How to brush a person's teeth at home. Correcting mistakes: How to brush your teeth correctly. Pigmented dental plaque in adults and children –


Did you go on a trip and forgot to take your toothbrush with you? Or came to work or school without brushing your teeth? You can still achieve clean teeth with a little creativity. A paper towel, a twig, or even your finger can replace a toothbrush, or in a pinch, certain products can help you clean your teeth.


Find an alternative to a toothbrush

    Use a napkin or paper towel. A hard cloth will help with brushing your teeth, but if you don't have one on hand, a paper towel will do.

    Find a twig. Before toothbrushes came into existence, most people used twigs or twigs to clean their teeth. In many parts of the world this is still done using twigs of oak, arrack or neem. According to research, arrack twigs contain fluoride and antimicrobial substances, so cleaning your teeth with them is no less effective, if not more effective, than regular brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

    Simply brush your teeth with your finger. If you don’t have paper towels, napkins, or twigs on hand, you can always use your finger. To begin, wash your hands thoroughly, then use your index finger as a toothbrush—starting at the gums and working your way down, brushing each individual tooth in a circular motion.

    Use dental floss to clean your teeth. If you forgot your toothbrush but brought dental floss with you, then you're in luck. Many dentists believe that flossing alone is more effective in fighting tooth decay than regular brushing. Flossing helps eliminate bacteria and remove food from between your teeth and around your gums. Rinse your mouth thoroughly when finished to ensure complete cleanliness.

    Brush your teeth in the shower. Open your mouth and let the warm water flow over your teeth. The shower acts as a rinsing system, helping you rinse your mouth and remove plaque. Add brushing with your fingers to the mix for a more thorough clean.

    To clean your teeth, chew gum. Chewing sugar-free gum has been shown to be as effective at removing food particles, plaque and bacteria from teeth as dental floss. It also freshens your breath. The optimal duration of chewing is 1 minute, after which bacteria begin to flow from the chewing gum back into the oral cavity.

    Drink green tea or rinse your mouth with it. Green tea contains antioxidant polyphenols that reduce plaque and fight gum disease. Simply drink the tea or use it as a mouthwash for a stronger effect.

    Eat fruits and vegetables that clean your teeth. The abrasive nature of fibrous vegetables can help clean teeth, while the vitamins and acids they contain have whitening properties and help fight tooth decay.

Step-by-step instructions on how to brush your teeth correctly, as well as the necessary set of tools for oral hygiene and tips.

We will provide the necessary information for choosing dental care products - it is based on numerous reviews of people who have been using certain techniques for a long time.

Keep in mind that while all of the tips, recommendations and cautions listed below are highly versatile, only an experienced dentist can choose the best teeth cleaning technique and products.

What do we need?

  • Dental floss (floss) - there are different types; for beginners, flat waxed ones are suitable, which reduce the risk of damage to the gums. For more effective care of the interdental space, the threads can be treated with special antibacterial solutions. They should be selected carefully, paying attention to the possible presence of allergens in the composition;
  • pastes – when choosing, you need to pay special attention to the composition. Fluoride-containing toothpastes are suitable for those who do not have dental problems, and the amount of fluoride in the body does not exceed the norm in order to avoid, they are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Before purchasing, it is advisable to consult a dentist; he will be able to determine what risks your teeth are exposed to and recommend a suitable toothpaste;
  • mouth rinses - suitable for caring for the entire oral cavity and for preventing dental diseases. After brushing and flossing your teeth, you need to rinse your mouth with mouthwash to ensure that bacteria do not remain in the mouth after preventative procedures.

You should not rely on good genetics and healthy teeth, as even the most favorable factors will disappear after a few years without the necessary care. Having very good teeth, maintain their condition with all available methods.

Bad teeth are not only problems with chewing food or drinking drinks, they lead to complex problems with the human body, especially the digestive system. The constant presence of bacteria in the mouth can provoke infectious diseases and significantly impair local and general immunity.

Video: healthy and white teeth at home


If preventive products are used incorrectly, serious problems can arise, so we recommend avoiding the following points when brushing your teeth:

  • the use of old brushes - over time, they become a source of diseases associated with the vital activity of microorganisms that live on their surface;
  • do not store brushes in damp places - this promotes the growth of bacteria;
  • whitening pastes and toothpastes with fluoride - consult your dentist before using them. Such products can seriously harm the oral cavity if used incorrectly;
  • use dental floss carefully, try not to injure your gums - incorrect handling of floss can do more harm than good;
  • use only your own toothbrush - otherwise not only the oral cavity, but the entire body may suffer;
  • when consuming acidic foods, brush your teeth at least after 30 minutes, this will reduce the load on the enamel;
  • If during cleaning you swallow a significant amount of fluoride paste or rinse aid and feel the slightest discomfort, consult a doctor, and try to avoid embarrassment in the future.

Depending on the structure of the teeth and oral cavity of each person, contraindications or warnings may differ. It is almost impossible to determine them independently, without medical education; you will need to consult a dentist.

How to brush your teeth correctly?

To properly brush your teeth, you need to master the technique of this process; it is not enough to simply perform all the steps correctly; you should also understand why this is being done.

Stage I

Since most people use a brush and paste, let's start with them:

  1. You should not apply a large amount of paste to the brush, especially for pastes with fluoride. Excessive application creates a lot of foam, which interferes with the normal cleaning process.
  2. Move the brush smoothly up and down; such movements effectively clean the tooth surface of plaque. If you feel that brushing is uncomfortable, try using a softer brush. A toothpaste for sensitive teeth can also reduce discomfort.
  3. Do not move the brush across the teeth - this will knock plaque into the interdental space. Use circular or up and down motions.
  4. Start brushing your teeth from the front and gradually move to the back, first clean the outside, then, in the same sequence, proceed to the inside. Pay attention to each tooth.
  5. Allow at least three minutes for cleaning - this is the most optimal period of time.

It is worth paying special attention to brushing different types of teeth and from different sides.

  1. To care for your teeth from the inside, you need to open your mouth wide and move the brush from top to bottom. Due to inattentive cleaning of chewing surfaces in hard-to-reach places, caries and other diseases occur. Remember to brush your teeth from the gum line itself.
  2. Brushing molars - move the brush from the end of the dentition to the beginning (cleaning only the molars). Repeat the procedure equally carefully for the upper and lower teeth, and if you move the lower jaw away from the brush, this will help increase the cleaning area.

Stage II

At the final stage, the following procedures should be done:

  1. Use dental floss - brush your teeth carefully, starting from the front and moving towards the back of the mouth. Pay special attention to areas of the interdental space that are most often at risk of caries and other diseases (tooth surface near the gums, etc.). Floss is perhaps the only means that can adequately clean the space between teeth.
  2. Rinse your mouth with special mixtures and rinses - this will cleanse it of food debris and harmful bacteria. Rinsing is possible with ordinary clean water, but special rinses have medicinal properties.
  3. Do not forget to take care of your hygiene products - after each procedure, rinse the brush under running water to remove any remaining toothpaste, food and bacteria from its surface, then leave it to dry. This will help keep it clean and prevent bacteria from entering your mouth when brushing again.
  4. If you have a lot of bacteria in your mouth, you can use a rinse such as salt water or water with lemon juice. They should not be taken too often as they can be harmful to tooth enamel.

The effectiveness of brushing your teeth directly depends on its regularity. If you use the most expensive and advanced products, but do it rarely, then you should not count on positive results. Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day and follow all the above rules.

Video: how to brush your teeth correctly - dentist advice

  • do not start brushing earlier than 15 minutes after eating, this will increase the effectiveness of the paste. After eating certain types of food (for example, too spicy or sour), it is recommended to brush your teeth no earlier than 30 minutes later;
  • try to brush your teeth after breakfast and before going to bed - dentists call this time the most favorable for preventive procedures. Brushing before bed prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms in the mouth, since the salivary glands work very weakly during sleep;
  • The minimum brushing time should be at least three minutes, but do not overdo it. Brushing your teeth for too long, more than 10 minutes, can lead to problems with the enamel, especially for users of toothpaste with a high fluoride content;
  • throughout the day, do not forget to use toothpicks to remove food particles from the interdental space, do this carefully so as not to damage the gums or introduce infection into the wound;
  • Identify problem areas yourself and give them due attention. For more effective care of such teeth, it is recommended to consult a dentist;
  • Pay attention to your gums, as sometimes positive actions towards your teeth result in gum damage. Bleeding gums may be a sign of gingivitis;
  • The use of mouth rinses is not necessary, but it will help to take a comprehensive approach to prevention. Use rinses in accordance with other care products;
  • If you brush your teeth over a long period of time, their condition may change. You may have to reduce or increase the amount of fluoride in hygiene products, abandon certain threads, brushes, and rinses.

Recommendations are supporting information to the rules and instructions listed above for caring for teeth and the oral cavity. In such procedures, the main factors for their success are regularity, thoroughness and consistency of all actions.

Video: brushing teeth in the program with Elena Malysheva

Additional questions

What is the best way to brush your teeth?

It is difficult to name one specific remedy. The most popular, of course, are brushes with pastes, but for a full result, use a whole range of products: rinses, threads, toothpicks, etc. The technique of performing procedures is also important, because if it is incorrect, then the number of devices will not increase the effect.

Before or after breakfast

How long should you brush your teeth?

If we are talking about complete cleaning using all the listed means and recommendations, then such a procedure should last at least 7-8 minutes.

How many times a day?

You need to brush your teeth twice a day - before bed and after breakfast. A smaller amount of brushing will negatively affect the teeth, and too much can damage the enamel and affect the condition of the oral cavity.

It would seem that daily brushing of teeth is a simple matter, is it worth devoting an entire article to it? Dentists say that most of us brush our teeth incorrectly, and this leads to a number of oral problems. Improper oral hygiene can cause diseases of the teeth and gums, lead to bad breath, and darkening of tooth enamel.

Why brush your teeth?

The oral cavity is one of the places in the body most in contact with the environment. Billions of bacteria live in the mouth. We are given teeth for mechanical processing of food, i.e. chewing food, the remains of which may get stuck between the teeth. This creates a breeding ground for microorganisms. If a person has not brushed his teeth for a long time, bacteria multiply very quickly and a soft plaque forms.

This plaque is very destructive for teeth, because... produces acid that destroys tooth enamel. If you do not clean it off, the tooth will soon be susceptible to carious lesions. In addition, plaque contributes to the disruption of the natural barrier to infections in the mouth. It can also cause halitosis - bad breath and the formation of tartar.

If we regularly clean our teeth of soft plaque, we will not give microorganisms a single chance to cause caries and other problems.

How often should you brush your teeth?

It is necessary to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day - in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Dentists recommend a three-minute duration of brushing with a toothbrush (i.e., at least 3 minutes).

In addition to cleansing the external and internal surfaces of the tooth, special attention must be paid to the interdental spaces every day. because food debris gets stuck in them, on which plaque—microorganisms—grows very quickly. The interdental spaces are cleaned with special dental flosses without damaging the gums. The floss is carefully inserted between the teeth, bypasses the gums, and removes plaque and food debris from the teeth in the interdental spaces.

Every day you need to finish brushing your teeth with a special rinse, preferably herbal (you can make an infusion yourself). It is important that your daily mouthwash does not contain alcohol or chlorhexidine. The contact time of the rinse with the oral cavity is 30 seconds.

It is also necessary to brush your teeth after every meal. For this, people with healthy teeth can use chewing gum, which can be used to clean the mouth only after eating for no more than 5-7 minutes. In some cases, chewing gum can be harmful for patients with problem teeth, so mouth rinses can be used after meals. Talk to your dentist about how to properly brush your teeth after each meal in your case.

How to choose a toothbrush

Your dentist's advice will be of great help in choosing a toothbrush. A soft brush may not clean your teeth as effectively, and hard bristles can damage your enamel and gums. Most often, a medium-hard brush is used. Many people are interested in what is better - an electric brush or an ordinary one. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth with an electric brush no more than 2-3 times a week, because... otherwise the enamel may be damaged.

Good reviews about ultrasonic brushes. They allow you to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places due to ultrasonic vibrations that lift plaque from the surface. Recommended for sensitive teeth, braces, periodontal diseases, and other situations where mechanical cleaning is difficult. However, the peculiarities of such brushes are their rather high cost, as well as the presence of contraindications - for cancer patients, people with cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses, pacemakers and children under 9 years old.

Choosing a toothpaste

The paste should also be used taking into account the oral condition of each person. One has sensitive teeth - a special toothpaste is needed to reduce sensitivity. Another has such microflora in his mouth that plaque builds up very quickly - he needs an antibacterial one. In the third case, there may be bleeding gums - a paste is needed for gum health. Very often all this can be combined, then a combined action paste is needed.

When choosing a paste manufacturer, you must also focus on your feelings. After all, it is very important that brushing your teeth is comfortable, and if the taste of the toothpaste causes nausea, a person is unlikely to benefit from it. It happens that, apparently due to the individual characteristics of the oral microflora, after brushing your teeth with certain pastes, after some time a film forms on the oral mucosa, which creates discomfort. In this case, it is better to replace the paste.

Many people want to make their teeth lighter and for this they constantly use whitening toothpastes. Here you need to know that modern whitening pastes most often contain enzymes that facilitate easier removal of plaque. Although these pastes do not harm the enamel, they can only be used daily for 1-2 months. Highly abrasive whitening toothpastes (used mainly for smokers) are more effective, but also dangerous to the enamel. They can only be used 1-2 times a week.

How much toothpaste do you need?

Many people mindlessly squeeze toothpaste along their toothbrush because advertising taught them to do so: back in the 40s, a guy on an advertising poster carefully squeezed toothpaste along the brush. The fact is that the task of marketers is to teach us to buy more than necessary and thus sell us as many products as possible.

The main task of toothpaste is to provide mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth with a brush. The paste is designed to soften the hardness of the brush, reduce its trauma and soften plaque. Too much toothpaste will reduce the effectiveness of your toothbrush.

So how much toothpaste should you squeeze onto your brush for effective brushing? Every dentist will tell you that there should be a “pea-sized amount” of toothpaste on your brush.

How to brush your teeth correctly

It must be said that germs need to be removed not only from the teeth, but also from the tongue and cheeks. This will protect your mouth even better. And yet, oral hygiene begins with brushing your teeth.

It is very important not only what we brush our teeth with, but also how. How well we remove plaque from our teeth depends on the movements we make with a toothbrush.

Movements with a toothbrush should be vertical, as if sweeping bacteria from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth (that’s what dentists call “sweeping” movements). Why not horizontal or circular? Horizontal and circular movements contribute to the fact that plaque accumulates even more in the interdental recesses. In addition, as a result of horizontal movements, we can get a so-called wedge-shaped defect.

It not only makes the smile less attractive, but also greatly increases the sensitivity of the teeth, and in later stages leads to periodontal disease and tooth loss.

So, let's start brushing our teeth.

1. Taking the brush in your hands and rinsing it well with water, apply pea-sized paste. You can apply more paste, but then it will create a lot of foam, which will interfere with cleaning.

2. Upper teeth: bring the brush to the upper edge at an angle of 45 degrees.

3. We begin to produce vertical movements(in this case from top to bottom). There are 3-4 movements around each tooth. We start with the back teeth and move to the front.

4. We do the same on the inside of the upper teeth: brush at an angle of 45 degrees, sweeping movements. As soon as we reach the front teeth, starting with the fangs, we change the position of the brush and make the same movements, only in the position of the brush, as shown in the figure:

5. We clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth with horizontal movements, back and forth movements are allowed, but it is better to “sweep out” the plaque again from the back teeth to the front.

8. At the end we clean the tongue, because a lot of microorganisms accumulate on it. Movements from the root of the tongue to the tip.

10. We tear off the dental floss and clean the interdental spaces, starting from the back teeth to the front. You cannot clean different interdental spaces with the same piece of floss, because... in this way we will transfer bacteria from the previous area to the next one. It is convenient to tear off about 30 cm of thread, place it between 2 index fingers, leaving a few centimeters for cleaning. As you clean, wrap the used thread around one of your fingers. Be careful not to injure your gums.

11. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash for 30 seconds.

After brushing your teeth, make sure that the toothbrush does not “pick up” excess germs before the next use. To do this, it is recommended to soap it and leave it in this state until next time. Be sure to rinse it well before use. Brush your teeth only with your own toothbrush, and do not forget to change it for a new one at least once every 2-3 months.

The main component of a dazzling smile is healthy teeth with snow-white enamel. However, the color of teeth is largely determined by heredity. The opinion of dentists is that the strongest teeth are covered with yellowish enamel. But I really want to be beautiful like movie stars or television announcers.

Whitening procedures are expensive, but if you know how to clean your teeth at home, you can get a beautiful smile.

Types of pollution

Tooth enamel darkens due to the appearance of plaque, which occurs due to the consumption of coloring foods, drinks, coffee and tea.

Darkening causes the appearance of tartar - it is deposited especially intensively in people with a history of diseases of the digestive organs.

Smokers have to think about how to clean their teeth from nicotine - under its influence, the enamel turns yellow.

The saliva produced by the body creates an alkaline environment in the oral cavity. The alkaline balance is disturbed after each eating process and quenching thirst, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

When carbohydrates are broken down by bacteria - about 200 species of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms constantly live in the mouth - oxidation occurs. Acid corrodes the enamel, microcracks form on it, food particles become clogged in them, and the color of the teeth becomes darker.

Is it possible to solve the problem of how to clean teeth from yellow and black plaque and tartar deposits at home?

Oral care

Mandatory hygiene measures - brushing your teeth 2 times a day and rinsing after meals - are not enough to sparkle with a dazzling smile. And not everyone knows how to brush their teeth correctly.

Children under 6 years of age - until permanent molars have appeared - need to clean the dentition with circular movements on the outer and inner sides, and horizontal movements on the chewing surfaces.

Molars are cleaned according to the following algorithm:

  • first carry out vertical movements from the outside and inside;
  • then the chewing surfaces are cleaned with horizontal movements;
  • Use a soft toothbrush or a special rubber one to clean plaque from the tongue;
  • The gums are massaged in a circular motion with the jaws closed - the toothbrush is held horizontally;
  • Use dental floss to clean the gaps;
  • Rinse your mouth with plain water or a special mouthwash.

Only with such hygiene measures will the problem of how to clean teeth from plaque be solved.

To achieve a snow-white smile, you need to use special whitening toothpastes.

It should be taken into account that they contain abrasive particles, so it is not advisable to use them constantly - you need to take at least a month's break between changes of different types of pastes.

Home Remedies

Home remedies can successfully replace whitening toothpaste - they are even more effective. But if the process of tooth decay has begun, it is not recommended to use it on them. Toothpastes are gentle - most folk remedies consist of abrasive substances.

The most popular and proven remedy is baking soda. Even dentists admit that the product is effective and safe. Baking soda can be used separately, applied to the damp surface of a toothbrush, or mixed with a toothpaste that is constantly used. Too much pressure is not recommended - the enamel can be scratched.

If there is a problem, how to clean teeth from black plaque, use hydrogen peroxide. You need to carefully wipe the enamel with it, trying to ensure that the medicinal substance does not get on the gums - so as not to cause a burn. After treating the jaws with hydrogen peroxide, the mouth should be rinsed with clean water. To achieve the result - a beautiful smile - the procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening, for 3 weeks.

Products that contain fruit acids whiten enamel. After oral hygiene measures, teeth should be wiped with a slice of lemon, half a strawberry, or a raspberry. Currants or cherries also contain fruit acids, but they still have coloring properties.

You can also wipe your teeth with the back of the zest of citrus fruits: orange, lemon and grapefruit. The tangerine peel is too thin and cannot cope with the removal of yellowness.

Before using berry-fruit therapy, you need to purchase a sweet paste - after the whitening procedure, you need to brush your teeth to neutralize the destructive effect of fruit acid.

Wood ash or activated carbon are excellent bleaching agents. They can be used alone or mixed with toothpaste. When used without additives, charcoal puree is applied to the surface of the toothbrush - the abrasive agent must be moistened so that it acts softer.

You can clean teeth from tartar at home using this product - baking soda is mixed with charcoal in equal proportions and applied to toothpaste. The effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks.

An old proven remedy - tooth powder - quickly removes plaque of all colors and tartar. You can purchase it without any problems at pharmacies or detergent stores.

Homemade toothpaste

Baking soda, table salt, and regular paste are combined in equal proportions. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to the composition.

After 2 months, there will be no traces or traces of tartar and plaque of various colors left.

Removing yellow plaque - dilute toothpaste with lemon juice and add salt.

A paste made according to the following algorithm will help get rid of plaque and stone:

  • bay leaves are ground into powder;
  • dried lemon zest is also finely ground;
  • the ingredients are mixed with toothpaste and left in a closed container for several hours.

If you don’t have toothpaste on hand, just moisten the product before using to give it a puree-like consistency.

Mouth rinse

After completing the hygiene procedure for brushing your teeth, you need to rinse your mouth.

This process can also be combined with a whitening procedure.

If you use rinses with a whitening effect regularly, you can achieve a snow-white smile without using abrasives - although it will take more time to improve your appearance.

Artificial teeth require the same attention and care as natural teeth. There are several options for how to clean dentures at home. Moreover, the methods used for their processing are not particularly difficult and are accessible to all people.

You can clean with a brush and toothpaste, or use special rinses and technical devices. This is quite easy to do thanks to the wide variety of hygiene products produced by the dental industry. We'll tell you how to clean dentures yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Their cleaning methods vary due to their design. Fixed structures are cleaned during daily oral hygiene procedures. In this case, a standard paste or powder is used. Cleaning is done twice a day. Additionally, you can use an irrigator.

With the help of an irrigator you can:

  • carry out antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity;
  • do a massage that strengthens the gums;
  • get rid of food debris from places that a toothbrush cannot reach;
  • stop inflammatory processes by giving various medications, for example, coagulants, instead of water.

Ultrasonic baths are used exclusively for removable dentures. They allow for deeper cleaning that cannot be done by mechanical means. Disinfection is carried out using high-frequency vibrations, which destroy bacteria and destroy dark plaque.

Compared to other cleaning methods, ultrasonic baths have several advantages:

  • no need to use chemicals and solutions;
  • the time required for disinfection is reduced to 5 minutes;
  • The risk of damage to the dentures during cleaning is reduced to zero.

Folk remedies

If it is not possible to purchase branded preparations that provide antibacterial protection, then you can clean your dentures at home, using available substances and devices that are found in every home:

  1. Vinegar. Dilute it with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio and immerse the dentures in this solution for several hours. Before further use, dentures must be rinsed thoroughly. This is an effective means for cleaning dentures, but it must be taken into account that vinegar negatively affects the strength of both ceramics and plastic or nylon.
  2. Lemon. A little tooth powder or paste should be mixed with juice squeezed from ¼ of a lemon. Apply this mixture to the denture, leave for 20–25 minutes, then clean with a stiff-bristled brush. Before installation in the oral cavity, the removable jaw must be rinsed under running clean water.
  3. Microwave. With its help, you can destroy all harmful bacteria accumulated on removable dentures in just 2 minutes. To do this, you need to fill them with a cleaning solution and place the container in the oven.

All of these cleaning methods are quite simple and do not require large expenses, which is why they received a lot of positive reviews. However, you need to remember that folk remedies are not as effective as special drugs, and serve rather as a temporary replacement for tablets and irrigator.

How to remove tea, coffee and nicotine stains

Even those who are careful, from time to time have problems with how to clean dentures from black stains. The materials from which false teeth are made tend to darken after some time of use. Over time, microcracks form on dentures made of acrylic and plastic, in which food debris and dyes contained in coffee, tea, cigarettes, carbonated drinks, etc. accumulate.

It is not easy to remove such stains. Thus, it is almost impossible to clean the surface of dental dentures from nicotine. This substance eats deeply into the porous structure of artificial jaws. Plastic and nylon are especially vulnerable in this regard; ceramics are more stable, but over time they also become covered with untidy yellow spots. Tea and coffee do not have such a destructive effect, but they also cause dark plaque to appear.

The best option is to avoid products that can damage the color of artificial teeth. It is extremely difficult to do this: a rare smoker will be able to give up cigarettes, and tea and coffee for a business person are the most popular tonic drinks that cannot be excluded from the diet. Therefore, the only way to keep artificial teeth white is to clean them regularly, without waiting for stains to appear.

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