What does it mean that a guy has serious intentions? How to understand that your boyfriend is not serious about you. Declaration of love


It's a shame that even when you feel good together, for men this is not always a reason to think about a future together. “To avoid disappointment, we will use the good old principle “forewarned is forearmed!”

1. “A man is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends.” It is clear that we are not talking about a period that does not allow you to simply break away from each other. But then a man who is proud of his choice cannot wait to show off in his close circle. Maybe you really are not his dream?

2. “Doesn’t introduce you to your parents.” This is alarming, but it is important to know the reason. The family is not always ready to support the choice of even a beloved son, not to mention those cases when the situation there is tense. “This is not always a manifestation of a man’s frivolity,” explains the author.

3. “When going out together, he withdraws and rarely looks at you.” You may think that he is embarrassed by your presence or is distracted by other women. The author comments on this: “Most likely, he’s just bored with you.”

4. “Drinks alcohol at every meeting.” This behavior may indicate a lack of self-confidence, but other explanations do not sound reassuring. “There is a high probability that there is a holiday man next to you. He wants to have fun and is only ready for a non-committal relationship.”

5. “Rare meetings and calls.” Don’t be naive, being busy and busy will never interfere with your desire to always know where your loved one is and what’s wrong with her. “Most likely, he is married and has many women’s names in his address book, and he is playing “harem” with you.

6. “Swears at your exes and treats other women rudely in your presence.” Quarrelsomeness and pettiness are character traits, but for your beloved you want to be the best. If he doesn't feel the need to keep it to himself, it's unlikely he cares what you think about him. “Soon he will surface in a petty quarrel,” the author adds.

7. “Constantly says that you need to change something in your appearance and criticizes your figure.” This interest is called sexual desire, but not love. “When we love, we completely accept a person without trying to change him.”

8. “Asks to borrow a certain amount of money.” By nature, a man is a leader; his woman can be looked after and weak, but in no way a tractor and assistant in solving problems. “You don’t need a gigolo, right?”

9. “A man is in no hurry to share his future with you.” This is ambiguous. His dreams and plans may be darkened not by you at all, but by other factors - past experiences, fear of circumstances and a pessimistic attitude. “It’s worth finding out more about the events of his past life.”

10. “A man is not in a hurry to help you and date you, only you call him.” It would seem that there is nothing to think about here. But in fact, we are ready to replace reality with any explanations - he is timid, is not used to being first, does not know how to express feelings. “The maturity of a young man is manifested in his willingness to take responsibility for your life together.”

Psychologist Alisa Metelina herself mentions in her book that this is an optional set. “I pointed out first of all those signs that a priori will be for you.”

Every woman sooner or later begins to dream of a wedding with her loved one, chooses the names of her future children, and thinks about a happy life together. But not receiving reciprocal interest from her partner, she begins to think<<А серьёзны ли его намерения по отношению ко мне?>>.

After all, you don’t want to be deceived or waste time on meaningless expectations... And in this case, the good old principle “forewarned is forearmed!” works)

So, I will describe the signs of a frivolous relationship. And if you notice that any of them is inherent in your man, I ask you not to make hasty conclusions. But if there are more than 3 signs, this is a reason to think: are his intentions really serious?

Sign 1.
If he is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends. A man who experiences tender, tremulous feelings will not hide his chosen one from close friends.

Sign 2.
Not introducing him to his parents is not always a sign of a man’s frivolity. It all depends on the situation in his family. If there is a trusting and warm relationship there, you can learn about this from your lover’s stories, then most likely your man’s intentions are not serious. If family relationships are tense (unhealthy psychological situation, mother’s jealousy, father’s pickiness, etc.), then most likely the man values ​​your relationship, protecting it from gossip and discussion from his loved ones.

Sign 3.
A man has frivolous intentions if, during joint outings, he withdraws, rarely looks at you, his eyes constantly dart, as if looking for something to grab onto, and... he pays a lot of attention to other women. Most likely he is bored with you and your presence next to him is a burden to him.

Sign 4.
Drinks alcohol at every meeting. Often people try to compensate for their insecurities with the help of alcohol, and if after drinking alcohol he begins to show open sympathy and insist on continuing the evening at his house, do not be naive, do not believe his words. If your young man is confident in himself, but nevertheless drinks on every date, there is a high probability that the man next to you is a holiday - he wants to have fun and is only ready for a non-binding relationship.

Sign 5.
Rare meetings and calls. A loving man always “keeps his finger on the pulse” of your relationship and is ready to call every day and spend at least 2 times a week with the woman he loves. If a man suddenly disappears, practically does not call due to the supposed constant lack of time, and meetings with him are rare, sudden and fleeting, most likely he is married, or he has many women’s names in his address book, and he is playing “harem” with you. .

Sign 6.
If a man scolds his exes and treats other women rudely in your presence, be it staff in a cafe, supermarket, or just his colleagues and acquaintances, do not think that with your appearance in his life he will change. Even if now he is very considerate and communicates nicely with you, soon his disrespect for the female sex will come up in a petty quarrel.

Sign 7.
If a man says that you need to change something in your appearance, criticizes your figure, then there is no question of sincere love here. When we love, we completely accept a person without trying to change him. After all, love is a union of souls, and if your relationship is based only on sexual interest, then it will not last long.

Sign 8.
You should be wary of the fact if a man asks you to borrow a certain amount of money. Men, by their nature, don’t really like to ask for advice and help, especially from a woman. Don’t believe in the sentimental stories that we so often fall for, because you don’t need gigolos, right?

Sign 9.
If a man is in no hurry to share his future with you, then do not rush to make plans with him for a happy life together. Although, keep in mind that your chosen one has negative beliefs about family life (health problems, previous marriage was unsuccessful, bad memories from childhood, etc.)

Sign 10.
If a man is not in a hurry to help you, and only you invite him on dates, then he is clearly not serious. A man’s maturity and his desire to build harmonious relationships are manifested in his active position towards his woman. This can be seen from his willingness to pursue you: call you on dates, organize leisure time, offer help if a problem arises and, in the end, take responsibility for you and your life together.

Describing the signs of a frivolous attitude, I pointed out first of all those that would a priori be a waste of time for our readers. After all, a partner’s serious intentions can arise only after he realizes how much his relationship with you is dear to him.

Love to you, my dear ones, your Alisa Metelina.

Finally, on the way I met a man who was ideal in all respects, the one whom you had dreamed of all your life... But now another problem appears: how to understand that your relationship is serious and long-term, and not just another game. Our advice will help you make sure that you are not next on his list of conquered girls and that tomorrow you will not cry for a guy who has gone forever. We have collected the most eloquent signs that a guy is determined at the beginning of a relationship and at the peak of its development.

On first dates, a man, if he is serious, will not pester or hint at intimacy. He should be more interested in you and not talk about himself. In this case, we are not talking about superficial interest (what is the size of the chest and hips, the shape of the nose, etc.), but about something deeper. If the candidate for the role of boyfriend glances at your figure, perhaps he really wants to be in bed with you. But this is not a reason to immediately stop communicating, because such a desire is quite natural.

It’s great if a young man listens with enthusiasm about your childhood, work, hobbies, family. This means he is trying to get to know and understand you. Pay attention to whether the MC listens to what you say to him or ignores it. If the essence of what was said is not important to him, then this is a hopeless specimen.

If you want to drag a girl into bed, the conversation will come down to the topic of sex and everything connected with it. He can tell how macho he is and how popular he is with girls.

The young man's gaze deserves special attention. If he turns to the eyes of the interlocutor, then everything is in order. If you take him aside and “run” around the room, you can assume that the person is simply bored in your company. When a man's eyes are lowered to the floor, this may indicate his shyness and embarrassment (a good sign).

Meeting family and friends

If, six months later, the chosen one did not consider it necessary to introduce his companion to his family and loved ones, one can worry and feel annoyed. This may indicate that he simply does not plan to stay with you for a long time, but simply decided:

  • take a break from everyday life;
  • relax;
  • forget your ex;
  • make sure that his acquaintances get rid of him with the question: do you have a girlfriend;
  • to assert myself (I was able to interest and pick up such a girl!);
  • gain experience before building serious relationships with other ladies.

There is no need to make hasty conclusions when a young man is in no hurry to introduce you into his social circle. Perhaps he has no friends at all and his relationship with his family is tense. In this case, you can say, for example: “your mother has a wonderful son, when I meet her, I will definitely celebrate this!”

If a man categorically does not want to meet your family and ignores conversations about them, run away from him! He is clearly trying to use you. A serious young man will be interested in who raised such a beautiful and smart girl with whom he fell in love.

What about gifts

At the beginning of a relationship (this is approximately the first six months), a normal young man who is looking for a life partner, and not a “doll,” will not give expensive gifts: household appliances, and especially an apartment, a car, or tours abroad. All that is allowed during the candy-flower period is the gift of flowers, perfume, sweets, and various inexpensive decorations. More expensive gifts should humiliate and alarm a normal girl.

Particular attention to the girl’s person

A man looking for a serious relationship will not intentionally disappear from sight for a month or more. He will definitely find time to call, wish you good morning, and invite you on a date. It will be normal for him to compliment and praise his new passion. In this case, the emphasis should be on internal qualities:

  • kindness;
  • scrupulousness;
  • determination;
  • originality;
  • responsibility;
  • devotion.

Here are some questions a young man might ask:

  • you are not cold (if we are talking about winter);
  • How do you feel;
  • how are you;
  • what grades did you get at the university?
  • very tired at work;
  • everything is fine at home, etc.

All these questions show that the guy cares about you, he cares and worries about his girlfriend. This is the main sign of the seriousness of feelings and intentions.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What a man shouldn't say

It’s strange if a guy constantly doesn’t know why:

  • remembers his former passion;
  • asks for advice on behavior with other girls;
  • asks what he needs to change in his appearance in order to please the ladies;
  • says that he does not intend to commit himself to a serious relationship in the near future;
  • is interested in how you would react to the fact that you won’t succeed;
  • confesses his love, hardly knowing you.

This behavior is extremely suspicious and requires attention on the part of the woman.

If you are tormented by guesses whether he loves you, here it is. Here we tried to figure out how a lover behaves, what his facial expressions and gestures will be, and how not to make mistakes.

This article will also help. Here are effective ways to test this and one good test that will reveal feelings.

And here read about. We have prepared the main signs, shared how to determine this through correspondence and in real life, by behavior, gestures, and speech.

There is a separate article on the site that will help you figure it out. It is written here about the peculiarities of his behavior, gaze, facial expressions, gestures.

The young man does not talk about his feelings and you are at a loss? Stop tormenting yourself - the main ones are collected here. You can also find tips on how to act in this difficult situation.

How to understand that a guy is ready to propose marriage

A man who plans to get married soon will spend a lot of time with you and much less time with friends. It is very likely that there will be an offer to start living together, then constant conversations about children, and a joint vacation. Then he can talk for a long time about how great it would be to be a family.

It says a lot that a guy trusts his money to a girl. Allows her to dispose of them as she wishes. This means that he is ready for a shared life and responsibilities.

An important sign is that in a couple’s conversations one can increasingly hear “we” instead of “I.” He is making plans for the future: how to develop a business together, for example. At the same time, he respects the opinion of his other half, listens to her, asks her for advice. Intimacy also takes place, but it no longer seems to be paramount; a man wants more family warmth and comfort. Family comes to the fore.

Pay special attention to what your chosen one spends money on. If less and less of them are spent on entertainment and relaxation and more and more on investing in your business or improving the family nest, you can prepare for a marriage proposal.

Gifts can also give away MC plans. If during the courtship period he made do with flowers, perfumes and sweets, now he presents various things for the home:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • electric kettle;
  • iron;
  • dishes, etc.

If you do not live together, then in this way he may hint that he will soon move in with you or invite you to his place.

An important aspect is trust. A guy with serious intentions will calmly reveal secrets to his significant other. He can talk about his past (childhood, youth, school and student years). This is very valuable!

And the last point is the absence of other women in his life. If during the period of studying you he could easily flirt with different girls in real life or online, now this seems unacceptable to him. And he expects his companion to treat the relationship with the same respect.

How he introduces a woman to others

A seriously motivated man may say that you are his future wife or bride. When you live together, he imagines his chosen one not as a cohabitant, but as a full-fledged wife. He tells his family that he has made his choice and “settled down” and found the one and only one. As a result, his friends no longer try to introduce him to a pretty girl or invite him to a striptease.

Pay special attention to how his mother calls you in front of others. If she is a daughter-in-law, this is a good sign, it means that she takes her son’s chosen one seriously.

In this video, the emphasis is on listening to how a man calls you and imagines how he behaves in public:

In fact, to figure out a skilled deceiver, all the signs will not be enough! Therefore, we advise, among other things, to rely on your sixth sense and not turn off your brain to the enthusiastic “I love you.”

Every girl's dream is to get married, start a family and be constantly loved. And for all this, the smallest thing is missing - to understand whether the man who is next to her has serious intentions. Everything here is quite simple, our mothers and grandmothers have already identified certain signs of a man’s serious intentions.

Surely you often have the desire to read other people's thoughts. You especially want to know what the man you care about thinks. If you are observant enough, then special non-verbal signs will not escape you, by which you can understand how serious a man’s intentions are.

How to find out a man's intentions

So, the very first rule is the ability to listen to what your interlocutor is telling you. Men are different: some can constantly amaze with jokes and stories from their past lives, while others can’t hear too much. But it is in the few phrases of the silent that one can discern the secret meaning.

If the interlocutor in a conversation only admires your external characteristics, then, most likely, the man’s intentions are determined only by a pleasant pastime. In the case when a man begins to ask some everyday questions, to be interested in your opinion about some everyday issues, we can say that the man is in a serious mood and at the moment the man’s intentions are more than serious.

A distinctive sign of a conversation can be considered a conversation about children. Of course, this topic should not be regarded as a proposal to start a family, but by this very sign we can say that the man is testing the waters on this subject with the potential mother of his children.

You can understand a man’s intentions by the fact how he plans your time together. If he talks about how he will successfully go to the seaside or to some party, then most likely your romance will not last long. If a young man starts talking about celebrating the New Year together in the summer, then this can be regarded as the man’s serious intentions.

In addition to conversations, it is very important to pay attention to the gentleman’s behavior itself.

During the first meetings, it is quite difficult to create an objective picture of a man’s perception, since he is still playing a role. The first progress can be made after a month of communication, when the young man begins to set priorities. If you spend the whole weekend without him, and at this time he goes fishing with friends, then it is clear that the man’s intentions are not far-reaching.

It is also worth paying attention to the man’s gaze. If, moving towards each other, a young man averts his eyes to the side, this is an unkind sign. A man who walks towards you with an open gaze and tries to look into your eyes can be described positively. This may indicate real feelings on the part of the boyfriend.

The only thing worth remembering is that a man who is truly interested in a woman will constantly remind her of himself either by his presence or by his calls. In addition, a man truly in love will not notice anything around him except his chosen one. If your boyfriend is constantly looking at the ladies around him. This is a sign that you could not completely conquer his heart.

Another indicative moment of a man’s serious intentions is meeting his parents and relatives. An alarming sign may be not introducing you even to friends, which may indicate that there are no feelings on the part of the man.

The third rule for determining a man’s intentions is the help offered and support provided on his part. A man who is serious about a woman will always strive to lend her a helping hand. Particularly noteworthy is the fact if the young man himself offers to help (take him to work, bring groceries, nail a shelf, etc.). Such an initiative can be considered as a serious intention, since the desire to take care of the woman he loves has entered his consciousness, and this is the main sign that a person wants to win him over.

It’s very bad when a man remains silent in response to your request or even pretends that there was no request. Such behavior should alert you. For a small check in order to understand the man’s intentions, you can ask him for some help, and then you just have to monitor his reaction. Remember that a man in love with you will try to help in any way and make sure that no difficulties touch your shoulders.

What shows the seriousness of his intentions

Whether a woman is committed to marriage or not, she still wants to be taken seriously. How can you understand, when entering into a relationship, whether they have a prospect, or whether they promise sheer hassle and disappointment, followed by separation, depression, and sometimes the services of a psychologist are required? Here are ten obvious signs that a harmonious relationship is unlikely to work out. If you observe three or more of them, then think about it.

  1. Everything happened too quickly. The circumstances of dating usually matter for guys. If a girl is ready to immediately build a relationship with a guy, having met him on the street, in a bar or on a dating site, then the guy must have good reasons for a monogamous relationship. Of course, there are exceptions. But as a rule, the more banal the method of acquaintance was, and the easier it was for him to achieve physical intimacy, the less he values ​​​​this relationship.
  2. You spend most of your time alone; he prefers not to meet your friends and not introduce you to his. There may be different reasons for this, but the main one is that he doesn't want others to think of him as your boyfriend. This is normal in the first weeks and even months because everyone has the right to pursue a hobby while maintaining their independence. But if he doesn’t want you to have a social circle together, then this is an eloquent sign.
  3. If you still go out “into the world” together, but you feel that he seems to distance himself from you, does not touch you, does not look you in the eye, is interested in anyone and anything, just not you, then your relationship is doomed. By this sign, you can recognize happy and unhappy families even after many years of marriage. If people are together, it is always visible, even if they are very sociable. It can also be seen when people find each other’s presence a burden.
  4. He doesn't introduce you to his parents. As a rule, a guy does not introduce every girl to his parents, especially his mother, but the one with whom he is serious. So there is no rush here. Much depends on the situation in his family, on what kind of relationships there are. If they are tense and dysfunctional, then perhaps he values ​​your relationship and does not want to dramatize it by getting to know his relatives. If everything is fine in the family, he is close to his parents and at the same time does not introduce you to them for more than six months, from this we can conclude that his intentions are not serious.
  5. If a lot of alcohol is consumed during each meeting. Let's put aside the possibility that you both just like to drink. People who are truly interesting and like each other won't get drunk every time. If this happens, then there is something wrong with these people and their relationships. A little alcohol is normal, but if a guy feels the need for it and cannot stop in time, then the healthy relationship that every woman dreams of cannot be built with him.
  6. He appears in your life only when he wants it. Normal relationships are built on a mutual basis of trust, when people regularly check how each other is doing and plan their time together. If a guy calls, comes to you, or invites you somewhere solely on his whim, then he wants to “settle well,” having fun with you without any obligations on his part.
  7. He has no respect for the female gender as such. There are several possible reasons: psychological trauma, the habit of living “according to concepts” according to which a woman is a second-class creature, the desire to assert oneself through one’s “victories” on the love front... Do not delude yourself that with your appearance in his life everything will change. If you understand that a guy is prone to disrespectful and rude treatment of women, this tendency will remain with him, but do you need it?
  8. He's trying to manipulate you. To one degree or another, we all manipulate each other. But if a guy constantly makes you worry and worry about him, tells heart-warming stories about himself, asks for help in solving his problems, and most importantly, deceives you, then such manipulations indicate that he wants to use you in his own interests.
  9. His position regarding your future together is passive. He does not stop conversations about joint plans, but he also does not show his own initiative. The masculine principle is active by nature, which means that the intention to build harmonious relationships is manifested in the active position of a man in relation to his woman. Therefore, it is normal to expect from him that he will offer options for joint leisure, his help in some matters, and show concern for you. If the initiative comes only from you, then a happy life together will not work out.
  10. He is married. The sign, as they say, is last on the list, but not least. If you enter into a relationship with a man, knowing that he is married, then it is on your conscience. But a very common case is when a man either assures that he and his wife have not been a family for a long time, or stupidly deceives. If you understand that this is exactly your case, alas, you can only sympathize with you.

These are not all the signs that indicate a man's unserious intentions towards you, but any of them are most likely to lead to this relationship becoming a waste of time for you. Any experience can theoretically be useful, especially in youth, when you have the strength to acquire this experience. But if you want to get married and be happy in your marriage, try not to make obvious mistakes.

Signs that a man has no serious intentions

Even if you have been dating for several years, this does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards you. And if this causes you concern (it’s no coincidence that you found this article?), then there are reasons for doubt.

Read in what situations it is better for you to end a relationship if you want not just to have fun, but to start a family.

  • If they don’t want to appear with you in public, if your meetings are of a hidden nature, beware, perhaps your man is already taken, or even married.
  • If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, this may indicate his bad manners and can also be understood as a sign that the man does not have serious intentions. Moreover, in the future this may even lead to the person raising his hand against you.
  • A man who often ignores you, does not answer calls and messages, breaks promises, calls only in situations that are convenient for him, is not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions towards you.
  • If your man gives compliments, jokes and communicates a lot with other representatives of the fair sex, then you are just a friend for him for now, he has no serious intentions.
  • If a man finds reasons not to call you, disappears for a long time, makes excuses not to meet with you, or postpones meetings, it means that such a man does not have serious intentions towards you. A serious man will look for a meeting with you by all means, and not come up with reasons not to come or not to call.

If something is really bothering you in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart will calm down. If a man is fussy and avoids answering, well, you will have to conduct some kind of test, experience his feelings, or watch him - perhaps he has someone else.

How to understand that a man is serious? Today Koshechka.ru will point out to you some signs that distinguish just a seeker of romantic (or not so romantic) adventures from that Captain who is determined for a long voyage. And not with anyone, but with you!

What's in the article:

What is inherent in nature?

Someday take a look at how pigeons behave during the mating season. Or peacocks. And in general, pay attention - in nature, for some reason, all males are more beautiful than females. You and I know very well that a man should not be judged by his appearance, but the desire to be liked by the appearance of the girl whom a man is serious about always manifests itself in him.

If he straightens his hair in front of you, he begins to straighten his clothes. Or, for example, you praised something in his appearance and clothes, and he remembered it, tries to look exactly like that in front of you, understand: he is really serious. Of course, one can object by saying that this may be dictated by his desire to quickly get closer to the girl on an intimate level. I don’t want to argue with this statement - this is also inherent in male nature. And here everything is in your power: either with your availability and blunders in communication you can nullify all his serious intentions, or wait for the cherished offer!

Instead of 1000 words - no, not Raffaello)) But although... Sometimes candy too!

Your actions will help you understand that a man has serious feelings. Affairs. Even small actions. That is, everything that he actually does, and not just promises.

How many times have you had to console your friends who were almost going down the aisle, but it turned out that he turned out to be a “even-toed animal.” And why all? They just listened to what the guy promised them. And they can promise a lot in the desire to gain access to non-binding intimacy. Perhaps you have fallen for similar tricks yourself. But now stop “loving with your ears” and start methodically monitoring his actions. Of course, with feminine mystery - you don’t need to open a notebook right in front of him and record all his advantages. Now let's move on directly to those same actions. And then the site will tell you, by the way, what words a man should still pay attention to.

How to understand that a man has serious intentions?

  • He introduces you to loved ones, family, and friends.
  • He remembers your wishes and tries to make them come true.
  • He does everything so that you meet and that you enjoy this date.
  • He delays the moment of sexual intimacy.
  • A man does not hide your communication from strangers. If he wants to keep your communication with him secret (under any pretext), then perhaps he is in a relationship. Or even married.

Now let's talk about words that indicate that he is serious. And even very much so.

How to understand that a man is serious: listen, don’t love with your ears!

Many girls can be delighted with a guy they barely know, being impressed by compliments or promises. This is called “loving with your ears.” And the wiser ones ignore all this “vanilla nonsense” and catch the really important words. This is called listening with your ears.

He shares with you incidents from his life, including childhood memories, funny situations that happened to him.

A man talks about work. What is important here is what he says about work. If he complains to you about his problems and is looking for advice, then you should probably be wary. Perhaps he just wants to shed some of his problems. But to understand that a man is aiming for a serious relationship, his words about his achievements at work and the plans he wants to implement will help you. You might even think he's bragging. However, this is a good sign. After all, everything a man does and plans must find approval in his companion. Otherwise, he will simply give up and he will find someone who wants to support his endeavors.

So if he starts sharing his career plans with you, don't miss this moment! He saw you as his source of inspiration, and this is a wonderful sign.

A man shares his interests with you. This is where he indirectly lets you know that the man wants a serious relationship. You must determine for yourself whether you share (or are ready to) share all of his hobbies and interests. So that later, when the romantic period has passed, you don’t nag him for spending his time differently than you would like. If your interests and hobbies coincide, then you will spend all your free time together. And sincerely rejoice at it!

Don't fall into the traps!

Trap number one is a jealous person with low self-esteem and a desire to lock you in his cage. Until he plays enough. Or yes, perhaps he has serious intentions, but will you like living with him without being able to leave the house again? Such a guy, without really getting to know you, will ask you not to communicate with other men, so that you post photos together on social networks and indicate in the “Marital status” column that you are dating him.

Trap number two - he says that he wants to be completely honest with you and begins to talk, for example, about male nature. That let's be in an open relationship, that friendly sex is normal. And then you may think - here he is, the only one of all men who honestly admits and does not hide anything from you, which means he trusts you. With a man who talks about such things, nothing serious will ever happen to the girl he tells it to. Don't waste your time on him.

How to understand that a man wants a serious relationship?

And for dessert. Trust your intuition. That's the truth! Are you comfortable around him? Do you feel like you can be yourself without facing criticism? Does he remember every little thing and looks at you with tenderness? Then this is it! But don't rush into developing relationships.

Because you can’t understand that a man is serious in just a few meetings. This is truly a complex task!

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