Causes of heavy sweating in women. Causes of severe sweating of the body and methods of treatment. Surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis


Increased sweating in women, and especially after 50 years, can be associated with many factors, and the most common of them is postmenopause and menopause itself, against which more serious problems can develop.

Frequent sweating in women after 50 is often a symptom that begins on average at 50-51 years of age.

Other common causes include:


Pregnancy (and especially late pregnancy - in women a little before and a little after 40).
The hormonal levels associated with pregnancy cause greater blood flow to the skin, increasing sweat levels, while metabolic rates also increase. This is completely normal, and in this case there is no reason to worry.

Thyroid problems

Pregnancy is one of the reasons that leads to the release of thyroid hormones, which makes women sweat more than usual. However, malfunctions of the thyroid gland are not uncommon and not in pregnant women.
Hyperthyroidism - the medical term for an overactive thyroid gland - means that the thyroid gland, which plays a large role in regulating the body's metabolic rate, produces excess levels of the metabolic hormone thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3). The body's response to this is to increase the work of all systems. body.
Sweating is not the only manifestation of hyperthyroidism; Patients experience forgetfulness, nervousness, tremors, fatigue and rapid heartbeat - this is how the body tries to cope with the hormonal “push”. The disease may also manifest as a goiter on the neck. If you feel like you're experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible—thyroid problems are no joke.


There are three times when people with diabetes may experience excessive sweating:

  1. The low blood sugar response is a marker that alerts you that your blood sugar levels have begun to drop to unacceptable levels; Sweating signals low blood sugar.
  2. Reaction to food - less common and called "gustatory sweating" due to its exclusive connection with food; occurs in diabetics with nerve damage, sweating is limited to the head and neck areas.
  3. Only at night - “night sweats” or nocturnal hyperhidrosis. This is not exclusively due to diabetes; Doctors believe that women who have the following problems sweat a lot at night: sleep apnea, infections or hormonal problems. But for diabetics, it is a signal of low blood sugar due to the body's insulin regulation at night.


There is a class of medications known as diaphoretics, which means they cause excessive sweating in some people - which is why it is important to carefully check drug instructions for possible side effects. The list includes:

  • some painkillers,
  • medications for blood pressure and cardiovascular system,
  • chemotherapy,
  • hormonal treatment,
  • anything that targets the endocrine system,
  • some antibiotics and many others.


When we worry, we sweat; This is the body's panic response to any threat.
Medical experts explain it this way:

“In case of danger, stress hormones prepare the body for immediate action, changing its usual functionality. Part of this change involves increased sweating so that body water can be eliminated through the skin rather than through the kidneys, thus preventing urination in the midst of protection from or any other harm to the body. The other part, the stress response, causes breathing and heart rate to increase to move blood to and from parts of the body that are more needed for emergency action.
This increased breathing and increased blood flow raises body temperature, and the increased sweating is to help cool the body."
Thus, people suffering from anxiety disorders are much more likely to suffer from excess sweating, which is a direct consequence of anxiety attacks.


  • In latent tuberculosis, excessive sweating is sometimes the only symptom.
  • Osteomyelitis is a bone infection of the spine or pelvis in adults.
  • Bacterial infections can also cause endocarditis, or inflammation of the heart valves, and night sweats are a common symptom of this condition.

Sleep disorder

Sweating is a common symptom of sleep apnea and causes airway obstruction—during sleep, breathing slows down, or in severe cases, even stops. The pathology is more common in men than in women, but with age - after 50 years, the risk increases for women, and the symptoms may differ from those in men.


In rare cases, night sweats may be an early sign of lymphoma. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 32,000 women are diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma every year, and the risk increases with age.
Other symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss, chest pain and difficulty breathing, so if you notice any of these symptoms, consult your doctor.

Heavy sweating during menopause: what to do?

There are many different symptoms of menopause, and one of the most common is hot flashes, which are often accompanied by excessive sweating, and together they can cause many unpleasant hours.
Hot flashes usually begin with a feeling of intense warmth in the upper body, followed by a rapid heartbeat and redness of the chest, neck and face. This state can last from thirty seconds to five minutes, the frequency and intensity differ in each individual case.

About 75% of women suffer from excessive sweating during hot flashes.

What causes excessive sweating during hot flashes?

The main trigger for excessive sweating during hot flashes is not understood, but it is generally believed that it is caused by decreased levels of estrogen, which causes hormonal and biochemical imbalances in the body.
During perimenopause (in women over 40) and menopause (after 50), declining estrogen levels cause the hypothalamus to release chemicals that cause the skin's blood vessels to dilate, and the heat generated by this leads to excessive sweating during an episode tide
Hot flashes, accompanied by excessive sweating, can occur both at night and during the day and are often accompanied by mood swings.

One Australian study found that women were more likely to report excessive sweating during late perimenopause—one to two years before their last menstrual cycles and up to three years after menopause. This is why a woman sweats a lot after 50 years: quite strong hormonal stress in the body before entering menopause is accompanied by hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Since sweating is not an independent disease, but always only a symptom, in order to get rid of profuse and debilitating sweats, it is necessary to treat the primary problem. As you know, menopause cannot be treated, but there are many remedies that can effectively combat hot flashes, reducing their frequency and effectiveness, and with them the amount of sweat:

  • Hot drinks and caffeine are known to cause hot flashes and sweating. Reducing the amount of hot coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks may eliminate this trigger.
  • Exercise and weight loss help reduce the frequency of sweating during menopause.
  • Spicy foods, too much wine and stress can cause hot flashes and sweats.
  • Prescription medications and hormone therapy are other and most effective treatments for hot flashes and sweating in women over 50.

Why does the back of the neck and head sweat in women?

Why does the back of the head, or head, or other part of the body sweat? All the above reasons are suitable as an answer to this question. Due to our individuality, even similar symptoms manifest themselves differently in each of us.

Regarding the back of the head, in women, the skin in this place is almost all covered with hair, so air has much less access there than to other parts of the body, the same applies to the scalp. As a result, the heat generated by the body is not carried away by the air, but remains on the skin longer and floats.

If the back of your head and the top of your head sweat (during hot flashes, hot summers, or for another reason), do not run to the bathroom and try to dry your hair with a hairdryer. In this case, cosmetologists advise the three most effective and, perhaps, the only methods:
  1. Don't wear your hair loose, try to do your hair up. And the best option in this case is a high ponytail, wrapped in a bun, which is secured with hairpins.
  2. Make a cold compress and place it on the back of your head to cool down and allow the sweat to dry naturally.
  3. If the back of your head sweats at night, you can buy a “Chillow Pillow” - a cooling pillow that “relieves discomfort from overheating not only in the neck, but in any part of the body.

Deodorants against excessive sweating for women

There are two main types of deodorants:

  1. Deodorants kill bacteria on our skin, thereby eliminating unpleasant odor, but they do not affect sweating itself.
  2. Antiperspirants temporarily block pores to prevent sweat, but also contain substances that target bacteria in the armpits to prevent body odor.
However, not all deodorants and antiperspirants are created equal.
To sweat less, you need to use an antiperspirant deodorant, of which there are a great many on the market today.

Top most effective deodorants against excessive sweating for women

If you are still looking for an effective deodorant, then pay attention to the top best:

Dove Advanced Care
Antiperspirant deodorant
48 hour protection.
Fresh cucumber scent: combines deodorant and antiperspirant.
It's a quarter moisturizer, which is why it's as irritating as other options.
Dry deodorant Degree Antiperspirant.
48 hour protection.
Does not leave white spots on clothes.
Secret Clinical Strength
A smooth solid deodorant for women
48 hour protection.
Great for sensitive skin: It's one-quarter moisturizer and contains no alcohol, making it a good option for women who find other antiperspirants too harsh for their skin.
Dove Clinical Protection
Antiperspirant deodorant
48 hour protection.
Moisturizing: A good option for sensitive skin.
Certain Dri Antiperspirant.
Up to 72 hour protection.
One of the most powerful antiperspirants you can buy without a prescription.
Kopari Coconut Deodorant Deodorant
Does not contain aluminum.
Absolutely natural based.
Suitable for women who sweat a lot.

Home Recipes for Excessive Sweating

Do you sweat a lot and store-bought deodorants don't suit you?
Are you having trouble finding an antiperspirant that can completely control your sweating? Or are you simply looking for a natural alternative to commercial products?
Don't know what to do about it? Regardless of the option, it's worth trying a few tips on how to deal with sweating at home.
It may be worth trying some home methods.

Even our grandmothers knew how to deal with sweating. They regularly took a “counter-bath”:

  1. A mixture of 25 g horsetail, 25 g sage, 30 g nettle and 30 g goat is boiled in half a liter of water for half an hour.
  2. These herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. Then pour the resulting decoction into the bath and enjoy.
  4. If you take this bath regularly, your sweating will decrease significantly.
Four-ingredient antiperspirant
Making antiperspirant according to this recipe is quite possible at home. You will only need four ingredients - coconut oil (you can use it as a face cream, as well as to heal minor wounds), baking soda, cornstarch and any fragrant oil. If you don't need a strong scent, you don't need to add essential oil.

The production itself takes literally a few minutes:

  1. Mix 15 ml starch, 15 ml baking soda, 10 ml coconut oil and 15 ml essential oil. It is recommended to dissolve the coconut oil in a water bath or add it gradually to mix well.
  2. Wrap the mixture in foil, leave it in a wrapped bowl, or place it in an empty container or other sealable plastic container.
  3. Store in a cool place and, if necessary, apply the mixture to problem areas.
  4. When small lumps appear in the mixture, heat the mixture slightly and stir again.

Increased sweating in women is a very common problem that worries many representatives of the fair sex. This phenomenon is very unpleasant and leads to strong female experiences. In this article we will look at the main causes of hyperhidrosis, as well as methods for eliminating it. It is very important to know that increased sweating in women may indicate the presence of extremely serious diseases in the body. Therefore, it is very important to understand the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon and begin treatment.

What is sweating?

Sweating is a very important function performed by the body of every person. During this process, a special secretion is released, as well as metabolic products. It is also worth considering that sweating performs a thermoregulatory function. That is, your body will begin to sweat if the ambient temperature is too high, as well as with excessive physical activity. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. By the way, our sweat glands work constantly, without interruption, even when we are in optimally comfortable conditions or sleeping. But if your sweat glands are working excessively for no apparent reason, then you need to think about the state of your health. In this case, there may be very serious disorders in your body.

As you know, sweat itself has absolutely no odor. But when bacteria begin to multiply in it, you can smell an extremely unpleasant aroma. Pathogenic microorganisms will not only cause an unpleasant odor, but can also become the basis for the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

Main types of hyperhidrosis

Some representatives of the fairer sex sweat intensely in their sleep. If this happens to you, be sure to pay attention to the conditions in which you sleep. The room may be very stuffy, or your clothes and bedding may be made of synthetic materials. In this case, it will be very easy to eliminate increased sweating in women.

Increased sweating can have several locations on the female body. Depending on this, several types of this disease are distinguished. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • plantar hyperhidrosis is characterized by increased sweating that occurs in the palms;
  • with palmar disease, very legs;
  • but the axillary type of the disease is characterized by increased sweating in the armpits.

These types of hyperhidrosis are quite common. Much less often, increased sweating in women occurs throughout the entire body.

The right choice of clothing is the key to good health

One of the main reasons for excessive body sweating is the wrong choice of clothing. Of course, all representatives of the fair sex try to take care of their bodies and perform hygiene procedures correctly. However, for some reason, many people simply forget about the correct selection of clothes. The way the dress you buy looks is very important. However, what is even more important is what material it is made from. Synthetic fabrics are very harmful to the human body. They do not allow the skin to breathe, which means it is impaired. Very often, women suffer from increased sweating in the armpits when wearing fabrics such as acrylic, viscose or polyamide. Of course, blouses made from synthetic materials look amazing, but at the same time they have a detrimental effect on your health. Imagine what will happen to your body if it does not breathe for twelve hours.

Excessive emotionality

Increased sweating in women, the causes of which can be very diverse, often occurs in the fair sex, who have a very strong emotional reaction to certain life situations. For example, very often speaking in public leads to excitement, and this in turn causes emotions, which lead to excessive sweating. Some women are very shy, so they begin to worry when everyone's attention is paid to them. This situation can also lead to the fact that the sweat glands begin to work more actively.

Increased sweating in women, the causes of which are described in detail on this resource, can begin in childhood. For example, if a girl was very worried when the teacher at school called her to the blackboard, and this started to sweat a lot, then this problem will only worsen with age.

In fact, this problem is not so easy to solve. The first thing you need to learn to do is control yourself and your emotions. If you can’t come to this on your own, be sure to consult a psychologist, he will help you cope with excessive emotionality and solve the problem of excessive sweating.

The cardiovascular system has abnormalities

It's no secret that very often disorders of the cardiovascular system can lead to problems such as increased sweating in women's armpits and other parts of the body. Most often, such a disease can begin to develop in hypertensive patients. In this case, increased sweating may be the very first symptom of such a serious disease. Please note that hypertension is a disease that develops very slowly and gradually. You may feel completely normal until a certain point comes. If you notice that you are starting to sweat for no particular reason, the first thing you need to do is contact a cardiologist. This is especially true for women who are overweight and about forty to forty-five years old.

Why increased sweating in women is a question that concerns many representatives of the fair sex. There can be many reasons. And one more of them is the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is much more common in women than men, and age does not matter. The first symptoms of such an illness will be low body temperature, as well as very frequent dizziness. Vegetative-vascular dystonia worsens when the fair sex begins menstruation. The patient may experience chills, which will be accompanied by a phenomenon such as increased sweating in women. At night, this phenomenon can also be observed, and it will especially intensify if a woman sleeps in uncomfortable conditions. Your hands, feet and armpits will sweat the most.

Another cause of excessive sweating is hypotension. This disease most often manifests itself in the morning, immediately after the woman wakes up. In this case, low pressure will be present until the female body adapts to the vertical position. Notice the women who can't get to work until they've had a cup of coffee. This phenomenon indicates low blood pressure. Excessive sweating may indicate that your blood pressure has dropped significantly.

Very often, excessive sweating is a signal that indicates the presence of serious diseases in the body. Therefore, be sure to go to the hospital for a diagnosis. After all, problems with the cardiovascular system can lead to death.

Presence of infections in the body

Increased sweating of the head in women sometimes indicates the presence of infections in the body. This includes the common cold, flu, sinusitis, pneumonia, and any other infectious diseases. The presence of infections in the body leads to inflammatory processes in the body, and this causes increased body temperature. The main symptoms of such diseases are chills, weakness, aching joints, and sometimes increased sweating. Moreover, it is precisely this that is the protective reaction of the human body to the presence of infection in it.

Please note that many infectious diseases can be present in the body in a latent form. The woman will notice a decrease in performance and weakness, but such conditions will be short-lived. Increased sweating will indicate that an infection is hiding in the body. You will notice how your arms, legs, armpits, and also your forehead become damp. If you sweat excessively at night, this may indicate that you have tuberculosis.

Increased sweating in women will be described below) can be observed during poisoning. Moreover, such a process will be completely natural and normal, since toxic substances can also leave the body along with sweat.

Female causes of hyperhidrosis

What to do if sweating is increased? The causes and treatment in women depend on many factors, so the specialist must find an individual approach to each patient.

In fact, very often increased sweating does not indicate the presence of any problems. This phenomenon can begin to bother a woman during hormonal changes, for example, during puberty, or menopause. During such time intervals, the female body goes through a process of adaptation and restructuring, so there is nothing wrong with sweating. Very often, sweating indicates that a girl is pregnant, so be sure to take this fact into account.

Also, a representative of the fair sex may sweat a lot during menstruation. You should consult a doctor only if the problem is very severe and interferes with normal life activities. In this case, the gynecologist may prescribe you to undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing hormones.

Antiperspirant against excessive sweating for women

Ratings of products such as antiperspirants can be found on the Internet, but before you do this, you need to figure out which drug is best for you. An incorrectly selected product will simply clog your pores and lead to the proliferation of a large number of bacteria. This way, not only will you not eliminate excessive sweating, but you will also become tired of dealing with the unpleasant odor.

There is a huge selection of different antiperspirants. Manufacturers produce them in the form of spray, cream, powder, and so on. But the release form is not the most important thing you should pay attention to.

An antiperspirant against excessive sweating for women can have cosmetic and therapeutic effects. Cosmetic antiperspirants will not completely relieve you from excessive sweating. Therefore, they are recommended for use by women whose hypohidrosis is not very noticeable. Such remedies will have a very short-term effect.

But medical antiperspirants have a stronger effect on the body. However, it is recommended to use them only as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to harm the body even more. This remedy cannot be used very often. Do this once every three to four days, or better yet, just once a week. If you use such a product regularly, it can lead to the fact that the sweat glands atrophy completely and stop producing sweat altogether. Let's look at the drugs most often recommended by doctors: Maxim, Orban, Klima, and others.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

In fact, there is no exact method for how to cure excessive sweating in women, because the causes of this phenomenon can be very diverse. Please note that it is very important to understand the exact reason for this illness, so be sure to consult a doctor in order to eliminate this cause.

Powders containing methenamine and boric acid also have a good effect. Experts recommend that women try Botox injections and laser treatment. However, such procedures have a fairly high price.


It is very important to eliminate the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased sweating in women. Treatment of this disease can begin only after its causes have been identified. Therefore, be sure to consult a specialist and undergo a full examination. After all, such an unpleasant phenomenon may hide more serious problems. For example, you may have a serious infection lurking, or a specialist may discover a serious cardiovascular disease. So take charge of your health today. Start eating right, exercising, getting rid of bad habits, and you will see how your health will improve significantly. Be healthy and take care of yourself, and do not forget that excessive sweating is not a death sentence.

There is a list of so-called inconvenient problems. One of them is hyperhidrosis. This is exactly what I want to talk about now. So, under the closest attention - excessive sweating in women: causes and methods of getting rid of this unpleasant symptom.


Initially, you need to understand the main terms that will be actively used in this article. So, excessive sweating is the popular name for a disease such as hyperhidrosis. Sweating itself is protective in nature. Such secretions protect the body from excessive overheating, thus normalizing the internal temperature. A similar phenomenon can occur in case of increased physical stress on the body or nervous overstrain. However, if severe sweating bothers a woman at any time of the day and regardless of the situation, you need to start fighting it. And as soon as possible.

A little about sweating

We also need to say a few words about the fact that sweat is released to the surface of the body through the exocrine glands specially designed for this. It is worth remembering that it contains a variety of substances, but mainly ammonia, urea, salts, as well as various toxic elements and products of metabolic processes.

Reason 1. Hormonal imbalance

Why might excessive sweating occur in women? The causes of this disease often lie in hormonal imbalance. This happens mainly during adolescence or menopause. This also includes the presence of diseases such as diabetes, toxic goiter or obesity. In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist so that he can rule out or confirm the presence of certain diseases.

Reason 2. Psychosomatics

When else do women experience excessive sweating? The reasons may lie in the emotional instability of the patient. So, a lady can break into sweat during stressful situations, worries, anxiety and fear. A woman may simply overreact to a particular situation, which will cause increased sweating. In this case, the first medicine that the doctor will prescribe is one of the sedatives.

Reason 3. Infectious diseases

Why else might there be increased sweating of the armpits in women? The reasons may also be hidden in various kinds of infectious diseases, which, however, are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Such problems include inflammatory processes, septic conditions, as well as various types of tuberculosis.

It should also be noted that this symptom can also occur as a result of weakened immunity. In this case, it is necessary to improve its protective functions. There are many ways to do this: you can take a contrast shower in the morning, harden yourself, drink herbal infusions, etc.

Reason 4. Diseases

We further consider such a problem as excessive sweating in women. The causes of this uncomfortable condition may also be hidden in various diseases. What can we most often talk about in this case? Thus, hyperhidrosis can be caused by:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, blood pressure disorders.
  2. Pathologies that relate specifically to the urinary system: glomerulo- or pyelonephritis.
  3. Oncological diseases. We are mainly talking about brain tumors.

Reason 5. Poisoning

We further study such a common problem as excessive sweating in women and its causes. A woman’s entire body can be covered with sweat as a result of poisoning with alcohol, chemicals, poisons, as well as poor-quality food or narcotic substances. In this case, the body will simply try to get rid of toxins in different ways, including through increased sweating.

Well, another reason that can cause increased sweating on an ongoing basis is congenital abnormalities of the body’s thermoregulatory system.

About nocturnal hyperhidrosis

There is also such a problem as excessive sweating at night. The reasons for this unpleasant condition in women may be as follows:

  • This condition can occur as a result of disruption of the hormonal system. In women, in this case, we are talking about menopause. Symptoms are hot flashes, which disturb the lady both during the day and at night.
  • Obesity is another cause of nocturnal hyperhidrosis.
  • Well, a malfunctioning thyroid gland can cause increased sweating at night.


What else needs to be said if excessive sweating in women is considered? The causes and treatment of this problem is what needs to be discussed. What will you have to do to determine the disease? How can the presence of a disease be diagnosed? It is worth noting here that hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. And therefore the diagnosis must be comprehensive. So, the patient will have to visit specialists such as a therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist or neurologist.

The disease can be pre-diagnosed already at the stage of collecting anamnesis. That is, based on everything that the patient tells the treating doctor. Laboratory tests that may be relevant in this situation are a general blood test. You may also need a sugar test and venous blood testing for the presence of certain hormones.


If you experience excessive sweating in women, the causes and treatment of this problem are what is important to know. What procedures and medications can help in this case?

  1. It is imperative to carefully observe hygiene procedures: regularly take a shower, dry yourself with a damp towel, change your underwear. However, most often this is completely insufficient.
  2. An iontophoresis method may be needed, with which a specialist will cleanse the patient’s clogged sebaceous glands.
  3. Sometimes hormone replacement therapy is needed if there are certain problems.
  4. Doctors often prescribe to ladies such a procedure as using Botox. This drug simply blocks the work of the sweat glands. However, this is not very healthy.
  5. Suction curettage can also be used. This is a surgical intervention when the sweat glands are simply destroyed. This procedure can permanently rid a person of the problem of sweating.

And, of course, for this problem you need to use antiperspirants. They are able to block the spread of unpleasant odor from sweat. However, they cannot save you from the sweating process itself.

Sweating is a function provided by glands for thermoregulation, protection and moisturizing of the skin and removal of metabolic products. The volume of fluid released may fluctuate throughout the day and depend on the ambient temperature. Most often, palms, back. But pathology may develop when excessive sweating in women or hyperhidrosis occurs.

Sweating is our body’s ability to thermoregulate.


Hyperhidrosis is classified according to different criteria: cause, severity, localization, and course.

By prevalence:

  • Sweat glands can secrete abundantly only in certain areas, such as the palms, soles, armpits, groin, face. It most often occurs in women aged 15-30 years. Over time it goes away or develops into a chronic form.
  • The whole body can sweat. This form is more common.

Increased sweating in women is divided according to the flow:

  • is a constant companion;
  • appears depending on the time of year;
  • occurs periodically.

The development of hyperhidrosis in women can be seasonal


Excessive sweating is primarily a problem that causes psychological discomfort. It has been proven that stressful situations enhance the work of the sweat glands, and the secretion begins to be released more strongly. On the other hand, increased sweating also leads to stress. The circle closes.

Women and men suffering from this pathology are more likely to be depressed and try to reduce social contacts. Moreover, those people who exhibit physiological rather than pathological hyperhidrosis are also susceptible to psychological experiences, and they also need treatment.

In addition, excessive sweating can cause a strong sweat odor. It is caused by bacteria that live on the human body, and a humid environment becomes an ideal place for their life. The smell can also appear if the pathology has developed as a result of diseases of the internal organs and taking medications.

Excessive sweating does not pose a significant threat to physical health, but, nevertheless, it is considered a medical rather than a cosmetic problem.

Excessive sweating often causes stress


Hyperhidrosis can be caused by physical activity, high temperature, and drinking large amounts of liquid. It manifests itself in stressful situations, anxiety and other reflex reactions. When sweating occurs, the reasons can even be due to food, primarily hot seasonings and spices. All this is a normal condition and a natural reaction of the body.

But if there is severe sweating throughout the body in women, this may be due to the presence of diseases. In this situation, hyperhidrosis is a symptom of a pathological process in the body.

Causes of excessive sweating:

  • Pain, stress and especially fear are factors that cause excessive sweating. The female body instantly reacts to emotional irritation and quickly secretes a secretion.
  • Infections and inflammations caused by the ingestion of substances into the body that cause fever and its manifestations - hyperhidrosis and chills.
  • Changes in metabolism due to disorders of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, manifestations caused by the decline of reproductive function in women, decreased concentration of glucose in the blood, increased function of the thyroid gland, etc.
  • Pregnancy. A sharp change in hormonal levels, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, leads to an increase in the volume of sweat produced.
  • Cancers in which tumor breakdown substances enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation and infection.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Damages of the brain and cerebral circulation.
  • Taking medications (painkillers, aspirin, drugs that increase nervous excitement).
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Overweight. The fat layer complicates heat exchange, but cooling of the body must occur and, as a result, the secretion of sweat glands increases.
  • Genetic factor. When severe sweating in women is inherited, it is not influenced by the presence of diseases, nutrition, or other factors.

As a rule, in such situations the whole body sweats. This process does not depend on the time of day or the environment, but is closely related to the activity of the underlying disease. Very often, having eliminated the disease, sweating is also eliminated.

Hormonal changes lead to increased sweating

Detection of pathology

If during laboratory and instrumental diagnostics no diseases were identified that could be the cause of sweating, then a diagnosis is made - primary hyperhidrosis and it is treated as an independent disease. In this case, sweating is more likely to occur on the face, soles, armpits and palms.

Most diagnostic methods today are used only for scientific research. In practice, various substances are used that can change their color when combined with sweat. In this way, areas of increased sweating are determined.

Troubleshooting methods

Severe sweating in women requires long-term treatment, as relapses are possible. In addition, today there is no consensus among doctors about the priority treatment method. There are many methods, but the entire range of procedures is constantly challenged in terms of effectiveness and safety.

With severe hyperhidrosis, some women resort to drastic measures, deciding on surgical interventions. But in any case, the woman herself, who has a high level of secretion of the sweat glands, chooses a way to eliminate the problem.


Proper nutrition is essential

A woman suffering from hyperhidrosis should review her diet and exclude foods that have a stimulating effect on the skin glands:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • spicy seasonings.

The diet should be balanced and include a large amount of vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Personal hygiene

Regular adherence to simple hygiene rules will eliminate the problem of physiological hyperhidrosis:

  • shower twice a day;
  • hair removal from the armpit area;
  • loose-fitting clothing that allows sweat to evaporate faster;
  • shoes made from natural materials.

The cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries produce a large number of deodorizing and antiperspirant products to combat sweat and odor. Women suffering from moderate sweating should opt for medicinal antiperspirants. They do not require daily use. As a rule, one application is enough for 3-7 days. Such products include antiperspirants “Dry Dry”, “Lavilin”, “Algel” and others.

Dry dry can solve the problem of hyperhidrosis

The principle of action of all antiperspirants is the same. Active substances, mainly aluminum salts, narrow or completely block the ducts of the sweat glands. As a result, the liquid is not released to the surface, but is redistributed throughout the body.

More frequent use of cosmetic antiperspirants, produced in various forms, is also acceptable.


Various physical treatments will help get rid of excess sweat and stress

Among the physiotherapeutic methods for eliminating excessive sweating, the following procedures are used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • Douche Charcot and others

All methods require regular procedures. The result appears after 2-4 months, but the effect may not last long.

A temporary effect can also be achieved using reflexology methods. For hyperhidrosis caused by stress or fear, hypnosis and psychotherapy are practiced. In this case, the doctor may prescribe sedatives. Preference is given mainly to herbal remedies: motherwort, valerian, etc.


You can resort to injections of butoloxin into the armpits

Botulinum toxin injections are a common procedure for blocking glandular ducts with Botox. It gives a stable effect, but does not eliminate the problem forever. After six months, it requires re-administration of the drug.

Side effect of electrolysis

After electrolysis, sweat secretions decrease

In the armpit area, sweat glands are connected to hair follicles. When the hair follicles are destroyed by electric current, the sweat glands are also affected by it and are also subject to deformation. It turns out that reduced sweat production is a consequence of a cosmetic procedure, a kind of “side effect”. But the effectiveness of such a procedure is insignificant.

Surgical methods

Surgery can also reduce sweating

If sweating in the heat or during physical exertion is part of the process of thermoregulation, and during stress is a normal reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, then severe sweating in women, not associated with these factors, is a general symptom defined as hyperhidrosis (locally limited or general) .

Why is sweating increased in women, and what makes the sweat glands work harder?

Women face the problem of excessive sweating much more often than men. This is due to the peculiarities of a woman’s hormonal background, as well as her anatomical and physiological characteristics (the peculiar structure of the skin, sweat and sebaceous glands, hyperproduction of fluid and sweat acids). Also, women are more likely than men to experience overexertion.

To eliminate symptoms and temporarily reduce excessive sweating, you can use various antiperspirants. But the problem can be completely eliminated only after a comprehensive examination has been completed and the cause of the development of hyperproduction of sweat has been identified. Then the necessary treatment is prescribed to eliminate this cause.

Only by eliminating the cause of the pathology can you get rid of this uncomfortable condition once and for all. Usually, various medications are used for treatment, and less often, physiotherapeutic procedures. Homeopathic and folk remedies have also proven themselves well. It must be taken into account that only an integrated approach to treatment can ensure that severe sweating is completely eliminated, and not just masked.

ICD-10 code

R61 Hyperhidrosis

Causes of severe sweating in women

First of all, symptoms of local sweating - of the face, palms, sweating of the feet in women, as well as axillary hyperhidrosis - sweating of the armpits in women - may be due to a congenital (hereditary) predisposition, characteristic of people with a hypersthenic or vagotonic type of constitution. Doctors classify such sweating as primary idiopathic and, together with the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system, take it into account as risk factors.

Sweating after eating in women and men is also not considered a pathology, especially when the food is hot or spicy. This is how the sympathetic nervous system reacts to it, having received a signal from the corresponding gastrointestinal neurotransmitter to its m-cholinergic receptors.

But the most common causes of pathologically increased sweating include:

  • lipid metabolism disorders and obesity, which are associated with sweating in the groin in women, on the inner surfaces of the thighs and in deep skin folds;
  • An increase in the level of thyroid hormones, which have a thermogenic effect, is accompanied by insomnia and night sweats in women. This usually occurs with hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), thyroiditis or diffuse toxic goiter, as well as in patients with follicular thyroid cancer;
  • hyperglycemia and deficiency of endogenous insulin in diabetes mellitus determine the pathogenesis of increased activity of sweat glands on the palms and chest, as well as sweating of the head in women;
  • a hormonally active benign tumor - prolactinoma of the pituitary gland, provokes a state of pathological sweating - daytime sweating in women - and can lead to the development of secondary hypercortisolism.

With leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, tumor of the thymus (thymoma) or adrenal gland (pheochromocytoma), with neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoids) of the gastrointestinal tract, sweating of the body is observed in women.

Much more often than in men, morning sweating in women is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, autonomic disorders or psychosomatics of various etiologies.

But frequent sweating in women also has its own specific causes associated with changes in the level of sex hormones. And although these hormonal fluctuations are, for the most part, due to physiological characteristics, gynecologists and endocrinologists differentiate hyperhidrosis in young women during menstruation and pregnancy with hypothalamic syndrome, in which thermoregulation is disrupted and sweat production increases.

When pregnant women complain of sweating, they should understand that this is due to an increase in the synthesis of hormones: estrogen, estradiol, progesterone and prolactin. For example, the level of progesterone produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, which ensures reproductive function and pregnancy, increases many times due to the participation of the placenta in its production. And this potentiates the thermogenic effect that this hormone turns out to have.

Outside of pregnancy, the pathogenesis of general hyperhidrosis in women associated with excess prolactin is explained by the fact that this hormone has a wide range of physiological effects in the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. Moreover, the synthesis of prolactin by the pituitary gland occurs when women sleep, and its production increases if the kidneys are not working well, or there are endocrine pathologies (thyroid or pituitary gland). Prolactin levels increase with excessive physical exertion, under the influence of ionizing radiation on the body, and even due to the use of contraceptives.

And excess progesterone in non-pregnant women who suffer from attacks of hyperhidrosis is most often the result of dysfunction of the ovaries - due to their inflammation or the presence of a cyst.

Excessive sweating after childbirth

In the postpartum period, sweating increases significantly, which is a consequence of ongoing recovery processes. Since natural childbirth stimulates the launch of cell renewal, it contributes to the normalization of the biochemical cycle. The body is being renewed at the cellular, tissue, and organismal levels.

The process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy and intense heat generation. Under the influence of hormones that control recovery processes, sweat glands are activated. They provide intensive removal from the body of excess fluid, cellular fragments, metabolites that are formed in the process of life. As a result, sweat production increases. Usually, nothing needs to be done; the body will recover on its own within 2-3 months. Accordingly, sweating will disappear.

The situation is different if a caesarean section was performed. This is a surgical intervention that significantly disrupts the entire biochemical cycle in the body and disrupts metabolic processes. Accordingly, various pathological processes are launched. Recovery is slow and takes a long time. In this case, many inflammatory and infectious processes occur, internal latent infections are often activated, and the immune system is reduced. All this is accompanied by chills and increased sweating. Then an examination and rehabilitation treatment are required.

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Severe sweating in women after 50 years of age

A reduction in the production of sex hormones and their imbalance is responsible for sweating in women after 40, 50, 60 years of age during menopause. Also, attacks of fever and sweating in women during menopause are associated with age-related hormonal changes and the reaction of the autonomic nervous system.

Women over the age of 50 most often experience menopause, which causes increased sweating. In general, during this period there is a change in all basic functions, a restructuring of the body. First of all, the hormonal state of the body changes dramatically, which also leads to disruption of the nervous system. As a result, excessive sweat production develops.

Also, in women at this age, the activity of all major body systems changes. Inflammatory and infectious diseases develop more often. The activity of the immune system is disrupted. Autoimmune diseases occur more often. The glands, including sweat glands, begin to function as hyperproduction, that is, they produce an excessive amount of secretion. This also affects the sweat glands: they begin to produce excessive amounts of sweat.

Read about other causes of excessive sweating in this article.


The production of sweat and the activity of the sweat glands are very sensitive to hormones, in particular estrogen. Estrogen levels directly affect the activity of the sweat glands. A pattern has been established: the higher the amount of estrogen, the higher the sweating, and the more active the sweat glands are.

Women with various metabolic disorders also deserve special attention: obesity, dystrophy, diabetes mellitus. The risk increases when taking a drug such as tamoxifen, which acts against breast cancer. But as a side effect, a polyp may develop in the uterus. The risk of developing increased sweating also increases significantly in women with high blood pressure and reduced immune status, with various acute and chronic infections.

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Statistics cited by experts from the International Hyperhidrosis Society indicate up to 3-5% of the presence of idiopathic hyperhidrosis in the population. Its first signs - in the form of a spontaneous increase in the activity of the sweat glands - appear in youth and represent an individual variant of the functioning of the endocrine system.

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Diagnosis of severe sweating in women

In cases unrelated to pregnancy and menopause, the diagnosis of sweating in women is aimed at establishing its cause.

For this purpose, after examining the patient and collecting anamnesis - to confirm or refute preliminary versions of the origin of hyperhidrosis - blood tests are prescribed: general, biochemical, sugar levels, thyroid hormone levels, ACTH, catecholamines, etc.

Regardless of who the patient consults (gynecologist, therapist or endocrinologist), the examination complex will include instrumental diagnostics using ECG, fluoroscopy, ultrasound or CT of the relevant organs.

To determine zones of maximum sweating, dermatologists use the starch iodine test (Minor test).

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Treatment of severe sweating in women

It is clear that the treatment of sweating in women with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis or pathological processes in the endocrine glands is aimed at a specific disease, and doctors prescribe appropriate medications.

And as medications that help reduce sweat production in idiopathic hyperhidrosis, m-cholinergic blockers (anticholinergic drugs) are used, for example, Platyfillin, Prifinium bromide (Riabal), Propantheline hydrochloride, Oxybutynin or Glycopyrrolate (Glycopyrrolаt, Cuvposa, Glycate, Robinul). Their direct purpose is the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal refluxes, atony of the biliary tract, spasms of cerebral vessels, airway obstruction in asthma, etc.

All medications of this pharmacological group are contraindicated in cases of increased intraocular pressure, tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, coronary heart disease, problems with the urinary system, intestinal obstruction, myasthenia gravis. And their side effects are manifested by dry mouth, increased heart rate, hypotension, shortness of breath, and decreased gastrointestinal motility.

In some cases, they resort to prescribing sedatives, but their effect is general (reducing the excitability of the central nervous system), therefore, due to their side effects and the high risk of addiction, preference is now given to sedatives of plant origin (alcohol tinctures of valerian or motherwort).

It is also useful to take vitamins B3, B5, B9, B12 and C.

More information about external use products (including antiperspirants) in the material - Effective remedies for severe sweating of the palms, armpits and face

Is furatsilin used for sweaty feet and how to overcome plantar hyperhidrosis, see the publication - Effective remedies for sweaty feet

You can “turn off” the sweat glands for up to three to four months through targeted injections of peripherally acting muscle relaxants (Botox).

Physiotherapeutic treatment

For sweating in women, physiotherapeutic treatment is also used:

  • electrical procedures (electrophoresis and iontophoresis on problem areas);
  • medicinal baths and foot baths with pine extract, oak bark decoction, sea salt.

Traditional treatment

In many cases, folk treatment helps reduce the intensity of sweat production:

  • treating the feet, armpits or groin area with powdered aluminum-potassium sulfuric acid salt, known as burnt alum:
  • for hyperhidrosis of the feet, it is recommended to wash them daily with ordinary laundry soap and take baths every other day with a decoction of oak bark or baking soda;
  • wiping heavily sweating areas of the skin with an aqueous solution of apple cider vinegar (1:1) or lemon juice (two tablespoons per glass of water).

Herbal treatment is no less effective: soothing decoctions and infusions of peppermint leaves, hop cones, St. John's wort, motherwort, oregano, thyme, and sweet clover. You can use pharmacy soothing preparations.

A decoction of sage taken orally helps reduce sweating. A strong decoction of hyssop herb, containing tannins, is recommended to treat sweating areas of the body.

You can get rid of sweating by using deodorant and antiperspirants. But most of them do not solve the problem, but only mask it. Therefore, it is better to consider excessive sweating as a medical problem and use modern therapeutic approaches to eliminate it, using effective remedies for excessive sweating. However, traditional medicine can also be effective in combating this problem.

  • Recipe No. 1

It has long been known that radish roots are an excellent means of combating excessive sweating. Radish juice is especially useful for women, as it normalizes the hormonal state of the body. The product has antiseptic properties, so it can also be used to wipe those areas that are prone to excessive sweating. You can add alcohol to the juice and let it brew for 24 hours. Use as lotion.

  • Recipe No. 2

Wine is used to reduce sweating. Due to the high content of tartaric acids and phytoncides, it normalizes the condition of pores and skin. A restorative tincture prepared on the basis of Cahors helps well. To prepare this infusion, you should take one bottle of red wine (Cahors). Approximately 50 ml of rosehip or hawthorn syrup is added to it. Heat until warm. Then add a few tablespoons of honey and stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

It is recommended to leave the product for at least 12 hours. After this you can drink. It's better to drink at night. So, take a glass of tincture and heat it over the fire. During the heating process, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon and ginger. After drinking the product, you should immediately go to bed. You need to cover yourself as warmly as possible and sweat. After this, sweating usually decreases sharply. The course of treatment is 7 days.

  • Recipe No. 3

Aloe is known to dramatically reduce sweating. Goes well with honey. Aloe not only reduces the excessive sensitivity of the glands, but also promotes disinfection, as it has antiseptic properties. Honey also helps reduce sweating, eliminates heat, and relieves inflammation. The product, prepared with honey and aloe, is recommended to be taken orally.

The healing effect can be achieved due to the tonic effect, which helps reduce the hyperproduction of sweat glands and reduce the sensitivity of the skin and glands. This remedy also helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

First of all, you need to prepare the aloe leaves. They are carefully cut, having previously selected the thickest, juiciest and richest leaf. Then the leaves are kneaded in a mortar until a puree-like mass is formed. When choosing a plant, you should focus on plants that have reached three years of age, since they have a powerful therapeutic effect and contain a large amount of juice. The juice is heated over low heat or in a water bath.

After the product has been heated, you need to add honey.

  • Recipe No. 4

Chokeberry with cocoa butter has proven itself quite well. The product acts as a good antiseptic, reduces sweating, and normalizes the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. To prepare the mixture, grind approximately 500 grams of chokeberry and add a few tablespoons of cocoa butter. Heat the mixture over low heat until the cocoa butter is completely dissolved. It is recommended to add a little water if the rowan has released little juice and the butter does not melt or burns.

As a result of heating, a syrup should be obtained. It is recommended to drink 50 grams of the resulting syrup before meals. The product has antibacterial properties and is also capable of warming up the internal organs, which initially results in profuse sweating for several days. All toxins and impurities are intensively removed. Then, within three to four days, the work of the sweat glands returns to normal.

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