ex-BB group. Our memory. group "ex-bb" Bim bom parody group


Musical parody, eccentricity, humor


from 1989 to present


USSR, Russia


Vadim Sorokin
Alexander Kalinin
Gia Gagua
Alexander Ozerov

Ex-BB- an ensemble of musical eccentricities and parodies.


The group "Ex-BB" appeared in 1989 in Moscow and was first called "Ex-Bim-Bom" (spun off from the parody group "Bim-Bom").

The first numbers are 1) “Othello’s soulful aria”, 2) “Georgian choir”, 3) “Russian tune”. The group "Ex-BB" participated in humor festivals such as "Golden Ostap" in St. Petersburg (1990, 1992, 1995), "Odessa Humorina" (1997), "Sea of ​​Laughter" in Riga (1997), etc. In 2003 The group's first benefit performance took place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, after which it gained real popularity. The group members have repeatedly given tours both in Russia and abroad. “Ex-BB” is a regular participant in the television programs “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Meeting Place”, “Funny People”. The trademark "EX-BB" belongs to the state.


After the passing of Vadim Sorokin, Gia Gagua left the group and created his own show group called “Ex-BB-Gia”. Gagua Giya (Givi) Levanovich - owner of the brand, director and artistic director of "EX-BB-GIYA", "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", Associate Professor of the Department of Directing Theater Performances, Master of the Variety Directing Course at the Moscow State University of Arts Culture "(MGUKI) "

Alexander Kalinin and Alexander Ozerov created their own team - the Next-BB group, which not only continued the traditions of the Ex-BB group, but also brought a lot of new things to the group’s work - it opened a new creative stage, taking into account the modern realities of life, the change of objects of parodies on the stage, etc.

Alexander Kalinin and Alexander Ozerov do not have high-profile titles, but they enjoy the love of the public, just as their new programs and numbers are received by the audience with constant success. To replenish the group, Alexander Ozerov and Alexander Kalinin attracted many new, talented and funny artists.


The original composition of the ensemble "Ex-BB":

  • Sorokin, Vadim Anatolievich
  • Kalinin, Alexander Leonidovich
  • Gagua, Gia Levanovich
  • Ozerov, Alexander Vasilievich


  • Official website of the show group “Ex-BB-Gia”, art. hands Gia Gagua

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The Ex-BB team has been performing on the national stage for 25 years, and during this time it has gained well-deserved popularity. This is a team of artists that appeared in Moscow in the last years of the USSR. The new team was born along with the new Russia, since at the end of perestroika the Bim-Bom ensemble, the predecessor of Ex-BB, still existed. On the eve of the appearance of the group, its members were part of its composition, hence the name of the new group - Ex-BB, that is, the former Bim-Bom.

The genre of the group's stage work can be classified as parody, but Ex-BB's performances carry real originality and the viewer sees quite a wide variety in their parodies.

In the 1990s, Ex-BB performed at many concerts and festivals: Zolotoy Ostap (St. Petersburg), Sea of ​​Laughter (Riga), Odesskaya Humorina (Odessa) and so on. At that time the group consisted of four artists, but now the composition has been reduced. These days, Gia Gagua, Alexander Kalinin and Alexander Ozerov perform in Ex-BB. They all come from the 1960s, each has a higher education (some in acting, some in cultural studies), and Alexandra - Kalinin and Ozerov - are also engineers with diplomas from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Their team was often invited to popular comedy television programs: Full House, Funny Panorama, Meeting Place, Funny People. In their performances, the artists do not set the task of copying or imitating anyone; they find various situations from the modern life of society and present them to the viewer in a humorous way.

In programs, concerts and shows with the participation of Ex-BB in their performances you can often see the numbers “Disco”, “Oh, don’t give me away, mother”, “Gentlemen of Fortune” and others, which enjoyed and are enjoying audience success. It is difficult to describe in words how in these numbers the stars of youth discos of the 1970s and 80s, the characters of the famous film, find themselves in the present day, how a Russian girl from the past finds herself in our days and convinces that a hundred or two years ago young ladies were very concerned similar problems... In their performances, the artists change the situations in which the depicted characters find themselves, and when presented to the viewer, the characteristic features of the characters shown are emphasized. This is done with a bit of eccentricity, so it causes a smile and laughter and makes people come to Ex-BB again.

In 2007, one of the group’s artists (Vadim Sorokin) died and A. Kalinin, A. Ozerov and G. Gagua remained. They performed with this lineup for another year, and then the group split into two lineups. In 2008, due to division, there was even an incident at a concert. Two Alexanders came to perform without Gia Gagua, and they forgot to inform the audience. When the beloved Ex-BB appeared on stage, not in full force, the audience began to leave the hall... it was already Next-BB, which retained the traditions of the team and the style of work. And Gia Gagua was able to find new artists and led another team - Ex-BB Gia. The emergence of two compositions of the group occurred due to differences in the paths of creative development. However, both emerging teams continue to maintain the general appearance of the work of the good old Ex-BB. In their performances, they actively use self-irony, parody artists and artistic characters of the past, who in stage numbers find themselves in modernity and live in the realities of our days. At the same time, the characters in the story do not consider themselves parodists.


Concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW - ordering humor stars for corporate events, weddings, birthdays, private celebrations, anniversaries. Ordering Russian and foreign pop stars. Providing a technical rider for the performance. Recommendations for choosing artists for the holiday.

Ex-BB is an ensemble of musical eccentricities and parodies.
The group "Ex-BB" appeared in 1989 in Moscow and was first called "Ex-Bim-Bom" (the composition of this group was part of the artists of the parody group "Bim-Bom").
The group "Ex-BB" participated in humor festivals such as "Golden Ostap" in St. Petersburg, "Odessa Humorina", "Sea of ​​Laughter" in Riga, etc. In 2003, the group's first benefit performance took place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, after which The group gained real popularity. “Ex-BB” became a regular participant in the television programs “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Meeting Place”, “Funny People”. The original composition of the ensemble "Ex-BB": Sorokin, Vadim Anatolyevich Kalinin, Alexander Leonidovich Gagua, Giya Levanovich Ozerov, Alexander Vasilievich. "Ex-BB" works in a genre similar to synchro-buffoonery. This group does not strive to imitate the voice or manner of the parodied performers, but comes up with special costumes and special movements that allow you to see this or that pop phenomenon from an unexpected side. Members of the group "Ex-BB" have been working in the humorous genre for more than 20 years.
After the passing of Vadim Sorokin, Gia Gagua left the group and created his own show group called “Ex-BB-Gia”. Gagua Giya (Givi) Levanovich - owner of the brand, director and artistic director of "EX-BB-GIYA", "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", Associate Professor of the Department of Directing Theater Performances, Master of the Variety Directing Course at the Moscow State University of Arts Culture "(MGUKI) "
Alexander Kalinin and Alexander Ozerov created their own team - the Next-BB group, which not only continued the traditions of the Ex-BB group, but also brought a lot of new things to the group’s work. To replenish the group, Alexander Ozerov and Alexander Kalinin attracted many new, talented and funny artists.
In 2012, the old members of the group united again. The first broadcast took place in December of the same year on the program “You Are Allowed to Laugh.”
And now any of the members of the Ex-BB group is popular and is invited to corporate and festive events with the help of the 123 SHOW company.

You can organize a performance by the group Ex-BB, or order a concert of Ex-BB for your holiday, with the help of the 123 SHOW agency. The price for a performance by the EKS-BB group at a holiday, corporate event, or wedding depends on the date of the event and the city of performance. Check the cost and availability of artists with the managers of our concert agency using the feedback form or by phone.

The specialists of the 123 SHOW company will definitely help you and answer all your questions.

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Ex-BB- Soviet and Russian ensemble of musical eccentricity and parody.


The group "Ex-BB" appeared in 1989 in Moscow and was first called "Ex-Bim-Bom" (separating from the parody group "Bim-Bom").

The original composition of the group included: Alexander Kalinin, Gia Gagua, Alexander Ozerov and Vadim Sorokin.

The first numbers are “Othello’s Soulful Aria”, “Georgian Choir”, “Russian Tutorial”. The group "Ex-BB" participated in humor festivals such as "Golden Ostap" in St. Petersburg (1990, 1992, 1995), "Odessa Humorina" (1997), "Sea of ​​Laughter" in Riga (1997), etc. In 2003 The group's first benefit performance took place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, after which it gained real popularity. The group members have repeatedly given tours both in Russia and abroad. “Ex-BB” is a regular participant in the television programs “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Meeting Place”, “Funny People”.

Death of Vadim Sorokin

The last time Vadim Sorokin participated in the Ex-BB concert was three weeks before his death. He lost a lot of weight and felt bad, but continued to go on stage. And only when it became really bad, I stayed at home. He had cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment was carried out. Sorokin died of cirrhosis on March 6, 2007, and was buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery.


Gagua Giya (Givi) Levanovich - “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”, Associate Professor of the Department of Directing Theater Performances, Master of the Variety Directing Course at the Moscow State University of Arts Culture “(MGUKI)”. After the passing of Vadim Sorokin, Gia Gagua left the group “Ex-BB” and created his own show group called “Ex-BB-Gia”.


Alexander Kalinin and Alexander Ozerov created their own team - the Next-BB group, which not only continued the traditions of the Ex-BB group, but also brought a lot of new things to the group’s work - it opened a new creative stage, taking into account the modern realities of life, the change of objects of parodies on the stage, etc.

To replenish the group, Alexander Ozerov and Alexander Kalinin attracted many new, talented and funny artists.


In 2012, the old members of the group - Alexander Kalinin, Gia Gagua and Alexander Ozerov united again. The first broadcast took place in December of the same year on the program “You are Allowed to Laugh” on the Russia-1 TV channel. In 2013, the group “Ex-BB” delighted fans with the premiere of a new song “New Year” on the eve of the New Year holidays. In 2014, the Ex-BB group will turn 25 years old; on this occasion, a new stage in the creative development of the group is planned.

  • Alexander Ozerov, Vadim Sorokin and Alexander Kalinin knew each other before working at Bim-Bom - they all studied at MAI.


  • Alexander Kalinin
  • Gia Gagua
  • Alexander Ozerov

Former members:

  • Vadim Sorokin †

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Excerpt characterizing Ex-BB

“Bend him down, bend his head,” he said to the soldier who was holding the French eagle and accidentally lowered it in front of the banner of the Preobrazhensky soldiers. - Lower, lower, that’s it. Hooray! “Guys,” with a quick movement of his chin, turn to the soldiers, he said.
- Hurray rah rah! - thousands of voices roared. While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending over the saddle, bowed his head, and his eye lit up with a gentle, as if mocking, shine.
“That’s it, brothers,” he said when the voices fell silent...
And suddenly his voice and expression changed: the commander-in-chief stopped speaking, and a simple, old man spoke, obviously wanting to tell his comrades the most important thing.
There was a movement in the crowd of officers and in the ranks of soldiers to hear more clearly what he would say now.
- Here's what, brothers. I know it’s difficult for you, but what can you do? Be patient; not long left. Let's see the guests out and then rest. The king will not forget you for your service. It’s difficult for you, but you’re still at home; and they - see what they have come to,” he said, pointing to the prisoners. - Worse than the last beggars. While they were strong, we did not feel sorry for ourselves, but now we can feel sorry for them. They are people too. Right, guys?
He looked around him, and in the persistent, respectfully perplexed glances fixed on him, he read sympathy for his words: his face became lighter and lighter from an senile, meek smile, wrinkled like stars in the corners of his lips and eyes. He paused and lowered his head as if in bewilderment.
- And even then, who called them to us? Serves them right, m... and... in g.... - he suddenly said, raising his head. And, swinging his whip, he galloped, for the first time in the entire campaign, away from the joyfully laughing and roaring cheers that upset the ranks of the soldiers.
The words spoken by Kutuzov were hardly understood by the troops. No one would have been able to convey the content of the field marshal’s first solemn and, at the end, innocently old man’s speech; but the heartfelt meaning of this speech was not only understood, but that same, that very feeling of majestic triumph, combined with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of one’s rightness, expressed by this, precisely this old man’s, good-natured curse - this very (feeling lay in the soul of every soldier and was expressed by a joyful cry that did not cease for a long time. When after this one of the generals turned to him with a question about whether the commander-in-chief would order the carriage to arrive, Kutuzov, answering, unexpectedly sobbed, apparently being in great excitement.

November 8th is the last day of the Krasnensky battles; It was already dark when the troops arrived at their overnight camp. The whole day was quiet, frosty, with light, sparse snow falling; By evening it began to become clear. A black purple starry sky could be seen through the snowflakes, and the frost began to intensify.
The musketeer regiment, which left Tarutino in the number of three thousand, now, in the number of nine hundred people, was one of the first to arrive at the appointed place for the night, in a village on the high road. The quartermasters who met the regiment announced that all the huts were occupied by sick and dead Frenchmen, cavalrymen and staff. There was only one hut for the regimental commander.
The regimental commander drove up to his hut. The regiment passed through the village and placed the guns on the goats at the outer huts on the road.
Like a huge, multi-membered animal, the regiment set to work organizing its lair and food. One part of the soldiers scattered, knee-deep in the snow, into the birch forest that was to the right of the village, and immediately the sound of axes, cutlasses, the crackling of breaking branches and cheerful voices were heard in the forest; the other part was busy around the center of the regimental carts and horses, placed in a pile, taking out cauldrons, crackers and giving food to the horses; the third part scattered in the village, setting up headquarters rooms, selecting the dead bodies of the French lying in the huts, and taking away boards, dry firewood and straw from the roofs for fires and wattle fences for protection.

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