How to cure conjunctivitis at home. Eye drops for the treatment of various forms of conjunctivitis. Methods and duration of treatment at home


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Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, caused by various pathogenic factors. In general, the correct name for the disease is conjunctivitis, however, it is often known only to doctors and nurses. In everyday life, the term “conjunctivitis” is most often used to refer to the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. In the text of the article we will use precisely the wrong term, but one that is familiar to people far from medical science.


In general, the term “conjunctivitis” is not the name of the disease, but reflects only the localization of the inflammatory process - the mucous membrane of the eye. In order to get the full name of the disease, it is necessary to add the designation to the term “conjunctivitis” causative factor or indicate the nature of the inflammatory process, for example, “bacterial conjunctivitis” or “chronic conjunctivitis”, etc. The full name of the disease, which includes the designation of the cause of inflammation or its nature, is used by doctors in medical documentation. The nature and cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva should always be clarified, since the correct and effective treatment.

Currently exists whole line classifications of conjunctivitis, each of which reflects some significant factor concerning the cause or nature of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Depending on the cause that provoked inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into the following types:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is provoked by various pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria, such as streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, gonococci, diphtheria bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.;

  • Chlamydial conjunctivitis (trachoma) is caused by chlamydia getting into the eyes;

  • Angular conjunctivitis (angular) is provoked by the Morax-Axenfeld diplobacillus and is characterized by a chronic course;

  • Viral conjunctivitis, provoked by various viruses, such as adenoviruses, herpes viruses, etc.;

  • Fungal conjunctivitis is provoked by various pathogenic fungi and is a particular manifestation of systemic infections, such as actinomycosis, aspergillosis, candidomycosis, spirotrichelosis;

  • Allergic conjunctivitis develops under the influence of any allergen or factor that irritates the mucous membrane of the eye (for example, dust, wool, varnishes, paints, etc.);

  • Dystrophic conjunctivitis develops under the influence various substances, causing damage mucous membrane of the eye (for example, reagents, paints, industrial vapors and gases, etc.).

Chlamydial and angular (angular) conjunctivitis are special cases of bacterial conjunctivitis, however, based on certain features clinical course and their characteristics are distinguished into separate varieties.

Depending on the type of inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into:

  • Acute conjunctivitis;

  • Chronic conjunctivitis.

A special case of acute conjunctivitis is epidemic, provoked by the Koch-Wicks bacillus.

Depending on the nature of inflammation and morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into the following types:

  • Purulent conjunctivitis, which occurs with the formation of pus;

  • Catarrhal conjunctivitis, occurring without the formation of pus, but with copious mucous discharge;

  • Papillary conjunctivitis develops against the background of an allergic reaction to eye medications and is the formation of small grains and compactions on the mucous membrane of the eye in the area of ​​the upper eyelid;

  • Follicular conjunctivitis develops according to the first type of allergic reaction and is the formation of follicles on the mucous membrane of the eye;

  • Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is characterized by numerous hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye;

  • Membranous conjunctivitis develops in children against the background of acute viral respiratory diseases.
Despite the fairly large number of varieties of conjunctivitis, any form of the disease is manifested by a set of typical symptoms, as well as a number of specific signs.


The causes of conjunctivitis are the following groups factors that can cause inflammation in the mucous membrane of the eye:
  1. Infectious causes:

    • Pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, meningococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.);

    • Viruses (adenoviruses and herpes viruses);

    • Pathogenic fungi (actinomycetes, aspergillus, candida, spirotrichella);

  2. Allergic reasons (wearing contact lenses, atopic, drug-induced or seasonal conjunctivitis);

  3. Other reasons (occupational hazards, dust, gases, etc.).
All of the listed causes of conjunctivitis cause the disease only if they manage to get into the mucous membrane of the eye. Typically, infection occurs through dirty hands with which a person rubs or touches the eyes, as well as by airborne droplets in the case of viruses, allergens or occupational hazards. In addition, infection pathogenic microorganisms may occur ascending from the ENT organs (nasal, oral cavity, ear, throat, etc.).

Symptoms of different types of conjunctivitis

With any type of conjunctivitis, a person develops certain nonspecific symptoms, such as:
  • Swelling of the eyelids;

  • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye;

  • Redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids;

  • Photophobia;

  • lacrimation;

  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eye;

  • Discharge of mucous, purulent or mucopurulent nature.
The above symptoms develop with any type of conjunctivitis and are therefore called nonspecific. Quite often, the symptoms of conjunctivitis are combined with symptoms of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract in various respiratory infections, as well as a rise in temperature, headache and other signs of intoxication (muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, etc.).

However, in addition to nonspecific symptoms, different kinds Conjunctivitis is characterized by the appearance of specific symptoms that are caused by the properties of the factor that causes the inflammatory process. It is the specific symptoms that make it possible to differentiate different types of conjunctivitis based on the clinical picture without special laboratory tests. Let us consider in detail how nonspecific and specific symptoms Various types of conjunctivitis appear.

Acute (epidemic) conjunctivitis

Currently, the term “acute conjunctivitis” refers to a disease whose full name is “acute epidemic Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis.” However, for the convenience of using the term, only part of it is taken, allowing you to understand what is being said.

Acute conjunctivitis is classified as bacterial because it is provoked pathogenic bacterium- Koch-Wicks wand. However, since acute epidemic conjunctivitis has course features associated, first of all, with affecting a large number of people and rapid spread in the population, this type of bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is isolated into a separate form.

Acute Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis is common in Asia and the Caucasus, in more northern latitudes it practically never occurs. The infection occurs in the form of seasonal, epidemic outbreaks mainly in the autumn and summer periods of the year. Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis is transmitted through contact and by airborne droplets. This means that the causative agent of conjunctivitis is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through close household contacts, as well as through shared household items, dirty hands, dishes, fruits, vegetables, water, etc. Epidemic conjunctivitis is a contagious disease.

Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis begins acutely and suddenly, after a short incubation period in 1 – 2 days. Typically, both eyes are affected at the same time. Conjunctivitis begins with redness of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, which quickly covers the surface of the eyeball and transitional folds. The most severe redness and swelling develops in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, which takes the form of a roller. Within 1–2 days, mucopurulent or purulent discharge appears in the eyes, and thin brownish films are formed, which are easily torn off and removed without damaging the mucous membrane of the eye. In addition, numerous hemorrhages in the form of dots are visible in the mucous membrane of the eye. A person is worried about photophobia, a feeling of pain or a foreign body in the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and redness of the entire surface of the eyeball.

In addition to epidemic Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis, doctors often use the term “acute conjunctivitis” to refer to any acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, regardless of the pathogen or cause that provoked it. Acute conjunctivitis always occurs suddenly, and usually affects both eyes sequentially.
Any acute conjunctivitis with proper treatment results in recovery within 5 to 20 days.


It always occurs acutely and is provoked by contact with the mucous membrane of the eye of various pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria, such as staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gonococci, pneumococci, etc. Regardless of which microbe caused bacterial conjunctivitis, inflammatory process begins suddenly with the appearance of a cloudy, viscous, grayish-yellowish discharge on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. The discharge causes the eyelids to stick together, especially after a night's sleep. In addition, a person develops dryness of the mucous membrane and skin around the inflamed eye. You may also experience pain and stinging in the eye. With bacterial conjunctivitis, as a rule, only one eye is affected, but if left untreated, inflammation can affect the second one. The most common bacterial ones are gonococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, pseudomonas and diphtheritic conjunctivitis. Let us consider the features of their flow.

Staphylococcal conjunctivitis is characterized by severe redness and swelling of the eyelids, as well as copious mucopurulent discharge, which makes it difficult to open the eyes after sleep. Swelling of the eyelids is accompanied by severe itching and burning. There is photophobia and a sensation of a foreign body under the eyelid. Usually, both eyes are alternately involved in the inflammatory process. With timely treatment with local antibiotics (ointments, drops, etc.), conjunctivitis resolves within 3 to 5 days.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis (gonoblenorrhea) usually develops in newborns due to infection during passage through the birth canal of a mother infected with gonorrhea (gonorrhea). With gonococcal conjunctivitis, rapid and very dense swelling of the eyelids and mucous membrane of the eye develops. A copious mucopurulent discharge appears, having the characteristic appearance of “meat slop”. When the closed eyelids are opened, the discharge literally splashes out in a stream. As you recover, the amount of discharge decreases, it becomes thick, and films form on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, which are easily removed without damaging the underlying tissues. After 2–3 weeks, the discharge again acquires a liquid consistency and greenish color, completely disappearing by the end of the 2nd month of the disease. Along with the disappearance of the discharge, swelling and redness of the conjunctiva also disappear. Gonoblenorrhea requires treatment with local antibiotics up to full recovery.

Pneumococcal conjunctivitis occurs in children. The inflammation begins acutely, with one eye first affected and then the second being involved. First, profuse purulent discharge appears, combined with swelling of the eyelids, pinpoint hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye and photophobia. Films form on the conjunctiva, which are easily removed and do not damage the underlying tissue.

Pseudomonas conjunctivitis is characterized by copious purulent discharge, severe redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, swelling of the eyelids, pain, photophobia and lacrimation.
Diphtheritic conjunctivitis develops against the background of diphtheria. First, the eyelids become very swollen, red and thick. The skin is so thick that it is impossible to open the eyes. Then a cloudy discharge appears, giving way to a bloody discharge. Dirty gray films form on the mucous membrane of the eyelids and cannot be removed. When films are forcibly removed, bleeding surfaces are formed.

At about the 2nd week of the disease, the films are rejected, the swelling goes away, and the amount of discharge increases. After 2 weeks, diphtheritic conjunctivitis ends or becomes chronic. After inflammation, complications may develop, such as scars on the conjunctiva, entropion of the eyelid, etc.


The disease begins with sudden onset of photophobia, which is accompanied by rapid swelling eyelids and redness of the eye mucosa. A scanty mucopurulent discharge appears, which sticks the eyelids together in the morning. The most pronounced inflammatory process is localized in the lower eyelid area. First, one eye is affected, but with inadequate hygiene, the inflammation spreads to the second.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis often appears in the form of epidemic outbreaks during mass visits to swimming pools. Therefore, chlamydial conjunctivitis is also called pool or bath conjunctivitis.


Conjunctivitis can be caused by adenoviruses, herpes viruses, atypical trachoma virus, measles, smallpox viruses, etc. The most common are herpetic and adenoviral conjunctivitis, which are very contagious. Therefore, patients with viral conjunctivitis should be isolated from others until complete recovery.

Herpetic conjunctivitis is characterized by sharp redness, infiltration, formation of follicles on the mucous membrane of the eye. Thin films are often formed, which are easily removed without damaging the underlying tissue. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is accompanied by photophobia, blepharospasm and lacrimation.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis can occur in three forms:

  1. The catarrhal form is characterized by mild inflammation. The redness of the eye is not severe, and the discharge is very scanty;

  2. The filmy form is characterized by the formation of thin films on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. The films are easily removed with a cotton swab, but are sometimes tightly attached to the underlying surface. Hemorrhages and compactions may form in the thickness of the conjunctiva, which completely disappear after recovery;

  3. The follicular form is characterized by the formation of small blisters on the conjunctiva.
Adenoviral conjunctivitis is very often combined with sore throat and elevated temperature body, as a result of which the disease was called adenopharyngoconjunctival fever.


Allergic conjunctivitis, depending on the factor that provokes it, is divided into the following clinical forms:
  • Hay conjunctivitis, provoked by allergies to pollen, flowering plants, etc.;

  • Vernal keratoconjunctivitis;

  • Drug allergy to eye medications, manifested in the form of conjunctivitis;

  • Chronic allergic conjunctivitis;

  • Allergic conjunctivitis associated with wearing contact lenses.
The clinical form of allergic conjunctivitis is determined based on the analysis of anamnesis data. Knowing the form of conjunctivitis is necessary to select optimal therapy.

Symptoms of any form of allergic conjunctivitis include: unbearable itching and burning on the mucous membrane and on the skin of the eyelids, as well as photophobia, lacrimation, severe swelling and redness of the eye.


This variety The inflammatory process in the conjunctiva of the eye lasts a long time, and the person presents numerous subjective complaints, the severity of which does not correlate with the degree of objective changes in the mucous membrane. A person is bothered by a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, “sand” or “garbage” in the eyes, pain, fast fatiguability when reading, itching and feeling of heat. During an objective examination, the doctor notes slight redness of the conjunctiva and the presence of irregularities in it due to enlargement of the papillae. The discharge is very scanty.

Chronic conjunctivitis is provoked by physical or chemical factors, which irritate the mucous membrane of the eye, for example, dust, gases, smoke, etc. Most often, chronic conjunctivitis affects people working in flour-grinding, chemical, textile, cement, brick and sawmill factories and enterprises. In addition, chronic conjunctivitis can develop in people against the background of diseases digestive system, nasopharynx and sinuses, as well as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, helminthic infestations etc. Treatment of chronic conjunctivitis consists of eliminating the causative factor and restoring normal functioning of the eye.


Also called corner. The disease is caused by the Morax–Axenfeld bacillus and most often occurs chronically. The person is worried about pain and severe itching in the corners of the eyes, worse in the evening. The skin in the corners of the eyes is red and cracks may appear. The mucous membrane of the eye is moderately reddish. The discharge is scanty, viscous, mucous in nature. During the night, the discharge accumulates in the corner of the eye and hardens in the form of a small dense lump. Proper treatment can completely eliminate angular conjunctivitis, and the lack of therapy leads to the fact that the inflammatory process continues for years.


Always bacterial. With this type of conjunctivitis, a person develops copious discharge of a purulent nature in the affected eye. Purulent is gonococcal, pseudomonas, pneumococcal and staphylococcal conjunctivitis. With the development of purulent conjunctivitis, it is necessary to use local antibiotics in the form of ointments, drops, etc.


It can be viral, allergic or chronic, depending on the causative factor that provoked the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. With catarrhal conjunctivitis, a person experiences moderate swelling and redness of the eyelids and mucous membrane of the eye, and the discharge is mucous or mucopurulent. Photophobia is moderate. With catarrhal conjunctivitis, there are no hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye, the papillae do not enlarge, and follicles and films do not form. This type of conjunctivitis usually resolves within 10 days without causing severe complications.


Is clinical form allergic conjunctivitis, and therefore usually lasts a long time. With papillary conjunctivitis, the existing papillae in the mucous membrane of the eye enlarge, forming irregularities and roughness on its surface. A person is usually bothered by itching, burning, pain in the eye in the eyelid area and scanty mucous discharge. Most often, papillary conjunctivitis develops due to constant wearing of contact lenses, the use of ocular prostheses, or prolonged contact of the surface of the eye with a foreign object.


It is characterized by the appearance on the mucous membrane of the eye of grayish-pink follicles and papillae, which are infiltrates. The swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva is not severe, but the redness is pronounced. Infiltrates in the mucous membrane of the eye cause severe lacrimation and severe blepharospasm (closing of the eyelids).

Follicular conjunctivitis, depending on the type of pathogen, can be viral (adenoviral) or bacterial (for example, staphylococcal). Follicular conjunctivitis occurs actively for 2–3 weeks, after which the inflammation gradually decreases, completely disappearing within 1–3 weeks. The total duration of follicular conjunctivitis is 2 – 3 months.

Temperature with conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis almost never causes fever. However, if conjunctivitis occurs against the background of any infectious inflammatory disease(for example, bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.), then a person’s temperature may rise. IN in this case temperature is not a sign of conjunctivitis, but of an infectious disease.

Conjunctivitis – photo

The photograph shows catarrhal conjunctivitis with moderate redness and swelling, as well as scanty mucous discharge.

The photograph shows purulent conjunctivitis with severe swelling, severe redness and purulent discharge.

What tests can a doctor prescribe for conjunctivitis?

For conjunctivitis, doctors rarely prescribe any studies or tests, since a simple examination and questioning about the nature of the discharge and existing symptoms is usually sufficient to determine the type of disease and, accordingly, prescribe the necessary treatment. After all, each type of conjunctivitis has own characteristics, which allow it to be distinguished from other types of the disease with sufficient accuracy.

However, in some cases, when it is not possible to accurately determine the type of conjunctivitis based on examination and questioning, or it occurs in an erased form, an ophthalmologist may prescribe the following studies:

  • Culture of discharge from the eye for aerobic microflora and determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics;
  • Culture of discharge from the eye for anaerobic microflora and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Culture of discharge from the eye for gonococcus (N. gonorrhoeae) and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Determination of the presence of IgA antibodies to adenovirus in the blood;
  • Determination of the presence of IgE antibodies in the blood.
Culture of discharge from the eye for aerobic and anaerobic microflora, as well as gonococcus, is used to identify bacterial conjunctivitis, which is difficult to treat or cannot be treated at all. These cultures are also used for chronic bacterial conjunctivitis to determine which antibiotic will be most effective in this particular case. In addition, culture for gonococcus is used for bacterial conjunctivitis in children to confirm or refute the diagnosis of gonoblennorrhea.

An analysis to determine antibodies to adenovirus in the blood is used in cases of suspected viral conjunctivitis.

An IgE antibody test in the blood is used to confirm suspected allergic conjunctivitis.

Which doctor should I contact for conjunctivitis?

If signs of conjunctivitis appear, you should contact an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) or a pediatric ophthalmologist (), if we are talking about a child. If for some reason it is impossible to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist, then adults should contact therapist(), and for children - to pediatrician ().

General principles of treatment of all types of conjunctivitis

Regardless of the type of conjunctivitis, its treatment consists of eliminating the causative factor and using medications that relieve the painful symptoms of the inflammatory disease.

Symptomatic treatment, aimed at eliminating the manifestations of an inflammatory disease, consists of using topical drugs that are injected directly into the eye.

When the first signs of conjunctivitis develop, it is necessary first of all to relieve pain by introducing drops containing local anesthetics, such as, for example, Pyromecaine, Trimecaine or Lidocaine, into the eye sac. After pain relief, it is necessary to clean the ciliary edge of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye, washing its surface with antiseptic solutions, such as potassium permanganate, brilliant green, Furacilin (1:1000 dilution), Dimexide, Oxycyanate.

After pain relief and conjunctival sanitation, medications containing antibiotics, sulfonamides, antiviral or antihistamines are injected into the eye. In this case, the choice of drug depends on the causative factor of inflammation. If there is bacterial inflammation, then use drugs with antibiotics. sulfonamides (for example, tetracycline ointment, Albucid, etc.).

For viral conjunctivitis, local agents with antiviral components are used (for example, Kerecid, Florenal, etc.).

At allergic conjunctivitis nessesary to use antihistamines, for example, drops with Diphenhydramine, Dibazol, etc.

Treatment of conjunctivitis should be carried out until the clinical symptoms disappear completely. During the treatment of conjunctivitis, it is strictly forbidden to apply any bandages to the eyes, as this will create favorable conditions for the proliferation of various microorganisms, which will lead to complications or aggravation of the process.

Principles of treatment at home


For adenoviral conjunctivitis, interferon preparations, such as Interferon or Laferon, are used to destroy the virus. Interferons are used in the form of instillation of a freshly prepared solution into the eye. In the first 2–3 days, interferons are injected into the eyes 6–8 times a day, then 4–5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. In addition, ointments with antiviral effect, such as Tebrofenovaya, Florenalovaya or Bonaftonovaya. In case of severe inflammation of the eye, it is recommended to inject Diclofenac into the eye 3-4 times a day. In order to prevent dry eye syndrome, artificial tear substitutes are used throughout the course of treatment, for example, Oftagel, Systane, Vidisik, etc.

Herpes viral
In order to destroy the virus, interferon solutions are also used, which are prepared from lyophilized powder immediately before injection into the eye. For the first 2–3 days, interferon solutions are administered 6–8 times a day, then 4–5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. To reduce inflammation, relieve pain, itching and burning, Diclofenac is injected into the eye. To prevent bacterial complications in herpetic conjunctivitis, Picloxidine or a solution of silver nitrate is injected into the eyes 3 to 4 times a day.


During the entire course of treatment, Diclofenac should be instilled into the eyes 2–4 times a day to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. The discharge must be removed by washing the eye with antiseptic solutions, for example, Furacilin diluted 1: 1000 or 2% boric acid. To destroy the pathogenic microbe, ointments or drops with antibiotics or sulfonamides are used, such as Tetracycline, Gentamicin, Erythromycin, Lomefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Albucid, etc. Ointment or drops with antibiotics should be administered 4 - 6 times a day, then 2 - 3 times a day until the clinical symptoms completely disappear. Along with antibacterial ointments and drops, Picloxidine can be instilled into the eyes 3 times a day.


Since chlamydia are intracellular microorganisms, treatment of the infectious and inflammatory process provoked by them requires the use of systemic medications. Therefore, for chlamydial conjunctivitis, it is necessary to take Levofloxacin 1 tablet per day for a week.

At the same time, it should be injected into the affected eye 4–5 times a day. local drugs with antibiotics such as Erythromycin ointment or Lomefloxacin drops. Ointment and drops must be used continuously from 3 weeks to 3 months until clinical symptoms completely disappear. To reduce inflammatory reaction Diclofenac is injected into the eye 2 times a day, also for 1 to 3 months. If Diclofenac does not help stop inflammation, then it is replaced with Dexamethasone, which is also administered 2 times a day. To prevent dry eye syndrome, medications must be used daily. artificial tears, such as Oksial, Oftagel, etc.


At purulent conjunctivitis Be sure to rinse your eyes with antiseptic solutions (2% boric acid, Furacilin, potassium permanganate, etc.) to remove copious discharge. Eye rinsing is done as needed. Treatment of conjunctivitis consists of injecting Erythromycin, Tetracycline or Gentamicin ointment or Lomefloxacin into the eye 2 to 3 times a day until complete disappearance clinical symptoms. In case of severe swelling, Diclofenac is injected into the eye to relieve it.


For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, local antihistamines(Spersallerg, Allergoftal) and agents that reduce degranulation mast cells(Lecrolin 2%, Kusikrom 4%, Alomide 1%). These drugs are administered into the eyes 2 times a day for a long time. If these drugs do not completely relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis, then anti-inflammatory drops Diclofenac, Dexalox, Maxidex, etc. are added to them. For severe allergic conjunctivitis, eye drops containing corticosteroids and antibiotics are used, for example, Maxitrol, Tobradex, etc.


For successful treatment of chronic conjunctivitis, the cause of inflammation must be eliminated. To stop the inflammatory process, a 0.25 - 0.5% solution of zinc sulfate with a 1% solution of resorcinol is instilled into the eyes. In addition, solutions of Protargol and Collargol can be injected into the eyes 2 to 3 times a day. Before going to bed, apply yellow mercury ointment to the eyes.

Preparations (medicine) for the treatment of conjunctivitis

To treat conjunctivitis, topical medications are used in two main forms - drops and ointments, recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Also for the treatment of conjunctivitis, drops and ointments are presented in the table.
Ointments for the treatment of conjunctivitis Drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis
Erythromycin (antibiotic)Picloxidine (antiseptic)
Tetracycline ointment (antibiotic)Albucid 20% (antiseptic)
Gentamicin (antibiotic)Levomycetin drops (antibiotic)
Yellow mercury ointment (antiseptic)Diclofenac (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
Dexamethasone (anti-inflammatory drug)
Olopatodine (anti-inflammatory drug)
Fenistil (anti-allergic drug)
Oxial (artificial tear)
Tobradex (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent)

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used in the complex treatment of conjunctivitis as solutions for washing and treating the eyes. Currently, the most effective folk remedies used for conjunctivitis are the following:
  • Pass the dill through a meat grinder, collect the resulting pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly to obtain clear juice. Soak a clean, soft cotton cloth in dill juice and place it on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes when initial signs conjunctivitis;

  • Dilute honey boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 and instill the resulting solution into the eyes as needed;

  • Grind two teaspoons of rose hips and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Boil the berries and leave for half an hour. Strain the finished infusion, moisten a clean cloth in it and apply lotions to the eyes when pus is discharged;

  • Grind 10 g of plantain seeds in a mortar and pour a glass of boiling water over them, then leave for half an hour and strain. In the finished infusion, moisten a clean cloth and apply lotions to the eyes. You can also rinse your eyes with the infusion as needed;

  • Collect fresh datura leaves and chop them. Then pour 30 g of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain. Use the finished infusion to make lotions.

What is the recovery treatment after conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis can cause various disorders vision associated with damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, after complete recovery, a person may be bothered by periodic discomfort, which are quite treatable. Currently, ophthalmologists recommend that immediately after relief of inflammation in conjunctivitis, begin the use of local medications that accelerate healing and full recovery tissue structures (reparants).

Among the most effective and frequently used reparatives is Solcoseryl eye gel, made from the blood of dairy calves.

This drug activates metabolism at the cellular level, as a result of which tissue restoration occurs in a short time. In addition, the damaged structure is completely restored, which, accordingly, creates conditions for the normalization of the functions of the damaged organ, in this case the eye. Solcoseryl ensures the formation of a normal and uniform mucous membrane of the eye, which will perfectly perform its functions and will not create any subjective discomfort. Thus, rehabilitation treatment after conjunctivitis is to use Solcoseryl eye gel for 1 to 3 weeks.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

A group of diseases that is accompanied by inflammation of the eye mucosa is called conjunctivitis. This is a popular pathology among adults and children, which always develops differently. Treatment of the disease aims to stop the inflammatory process and prevent the spread of infection.

How to treat conjunctivitis

The usual term “conjunctivitis” is not the name of the disease, but a reflection of the localization of inflammation. To more accurately designate the disease, doctors add the designation of the cause of the development of the inflammatory process, that is, chronic, chlamydial, follicular, bacterial or other. Conjunctivitis - treatment is divided into several types, depending on what factor caused the pathology - a disease that can be viral, allergic, bacterial, purulent, etc. Treatment for conjunctivitis occurs after determining the cause of the inflammatory process.


It is provoked by pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria: gonococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, etc. How to treat bacterial conjunctivitis?

Antimicrobial drugs in the form of eye drops will help. For example, an antibiotic has worked well wide range action of ofloxacin from the group of fluoroquinolones of the second generation, which is integrated into the cell walls of bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to reproduce and die. Ofloxacin – active substance the drug Floxal, which is available in the form of eye ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. For barley, antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 2-3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but for at least 5 days even if the symptoms disappeared earlier. For bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.


What to do with conjunctivitis if it is provoked different viruses: adenovirus, herpes and others? The therapy is based on antiviral drugs local or general use. When viral conjunctivitis is detected, treatment is applied locally in the form of ointments or drops based on oxoline and tebrofen. Internally assigned antiviral drugs stimulating immunity (interferons, gamma globulins). To prevent the infection from returning, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed. For the herpetic type of disease, Acyclovir is prescribed.


How to get rid of conjunctivitis for an adult or child if the disease is allergic nature? This type of disease develops after contact with any allergen that irritates the mucous membrane (gas, industrial steam, paints, reagents, etc.). Since the provocateur is an irritant, you need to get rid of it immediately. The basis of treatment is antiallergic tablets (Suprastin, Zyrtec). Drops with hydrocortisone are also prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe hormonal drug(Prednisolone).


How to cure conjunctivitis if its causative agent is an adenovirus? Infection lines Airways, calling various diseases. If an adult is diagnosed adenoviral conjunctivitis, treatment should begin with immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. More often, the doctor prescribes Interferon with Deoxyribonuclease and antiviral ointments (Florenalevaya, Bonafton). If the adenoviral type of disease is accompanied by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics and antihistamines are additionally used.


If the patient is found chronic conjunctivitis, treatment is mainly prescribed in the form of cool lotions (resorcinol solution 25%, tea infusion) to avoid dry mucous membranes. If there is discharge or an aggravated form of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and a solution of albucid 30%. How to quickly cure conjunctivitis if it began to develop a long time ago on a professional basis? It is important to eliminate the harmful effects of irritants and regularly follow preventive measures.


This type of disease occurs with the release of pus. If purulent conjunctivitis has developed, treatment requires regular washing of the eyes with furatsilin, novocaine solution, tea or chamomile decoction. Antibacterial eye drops or ointments are prescribed (Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Albucid). To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, doctors recommend using artificial tears. For complications of purulent inflammation, potent antibiotics are prescribed.


The disease is characterized by pronounced redness of the conjunctiva and severe suppuration of the eyeball. It proceeds quickly and acutely. If acute conjunctivitis is detected, treatment consists of getting rid of the pus:

  • For these purposes, use a solution of furatsilin (1:500), a pale pink solution of manganese or a solution boric acid 2%.
  • You should rinse your eyes every 2-3 hours, then instill antibacterial drops.
  • If acute form caused coccal flora, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics and sulfonamides.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children

Eye inflammation is very common in children. Newborn babies are especially susceptible to the inflammatory process. Infants develop bacterial or viral infection after infection from the mother during childbirth, when they go through birth canal. Based on the symptoms of the disease, it is easy to determine how to treat conjunctivitis in a child:

  • the appearance of irritation and redness of the eyes is a sign of an allergic or viral type of pathology;
  • the presence of pus indicates the bacterial nature of the disease;
  • the lack of effect from taking antibiotics confirms that the disease is not bacterial.

Treatment methods depend on the type of disease. You cannot choose medications to eliminate pathology on your own - this should be done by a pediatrician. To speed up recovery and reduce the inflammatory process, you should wipe your child’s eyes with herbal decoctions every three hours. To do this, you will need a gauze swab and a brewed mixture consisting of nettle, sage, and chamomile. The procedure perfectly removes purulent crusts and relieves inflammation.

How to treat conjunctivitis at home

Without drug treatment for inflammation of the ocular mucosa, various complications can develop. For getting Get well soon The best therapy is complex. In addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, the patient is advised to limit physical exercise and emotional turmoil, go on a gentle diet, try to touch your eyes less often. How to treat conjunctivitis at home yourself? Gently rinse eyes with antimicrobial agents. The following are especially effective:

How to treat conjunctivitis with folk remedies

Helps cope with inflammation faster folk recipes, especially during pregnancy, when it is not always possible to treat with medications. The first thing to do when the primary symptoms of the disease occur is to wash your eyes. If you don’t have anything on hand, you can use any tea bags. If the symptoms do not disappear quickly, then try treating conjunctivitis with folk remedies:

  1. Apply celandine (steamed) with honey to your eyes. To do this, brew 1 tbsp of boiling water (1 cup). l. herbs, then leave for 20 minutes, then strain, add honey (a teaspoon), stir well.
  2. In case of severe redness of the mucous membrane, soak a cotton cloth in freshly squeezed dill juice and apply to the eyes for 15 minutes every 3 hours. To prepare it, use a screw juicer or a small attachment to a meat grinder.
  3. For pain, use psyllium seeds. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over 10 g of crushed seeds and leave for half an hour. Rinse your eyes with the decoction every 2 hours.

For both adults and parents of small children, the question of what is conjunctivitis (mistakenly called: conjunctevitis, conjunctivitis, conectivitis, conjunctivitis ) and how to treat it. This disease is common among children; its main symptom is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes .

It should be taken into account when discussing conjunctivitis (erroneously: conectivitis, conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis) that this is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. Children's conjunctivitis is most often associated with a cold, severe hypothermia or allergic manifestations.

What should you do to avoid getting sick?

To prevent the development of this disease, you should take into account the reasons for its development. The causes of conjunctivitis are often associated with violations of hygiene rules, so you need to make sure that your baby’s bed is always clean, wash his hands, and keep his toys clean. Older children should be taught to regularly wash their hands on their own.

It is important to regularly ventilate the room (Dr. Komarovsky and others always emphasize this), use humidifiers and air purifiers. It is necessary to provide the baby proper nutrition, sufficient quantity vitamins in the diet. It is important to walk with your child for at least two hours every day and prevent contact with sick children.

Despite the fact that the eyelids and tear fluid are barriers to the growth of bacteria, viruses and infections in the eyes, if If the child becomes weak, conjunctivitis may develop.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in children

It is not difficult to determine that this particular disease is developing, since the signs of conjunctivitis are always the same. But the symptoms of the disease are more troublesome for children, so they often have a more violent reaction to the disease. If a child's eye is inflamed, he may become restless, lethargic, and cry a lot. With this disease, children complain that their eyes hurt and feel as if sand had gotten into their eyes.

The main signs of inflammation of the conjunctiva in a child are as follows:

  • loss of appetite;
  • deterioration of vision: the child sees unclearly, blurred;
  • feeling that there are foreign bodies in the eyes;
  • discomfort and burning in the eyes.

Conjunctivitis in a child, treatment

First of all, parents should understand that treatment of conjunctivitis in children should not be practiced independently, without a doctor’s prescription.

How to cure quickly, how to wash it and how to treat conjunctivitis in children should be determined by an ophthalmologist after an examination. A specialist prescribes treatment for childhood conjunctivitis only after determining what caused the child’s eyes to fester. Children's conjunctivitis should be treated at home according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist.

It should be taken into account that in children under 3 years of age, symptoms of inflammation and slight redness are sometimes associated with foreign objects entering the eye - eyelashes, grains of sand, as well as with the development allergic reaction to different stimuli.

However, similar symptoms in children may be associated with more serious causes - increased intracranial or. In this case, the symptoms will also be similar.

Determining the type of conjunctivitis

Determined viral , bacterial And allergic types of this disease. Purulent conjunctivitis in children has bacterial nature Accordingly, treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in children is carried out according to the treatment regimen for a disease of bacterial origin.

If the eyes are red and irritated, but there is no pus, we are talking about viral or allergic conjunctivitis (see photo above). When symptoms appear and conjunctivitis, one may suspect the development adenoviral conjunctivitis .

Basic rules of treatment in children

Until a diagnosis has been established, you should not decide on your own how to treat conjunctivitis if the child is 2 years old or younger. But if for a specific reason It is not possible to visit a specialist right away; if you suspect an allergic or viral form of the disease in a 2-year-old child, you can put drops in the eyes.

If there is a suspicion of an allergic nature of the disease, the child should be given antihistamine medicine .

If a bacterial or viral type of disease is diagnosed, how to treat conjunctivitis if the child is 3 years old or older depends on the purpose. Dr. Komarovsky and other experts recommend using or chamomile decoction . A 3-year-old child, as well as younger children, should be washed every two hours in the first days of illness, then three times a day. Rinsing with chamomile or furatsilin solution for small children should be done in the direction from the temple to the nose. Chamomile is an excellent folk remedy, a decoction of which can also be used to remove crusts from the eyes. To do this, a sterile napkin is moistened in the prepared broth. You can also wash your baby with a decoction of sage, calendula, and weak tea. If only one eye is inflamed, both should still be washed so that the infection does not spread to the other eye. A separate cotton pad is used for each eye.

If a bacterial form is diagnosed in a child, an eye patch cannot be used, as bacteria will multiply more actively in it.

Whether it is possible for children to walk with conjunctivitis depends on the intensity of the process. If the baby's condition improves, short walks will benefit him. However, it is better to avoid contact with other children during the illness, as the infection can be transmitted. You should not walk outside if the cause of your illness is allergic reaction, and during this period the flowering of allergenic plants, etc. is observed.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children, which is treated at home, goes away quickly if you strictly follow all the instructions.

Eye drops for children against conjunctivitis

You can only use drops for treatment that are included in the list of drops recommended by your doctor. At the very beginning of the disease, you need to drip disinfectant drops every three hours.

As a rule, children's eye drops for inflammation are prescribed: 10% solution Albucida (For infants), Fucithalmic , Eubital , Vitabact , . Eye drops For children with redness, a doctor should prescribe it, having initially determined the nature of this phenomenon.

Treatment of redness and inflammation of the eye also involves the use of eye ointments -,. Eye ointment for redness and inflammation is placed under the lower eyelid.

It is important to know how to properly instill drops into the eyes, especially if infants under one year of age are being treated.

How to apply eye drops correctly

  • Small children can only put drops in their eyes with a pipette whose end is rounded.
  • Before instillation, you need to place a month-old baby or older baby on a surface without a pillow. Let someone help - support his head. Next, you need to pull the eyelid down and drop 1-2 drops. Excess should be blotted with a napkin.
  • If eye drops for inflammation and redness need to be instilled into an older child, and he constantly closes his eyes, you should simply drop the solution between the lower upper eyelid. When the baby opens his eyes, the anti-inflammatory eye drops will go inside.
  • Before dripping Albucid into the eyes of children, as well as using other drops, you should warm them up in your hand if the product was in the refrigerator. Those drops that long time remained open, or the product had expired.
  • Older children should learn to wash their eyes and drip medicine on their own, under adult supervision.

Young mothers often notice that the baby’s eye is festering, yellow discharge. Sometimes both eyes become swollen. It happens that after sleep the eyelids stick together so much that they cannot be opened.

Pus in the eyes of a baby is not uncommon. But, before treating conjunctivitis in a newborn, it is necessary to distinguish it from inflammation of the lacrimal sac , non-opening of the lacrimal canal . Therefore, a specialist should confirm the diagnosis and tell you how to treat conjunctivitis in an infant.

How to treat this disease in newborns also depends on the causes of its development. Purulent discharge may appear due to the following factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • infection when passing through the birth canal;
  • infection by bacteria living in the maternal body;
  • maternal infection;
  • poor hygiene of the newborn;
  • foreign body getting into the eyes.

The doctor determines the cause and, accordingly, prescribes how to treat pus in the child’s eyes, what to rinse with and what to drip. Please note that any eye drops can be given to a newborn only after approval by a specialist. Even those eye drops that are sold without a prescription cannot be used without a prescription.

As a rule, infants are recommended to use a solution Furacilina for washing. Furacilin is diluted using one crushed tablet per 100 ml of water, the temperature of which is 37 degrees. How to wash a child’s eyes with furatsilin depends on the child’s age. For the smallest children, you can carefully wash their eyes with cotton pads soaked in the solution. This remedy is suitable for small children, but it is still better to ask your doctor individually about whether it is possible to wash your eyes with furatsilin.

For rinsing, you can use a decoction of chamomile, which is a good treatment for purulent conjunctivitis, as well as decoctions of sage and calendula . The baby can bathe in a bath with the addition of these decoctions.

Treatment of different types of conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on what exactly causes the inflammation of the eye. At the same time, how to treat conjunctivitis at home in adults and children depends on the doctor’s recommendations. Treatment of eye conjunctivitis at home is carried out using instillation, rinsing, and using ointments. Your doctor will recommend how to cure conjunctivitis quickly, since use exclusively folk remedies is often ineffective. How to treat conjunctivitis depends, first of all, on its type. Therefore, you need to take into account all the differences different types of this disease.

Bacterial conjunctivitis, symptoms and treatment

Drops are applied Albucid , local antibiotics(in drops), ointments. This form of the disease develops when microorganisms and bacteria enter the mucous membrane.

Typically, the causative agents are streptococcus , Pneumococcus , staphylococcus , chlamydia , gonococcus . If conjunctivitis is one of the symptoms of another disease and is protracted, then treatment includes taking and other drugs necessary for the treatment of infections.

It is important that purulent conjunctivitis is diagnosed by a doctor and prescribed appropriate treatment in adults and children.

Viral conjunctivitis

The causative agents of this form are adenoviruses , herpes , etc. An inflamed eye is treated in this case, (for an illness caused by herpes). Treatment of redness and inflammation of the eye is also carried out with drugs, Trifluridine , Poludan .

Allergic conjunctivitis

Diseases of allergic origin are provoked by a variety of irritants - pollen, dust, food, drugs. This form of the disease is manifested by lacrimation, redness, swelling of the eyelids and itching. Such symptoms do not go away for a long time.

To cure this disease, it is important to determine which one allergen caused this condition and, if possible, limit contact with him. The child should be examined by a pediatric allergist, as more severe symptoms may develop later. serious manifestations allergies. It is the specialist who will tell you how to cure this condition completely. The disease must be treated with drugs

But all these means should be perceived as auxiliary. How to treat pus in a child’s eyes is prescribed by a doctor, whom it is advisable to contact immediately after the first unpleasant symptoms appear.

List of sources

  • Tur A.F. Childhood diseases / A. F. Tur, O. F. Tarasov, N. P. Shabalov. - M.: Medicine, 1985;
  • Sidorenko E.I., Ilyenko L.I., Dubovskaya L.A. Ophthalmology in pediatric practice (selected sections): Textbook. allowance. M.: RGMU, 2003;
  • Jack Kansky. Clinical ophthalmology. - M.: Logosphere, 2009;
  • Ophthalmology: National leadership/ Ed. S.E. Avetisova, E.A. Egorova, L.K. Moshetova et al. M.: GEOTAR-Media; 2008;
  • Vorontsova T.N., Prozornaya L.P. Features of the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children. Ophthalmology. 2014.

Conjunctivitis is the name of a group of diseases accompanied by inflammation of the conjunctiva. This is a fairly popular disease that affects both adults and children equally.

The treatment regimen for each individual case may be different, mainly depending on the factors that provoked the development of the disease. One way or another, the treatment of this disease sets itself the following main objectives: to increase the patient’s comfort; ease the course, and if possible, completely stop the course of the inflammatory process; prevent the development of infection.

How and with what to treat conjunctivitis, depending on the type

The disease, depending on the factors that provoke it, is divided into several types: allergic, viral, bacterial, chronic conjunctivitis, etc. Due to the fact that each specific case has its own pathogens, there are different types of treatment. Therefore, the question of how and with what to treat conjunctivitis requires separate consideration. This disease is treated not only with traditional methods, but also with traditional medicine.

Viral conjunctivitis

The basis of treatment is antiviral drugs intended for general and local use. Local medications include drops and ointments containing tebrofen or oxolin. And also an interferon solution. Along with this, systemic antiviral agents are taken to stimulate human immunity (gamma globulins, interferons). Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent the risk of re-infection. In the case of herpetic conjunctivitis, acyclovir is additionally used.


Since the provocateur of the disease is an allergen or irritant, first of all you need to stop contacting it (which is especially difficult with seasonal conjunctivitis). The basis of treatment in this case is antiallergic drugs such as Suprastin, etc. Eye wash solutions and drops containing hydrocortisone are used locally. If the case is severe, then a hormonal drug is prescribed - prednisolone - it is taken orally or intravenously together with calcium chloride.


Treatment of this disease in adults is carried out on an outpatient basis using antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. As a rule, the doctor prescribes interferon and deoxyribonuclease drops to the patient, as well as antiviral ointments like bonafton and florenalova. In the presence of bacterial infection Local antibiotics are used. Additionally, antihistamines are prescribed, as well as Oftagel or Vidisik to prevent dry eyes.


During treatment chronic form drops and cool lotions of astringents are used (tea infusion, 0.25% resorcinol solution). In case of an aggravated form and the presence of discharge, a 30% solution of albucid and antibiotics are prescribed. Place it in your eyes at night antiseptic ointments. If conjunctivitis has developed due to occupational reasons, then it is very important to follow preventive measures to eliminate harmful influence irritating factors.


To treat purulent conjunctivitis, antibacterial ointments and drops are prescribed, such as albucid, ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. Before using the ointment, you need to rinse your eyes; chamomile, tea decoction, novocaine or furatsilin solution are suitable for these purposes.
Sometimes doctors advise using artificial tears to eliminate unwanted manifestations. For complications, antibiotics are used strong action. It is important to remember that all procedures must be carried out the same way for both eyes, even if one of them is healthy.


To relieve unwanted symptoms, rinsing the eyelashes, eyelids and conjunctival sac from cloudy exudate is prescribed. For these purposes the following is used:

  • 2% boric acid solution;
  • 20% dimexide solution;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin solution in proportions 1:1000.

Local antibiotics are used against pathogens, usually antibacterial drops. For gonococcal conjunctivitis, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are additionally used, for example, allergophthal. For pseudomonas conjunctivitis - drops of floxal, tobrex or gentamicin.


In case of an acute illness, there is a need to remove pus; this requires frequent washing with a 2% solution of boric acid, pale pink potassium permanganate or a solution of furatsilin in a ratio of 1:5000. 2-3 hours after washing, an antibacterial drug should be instilled into the conjunctival sac. Often the acute form is caused by the predominant coccal flora, as a result of which it makes sense to use sulfonamides and antibiotics.

Methods for treating conjunctivitis at home

Of course, it is better to treat such a disease under the close attention of a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment taking into account the characteristics of the body and will be able to monitor the healing process. However, for one reason or another, you have to deal with the problem yourself, using available means and methods of traditional medicine. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat this or that form of conjunctivitis at home.

Medicines: drops, ointments

  • Antiseptics – Picloxidine, 20% Albucid;
  • Antibacterial drugs:

Gonococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia - Erythromycin ointment
Pseudomonas aeruginosa conjunctivitis – tetracycline ointment and/or chloramphenicol eye drops;

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (steroidal/non-steroidal), used for swelling and hyperemia: suprastin, olopatodine, fenistil, diclofenac, etc.;
  • For “dry eye”, artificial tear preparations, such as Oksial, are prescribed.

The above medications can be combined with each other, and they can be used equally by both adults and children.

Effective folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment are an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs for conjunctivitis, and they are also cheaper.

  1. Pour 3 tbsp. finely chopped marshmallow root 200 ml chilled boiled water and let it brew for 9 hours. Use the prepared infusion for compresses.
  2. Take 2 tsp. rose hips, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Place on low heat for 5 minutes, then let it brew for half an hour. This infusion is good at removing pus from the eyes.
  3. Dilute honey with boiled (no more than 45°C) water in a ratio of 1:2. The prepared solution can be used as compresses and eye drops.

Features of treatment of the disease during pregnancy

Very often, when turning to a specialist with a question about how to treat conjunctivitis, expectant mothers complain of pain and itching in the eyes. Warm lotions will help relieve unpleasant discomfort, and warm compress effective for viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, and cold for allergic conjunctivitis.

Further treatment of the disease in a pregnant woman should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor. In order to speed up the recovery process, the patient may be prescribed special ointments and eye drops.

However, not all funds presented in pharmacy points safe for the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, the choice of medications rests entirely with the doctor.

In addition, a specialist may prescribe special vitamins, which will help the body effectively fight residual infection in the future. Taking medications that activate the immune system should be agreed with a gynecologist. Often, treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnant women occurs as follows:

  • 2-3 times rinsing the mucous membrane with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin (per day);
  • use of 0.25% sodium sulfacyl or levomycin drops for intense discharge;
  • inclusion in daily diet large quantity fresh fruits and vegetables.

How to treat eye conjunctivitis in children

Since viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious diseases, a child with this diagnosis must first be isolated from other children. The treatment method must be selected by an ophthalmologist, and for this it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. It is forbidden to blindfold or close your eyes, as this will create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Sore eyes can be washed with chamomile decoction, boric acid solution or furatsilin. This procedure should be repeated 4-8 times a day, starting from the outer corner of the eye towards the inner. When treating conjunctivitis in a child, special eye drops and applications are used.

  • At bacterial form levomycin drops, ointment, ofloxacin and tetracycline ointment are used.
  • For viral and adenoviral forms - actipol, poludanum and ophthalmeron drops, as well as bonafton and florenal ointments.
  • For allergic conjunctivitis - anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, hormonal eye ointments and cool compresses.

Which doctor should I contact for help?

In order to establish the cause of the disease, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. He will hold necessary examination and prescribe effective treatment. Do not neglect a visit to the doctor, since methods that successfully treat viral conjunctivitis may be useless in the bacterial form, etc.

Conjunctivitis is an acute inflammatory process that is localized in the whites of the eyes and the posterior conjunctiva. Due to damage to the organ, pus begins to accumulate in it, significant discomfort appears in the form of a burning sensation, which can cause decreased vision. To prevent further spread of the disease and its complications, mandatory drug treatment, which may contain traditional and non-traditional medicines. Home recipes will provide the necessary stimulation for classical medications and significantly speed up recovery.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in children and adults

To make sure the diagnosis is correct, you should know its symptoms and characteristic signs:

  • severe redness of the eyeball;
  • increased dryness or constant watery eyes;
  • secretion of mucus, which then takes the form of purulent discharge;
  • increased burning, stinging and pain in the eye;
  • significant swelling of the eyelid and surrounding area;
  • increased sensitivity to bright lighting, including complete photophobia.

Moreover, if the cause of inflammation is allergic in nature, both are affected at once. eyeballs. If conjunctivitis is provoked by a virus or bacteria, the disease first appears in one eye and after some time passes to the other.

Attention! If there are doubts about the exact origin of the disease, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. In some cases, the patient's condition may worsen within a day, especially under the age of 3 years.

Chamomile for inflammation of the eye

For treatment, you should take only dry, ground raw materials; sachets, which can be purchased at any pharmacy chain, are ideal. One sachet or teaspoon medicinal chamomile pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. After this, the plant is removed from the water, and the infusion is used for instillation into the sore eye.

To achieve the desired result, 2 drops of the medicinal solution should be instilled into the affected eye. In this case, you can repeat the procedure up to four times a day. Already on the first day of treatment, chamomile will relieve severe irritation, reduce cramps and pain. You can continue treatment in this way until the symptoms disappear completely.

Chamomile is an effective remedy for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Chamomile can not only be instilled, but also made into lotions. To do this, sterile cotton wool or a bandage is moistened with infusion and applied to the sore spot for five minutes. This procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day during the entire course of treatment.

Attention! This recipe Suitable for treating even pregnant women, if she is not allergic to the raw materials used.

Dill against conjunctivitis

For cooking medicine You should take only a fresh plant, which must be washed thoroughly. All the juice is squeezed out of it, which should be soaked into cotton wool or a bandage. The resulting compress is applied to the sore spot. The duration of the session is 10-20 minutes. This procedure can be repeated up to five times a day.

Dill can also be combined with other medicinal plants. To prepare the mixture, you need to take a tablespoon of fresh raw materials, twice as much as the flower part of chicory, and a tablespoon of dry horsetail. For more quick results if tolerated well, you can also add crushed and thoroughly washed marshmallow root, a tablespoon is enough, as well double portion fresh rose petals.

After thoroughly mixing 250 ml of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the plant mixture and leave it covered for an hour. The prepared infusion should be used in the form of drops. The classic dosage is 3 drops in each eye no more than three times a day.

If conjunctivitis has already caused purulent discharge, pour a teaspoon of fresh dill seeds into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. After this, compresses are made using this solution for 15 minutes no more than three times a day.

Attention! Similar procedures can be carried out until all symptoms disappear completely. If any allergic signs appear, the medication should be discontinued immediately.

Video - How to treat conjunctivitis in adults and children

Garden rose hips against conjunctivitis

Best given home remedy helps in the presence of viral conjunctivitis. It allows you to avoid the pathology from spreading to the other eye and prevent the virus from causing further irritation. To get a good medicinal solution, you should carefully grind the dry rose hips and take two tablespoons of raw materials.

This amount of the plant component is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat or a water bath for five minutes under the lid. After this, you need to let the mixture brew for about an hour so that the fruits release all the vitamins and useful minerals. The resulting medicinal product should be rinsed with the affected eye no more than five times a day. The duration of therapy is until all symptoms disappear completely.

Attention! If the rinsing procedure is poorly tolerated, it can be replaced with compresses. In this case, the lotion should be kept for no more than 10 minutes. This treatment is repeated 3 times a day.

Vegetable juices against conjunctivitis

Plant (juices)Mode of applicationNumber of daily appointments
KalanchoeLubricate only sore eyelidsNo more than five times
Parsley, carrots, lettuce, celery (1:4:1:1)Orally, 100 mlNo more than three times 20 minutes before the main meal
Parsley, carrots (1:3)150 ml, orallyThree times 20 minutes before meals
Cucumber, soda, water (3:1:1)Eyelid lotionsThree times a day for 5 minutes
Agave, water (1:10)Eye drops, 2 drops eachDaily

Attention! The described home recipes are most effective in eliminating symptoms allergic conjunctivitis. Juices are used until the discomfort disappears completely.

Video - Conjunctivitis: treatment with folk remedies

Bay leaf against conjunctivitis

This plant is used in the form of compresses, which have a good anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate pain, burning and mucus secretion. To prepare the solution, take three bay leaves and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. The resulting mixture must be left to stand under the lid for 30 minutes. Lotions for patients over 10 years of age should be done for 30 minutes no more than twice a day. For children younger age you just need to rinse your sore eyes.

Attention! This medicine should not be used during the first and second trimester of pregnancy, since experts have still not been able to agree on whether bay leaf is safe for the fetus.

Propolis against conjunctivitis

To prepare the medicine, you need to take five grams of propolis and thoroughly mash it in a small mortar or plate so that the mixture becomes as homogeneous as possible. After this, this amount bee product dissolve in 100 ml of warm boiled water. It should be understood that complete dissolution of propolis cannot be achieved; it will simply give up its vitamins to the water.

As soon as the mixture is infused, this will take 1-2 hours; the bee component must be removed using sterile gauze so that dirt does not get into the water. The resulting solution should be used 2 drops into the affected eye up to three times a day. In some cases, after instillation, patients note a slight burning sensation that goes away in the first few minutes.

Propolis is an effective remedy against conjunctivitis

Attention! This product must not be used when poor tolerance any beekeeping product, as there is an anaphylactic shock reaction.

Penicillin and Furacilin against the conjunctiva

To prepare the medicine, you need to take ready-made penicillin powder and add water to it. Typically, the amount of antibiotic sold in a bottle is 100 ml. warm water. The eyes are washed with the resulting solution. This amount of solution is enough for two days of treatment, subject to three procedures daily. The product can only be used on adult patients with viral conjunctivitis. The duration of treatment is strictly individual, but no more than 7 days.

You can prepare Furacilin yourself or buy a ready-made solution. At self-cooking 2 g of powder is dissolved in 150 ml of water. Moisten a cotton pad or bandage with the resulting product and rinse your eyes with it. Taken for each eye new tampon. The procedure is carried out up to three times a day until all symptoms of the disease disappear. Furacilin can be used even on children in the first month of life and pregnant women.

Attention! When using the described antiseptic solutions, the cause of conjunctivitis should be accurately identified. At allergic type they are absolutely useless.

Natural honey against eye inflammation

A good traditional remedy that quickly relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect, which prevents the spread of the disease to the other eye. To obtain the necessary therapeutic result, you should take honey and water in a ratio of 1:2. It is important to achieve maximum homogeneity of the solution in order to prevent lumps of honey from getting into the mucous membrane of the eye. The classic dosage of the medicinal solution is 1 drop up to four times a day.

The same honey solution can also be used as a lotion. For this purpose, a sterile disk or cotton swab moisten with medicine and apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes. Held similar procedure no more than three times a day. Therapy using honey can continue until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Attention! This home remedy should only be used from the age of five, when the likelihood of developing an acute illness decreases. side effect in children.

Raw potatoes for conjunctivitis

To prepare the medicine you need to mix 200 g mashed potatoes, only raw, with one chicken egg. Some recipes advise taking only protein that has the maximum anti-inflammatory effect. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the sore eyelids for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day. Therapy continues until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

Attention! You should not leave potatoes in front of your eyes for a long time, as they quickly dry out and form a crust. Removing it can further damage the eyelids and eyeball.

When the first signs of conjunctivitis appear, treatment should begin immediately. In this case, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist so that he can confirm the diagnosis, especially when treating young children. The given recipes are the most effective in treating conjunctivitis, but only if the dosages and course of treatment are followed. In this case, it is imperative to ensure the complete tolerability of any components of home recipes and their compatibility with each other during combination therapy.

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