deacon is very secretive, but this is not surprising, because his main activity is espionage. He often changes his clothes and hairstyles, and according to some members of the Underground, he often undergoes plastic surgery. He himself also confirms this, and even says that he would like to try himself in the role of a woman or Mr. Helper.

When raising the relationship level to the maximum, the Deacon will tell you the sad story of his past. It turns out that he used to be in a gang that was pursuing synths. When innocent people began to fall victim to his comrades, Deacon decided to leave the group.

Over time, he met a girl named Barbara and they began to live together, but his former gang comrades found out about this and decided to take revenge on him. During the brawl, it turned out that Barbara was a synth, and she herself did not know about it. The deacon had to kill his former friends in order to protect her. After this incident, he connected his future life with the Underground.

Deacon as a companion

This companion will be especially useful to you if you prefer to use stealth mode. When upgraded to the maximum, it will give you the “Cloak and Dagger” ability, which increases the duration of stealth mode by 40% and damage during hidden attacks by 20%.

Also, this character constantly changes his appearance and this is really interesting to watch. In any situation, he prefers to use deception and cunning, so with such a partner you certainly will not be lost.

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