Fallout 4 where to find power armor. Characteristics of power armor. South of the train station underwater


For many Fallout 4 players, a worthy find is the X-01 power armor, which we will look for in this review. There are only three places in the game where you can be guaranteed to find X-01 armor, but under certain conditions. A prerequisite when searching for X-01 armor is to have a level of at least 30. Therefore, this should be taken into account before searching, otherwise at the indicated points that are presented in this review you will be able to find less advanced kits, such as T-51 or T -60.

The first point where you can find the X-01 armor set is in the “Luminous Sea” location, almost on the border of the map, on the left side. There we will be interested in the Abandoned Shack, inside of which, in addition to the treasured armor, a crowd of synths awaits us. At this point you will find full armor except for the helmet.

Upon entering the shack, you will see a suitcase on the floor containing the key to the K-21V installation. With its help, we will open the hatch located next to the suitcase and go down to the very bottom, to the treasured armor.

Along the way, you need to move down the stairs, while not forgetting to destroy the attacking synths. As soon as you leave the last step of the stairs you need to go around it to the left, under it there will be our X-01 kit.

The second point with the armor set is located in house 35 near the Postal Square location, Customs Tower. In this building on the top level, we will receive a warm welcome from a security robot and an assault gun.

After defeating them, you can begin to open the doors to the floor of the glass compartment with armor. This can be done by going into open boxes (to the left and right of the armor compartment), with a control panel, where you will need to press the red buttons in each.

And the third place where you are lucky enough to find a similar kit at the checkpoint. Unfortunately, unlike the two previous options, the complete set is not presented here, but it’s better than nothing. How to find the X-01 power armor, see the location on the map and the exact location of the object in the screenshots and video below.

Many things in Fallout 4 become simple and understandable only after long hours of playthrough, so we have prepared a small guide that will help you figure out the important details. Specifically, today we will talk about armor for the main character.

Equipment in the world of Fallout 4

When traveling through the dangerous Boston Wasteland, even the most experienced explorer needs the right gear. The age-old question of where the best armor is in Fallout 4 concerns every player, regardless of level of pumping. Don’t overlook costumes that can add additional Charisma, Endurance and other attributes. Thanks to such useful equipment, you can open additional dialogues during conversations with other characters.

In addition to the best armor in Fallout 4, you can get other things to protect the main character, such as helmets, goggles and gas masks, which provide additional armor for some damage.

This guide will help you get information about the best armor and how to get it. All equipment in the article is not presented in any particular order.

T-51 power armor

The complete set is located near the Old Northern Church location. We look for the barge, deal with the terminal and take the entire set for ourselves.

It is one of the best power armor in Fallout 4. Only those players who have managed to reach level fifteen can equip it. Choosing the T-51 is best suited to completing the main quests until we meet the Brotherhood of Steel and obtain their equipment.

T-60 power armor

It is several times superior in performance to the T-51. The set is held by the Brotherhood of Steel and the Atom Cats, two factions operating in the Wasteland. To meet them, just follow the main quest. You can begin the path to joining the Brotherhood after their airship arrives, after which the quest “Fire Support” will be added to the list of active tasks. A bonus to the T-60 power armor will be an additional unique color scheme, which the player receives as a reward for joining the ranks of the Brotherhood.

It is worth saying that joining this faction is not at all necessary. We can try to get the armor in several other ways: steal it or contact Proctor Tegan with an offer to trade.

Atomic Cats have their own set with a unique coloring, which is sold in Rowdy's Hangar.

X-01 Power Armor

Responsible for the development of this set is the surviving United States Army. This power armor is the best in Fallout 4, so its lucky owners feel comfortable during almost any battle. The material used is a fairly light but at the same time super-strong alloy; the seams are reinforced with ceramic inserts.

The X-01 power armor is quite rare, which is why more and more players want to get their hands on it. In order to find it, you need to upgrade your character to level twenty-eight. If this is not done, then the armor simply will not appear in the places where it should be, and instead the player will only find the T-60 version.

The first such location that is worth a look after reaching the required level is the Abandoned Shack. We go to the basement, from where we go down to the lowest level and look under the stairs - that’s where the treasured set lies. It is important to note that this variant does not have a right arm or left leg.

In another location, in the Customs Tower, a little west of the mark there is a building with a sign 35 Court. We go up to the roof and find another X-01 armor set of the third type. But in order to get it, we will have to bypass the security. We do the following: we make our way into the room with robots and press two buttons that should open the cabinet. Interestingly, this armor set was previously a little bugged - it had the appearance of a T-60, which confused players.

We move on to the third location, where you can find the complete X-01. This time we go to the Military Checkpoint towards South Boston. On one of the streets there is a terminal with a fairly high level of complexity - this is what we have to hack.

And finally, we move towards the National Guard Training Site - the fourth and final location. We find a bunker, after which we go inside and find a power frame with an incomplete set of X-01. The composition usually varies, but there is almost always a chance to get a full set for the whole body. As for the helmet and limbs, it depends on your luck.

Where can you find good armor in Fallout 4 if you left it unattended?

This advice will be useful for those players who are not used to carrying the same exoskeleton with them everywhere. In the new part, you can no longer hide your power armor in some closet and return to it later. So what should we do if the suit’s recharging is low or we just want to leave our bulky exoskeleton aside and walk around the Wasteland without it? In this case, you can simply throw it wherever you want - the location of the kit is always displayed on the game mini-map, which makes searching much easier.

Repairing power armor

Frequent use of the exoskeleton leads to wear and tear, which is different from how simple equipment works. In this case, it is necessary to resort to timely repairs, which are carried out at special stations - they look like yellow vertical frames, somewhat reminiscent of part of a forklift from the movie "Aliens".

To start repairing, just exit the power armor not far from such a structure and go to the improvements menu by clicking on the cloud that appears. The only condition for successful repair is a sufficient amount of steel, so do not forget to stock up on the necessary material.

Far Harbor Diving Suit and Marine Wetsuit

This set may not be the best non-power armor in Fallout 4, but it's still useful to have in your wardrobe. Both sets are additional content from the released DLC.

Getting to the scuba suit in Far Harbor is quite difficult. To do this, you need to complete several tasks, but you don’t have to worry that the final prize won’t justify your efforts - the kit eliminates the need to use sea perks. Such an underwater suit will be able to automatically protect the character from exposure to radioactive substances and provide him with an unlimited supply of oxygen.

There are several ways to obtain a marine wetsuit in the game. One of them is to go to the Children of Atom base and purchase the necessary kit from the merchant Kane’s shop. Another way is to get a free wetsuit, which becomes available after completing all the hacks in the main story quest.

After we do this, we go to the coast of the island and far from it, under water, we find a trace from a cargo container. To avoid the consequences of radioactive particles, we recommend pumping up your character with special means. By the way, in the same place you can get hold of a Tactical helmet and several elements of additional armor.

Marine Kit

Another one from the addition that is not a power one. In total, it is presented in three basic types and one legendary. All the kits are sold by various merchants, so instead of a long search, you can simply spend your savings. Several parts are located along with the marine wetsuit, hidden in the cargo container, which we talked about just above.

Basic armor is divided into: Zealot, Stormtrooper and Inquisitor. All sets differ from each other in various modifications, so the answer to the question of which armor in Fallout 4 is better depends only on the preferences of the players themselves.

If you don’t want to spend money, then there is a chance to get a Marine set absolutely free. To do this, you need to continue the storyline of the Far Harbor quest and hack DiMA's memories. We receive the necessary quest with the three locations indicated in it and go in search of parts of the armor.

Many gamers who play the beloved game Fallout 4 very often wonder where to find some of the forbidden power armor in Fallout 4. This very article will talk about the locations of power armor.

At the beginning, I would like to note what power armor is and what it is intended for. First of all, this is a special suit that provides your character with reliable protection from all types of attacks. Players should also take into account that this is not ordinary clothing, but a special costume, thanks to which you can protect your individual hero. There are several such suits in the game itself, namely: T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01.

Where to find power armor in Fallout 4

At the very beginning of the game, one of these special armor can be found or purchased, you can find such suits as: T-45 and T-51. T-60. The X-01 armor can only be purchased when your hero's level reaches 30. Meanwhile, I would like to note the fact that the higher the level of your character, the better the armor you find will be. But there are such unfortunate places where there are no advanced suits at all; in such places you can only find such a type of armor as: T-45.

Each armor is unique in its own way and has its own improved and individual options, for example the T-45b is more durable than the same armor T-45a. But it is also worth remembering that any armor can be upgraded and improved according to your taste and desire. When you upgrade power armor, you receive certain bonus points.

Very terrifying power armor, but there’s no point in it, since it’s very weak. Such armor can be seen on raiders who hide in their

fortified camps. It is quite possible to obtain such armor, just kill the raider and remove the armor from him. But when shooting, such armor often deteriorates very quickly, so before putting it on, you will need to repair it.

Such armor can also be found early on, in places such as:

  • The destroyed ship “Klokot”, which is located north of Diamond City.
  • In the city of Legsinkton, where the Corvega plant is located, where the Repair doll is located.
  • Between the buildings you can stumble upon a raider who also wears such armor.
  • There is a cave to which you can move, there is also one of the raiders’ power armor inside.
  • You can also meet a raider in the Dunwich Drillers location.

When you complete a quest with a name like “Call of Freedom” to the end, you immediately receive similar ammunition from your guarantor of the task. This armor is undoubtedly better than the same raider armor. If your hero’s level is below ten, then such armor you can find in certain areas:

One of these power armors should be located in an old cemetery where post-war and unnecessary robotics were thrown away, the other at the famous Air Force station.

The second area where you can get one of these reservations is a specialized train, which should be located within the Tanepines Bluff settlement.

First of all, climb to the elevated platform itself, where you will see a cage, that’s where our little thing is located. You need to open the cage itself using a special terminal, which can be seen in the blue carriage on the left. Meanwhile, it is worth remembering that your character’s Hacker skill must be at least level one.

The player can get the most complete set of armor on the lake, next to the fallen vertibed - under water, which in turn is located near the Alliance.

In order to get a complete set of nuclear unit, you need to go to the broken vertibed, which is located east of the Greygarden greenhouse. Also, do not forget that in some places you can find the most ordinary armor, no matter what level your character is.

One set of armor can be found on the platform of a train that stops on the tracks west of Lexington. In order to pick a lock, your character's hacking level must be at least average.

It is considered more improved than the previous armor. The player can find parts of this armor in various places on the game map. But before you start searching, you should know that you need to look for parts when your hero reaches level 15, because if you don’t follow this, you will come across parts of T-45 armor. This armor is fine once you reach the middle of the game's story until you meet the Brotherhood of Steel, where you can then get better armor.

An incomplete set can be obtained from the military convoy van containing the nuclear unit, but before you put on the armor, you will have to deal with Mr. Brave.
Also near this place is the River Beach satellite dish, there you can also get one of the armor without a power block and a fat man, but first you will have to destroy the guarding super mutant.

An incomplete set of armor can be found in Fort Hagen.

There is also a local military base next to this place, where an understaffed T-51 without an energy core will actually be waiting for you.
The famous Pickman Gallery also has such armor, it is in one of the cages.

Well, in order to get such power armor, the player will need to try very hard. But fortunately, in order to get it, there are two unique opportunities. The first way is to become a knight of the Brotherhood of Steel, for this you first need to find a distress signal, during which you can meet members of the brotherhood. When you join the brotherhood, you will complete their tasks, during which you will increase your character’s skill, and then you will be able to get into their closed ship, where a reward will await you. If you can finish the act of the second plot, you will be able to automatically get on the same ship, where you can actually buy the best ammunition. If you want to go through the story in splendid isolation, then feel free to go to the Atomic Cats Garage, there you can meet a merchant named Rowdy, and then everything is clear.

Among other things, you can steal this armor in the yard of the atomic cats, kill all the enemies, and then take off your suits.

At the destroyed cordon, which is located near Nitik Banks, you can find a T-60 without a head and a nuclear unit.
The player will be able to get one Incomplete set of armor at a special outpost of the Marksman mercenaries “Mass Pike”, which can be found by climbing onto an overpass, where you will need to destroy several malicious enemies

Well, in the end I would like to talk a little about the most favorite costume for many players, almost all players. Meanwhile, only those players whose character level has reached no more than level 30 can count on receiving such a luxurious set. Until this level is achieved, you will not be able to find this armor. There’s just another problem, when this armor is found, the end of the game is already close, you won’t have to wear it for very long.

This armor can be found in the following areas:

In the city of Nordhagen Beach, there we find a special building that can be seen in front of the bridge. When you enter the house, you can find our little thing, but it will be missing some parts.
Full ammunition for such weapons can be found near the Customs Tower. In front of the tower itself we find a special building, whose name is 35 Court, entering which you go to the roof. There on the roof, you will have to fight with the assault gun and another enemy. After killing them, we go to the building where they came from, activate the switch there and thereby open the desired room with armor.

If you go to the “Glowing Sea”, then you will find an underground military bunker; the entrance to it can be found in an abandoned shack. Synths live there, if there are no problems with them, then we go down the stairs and find the thing we need.

Go to the swamp, there we find a crashed vertibed, swamp dwellers are staggering around it, we destroy them and take the necessary armor.
The player can find the latest improved armor in the Goodneighbor dungeon. But to get to this place, you need to complete the “Excavation” task from Noseless Bobby.

You can receive such a task in Good Neighborhood, first of all we will need to find the house itself, which should be located on the very first lane, we approach it and get acquainted with the owner of the future quest.

  1. Each power armor requires special blocks, which can be purchased from the same merchants.
  2. Power armor is unique; you can even jump and run in it.
  3. Avoid radiation; wearing armor your character will walk and move much slower than usual.
  4. Each armor can be improved to your liking, and it can also be improved with various models and parts.
  5. Improvements can be taken from the same enemies, or received for tasks.
  6. Don't forget to repair your armor on time.
  7. Your enemies are not asleep; they can steal it at any moment when we remove it and remove the nuclear block from it.

The model of this power armor was developed by the US Army forces that survived the Great War. This sample of power armor is made of a fairly light, but at the same time super-strong alloy, with reinforced seams with ceramic inserts. It is the best, and at the same time the rarest piece of power armor found in Fallout 4.

To find this armor, your character's level must be at least 28, otherwise in the locations where the armor is located there will be T-60!

The first location is Abandoned Shack , go down to the basement, and then strictly down to the top floor, pick up the armor under the stairs.

This armor is missing the right arm and left leg.

In location Customs Tower, Just west of the map marker, there is a building called Court 35. On its roof is a complete set X-01 type III which is protected. To open the cabinet, you need to press two buttons in the rooms from which the robots emerge. There is a bug associated with this set: before equipping this particular set, it will have the appearance of armor T-60 .

In location South Boston military outpost there is a full set of armor. You can get it by hacking a terminal on the street (the terminal level is difficult).

In location National Guard training site There is a small bunker (National Guard Warehouse), inside of which you can find a power frame with four of the six parts (the body will always be there, limbs and a helmet will be random).

Characteristics of Power Armor

Armor piece

Physical Damage Resistance Energy Damage Resistance Radiation Damage Resistance








Left hand




Right hand




Left leg




Right leg


This is exactly the question that arises for absolutely all Fallout 4 players after they try this “walking tank” for the first time. And the first opportunity to try power armor in action appears to the player in the first hour of playing Fallout 4.

For ease of navigation, use summary :

What is power armor in Fallout 4?

Power armor is the most durable and protected armor in the game Fallout 4. Power armor is made up of an exoskeleton with a built-in battery, onto which armor sheets of varying strength are attached. Different sets of power armor are obtained from sheets of armor that are different in type and degree of protection. In fact, power armor is a modern analogue of knightly armor from the Middle Ages.

Having seen power armor, in order to climb into it, you need to make sure that it has a battery and climb into it using the “Action” button. Then the armor will open at the back and your character will climb into it. The perception of the surrounding world from power armor is a little different; several indicators are added, by which you can understand the state of the armor and how high the battery charge is. In addition to protection from damage, power armor provides protection from radiation, and while wearing power armor, the main character will be able to be underwater more. The types of power armor, as well as their characteristics, can be found in the main article - “Power armor in Fallout 4”.

Characteristics of power armor

This article describes all the places where the main character can find power armor, but if you immediately go looking for it, you will find that the armor you found is almost the same level. That is, you you won’t be able to find the coolest power armor in the first couple of days, even if you go around all the places on the map where they are located. The fact is that the level of the power armor found directly depends on the level of your character; the higher the character’s level, the higher the level of the armor he found.

Here is an approximate ratio between the character's level and the level of power armor that he can detect:

Name of reservation Character level
T-45 1
T-45b 11
T-51 14
T-51b 18
T-60 21
T-60b 25
X-01 28
X-01 Mk.II 32
X-01 Mk.III 36

As mentioned above, the level of power armor found by the main character depends on his level, but if you still want to go around all the places where you can find power armor, then here are lists of locations, and then there is a detailed map with marks for each set.

  • #1 US Air Force satellite station "Olivia": near this station, you can find a crashed rotorcraft, near it there is power armor;
  • #2 location motel “Pines by the Road”;
  • #3 Finch Farm: we go west from the farm, looking for abandoned military vehicles;
  • #4 location “The Glowing Sea”: in the area of ​​the Atom crater, in the east there is a cave, in it you can find a good set of power armor;
  • #5 Tenpines Bluff Farm: We move from the farm in an easterly direction and find a derailed train, in one of the compartments there is armor;
  • #6 Drumlin Diner: from this cafe we ​​go southeast, look for a red truck, next to it there will be a derailed train, there is armor in it;
  • #7 quarry “Gravel and sand”: we are looking for an intersection located east of the quarry;
  • #8 Trailer Park "Fiddlers Green": we search all the trailers;
  • #9 location "Greygarden": if you move east from this location, then you can find armor at the next rotorcraft;
  • #10 Rotten Dump: from the landfill we go south, looking for a crashed rotorcraft, next to it under the water there is power armor;
  • #11 location “Good Neighbor”: a set of power armor can be found in this location, although only when completing the quest “Excavation”;
  • #12 location “Training site National. Guard";
  • #13 Fort Hagen: we go south from the fort, look for a garage, next to it there is an armored vehicle, there is armor in it;
  • #14 city of Concord: during the quest “Call of Freedom”, the Minutemen will tell you where to get this armor (on the roof of the museum);
  • #15 Revere Beach Satellite Dish;
  • #16 Federal food warehouse: here the armor can be “squeezed out” from the raiders;
  • #17 location “Atomic Cats Garage”: in this location you can find 2 sets of power armor, although they can only be stolen;
  • #18 location “Murkwater Construction Site”: to the west of this site, you can find another crashed rotorcraft with armor;
  • #19 location “Abandoned Shack”: in this location you can find a good set of armor;

  • #20 location "Long Joe's Landfill": from this landfill we go further down the road, look for a checkpoint and an armored vehicle next to it, there is a set of armor there;
  • #21 location "Mass Pike" station : we go from this station in a western direction, your goal is the strengthening of the Riflemen, the armor can be “squeezed out” from their captain;
  • #22 location “Fort Strong”: There is a checkpoint not far from this fort, where the armor is located;
  • #23 location “Massachusetts Bay Medical Center”: in this location the armor can be “squeezed” from one of the Shooters;
  • #24 West Everett location : we move from the location to the south, look for the remains of the plane, the armor is located in the remains;
  • #25 Natick Police Department location: moving south from this location, you can find an armored vehicle dug into the ground, it contains the desired armor;
  • #26 location “Neponset Park”: There is a lake near the park, power armor is located at its bottom;
  • #27 location “Pickman Gallery”: from this location you need to move to the northeast, while paying attention to the water, as soon as you find a barge, go to it and look for armor there;
  • #28 location “Quincy Ruins”: armor can be “squeezed out” from a character named Clint;
  • #29 “Mass Pike” location: from this location we go in a northwest direction, looking for an abandoned army checkpoint;
  • #30 Military checkpoint : In the South Boston location, you can find an army checkpoint that has a good set of armor.

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