Road transport accidents: causes and procedures. Types and methods of preventing accidents Transport accidents in road transport


Road traffic accidents (accidents) are becoming commonplace, because every year their number increases and their scale grows. This is largely due to the increase in traffic on the roads, but an important factor is the level of conscious attitude of drivers towards compliance with traffic rules (traffic rules). To understand exactly what an accident is, and what legal, financial, and administrative consequences it may entail, let’s consider how the code of traffic rules of the Russian Federation interprets the concept in question.

According to paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules, an accident is an incident that occurred with the participation of a vehicle (one or more).

The definition of an accident in the traffic rules contains a designation of the range of possible consequences of the incident:

  • death of people or infliction of severe physical injury;
  • damage to vehicles, buildings, property;
  • causing any other damage.

In the traffic rules you can also find a list of the defining characteristics of the incident:

  • An accident occurs only if a vehicle is involved;
  • the mechanism of an accident requires that the car must be in motion at the time of the accident;
  • the consequences indicated above (all or some of them) are mandatory conditions for the fact of determining an accident.

An important point when analyzing the nature and nature of an accident is to determine its boundaries and scale. Often, road users use the term “accident” instead of the term road accident. However, these definitions do not always coincide.

To understand the difference between an accident and a traffic accident, it is necessary to clarify the nature and essence of the first event.

What does it mean to have a road accident?

An accident is an incident that resulted in the destruction of structures, technical means and equipment. May be accompanied by an uncontrolled explosion or release of hazardous substances. That is, an accident can be defined as an incident as a result of which the functioning of certain units, machines, devices (including motor vehicles) is disrupted.

According to the classification of road accidents, it can be determined that the presence of a vehicle is mandatory to define the very concept of this incident. Car damage can be one of the consequences of an accident, but it is not necessary. Therefore, not everything that is considered an accident will be an accident. Just like a significant number of accidents are not accidents in nature.

At the same time, hitting an obstacle, for example, can be both an accident and an accident. The main factor here is the involvement of the vehicle in the incident, as well as the degree of damage to the vehicle. Quite often, the concepts of “accident” and road traffic accident are used as synonyms, but in the legal sense these terms are not identical.

A multi-vehicle collision is almost always an accident because the vehicles experience significant damage or destruction as a result of the incident.

As a result of an accident, people may die, since its scale is often quite significant. However, this is not a mandatory feature.

Classification of road accident participants

The traffic rules classify all participants in an accident according to the principle of determining their role and degree of participation in the incident.

  1. drivers;
  2. passengers;
  3. pedestrians.

In this case, the driver is not only the person directly behind the wheel of the car involved in the accident. The driver can be a driving instructor, as well as a cattle driver whose herd moves along the road.

Pedestrians are a fairly broad category. They can become participants in road accidents, and in some cases even the culprits. This category includes persons who move directly along the road or side of the road. A pedestrian can move accompanied by a motorcycle or bicycle, which is driven next to him.

In addition, a pedestrian is a person who moves with the help of a scooter, roller skates, skates and other similar devices. A person driving a child stroller or wheelchair is also a pedestrian. All these persons can become participants in an accident.

  • ignorance or ignorance of traffic rules;
  • drunkenness or poor physical health of the driver;
  • unsatisfactory technical condition of the vehicle;
  • influence of bad weather conditions;
  • reduced visibility on the road;
  • potentially hazardous road surface.

The nature of road accidents and the causes of their occurrence are usually closely related.

People driving a car show inattention, and sometimes criminal negligence, and are distracted by extraneous factors (talking on the phone, listening to music, the presence of animals and children in the car). As statistics show, a significant number of accidents occur due to the driver’s fault.

It is important to take into account that the negligence of a pedestrian is not a sufficient basis for recognizing the extent of his guilt in an accident. In some cases, drivers are able to prove that the victim deliberately threw himself under the wheels of a car in order to receive financial compensation. But establishing these criminal circumstances is only possible with a thorough investigation of the incident. Evidence of a pedestrian’s guilt in an accident can be provided by written testimony of witnesses, but the court does not always consider them sufficient, since there may be a fact of bias.

If pedestrians exercise a little more caution and drivers pay attention to traffic rules, the risk of serious accidents on our roads will be significantly reduced.

Many participants, having been involved in an accident, try to evade responsibility by offering various excuses and unreliable reasons. For example, they try to blame the victim for intentional negligence or explain the situation due to the influence of extraneous factors (bad weather, poor quality of the road surface).

It should be remembered that such behavior in an accident not only will not help avoid consequences, but can also aggravate the liability of the culprit. Especially if a person was killed or seriously injured as a result of an accident, as well as if significant material damage was caused.

Types of accidents

Types of road accidents vary significantly in nature and level of complexity. The presence of consequences of a criminal or administrative nature is also important.

Taking into account these factors, an accident on the road may be:

  • collision;
  • capsizing;
  • collision with damage to a stationary vehicle (collisions with pedestrians, cyclists, obstacles, and horse-drawn vehicles are distinguished);
  • passenger fall.

Another type of accident is also possible, that is, incidents associated with certain circumstances, technical nuances, and peculiarities of the organization of road traffic.

A common and quite serious category of the event in question is a triple accident, when three cars are involved.

In many ways, the nature of the incident depends on a certain model of response to a particular stress factor, the presence of specific circumstances, potentially dangerous road markers, and the operational condition of vehicles.

As the practice of road traffic shows, accidents happen quite often. This is especially true for triple incidents. Such incidents usually have extremely serious consequences, especially if the vehicles were traveling at high speed. It is not uncommon for drivers and passengers to die. The extent of responsibility in this case is established during the investigation; the perpetrators face serious criminal liability.

Procedure in case of an accident

There are precise recommendations regulating... It is important to understand that each accident has specific conditions of origin, nature, participants, and consequences. Therefore, in any incident, participants in an accident are required to show restraint, mutual tolerance and calm.

A mandatory step in the event of an accident is to stop vehicles and display a warning triangle.

Next, possible victims are given first aid, an ambulance and the police are called. Before the police arrive, it is advisable to preserve the original position of the vehicles and other circumstances of the accident, which is necessary to ensure an objective investigation of the traffic accident. If there is a need to clear the roadway, the position of the vehicles, as well as the entire range of traces and signs associated with the incident, must be carefully recorded.

Responsibility of the culprit

As a result of an accident, the culprit is subject to criminal liability (if people are killed or seriously injured) or administrative liability (if the culprit’s actions are classified as an administrative offense). A possible option is civil liability for an accident, if we are talking about material compensation for losses.

It is worth remembering that, according to Russian law, the driver is by default the culprit of the accident, unless he proves otherwise. This is determined by the recognition of a vehicle as a source of increased danger, as a result of which even the negligence of a pedestrian does not relieve the driver of responsibility.

At the same time, compensation for damage caused to owners of vehicles whose interaction resulted in an accident occurs on a general basis, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

While driving, the driver must remember the significant responsibility he bears. This is especially true for certain precedents of road traffic. Accidents often occur when reversing, although the limited speed of such movement leaves little chance of avoiding serious consequences and damage.

The annual statistics of road accidents in the Russian Federation clearly indicate that road transport is a source of increased danger and ensuring the safety of road users on the country's roads is an urgent, multifaceted task. Its successful solution depends on many factors, among which the actions of the movement participants themselves are important.

If, despite the preventive measures taken, a traffic accident cannot be avoided, then its participants should not leave the car until it stops, driving the car until the last opportunity. Maintaining composure and not panicking, take measures to avoid an oncoming strike: turn into a ditch, fence,

a bush, even better into a tree than into a car coming at you, or transform the oncoming blow into a sliding, side blow. When a blow is inevitable, the most important thing is to prevent yourself from moving forward and protect your head, to do this you need to rest your feet on the floor, tilt your head forward between your hands, tensing all your muscles,

Place your hands on the steering wheel (front panel). The passenger in the back seat should cover his head with his hands and lean to one side.

If there is a child nearby, press the cover tightly and also fall to the side. The most dangerous place for a passenger is the front seat, so children under 12 years old are prohibited from being there without a special device. As a rule, after an impact the door jams

and you have to go out through the window. If a car falls into the water, it can stay afloat for some time; you also need to get out of it through an open window. In the event of an accident, first of all, assistance should be provided to the victims: if possible, free them, remove them from the car, help those who are unable to do this on their own to take a comfortable position.

It is imperative to take measures to call traffic police and ambulance officers to the scene of the incident, and, if possible, arrange for the victims to be transported to the nearest medical facility. About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to drivers violating traffic rules. The most dangerous types of violations continue to be speeding, ignoring road signs, driving into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated. Very often, bad roads (mainly slippery ones) and vehicle malfunctions (in the first place - brakes, in second place - steering, in third place - wheels and tires) lead to accidents.

The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours due to excessive blood loss.

How to act if a collision is inevitable. Maintain composure - this will allow you to control the car until the last opportunity. Tighten all your muscles to the limit, do not relax until you stop completely. Do everything to avoid an oncoming blow: a ditch, a fence, a bush, even a tree is better than a car coming at you. Remember that when colliding with a stationary object, the impact of the left or right fender is worse than the impact of the entire bumper. If an impact is imminent, protect your head. If the car is moving at low speed, press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel. If the speed exceeds 60 km/h and you are not wearing a seat belt, press your chest against the steering column.

If you are riding in the front passenger seat, cover your head with your hands and lie on your side, prone on the seat. While sitting in the back seat, try to fall to the floor. If there is a child next to you, cover him with yourself.

Determine where in the car and what position you are in, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when tipping over). If the doors are jammed, exit the car through the windows by opening them or breaking them with heavy objects. After getting out of the car, move as far away from it as possible - an explosion is possible.

When falling into water, the car can stay afloat for some time, enough to leave it. Get out through the open window, because... When you open the door, the car will suddenly start to sink.

When diving to the bottom with the windows and doors closed, the air in the car's interior lasts for several minutes. Turn on the headlights (to make it easier to find the car), actively ventilate your lungs (deep inhalations and exhalations allow you to fill your blood with oxygen for future use), get rid of excess clothing, grab documents and money. Get out of the car through a door or window when the car is half filled with water, otherwise you will be hindered by the flow of water entering the cabin. If necessary, break the windshield with heavy objects at hand. Squeeze your way out, holding the roof of the car with your hands, and then suddenly swim up.

When on public transport, if there are no free seats, try to stand in the center of the cabin, holding on to the handrail for greater stability. Pay attention to the location of emergency and emergency exits.

Electric power supply of trams and trolleybuses creates an additional threat of electric shock to a person (especially in rainy weather), so seated areas are the safest. If you find that the interior is energized, leave it. In case of an accident, panic and crush may occur at the exits. In this case, use the emergency exit by pulling out the special cord and pushing out the glass.

In the event of a fire in the cabin, notify the driver, open the doors (using emergency opening), emergency exits or break a window. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, take measures to eliminate the fire. Protect your respiratory system from smoke with a scarf, handkerchief or other items of clothing. Get out of the cabin, bending down and not touching metal parts, as in a tram and trolleybus you may be electrocuted.

If a bus falls into water, wait until the passenger compartment is half filled with water, hold your breath and emerge through a door, emergency exit or broken window.

Everyone knows this abbreviation. Even most children understand the meaning of the term road accident. It is used when it comes to an emergency situation on the road. At the same time, the concept and definition of a transport accident in traffic regulations is more multifaceted, so it is impossible to bring all situations together. This review material will tell you what incidents are classified as road accidents, who is legally a participant in the accident, and how to act if you find yourself in such a situation.

Definition of the concept

The abbreviation RTA stands for road traffic accident. The definition of the concept is enshrined in Art. 2 Federal Law No. 196 of December 10, 1995 and in clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation. A traffic accident is an event that was caused by the movement of a car on the roadway and with its participation. The result of the incident may be harm or property damage.

The main signs of an accident follow from the definition:

  1. Only a situation in which a car was directly involved is recognized as an accident. So, if a bottle was thrown from a car window and hit a pedestrian, this will not constitute an accident. However, transport accidents include situations in which a bicycle in motion falls on a pedestrian - the incident will be considered an accident.
  2. Only an event in which a moving vehicle is involved is considered a traffic accident. So, if there was an accident. If a pedestrian falls on a car, the incident is not considered a traffic accident.
  3. A situation is an accident if it causes damage to property or human life and health. So, if the cars slightly touched each other, without even scratching the coating, a traffic accident did not occur. There is no need to call the traffic police. If the collision resulted in damage to cars, other property or people, it is considered that an accident has occurred.

If we interpret the definition literally, it turns out that at least 2 vehicles must participate in the event. However, if there is a collision with a pedestrian or damage to property, the accident may occur with the participation of only one vehicle.

Who are recognized as participants

This provision allows you to begin the search for the culprit. Therefore, speaking about accidents, it is worth finding out who exactly is a participant in an accident according to the law. The current regulations do not contain a definition of the concept as such. However, it follows from the term itself.

A participant in an accident is a subject who, as a result of action or inaction, took part in a road accident. This means that, in addition to drivers, the following may be involved in an accident:

  • passengers;
  • pedestrians;

Participants are conditionally divided into 2 categories:

  • guilty;
  • victims.

An accident always happens due to someone's fault. Usually the driver of one of the vehicles is recognized as the culprit of the incident. Identifying the victim is more difficult. First of all, they are recognized as the driver of the second car. However, pedestrians and passengers may be injured during the incident. They may also be recognized as victims.

The main causes of road accidents

Based on statistical data, experts have identified the causes of road accidents and their consequences. About 85% of road accidents occur as a result of violation of the provisions of traffic rules of the Russian Federation. At the same time, drivers are the culprits in 70-75% of cases. The causes of injuries and accidents in road transport are:

  • driving a faulty car;
  • distractions;
  • traffic violation;
  • car driving ;
  • driving a car in adverse weather;
  • bad road;
  • driver fatigue;
  • exceeding the set speed limit.

Conventionally, the causes of road accidents are divided into 2 categories - objective and subjective. The first includes traffic situations that arose due to reasons beyond the driver’s control. These include:

  • poor street lighting;
  • poor quality road surface;
  • technical condition of the vehicle;
  • lack of road signs.

The subjective reasons that cause accidents and disasters on the roads include situations that were directly caused by the driver’s actions. The category includes the actions of the person driving the vehicle, driving style, violation of traffic rules and vehicle operating rules. Typically, accidents and disasters on the roads occur as a result of a combination of factors. Therefore, it is important to clearly identify the causes of the incident in order to understand what responsibility each participant in the incident will bear.

Types of accidents - classification and characteristics

Types of road traffic accidents are established by law. To find out how many types of transport accidents are divided into, you should refer to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 328 of June 18, 1996. It contains the main types of incidents and their characteristics. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, there are 9 main types of road accidents, the list of which includes:

Vehicle collision damage and accident injuries can vary greatly depending on the type of accident that occurs. Moreover, no matter how many types transport accidents are divided into, the consequences of each of them can be very serious.

Statistics of road accidents in Russia and in the world

Statistical data allows us to assess the existing problem. To assess its scale, it is recommended to find out how many people die in car accidents in the world and in the Russian Federation per year. According to statistics posted on the official website of the traffic police, the number of deaths as a result of road accidents in Russia in 2018 amounted to 16,412 people, and 192,959 participants in accidents were injured. A total of 151,291 road accidents occurred during this period.

World traffic accident statistics are quite ambiguous. According to WHO, about 3,000 people die every day in car accidents. About 100,000 people involved in accidents are seriously injured. Every year, about 1.25 million people become victims of road accidents. The value of the indicator was established back in 2007 and since then has remained approximately at level 1. Road accident statistics by country are as follows:

Alcohol intoxication is often the cause of road accidents. Statistics on road accidents caused by a drunk driver in different countries show that in 2020 in Russia a little more than 3,800 people became victims of drunk drivers or those who refused to undergo examination. Another 22,900 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. In the USA and Australia, about 33% of all fatal accidents are caused by drunk drivers, and in New Zealand - 31%. At the same time, the World Health Organization is also not satisfied with the anti-alcohol legislation in some EU countries - France, Finland and Spain. On average, in developed countries, drunk drivers account for approximately 20% of fatal accidents.

How to act in case of an accident

Once in an accident, drivers often panic and don’t know what to do. The procedure is set out in clause 2.5 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. It says:

In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to immediately stop (not move) the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and display an emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, and not move objects related to the incident.

Further actions directly depend on whether people were injured as a result of the accident, or whether the damage was caused only to property. The procedure for action in the first situation is fixed by clause 2.6 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations.

The norm contains the following information:

If people are killed or injured as a result of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

  • take measures to provide first aid to victims, call emergency medical services and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims along the way, and if this is not possible, deliver them in your vehicle to the nearest medical facility, provide your last name, registration plate of the vehicle (with presentation of an identification document or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;
  • clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to eliminate them preservation and organization of a detour to the scene of the incident;
  • record and wait for the police to arrive.

If damage is caused only to property, in accordance with clause 2.6.1 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, the driver is obliged to record the incident using photos and videos, and then remove the vehicle from the roadway if it interferes with the movement of other cars. The law requires you to film:

  • the location of the machines in relation to each other;
  • position of the vehicle to infrastructure facilities;
  • car damage;
  • traces on the road left by cars involved in an accident;
  • items related to the accident.

If the participants in the accident cannot reach a common opinion regarding the identification of the culprits or other nuances of the incident, it is necessary to write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses of the incident, and then contact the police for further instructions.

If the circumstances do not cause disagreement, there is no need to contact the authorized body. The action plan in this situation could be as follows:

  • draw up documents about the incident by visiting the nearest traffic police post or police station, having previously recorded the incident using photos and videos;
  • draw up documents without involving authorized persons by filling out the form in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the rules of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for vehicle owners;
  • do not complete documentation if only the property of the participants in the accident is damaged, but this option may result in problems with receipt or agreement.

At the same time, the exact course of action after an accident depends on the individual nuances of the current situation.

Possible consequences

If a driver causes an accident, he may be held liable for 1 of 3 types of liability. Civil liability arises regardless of whether harm was caused to the life and health of people. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the culprit of the incident must compensate for the damage caused. The obligation to compensate can be imposed on several persons at once - on the person who was driving and on the citizen who provided the transport. The owner of the car can avoid civil liability only if the car was stolen.

If the actions of a citizen cause a threat to traffic safety, as well as human life or health, the person responsible for the incident may be held administratively liable. In accordance with Article 12.24, for causing minor harm a fine of 2500-5000 rubles is imposed. or deprivation of rights for 1-1.5 years. If damage of moderate severity was caused, the amount of the penalty will increase to 10,000-25,000 rubles. An alternative could be. A citizen will not be able to drive a car for 1.5-2 years. Clause 6 of the Rules for determining the severity of harm caused to human health states:

The severity of harm caused to human health is determined in medical institutions of the state health care system by a doctor.

If the victim was seriously injured or died, the person responsible for the incident will be prosecuted. The punishment is fixed in Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It says:

Violation by a person driving a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle of the rules of the road or the operation of vehicles, resulting through negligence in causing grievous harm to human health, is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years with imprisonment. the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without such.

Being under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident increases the severity of the punishment. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the driver will be subject to forced labor for up to 3 years or imprisoned for up to 4 years. If the actions of a citizen resulted in the death of a person, the duration of service will increase to 4-5 years. The alternative would be imprisonment for a term of up to 5-9 years. In all situations, driving license for 3 years.

Prevention of transport accidents

The state is trying to prevent the occurrence of some emergency situations. The authorized bodies have repeatedly raised the question of how to reduce the influence of the human factor on the occurrence of road accidents and reduce the number of accidents. In accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 196 of December 10, 1995, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons are obliged to allow only drivers with appropriate qualifications to drive vehicles. Additionally, organizations must take part in ensuring road safety in order to prevent road accidents.

Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 dated January 15, 2014 contains a list of requirements for the professionalism of drivers. Additionally, a training program for drivers of transport companies has been approved. The action plan for the prevention and prevention of accidents in motor vehicles must necessarily include relevant lessons. The result of the training is a test.

All activities and lives of the country’s population depend on the reliable and safe operation of transport. Every year about 3.5 billion tons of cargo are transported in Russia. More than 100 million people are transported every day by all types of transport. But at the same time, a significant number of disasters, accidents and incidents occur in transport, which kill and injure a large number of people, causing enormous material damage and harm to the environment.

Between 1992 and 2000 alone, 852 emergency situations occurred in the country’s railway, air and water transport, resulting in 3,815 people injured, of which 2,111 people died. The leadership in the number of tragic consequences and material damage belongs to road transport - it is the most dangerous not only in our country, but also in many developed countries. Every year, more than 300 thousand people in the world die from accidents on this type of transport and about 8 million people are injured and maimed, including in the USA - about 55 thousand and 2 million, in Russia - about 30 thousand or more 180 thousand respectively.

Features of transport accidents (disasters)

When organizing emergency rescue operations to eliminate the consequences of transport accidents and disasters, the following features must be taken into account:

Accidents and disasters occur along the route, as a rule, suddenly, in most cases at high speeds of transport, which leads to bodily injury to the victims, often to a state of shock, and often to death;
failure to receive reliable information about the incident in a timely manner, which leads to a delay in assistance and an increase in the number of victims, including due to the lack of survival skills among the victims;
the absence, as a rule, at the initial stage of work of special equipment, the necessary means of extinguishing fires and difficulties in organizing effective methods of evacuation from emergency vehicles;
difficulty in determining the number of victims at the scene of an accident or catastrophe, the difficulty of sending a large number of them to medical institutions, taking into account the required specific treatment;
complicating the situation in the event of an accident of vehicles transporting hazardous substances;
the need to organize a search for the remains of the dead and material evidence of the disaster, often over large areas;
the need to organize the reception, accommodation and services (food, communication services, transportation, etc.) of arriving relatives of the victims and the organization of sending the dead to their burial places;
the need for an early resumption of traffic on transport communications.

accidents in motor transport

There are the following types of rescue of victims during the liquidation of the consequences of road accidents that occurred during: collisions, vehicle rollovers and collisions; at railway crossings; during the transportation of dangerous goods; in case of fires on vehicles; when cars fall from steep slopes; when cars get caught in avalanches and mudflows; when cars fall into bodies of water.

To carry out emergency rescue operations when eliminating the consequences of accidents on motor vehicles, you must have:

Fire extinguishing agents;
tools and equipment (devices, machines) for lifting and moving heavy objects, cutting profile metal, unclamping (biting) structures;
means of searching for victims and vehicles, lighting, communications, providing first aid to victims and their evacuation;life support equipment for working underwater, collecting and disinfecting hazardous substances.

In some cases, climbing equipment may be required to carry out rescue operations.

Depending on the situation resulting from a road traffic accident, the following units may be involved in the work to rescue victims:

Emergency rescue, fire fighting, emergency recovery and emergency technical; institutions and services of executive authorities, including emergency medical care, disaster medicine units;
forces and means of territorial subsystems of the RSChS and their units.

In addition, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Emergency Rescue Services and the Status of Rescuers” dated August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ, participants in the incident and, on a voluntary basis, individual citizens may be involved in rescuing victims of a road accident. caught in the incident area.

In order to increase the efficiency of providing assistance to victims of road accidents, service areas (responsibility) of emergency rescue units are determined, which are established by departmental regulatory legal documentation taking into account the capabilities of these units. Service areas are agreed upon with the relevant emergency commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and are reflected in action plans for the prevention and response to emergency situations of the relevant subsystems and units of the RSChS.

In practice, in case of road traffic accidents, the places where emergency rescue operations are carried out are distributed in three zones. In the first zone (within a radius of 5 meters from the site of the incident) there are specialists directly performing work to provide assistance to the victims. In the second zone (within a radius of 10 meters) the remaining members of the rescue teams are located, who ensure that emergency rescue equipment is ready for operation. In the third zone (within a radius of more than 10 meters) there are means of delivering rescuers to the scene of the incident, lighting and fencing, and other emergency technical means.

Standards for the arrival time of forces of various departments are determined by regulatory documents or emergency commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities for each area of ​​​​responsibility in accordance with local conditions.

First of all, assistance is provided to victims who are not trapped, but only blocked in a deformed interior and can leave the car through unglazed window openings, hatches, doors on their own or with the help of rescuers.

Then the trapped parts of the victims' bodies are released. Depending on the specific situation, sheet and profile metal is bent, racks, partitions, and seats are cut. Manholes are made in the body, roof, bottom, and in some cases the roof is removed completely.

To remove victims from under the car, the car is lifted using lifting mechanisms and devices or they dig into the ground.

When carrying out emergency rescue operations, rescuers must be constantly prepared to extinguish a fire that may arise when working, primarily with power tools.

In case of an accident on a vehicle transporting dangerous goods

it is necessary to be guided by the information contained in the cargo documents (emergency card), as well as information tables on vehicles. Information tables contain an emergency code, a UN hazardous substance identification number and a hazard symbol.

The danger symbol indicates the type of danger through the use of five main symbols: bomb (explosion); flame (fire); skull and crossbones (toxicity); trefoil (radioactivity); liquids pouring out of two glass tubes and affecting the hand (corrosion). These symbols are complemented by four other symbols: oxidizing agents (flame above the circle); non-flammable non-toxic gases (gas cylinder); infectious substances (three crescents superimposed on a circle); various low-hazard substances (seven vertical stripes).

When transporting dangerous goods, organizations - consignors (consignees) must provide the driver (accompanying) for each transportation with an emergency action plan, which, to eliminate the consequences of the accident, indicates the procedure for notification, the time of arrival and actions of the emergency team, a list of necessary equipment and tools, their technology applications. This information should be used in preparing and organizing emergency rescue operations.

Measures to rescue victims during the transportation of dangerous goods are determined by the nature of injury to people, the extent of damage to technical equipment, and the presence of secondary damaging factors.

Road traffic accidents when cars fall from steep slopes

usually have serious consequences, since in many cases they lead to the death of all or almost all victims in the cabin, passenger compartment or body.

It is necessary, as a rule, to carry out rescue and other urgent work in such incidents, to extract and lift (or lower) injured or dead people and technical means to a certain site, using climbing equipment and climbing equipment. In these cases, rescuers must have appropriate training, qualifications and equipment. At night, lighting of the work area is required.

Road traffic accidents associated with vehicles getting caught in avalanches and mudflows,

have different nature of impact and severity of consequences.

Avalanches, representing the natural collapse of a snow massif located on slopes steeper than 10–15°, have a thickness of up to 10–15 m and more. The structure of avalanche snow, its density and air permeability are different and depend on the conditions for the formation of avalanches and weather conditions.

In most cases, people caught in an avalanche can remain alive for several hours, tens of hours, and even one or two days (depending on the physical condition of the body and the degree of injuries received).

A mudflow, which is a viscous mixture of stones, soil, trees, etc. with water, caused by heavy precipitation, breaking through barriers, it moves unevenly. Depending on the profile of the bed, the steepness of the slope, the nature of the mudflow mass and other factors, the speed of the mudflow can be up to 8–10 m/sec. The degree of impact of a mudflow on a vehicle caught in it is determined by the power of the flow.

Detection of vehicles blocked by an avalanche or mudflow is carried out visually, according to eyewitness accounts, using technical search tools and specially trained dogs.

When the location of vehicles under the rubble is discovered, it is marked on the ground and unblocking is carried out by cutting out pits, trenches, manholes or completely dismantling the elements of the rubble using small-scale mechanization, and, if necessary, engineering equipment (bulldozers, excavators, truck cranes, etc.).

In order to determine the extent of road obstruction, it is advisable to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the area using a helicopter equipped with a standard aerial reconnaissance kit. In some cases, to inspect hard-to-reach areas, specialists may be disembarked with a helicopter landing near the task areas.

In all cases, it is necessary to exclude work in the absence of visibility and in conditions conducive to repeated avalanches or the passage of a mudflow.

The debris clearing area must be cordoned off to keep out people and equipment not associated with the work.

In the work area, it is necessary to equip a heating station for personnel and a storage area for technical equipment, medicines, food and warm clothing.

Road traffic accidents involving cars falling from bridges, overpasses, and coastal roads into water bodies

(river, lake, sea, etc.), are aggravated by the following circumstances: the victims receive injuries that preclude their independent rescue; clamping victims in deformed vehicles; ice conditions or low water temperature; great depth of the reservoir.

If the injured vehicle is not visually visible on the surface and in the water, then, according to eyewitnesses who have reached the surface, a consistent search for victims is carried out in the intended sector, taking into account the flow of the demolition.

Having discovered the victim, he must be captured and transported to the shore, where first aid can be provided to him.

If the cabin or interior of the car has remained relatively sealed, the remaining air may be sufficient for the survival of victims for some time (in such cases, rescuers will need to act quickly to save them). These operations are performed by rescuers wearing light diving equipment in compliance with established safety requirements.

Vehicles are lifted to the surface using a crane of appropriate lifting capacity after securing the vehicle with a cable.

Road traffic accidents involving motor vehicles at railway crossings

arise in the following cases: malfunctions of automatic signaling at crossings, when the crossing remains open when a train approaches; due to the fault of vehicle drivers who, trying to cross a closed crossing in various illegal ways, get hit by a locomotive. These incidents are characterized by high severity of consequences, which is associated with the characteristic features of railway transport: large mass and high speed of movement of rolling stock, transportation of a large number of passengers, cargo (including dangerous), high voltage power supply of the locomotive, etc.

Features of eliminating the consequences of road accidents at railway crossings are outlined below.

The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first 3 hours due to excessive blood loss. According to statistics, traffic accidents most often occur during rush hour, on holidays, and on the first and last days of vacations. The road is especially dangerous in winter. This period accounts for 60% of the incidents of the entire year. Rain and fog also complicate the road situation and often cause accidents.

In general, in Russia every year up to 45 thousand people die on highways alone.

If a collision is imminent, maintain composure. This will allow you to control the car until the last opportunity. Tighten all your muscles and do not relax until you stop completely. Do everything to avoid an oncoming blow: a ditch, a fence, a bush, even a tree is better than a car moving towards you.

Remember that when colliding with a stationary object, the impact of the left or right fender is worse than the impact of the entire bumper.

If a collision is imminent, protect your head. If the car is moving at low speed, press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel. If the speed exceeds 60 km/h and you are not wearing a seat belt, press your chest against the steering column. When in the front passenger seat, cover your head with your hands and fall on your side, prone on the seat. While sitting in the back seat, try to fall to the floor. If there is a child next to you, cover him with yourself.

After the crash determine where in the car and what position you are in, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when tipping over). If the doors are jammed, exit the vehicle through

windows by opening them or breaking them with a heavy improvised object. After getting out of the car, move as far away from it as possible - an explosion is possible.

When a car falls into water can stay afloat for some time. Get out through the open window, because when you open the door, the car will suddenly begin to sink. When diving to the bottom with the windows and doors closed, the air in the car's interior lasts for several minutes. Actively ventilate your lungs (deep inhalations and exhalations allow you to fill the blood with oxygen for future use), get rid of excess clothing. Get out of the car when it is half full of water, otherwise you will be hindered by the flow of water entering the cabin. If necessary, break the windshield with a heavy object at hand. Squeeze your way out, holding the roof of the car with your hands, and then suddenly float up.

Rules for safe behavior of road users:

· driver - follow traffic rules; Before leaving, check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition while on the road; When driving, wear a seat belt and do not carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts; skillfully assess the road situation and take into account how other drivers and pedestrians may behave;

· passenger - wear a seat belt; boarding and disembarking should be done from the sidewalk or curb after a complete stop; do not distract the driver from driving; do not open the doors while driving;

· a pedestrian - follow traffic rules; move along the sidewalk, pedestrian path, roadside; outside populated areas, go towards the movement of vehicles; cross the roadway at pedestrian crossings; do not linger or stop unnecessarily on the roadway; wait for route vehicles at landing sites.

Accidents on public transport, their main causes and consequences.

All passengers using the services of urban public transport are required to know and follow basic safety rules: do not enter or exit the vehicle until it has completely stopped; do not lean against doors, do not stick your head and hands out of windows; inside a tram, trolleybus and bus, try to hold on to the handrails in case of sudden braking; stand facing the direction of movement in order to be able to notice the danger in advance and have time to react to it (from this position, in the event of a collision and braking, you will fall face forward, which is much safer than falling on your back).

Umbrellas, canes and other objects with sharp and protruding edges pose a certain threat in the event of sudden braking. It is unsafe to walk in moving vehicles instead of standing, holding onto the handrails, or to doze. In these cases, a person simply does not have time to react to the threat.

Any public transport, including electric ones, is a fire hazard. For this reason, after an accident, it is advisable to quickly leave the cabin and move 10-15 m to the side. If the exit doors are jammed or there is a human traffic jam, use emergency exits or break the window with improvised means (fire extinguisher, brake shoe, hard briefcase, etc.), as a last resort, knock out the glass with a strong kick to the corner of the window, hanging on your hands, on the ceiling handrails Before leaving, clear the window opening of any remaining glass.

Actions of passengers in an emergency (collision, rollover, rollover):

· Group up, grab the handrails tightly, try to avoid falling;

· Place your feet on the floor, hands on the back of the front seat, tilt your head forward;

· Leave the vehicle through doors, windows, emergency exits;

In the event of an accident, if a live wire is damaged, the safest places on a tram or trolleybus are seats. In this case, it is better to lift your feet off the floor and not touch the walls and handrails. You should get out of the electric vehicle by jumping, with both feet forward at the same time, without touching the body, so as not to close the electrical circuit with your body.

Passenger actions in case of fire:

· Immediately report the fire to the driver;

· Protect your mouth and nose with a scarf, scarf, sleeve;

· Start extinguishing the fire with a fire extinguisher located in the cabin;

· Open the doors using the emergency release button or break the glass;

· Leave the vehicle, letting children, women and

old people;

· Provide assistance to the injured.

Actions of passengers when public transport falls into water:

· If the vehicle is afloat, get out through the window;

· When immersed in water, remove excess clothing;

· Take a deep breath and get out through the door or window;

· If necessary, knock out the glass;

· Help children and non-swimmers;

· Once ashore, provide assistance to the injured.

Accidents in the subway

Emergency and dangerous situations at stations, in tunnels, and subway cars arise as a result of collisions and derailments of trains, fires and explosions, destruction of supporting structures of escalators, detection of foreign objects in cars and at stations that can be classified as explosive, spontaneously combustible and toxic substances, as well as the fall of passengers and their belongings onto station tracks.

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