How to gain experience in fallout 4. Fast leveling - we get a lot of experience. Cheats for Perks


The game Fallout 4 has a large number of diverse and very exciting quests, which can be either plot or side. The storyline is the most engaging and has missions that are truly mind-blowing. In this article we will talk about the quest called “Molecular Level” in the game Fallout 4. Here, your final goal will be teleportation to the base of the Institute - the faction responsible for the development and creation of synths, that is, androids that cannot be distinguished from ordinary people.

However, to achieve this goal, you have to go through a long and difficult path. And if you have any difficulties, then you can refer to this article, since the passage of this quest in Fallout 4 will be described in detail here. “Molecular level” is far from the simplest, but extremely exciting and important for further completing a task that will not only advance you further along the storyline, but will also bring you closer to the opportunity to join the Institute as a full member of the faction.

Hunter chip

In Fallout 4, The Molecular Level is a quest given to you by Dr. Amari after you complete the previous Hunter/Hunted quest. As part of it, you had to go to the ruins of the Boston Commonwealth Institute of Technology, where you had to track down the synth hunter and eliminate him by obtaining a chip. With this chip, you need to go to Doctor Amari in the hope that she can help you organize teleportation to the Institute base.

It is with a conversation with Amari that the game “Molecular Level” begins in Fallout 4 - a task that will require a lot of time and patience from you, but at the same time it will not make you bored for a second.

Conversation with Amari

Many gamers believe that one of the most difficult quests in the game Fallout 4 is the “Molecular Level”. This quest is challenging to complete, so you may want to consult this guide as you progress along the quest line.

So, when you, having obtained the hunter's chip, turn to Amari, she will not be able to help you. As it turns out, even though she is a scientist, she has never worked with such devices in her life, so she cannot do anything for you. However, it cannot be said that Amari turned out to be absolutely useless - the woman gives you a tip to the Underground. which has been fighting the Institute for many years, so its representatives may be familiar with technologies of this level. Therefore, you will need to meet Desdemona of the Underground to continue the "Molecular Level" of Fallout 4.

The quest has only just begun, and the hardest part is ahead of you.

How to decrypt the chip?

Thus, you need to decrypt the hunter's chip in order to continue the mission "Molecular Level". Fallout 4 is a game that always gives you different paths to complete many of the quests, but in this case it's pretty linear so far, you'll have to wait until the second part of the quest to be able to choose. For now, you just need to decrypt the chip, and this can only be done using the Underground.

If you have not yet encountered this faction during your playthrough of the game, then you will have to complete a quest line called “Freedom Path”. He will lead you to Desdemona, with whom you can make a deal - you give her the hunter's chip, and in return she will give you its decryption. If you have already completed the “Path of Freedom” before and met with the Underground or are even a member of its ranks, then everything will be much simpler - all you have to do is talk to Desdemona.

However, there is another option - because by the time you complete this quest, the Underground may already be destroyed. In this case, you will have to find Technician Tom's terminal and decrypt the chip there yourself. In any case, you get the decryption you need, with which you can further advance through the plot of the game Fallout 4.

The “Molecular Level” mission, of course, does not end there - now you need to analyze the data received and find a way to build a teleport.


What needs to be done in order to complete the Fallout 4 quest “Molecular Level”?

The underground has done everything it can for you, so you need to find the mutated scientist Virgil, who is ready to analyze the data, but in exchange will ask you to bring him a serum that he himself invented and now wants to test on himself. You can spend some time finding this serum (then after a few days you can meet Virgil already in human form, and he will tell you that he is now going to develop a serum for different types of viruses in order to return mutants to human form).

Or convince him that nothing will help him - then you will have to shoot him after he gives you the drawings. With their help, you can build a device that will serve as a teleporter and allow you to move to the Institute’s base - exactly what you wanted.

Gradually, you begin to understand more and more about how to complete the “Molecular Level” in Fallout 4.

Choosing a specialist

Now the moment has come when you can make a choice, unfortunately, it will have little effect on anything. The essence of the choice is that to create the device you will need the help of a specialist who can be assigned to you by any of the three factions. If you contact the Brotherhood of Steel, you will receive a very experienced technician Proctor Ingram, the Underground will be able to assign you the character Technician Tom (the one on whose terminal you decrypt the chip, if the faction has already been destroyed - naturally, in this case you will not be able to contact them for help), but from the Minutemen you will get Sturges. Each of these characters will help you create a teleport, and only a few little things will differ that do not affect the overall plot. Therefore, you can choose any specialist, depending on which of them you like best and which faction seems more attractive to you.

Construction site

In this game, you get the opportunity to build a wide variety of buildings and structures, but you have to do this exclusively on the territory of your settlements, which you create and fill with other survivors encountered during the passage. To create a teleport in this mission you will need a lot of construction slots, so choose a settlement that either has a lot of space or has few ready-made buildings.

If you do not have the opportunity to build in your settlements, then it is recommended to take Proctor Ingram as your assistant, since in this case the Brotherhood of Steel will provide you with a separate site for building a teleport.


So, you have drawings of the teleport, as well as an assistant who will help you in its construction. The next step is to obtain the elements necessary for construction. Fortunately, you can see in the workshop menu everything that will be useful to you when building each of the four parts of the device. Among the elements you can find both fairly common ones, such as copper or steel, and rare ones, such as a military circuit board or a biometric scanner. But don't worry - your Pip-Boy will indicate the location of all the missing elements, so you can quickly collect them and move directly to the building process.

Construction of a teleport

Once you have all the necessary elements, you can begin construction. You need to start with the first part, with the reflector platform. After you complete its assembly, your assistant will contribute, and you will be able to assemble any of the remaining three parts. You need to build an emitter, dish and console to obtain all the necessary components of the device. Their location is not particularly important, but there is one very important point - the emitter must be on the top of the reflector platform, otherwise your device will not function. But that's not all - the fact is that the device requires an impressive amount of energy, namely twenty-seven units. Therefore, you will need to supply your structure with electricity.

Energy supply

Powering the structure is the final step of the Fallout 4 quest "The Molecular Level". How to connect a teleport to the network? To do this, you first need to create this network, which must consist of at least three generators - the most powerful of them is capable of producing ten units of energy, so in any case you will need at least three. After that, you need to select each of the generators, enter workshop mode and connect the wires from the generators to parts of your structure. When this procedure is completed, you will be able to proudly look at the fruits of your labor - a fully functioning teleport that will allow you to be transported to the Institute’s base.


The teleport is built, the power is connected, and you are ready to go to the very heart of the Institute's base. To do this, you need to talk to your assistant, who will tell you that you need to stand in the very center of the reflective platform. He himself will take a place at the console and will be responsible for starting the teleportation process. If your assistant is Proctor Ingram from the Brotherhood of Steel, then the procedure will be successful and you will be teleported to the Institute. If one of the other two experts helped you, then when you first start the device, one of the power cables will come off, thereby turning it off. You will have to reconnect it, after which you will still be sent to the Institute building via teleport on the second attempt. In parallel with this, you will receive a task in which you will need to download a scanning virus into the faction’s computer.

In Fallout 4, the maximum level was not specified initially. The developers have given users the opportunity to enjoy the adventure, regardless of the outcome. The storyline and maximally improved skills did not represent a limitation in terms of leveling. Therefore, users began to actively use various cheats and were finally able to decide on the acceptable value. But first, let’s touch on the pumping issues themselves, and then we’ll reveal what the fans found.

Leveling up in Fallout 4

Before you learn about the maximum level in Fallout 4, let's look at the progression process. At first everything is quite simple, users can go through the storyline and complete quests. The difficulty is caused by the ending of the game, which leaves a few more tasks, and then all that remains is to destroy the monsters. Leveling up a character at this pace is problematic, and it takes quite a lot of time. But this did not stop fans, and they began to use cheats to determine the maximum level in Fallout 4.

We remind you that initially the developers indicated that there was no leveling ceiling in the game. Fans confirmed this, but also noted that the game has an unpleasant defect that does not allow determining the maximum lvl. First, let's note the maximum level depending on the abilities, and then we will indicate the value that we managed to get to with the help of cheats.

Character development depending on abilities

At first, players assumed that the maximum character level in Fallout 4 was achieved after leveling up all the abilities. The game has 7 characteristics, each of which has 5 ranks and additional skills. By simple calculations we find that to upgrade absolutely all abilities you will need 275 levels. This is provided that all 70 available skills are improved. Even this figure already shows that it will take a very long time to swing, especially if you do it yourself.

By the way, each subsequent level of development involves much more experience. As long as there are quests, this doesn't seem like such a difficult process. But when the tasks end, even construction and constant clearing of wastelands will not simplify the situation. Although there were people who spent hundreds of hours on the game, they only reached level 200. In this case, the indicated data is not the final result, since the pumping bar does not stop moving.

Maximum possible lvl

Now consider a situation where fans were using cheats and trying to figure out what the maximum level in Fallout 4 is available to users. It turned out that the game itself did not imply such a meaning, since with a constant increase in experience and achievement of a huge result, the game project simply crashed.

If you are interested in the achieved indicator, then this is the value of 65,535 levels. Agree, it exceeds any expectations. It’s hard to even imagine how much time you need to spend to reach this level. It is not final, since with subsequent development experience continues to be gained, but the game constantly crashes and does not allow you to get the above figure.

Is it worth leveling up to this level?

Now you know what the maximum level is in Fallout 4, but we do not recommend striving for it. The fact is that you will have nothing to do in the game and the meaning of development will simply disappear. It is enough to pump your character up to 275 levels, as this will ensure the development of all available abilities. Even the game itself does not have that much content, except that some fan modifications can diversify the situation. We hope that our information was useful and you will be able to set all the necessary priorities during your adventure.

It is structured in such a way that the development of your character is completely tied to the level. In turn, the levels depend on the amount of experience (XP) gained. They are given to the player for killing enemies, opening locks, exploring the game world, improving weapons and armor, completing missions, and for all other actions. However, there is a way to get more XP in the same time. Which? Find out in this article.

At the beginning of the game, select the “Savant” perk

The “Idiot Savant” perk, called “Savant” in Russian localization, has a chance to bring 3-5 times more (depending on the perk level) experience for any action and the lower the level of intelligence, the greater the chance of this event .

We have given an incomplete list of actions for which experience points are given above. It turns out that if you have level 5 charisma, you can easily receive an additional free boost to your XP for any of these actions. What is important to consider here. Firstly, you will have to save before each quest completion so that chance is on your side, and completing story or secondary missions will always bring triple the amount of points. Picking locks or killing enemies does not give as much experience as completing quests, remember that.

Secondly, the chance of dropping an amplifier depends on the level of intelligence and you will have to sacrifice it for the time being. That is, you will have to forget about the possibility of modifying weapons, about such vital perks as “Gun Nut”, “Hacker” and “Science”. Some companions can compensate for this deficiency, for example, Nick Valentine is excellent at hacking security systems.

Thirdly, you will not be able to use points for the levels you gain, since towards the end of the game it will be difficult to play without a powerful brain. You'll have to consider whether your character really needs a new perk or an extra point in Strength or Charisma, since sometime in the future you will need to invest 10-20 points in the Intelligence tree. Why? Because a character can't be an idiot his whole life.

Milk XP from side quests by obsessing over them

IN Fallout 4 has a bunch of side quests that don't end once completed and can be completed an infinite number of times. For example, these are agricultural tasks, as well as quests from Heylen and Rhys from the Brotherhood of Steel.

It doesn't matter who gives you the quest, for example, Haylen and Rhys will send you to the same place to scout the situation or kill enemies. They have fairly simple tasks and you will receive experience for completing them each time. The situation is similar with quests from Preston Garvey and some other characters.

So here's our advice - put aside your current affairs for a couple of hours, choose repeatable quests, complete them one after the other, get 3-5 times more experience, and milk it until it gets boring or until you get enough levels.

Towards the end of the game, pump up your intelligence

It's not entirely obvious, but the smarter your character is, the more XP experience points he will receive. Due to his intelligence, he will be assigned a special coefficient for each open level in the branch, which will increase the amount of XP received as a percentage of the standard.

Therefore, towards the end of the game, it makes sense to pump all the available points into this branch (at least five), especially if you are tired of pretending to be a fool and messing up quick save - quick load.

As a result, the more “brains” you have, the more experience you will receive, and at the end of the game this is especially true, since at high levels you get more standard experience, and with the coefficient from “intelligence” the amount of XP will be more noticeable.

Farm repeatable quests again

This may not sound very convincing, but at the end of the game there is no escape from performing the same type of tasks. Only this time you will be required to join the Brotherhood of Steel and complete about half of the storyline (you need to deal with Kellogg). In this case, you will be invited to their flying base to become an active member of this community. There you will be introduced to other members of the Brotherhood.

Find Warden Quinlan on the main deck of the ship. Agree to help him complete the Learning Curve task. Completing this quest will give you between 300 and 400 experience points, depending on what perks you use and what your IQ bonus is.

This task also needs to be completed in a special way. You will need the longest-range and most powerful sniper rifle, with an excellent scope, and the task is simple - you will need to kill one of the members of the Brotherhood of Steel.

You are required to have one accurate shot in the head, but you will have to do it from a maximum distance (this also affects the experience gained) and not get caught by the character himself.

Once he or she is sprawled out on the ground, return to Warden Quinlan, turn in the task, accept congratulations, and... pick it up again. As a result, by constantly completing this mission, you can earn several additional levels in an hour, even if you are at a high level.

Publication date: 11/19/2015 11:56:38

A huge number of perks that beckon you every time you level up. But how can we ensure that these desired levels are achieved as often as possible? This small guide contains some tips on how to level up your hero in Fallout 4 faster. Moreover, in this part there is no level limit - it is quite possible to upgrade absolutely all perks and increase all SPECIAL characteristics to level 10.

As you know, experience is awarded for almost all actions - killing enemies, picking locks, discovering new locations, crafting, and completing tasks. To get the most out of these activities, you can use some tricks. And don’t forget - even if you have already found a workaround, but you can break the door lock, do it, because experience is never superfluous!

Learn the Savant perk as early as possible

Perk "Savant" allows you to gain three or even five times more experience for each action. To open it, you need luck pumped up to level 5. The perk works randomly, so whether you receive a bonus or not depends only on the will of Lady Luck. In connection with this feature, it is especially important to ensure that the perk works on gaining large portions of experience. To do this, be sure to save before turning in the quest - if the perk doesn't work, reboot and turn it in again. Repeat until the perk works. It is worth noting separately that the chance of the perk being triggered directly depends on the current level of intelligence - the lower it is, the higher the chance. Here is an example of when pretending to be stupid is a very good option. So if you want, you can start the game with 1 intelligence point.

What else is worth doing is to collect a supply of pumping points, so that you can quickly pump up your intelligence when you decide to move on to the second stage of pumping. You can't be stupid the whole game, right?

The dark side of this approach in the initial stages of the game is the inability to level up interesting skills, such as hacking console passwords and science. But with hacking, for example, you can solve the problem with the help of a partner - Valentine can hack terminals for you.

Farming side quests

There is a whole bunch of quests that are repeated many times. You need to join the Brotherhood of Steel as early as possible (you need to complete Paladin Dance's quest at the Cambridge police station) and start completing quests to clear locations and search for artifacts. Each completion gives experience gained from killing enemies and picking locks in the zone, as well as a bonus for completing the quest itself. You can also complete Preston's quests. In combination with the Savant perk or a high level of intelligence, it is quite possible to gain several additional levels in a short time.

From the middle of the game it is very important to have high intelligence

Although it may not be noticeable from the very beginning, the Intelligence stat directly affects the amount of experience gained for each action. And no matter how much you would like to take “this cool perk” early, it will be more profitable to first pump up your intelligence to a high level, and then, when you gain significantly more experience, pump up the necessary perks.

If you are using a trick with the Savant perk and low intelligence, be sure to max out your intelligence in one fell swoop. This way you can move from frequent bonuses from a perk to a consistently high bonus for a high level of intelligence.

Farm in later stages

At a certain point in the game, after joining the Brotherhood of Steel, Paladin Dance will invite you to go with him and meet other members of the Brotherhood. After this, Proctor Quinlan will give you a quest where you need to protect a specific target. The quest has an interesting feature, using which you can quickly gain a lot of experience. Here's what to do:

  • Equip a weapon with a good optical sight.
  • You will be asked to protect an important person. It's a shame, but you'll have to kill her. Many times in a row.
  • As soon as the quest begins, find a point as far away as possible from the patrolman near the door. If he notices what you are about to do, he will quickly kill you.
  • Crouch to reduce your chance of being detected or use stealth combat. Kill the target you need to protect with a precise headshot. The target will be downstairs at Boston Airport.
  • When the target of the task changes, go to Proctor Quinlan and tell him that the target has died.
  • The reward for failing the quest will be from 300 to 400 experience depending on your intelligence level. The quest can be repeated and you can fail the task an unlimited number of times.

You won't get very far if you try to level up by killing radroaches and molerats all day. Follow the tips below to get a stable increase in XP points and quickly increase your character's level.

Since Fallout 4 has an RPG system at its heart, this means that your character's progression is closely tied to experience points. For all actions in the game, the hero receives experience points (XP) - for destroying adversaries, opening locks on doors and safes, cracking passwords on terminals, opening new locations, crafting, successful persuasion and, of course, for completing quests. Therefore, to get the most XP points, you need to slightly adjust the system to suit you.

Go through the early stages of the game with the Savant perk

The Savant perk is ideal for getting the maximum possible increase in experience points already at early levels of the game. This talent is associated with Luck and rewards the hero with a three- or five-fold increase in XP for any action. Unfortunately, this happens randomly, so increasing experience points is not always guaranteed.

And by leveling up your Savant to the third level, you can get three times the experience for kills:

And if this is not so important when killing cockroaches and picking simple locks, then when receiving a reward for a quest you lose a significant share of precious experience points. Therefore, you must save before each time you receive a quest reward.

If the quest giver gives you a reward without a three- or five-time bonus to points, reboot and try again until your hero gets the desired increase. Please note that this perk works more effectively if your hero has low Intelligence. The lower the Intelligence, the higher the likelihood of receiving a bonus to the purchased XP points.

It is also necessary to save all development points received for each level increase. Decide whether you need a specific perk or whether you should invest everything in Intelligence a little later: after all, you can’t run through the entire game as an idiot.

The negative side here is that without a sufficient level of Intelligence development, you will not be able to take perks such as “Gun Fanatic”, “Hacker” and “Science!”. Fortunately, these losses can be partially compensated. For example, some of yours can pick locks or computers for you.

Completing third-party quests

Fallout 4 is full of side quests that never end. So, if, you can take tasks from the scribe Heylin and the knight Reese, who are located at the Cambridge police station. One quest giver sends you to new locations to clear them, the other sends you to conduct reconnaissance and bring unique electronic devices (they contain nothing useful for the player).

These missions are simple and monotonous, but the character will receive XP points for killing, exploring new locations and completing tasks in one place at once!

The same applies to the repeated tasks from Minuteman Preston Garvey to protect settlements from raiders, super mutants and shooters, as well as free captured residents. Thus, after spending a couple of hours completing both groups of such tasks, you can easily raise a couple of levels.

Mid-game - time to raise your Intelligence!

Of course, you are free not to do this, but the higher your hero’s Intelligence, the more XP points he gets. Therefore, it makes sense to start leveling up Intelligence after developing all ranks of the “Savant” perk.

Closer to higher levels, quests will also provide greater rewards. And in order not to miss out on rare experience points, it is recommended to invest at least 5 development points in Intelligence.

Earning experience points on the repeatable quest “Learning Curve”

After you have become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel and, the paladin Dance will call you to the Prydwen airship. Go with him to the Brotherhood of Steel aircraft and you will be introduced to the rest of the faction members and their leader, Elder Maxson.

On the main deck of Privden you will also meet Proctor Quinlan. In addition to searching for technical documentation, he will ask you to join a research patrol.

You need to agree to help him, and then he will give you a repeating quest “Learning Curve”, from which you can greatly benefit by completing it as follows.

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