Nutrition for eye cataracts: healthy foods and diet. Nutrition complex and vitamins for eye cataracts


Cataract refers to diseases that inevitably lead to blindness. Unfortunately, in Russia and Ukraine, cataracts are among the top three ophthalmic diseases that significantly worsen the quality of life of sick people.

Is it possible to treat cataracts without surgery?

It is important to understand that cataracts will not disappear or resolve on their own. At the initial stages, it is possible to use medications; they only slow down the pathological process, but do not cure the disease. Today, the only radical treatment for cataracts is surgery. Moreover, the sooner the operation is performed, the less the most important functions of the eye will suffer, and the better the results of surgical treatment will be.

You should not be afraid of the operation; at the moment it is already so proven and safe that in the majority of cases it is performed in the eye department of the clinic.

However, for many people it takes time to decide on such drastic measures. Some still have the stereotype that any operation is a serious intervention in health, and it should be reserved for last resort. And although this is fundamentally wrong for this disease, before surgery, for a period of doubt and reflection, the diseased eye needs to be provided with the correct nutrition and decent care.

What products can support good vision?

Scientists from Oxford have discovered an interesting fact: vegetarians are less likely to develop cataracts. It turned out that people whose menu is dominated by fresh vegetables and fruits saturate not only the tissues and cells of internal organs with vitamins and minerals, but also provide the best nutrition to the eyes. Based on their observations, British scientists have identified the most beneficial products for the eyes.

Products good for vision

  • Cabbage, spinach, broccoli and eggs are an inexhaustible source of lutein and zeaxanthin - powerful antioxidants that protect the retina from damage and reduce the likelihood of lens clouding.
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes and red peppers, as well as nettles, help maintain the tone of the blood vessels in the eyes and reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
  • Peanuts are able to replenish the body's need for vitamin E. It protects the eyes from the harmful effects of free radicals and leads to a reduction in the progression of cataracts. Vitamin E is also found in almonds, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds.
  • Red beans contain zinc, a mineral that is vital for eye health. It is involved in transporting vitamin A to the retina and maintaining lens transparency. Zinc also helps with night blindness. Other sources of zinc include oysters, beef, chicken, seafood, and pumpkin seeds.
  • Salmon contains 2 types of omega-3 fatty acids – docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. They both play a vital role in preventing or delaying the development of eye diseases. The lack of omega-3 acids contributes to the development of dry eye syndrome. Other sources of omega-3 include tuna, sardines, walnuts and flaxseeds.
  • Eating low-carbohydrate foods dramatically reduces your risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. It is recommended to replace products based on wheat flour with whole grain dishes that are rich in fiber. In addition, you can eat brown rice, oatmeal, bran bread or wholemeal bread.
  • Apricots will help improve color and night vision and slow down the development of cataracts. They contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A. Carrots, sweet potatoes, melons and pumpkins are all rich sources of beta-carotene.
  • Honey is an irreplaceable source of essential microelements and vitamins. Linden honey is considered the most beneficial for vision. Experts recommend eating one teaspoon of honey in the morning, immediately after waking up. This should be done 15 minutes before eating and brushing your teeth.

Combine all these foods, do not give preference to any one dish. Diversify your menu with greens, various vegetables, fruits and juices from them, eat only “healthy” carbohydrates and fats, consume as much fiber as possible.

But red meat, fatty fish, sugar and baked goods should be significantly reduced in your diet. It is also advisable to avoid sauces, marinades, smoked foods, pickles, strong tea and coffee.

Drinks that are good for your eyesight

For drinks, it is recommended to give preference to green and herbal teas with thyme, chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, strawberries, still mineral water, and freshly squeezed juices. You can drink up to one and a half liters a day, and on hot days and during prolonged work associated with eye strain, the amount of liquid you drink can be increased by another 300-500 ml.

For preventive purposes, people who are predisposed to cataracts are recommended to drink 50 ml of parsley juice mixed with 150 ml of carrot juice daily. Instead of carrots, or in addition to them, you can add 150-200 ml of freshly prepared beet juice, cucumber, celery, spinach.

Several recipes for making juices:
Recipe No. 1: 10 parts carrots, 6 parts spinach.
Recipe No. 2: 7 parts carrots, 3 parts celery, 2 parts chicory and parsley.
Recipe No. 3: pure carrot juice.
Recipe No. 4: 9 parts carrots, 5 parts celery, 2 parts parsley.
Recipe No. 5: 10 parts of carrots, beets and cucumber, 3 parts each.

These recipes can be alternated; during the day you are allowed to drink up to 300-500 ml of any juice. In order to get the maximum benefit from the prepared drink, it needs to be prepared at once, carefully strained from the pulp and drunk immediately. Only such juices can give health to the eyes and have a healing effect on them.

In small quantities, red natural wine is also useful for cataracts.

Traditional recipes for eye drops for the prevention of cataracts

Honey for cataracts is useful not only as a food product.
  • No less useful are honey drops prepared with distilled or spring water. They relieve eye pain, prevent the progression of cataracts and excessive drying of the mucous membranes, serve as a prevention of inflammatory eye diseases and nourish all eye structures with useful substances. To prepare honey drops, you need to mix linden honey with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Instill several times a day daily, putting 2-3 drops into each eye. The course of treatment must be at least 2 months. This is a time-tested recipe that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used.
  • Eye drops from geranium juice are prepared in the same way, which should be instilled twice a day, a few drops into each eye. The course of treatment with geranium juice is long, positive results can be seen only after 3-4 months of regular instillation. Naturally, such treatment must be combined with proper nutrition and mandatory eye protection with sunglasses with side panels that provide 99-100% protection from UVA and UVB.

Geranium juice for cataracts - video

Protecting your eyes from the bright sun

A few words need to be said separately about how to properly protect your eyes from sunlight. As mentioned above, it is extremely important to protect your eyes from bright sunlight. To do this, you should wear sunglasses.

However, the benefit will come not from simple dark glasses with plastic or glass lenses, but from special lenses that can block the entire ultraviolet spectrum of rays.

In addition, people with a predisposition to cataracts are advised to wear wide-brimmed hats on sunny days, which provide shade over the entire face, shoulders and neck, and on beaches they should refrain from exposure to the open sun, but resting in the sunny shade is allowed.

Biological supplements to help your eyes

Over the long years of life, our body gradually becomes “littered”, and a thick layer of toxins is deposited on the intestinal walls, which prevents the absorption of beneficial substances. Even when eating properly, a person does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, and this ultimately negatively affects his health and overall well-being.

To qualitatively replenish the missing substances, all kinds of biologically active additives have been created, which have an easily digestible structure. They easily penetrate the blood and are well accepted by the body, because... All of them are not of chemical, but of plant origin.

  • Antiox plus And Pax forte(Vision company) – contain grape pomace extracts, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, vitamin E. These substances improve metabolism in the lens of the eye. Thanks to the harmonious combination of components, the eyes receive serious nourishment, which allows them to slow down or prevent the development of cataracts. Pax Forte has an anti-stress effect, which is important - after all, stress “burns” the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body. These dietary supplements are prescribed according to a schedule by a company specialist.
  • Capsules Biozinc(Tienshi company). They contain zinc lactate, the most absorbable form of this trace element. Zinc is necessary to maintain the immune system, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it activates the work of enzymes, accelerates the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, and collagen. Thanks to this multilateral action, the lens does not lose water, and, therefore, retains its elasticity and transparency.
  • Pills Spirulina(Tienshi company) are a storehouse of useful substances. Spirulina is a small algae that grows in the waters of China. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, and it contains the most important essential amino acids that are not produced in the human body. In addition, Spirulina is a source of micro- and macroelements (selenium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), as well as beta-carotene, Omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, and chlorophyll. All these components are very beneficial for the eyes and maintain the condition of the lens at the proper level. Just think about it, 1 tablet of Spirulina replaces a kilogram of fresh vegetables! For this alone, it is worth taking this drug.
  • Blueberry forte with lutein (Evalar company) - contains, in addition to blueberry extract, zinc, vitamins C and group B, lutein. This supplement has a pronounced multifaceted effect: improves blood microcirculation, strengthens blood vessels, reduces tissue demand for oxygen, etc. It is recommended to be taken as a preventive and auxiliary treatment for night blindness, impaired vision, and for the prevention of cataracts.
  • Will direct– vitamins for the eyes (Evalar company) – helps strengthen the vessels of the fundus of the eye, reduces eye fatigue during prolonged exercise, facilitates the adaptation of vision to bright light and, conversely, to darkness. Contains vitamins A, C, P, group B, zinc, blueberry, eyebright and ginkgo biloba extracts.
  • Eel oil(Tienshi company). The fat of this delicious fish contains unsaturated fatty acids that are extremely important for health - docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, as well as a natural source of immunity - alkoxy glycerin. Each of the components has a targeted rejuvenating effect on all organs and systems, including the eyes, and is recommended for daily use with food or as dietary supplements.

As you can see, the list of dietary supplements is very diverse. Each person can choose the most suitable supplement, which will have a comprehensive effect on the entire body and will prevent the development of cataracts. However, you need to understand that self-prescribing certain drugs can lead to dire consequences. You should start with a preliminary consultation with a specialist, and only then proceed to taking dietary supplements.

And you should not regard dietary supplements as a panacea for diseases - no, these are precisely food additives, the need for which, unfortunately, is caused by the quality of our life.


As a summary, I would like to emphasize that it is possible and necessary to prevent the development of cataracts. To do this, you should take care of your eyes from a young age - wear sunglasses; Healthy food; alternate monotonous work associated with eye strain with active rest. In the case when cataracts have already appeared, using the remedies listed in this article, you can stop the progression of the disease. But every patient must understand that cataracts can only be treated surgically! And no means can reverse the process. We can either prevent the development of this disease or somewhat slow down its progression. Therefore, the key to health and good vision has been and remains careful treatment of the eyes and healthy food.

An unhealthy lifestyle, taking medications, constant use of gadgets, watching TV, reading in inappropriate conditions, genetics - all this creates a huge strain on the eyes and often leads to the most unpleasant consequences. One of them - . It is believed that it can be completely cured only by surgery, but most people are afraid of surgery like fire. One of the most frequently asked questions is whether cataracts can be cured with eye drops?

What is a cataract?

The term “cataract” is understood as a violation of the light-refractive system of the eye, as a result of which the natural lens - the lens - loses its natural transparency. Under the influence of unfavorable factors or as a result of genetic predisposition, the lens becomes cloudy, due to which light rays do not reach the retina, which is responsible for the perception of visual images. At first the disease does not reveal itself, but gradually the person feels that he sees worse. Even glasses can't save the situation. The disease progresses and, in the absence of adequate measures, leads to complete blindness.

The word “cataract” itself is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “waterfall.” This word most accurately reflects the feelings of a sick person - he sees only the approximate outlines of surrounding objects, as if through the thickness of water. Such a symptom already indicates a serious stage of the disease, when the central part of the lens is affected and the prospect of blindness has become quite real. Urgent action is required and usually involves surgery. Only with its help can a positive result be achieved. Anti-turbidity drops are prescribed only as an aid.

Cataract - photo

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, a person does not experience any inconvenience at all, except sometimes in front of his eyes, similar to flies. At this stage, few people turn to an ophthalmologist, attributing the problem to manifestations of fatigue.

Why does she appear?

In the vast majority of cases, lens opacities are not associated with genetics. Only in the case of severe maternal illnesses, such as advanced diabetes mellitus, calcium deficiency, toxoplasmosis or rubella, do preconditions for the development of cataracts occur. In children, congenital cataracts often go away without surgical intervention, unless, of course, they occur against the background of another serious illness.

In other cases, the person becomes ill already in adulthood. Sometimes the cause of clouding is radiation, injury, metabolic failure, and sometimes age itself.

So, the most common factors that provoke clouding of the lens are:

  • age and associated metabolic disruptions;
  • systematic doses of radiation or ultraviolet rays;
  • injuries, deep wounds of the eye;
  • contusions;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe diseases of autoimmune, endocrine or infectious origin - hypoparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes;
  • bad habits.

Vitamin deficiency and the environmental situation in the area also negatively affect metabolic processes in the body and can act as provocateurs for the development of cataracts.

Symptoms and signs

The first stage of the disease does not manifest itself in any way and the person believes that he does not have any problems with his eyes. Then discomfort appears in the form of black or colored spots in front of the eyes, which multiply over time, and visible objects become blurred and dim. Then colored circles are added to them when looking, for example, at a bright lamp, and the surrounding objects become double. There is a general decrease in the quality of vision. It becomes difficult for a person to read, distinguish between images on a computer display or TV screen, and glasses for near vision do not help the situation. At this stage, the disease can still be stopped with instillations.

If at this stage you do not make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and do not start taking measures, the disease develops further and eventually the very thing that gives the disease its name appears - the notorious waterfall. It’s as if a thick veil forms before your eyes, seemingly consisting of a stream of water. This already indicates that conservative measures are useless and there is only one way out - surgical intervention.


Treatment of cataracts includes a set of measures, including:

  • laser treatment;
  • instillation;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • folk remedies.

Only surgery can be considered a truly effective remedy, since it is it that solves the main cause of clouding of the eye.

Can cataracts be treated with conservative methods?

Most doctors are categorical about the possibility of curing cataracts without surgery: this is extremely unlikely. It is possible to stop an illness with the help of drops for a while, but only at the very beginning of the disease, which is quite rare - usually a person consults a doctor already at a serious stage, when the drops themselves will not have the desired effect.

You can also use folk remedies in the form of decoctions and infusions, but only in consultation with an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse.

Drops for cataracts from clouding of the lens

The best effect is achieved using instillations containing:

  • zinc;
  • riboflavin;
  • cysteine;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • glutamine;
  • triphosphadenine;
  • insulin;
  • adenosine triphosphoric acid.

Zinc is especially useful for mature people, since it is important for them to restore lens epithelial tissue. Doctors never focus on any one solution. Usually, several medications are prescribed that have different effects - normalizing metabolism, replenishing vitamin deficiencies, stimulating blood circulation. Wherein it is important to ensure that the patient does not develop an addiction to the drug and the achieved effect does not disappear. Therefore, from time to time drugs are replaced with similar ones.

Also, you should not instill solutions into your eyes constantly. After a three-week treatment, a ten-day break is required, then the procedures are resumed. This is the basic principle. Each case is individual and the ophthalmologist selects his own treatment regimen for each patient.


The most popular drugs include Taufon and Emoxipin, produced by Russian concerns. They have a good effect and an affordable price. Katachrom (Finland), Quinax (Belgium), Vitaiodurol (France) have proven themselves well, especially as a means of preventing cataracts. These medications are more effective and retain their positive effects longer, but they are also more expensive. Russian ones have to be changed weekly, otherwise instillations will not give any results.

Preparations from Japanese and Indian pharmaceutical concerns are also used (Catalin, Sencatalin, Clarvisan).


But you shouldn’t rely on drops for everything. An obstacle to their use is not only the neglect of the disease, but also the presence of a number of contraindications in the patient. Most often it is an allergy. This is why you should never diagnose yourself or self-medicate. The consequences can be very dire, including Quincke's edema or even loss of the ability to see. That is why before you start taking medications, you should be tested for allergies. This is much safer than getting unexpected consequences even when instilling the solution into the eyes.

Important: Usually, in case of a negative reaction, the ophthalmologist does not cancel the drug, but reduces the dose. More often than not, the manifestation of an allergy disappears on its own or is reduced to a minimum, but the drops are still more beneficial than the complete absence of treatment. However, the ophthalmologist may decide not to take further risks, but refer him for surgery.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies also help in the treatment of cataracts, but do not act as an alternative to medications and surgery. They only have a symptomatic effect that will not last long. However, they can be used as an additional measure, after consulting with your doctor.

It is believed that daily instillation of a drop of the following compositions into each eye helps:

  • infusion of crushed aloe leaf with a spoon of honey in purified silver and boiled water;
  • grape vine juice when pruning in spring;
  • a decoction of burdock leaf, rose hips and chamomile flowers (can be used only four times a week);
  • juice of crushed aloe leaves, infused in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Some folk remedies include honey. Ophthalmologists say that it is better to refrain from using them, since honey is a strong allergen that is dangerous for most people, even if the allergy to it has not yet manifested itself outwardly. In any case, if disturbing symptoms appear, such as itching, redness, swelling, you should immediately stop using the solution and consult a doctor.

So, it is impossible to cure cataracts that have started using eye drops. They can be used as part of treatment, but do not act as an alternative to surgery, especially at serious stages, when a person cannot really see anything. So, when you hear the word “operation” from a doctor, you don’t need to be afraid, but on the contrary, you should get into the ophthalmic surgeon’s chair as soon as possible - after all, the earlier treatment is started, the simpler and more effective it is.

Video - Cataract surgery

Nutrition and diet for cataracts

Nutrition and diet for cataracts

Many diseases can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Cataracts are no exception. Many ophthalmologists are confident that following a certain diet throughout life will delay the onset of this disease, or even prevent it altogether.

Nutrition for eye cataracts allows you to reduce the impact of unfavorable factors on the visual organs and compensate, for example, for the effects of high blood sugar, blood pressure, and bad habits. Diet itself is not capable of stopping the process of clouding that has already begun - there is no point in revising your diet if you have diagnosed cataracts, thereby hoping to get rid of the disease. But proper nutrition serves as an excellent preventive method and helps with conservative treatment.

Diet of patients with cataracts

Since this disease appears mainly in old age and is considered a consequence of the aging of the body, doctors recommend consuming foods that slow down this process. In this regard, you will have to give up the abundance of meat in your menu, which increases sclerotic diseases and leads to an excess of cholesterol in the blood. It is desirable that a person’s diet contains more vegetarian products: fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs. They slow down the aging process and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Particular attention is paid to products rich in vitamins C and E - they inhibit the development of cataracts and prevent its occurrence. Therefore, foods containing these components should predominate in the diet:

  • Nuts, seeds and plant seeds.
  • Greens: spinach, turnips, kale, parsley.
  • Vegetable oils - sunflower, hemp, cottonseed, coconut, olive, etc.
  • Berries of rosehip, juniper, sea buckthorn, black currant.
  • Pepper, kiwi.

Nutrition for eye cataracts must include various antioxidants, which are mainly found in vegetables and fruits. Simply put, heavy meat eaters are much more likely to develop cataracts than vegetarians. Attention should also be paid to standard “vision improvers”, which help strengthen the eyes and serve as an excellent preventive measure for many diseases. These include vitamin A-rich carrots, vitamin E-rich soy, sulfur-rich garlic, omega-3-rich sardines and salmon, and lutein and zeaxanthin from broccoli, which helps keep your eye lenses healthy.

What can't you eat?

When taking care of healthy vision, you should also exclude or significantly limit some foods in your diet that are detrimental to eye health. These include:

  • coffee: impairs the supply of nutrients to the eyes;
  • alcohol: reduces the absorption of riboflavin, which is necessary for vision;
  • salt: its excess significantly increases the likelihood of cataracts;
  • carbohydrate-rich foods (buns, cakes, pasta) - affect the health of the macula and cornea.

Diet after cataract surgery

You will have to be especially careful when planning your menu after cataract surgery. At such moments, the eyes are in a state of stress, and the patient’s task is to facilitate the recovery process as much as possible and ensure the supply of necessary elements. A particularly strict ban is imposed on alcohol - it is strictly forbidden to drink it for a month after surgery. It is also necessary to stop smoking - it provokes a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure. You will also have to limit the consumption of fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles and spices.

Problems arising from their deficiency

Deficiency of different vitamins causes different visual impairments. For example, when there is a lack of vitamin A in the body, hemeralopia develops, better known as “night blindness.”

It seems that the defect is not such a big one - you can only see poorly in the evening, however, if the problem is not addressed in time, the disease can lead to melting of the cornea.

Involuntary twitching of the eyelids may be a consequence of vitamin B6 deficiency. A lack of riboflavin and omega fatty acids leads to a feeling of “sand” in the eyes.

By consuming a multi-component complex of vitamins for the eyes, you will “catch two birds with one stone”- fix the immediate problem and prevent others.

What microelements are the most suitable?

The best complexes for vision

The more varied and quality the diet, the lower the likelihood of developing most eye diseases. If it is not possible to devote a lot of time to cooking every day, then the consequences of an irregular and not entirely healthy diet can be eliminated with the help of vitamin complexes.

Vitamins for eyes “Lutein Complex”

Vitamins for the retina of the eye are a powerful restorative complex recommended for anyone who experiences severe strain on their eyesight. Particularly useful for older people who have been diagnosed with glaucoma, cataracts or retinal dystrophy.

The price of eye vitamins with lutein ranges from 250-400 rubles for 30 tablets. Depending on the concentration of the substance, vitamins are taken from 1 to 3 times a day for a long course. Cases of overdose are not indicated.


  • “I was prescribed a complex with lutein after laser correction. I'm satisfied with the result."
  • “Domestic drugs are cheaper, but the quality of the effect is no worse.”

Eye vitamins Optix

A preparation with carotene and a complex of minerals necessary for eye health. Accompanying substances create conditions for complete absorption of the basic vitamin.

Prescribed for people with irregular diets, problems with the retina and lens, diabetics (what else are needed?), and those suffering from night blindness.

It should not be used for vision correction in children under 12 years of age or in people with an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

The cost of the Optix drug is up to 250 rubles per package of 30 tablets. Drink for three months.


  • “My son drinks as prescribed by the doctor. We treat myopia. It seems to help, unlike other drugs. It’s good that it’s inexpensive.”
  • “The problems started due to sitting at the computer for a long time. The drug helped restore the quality of vision.”

Vitamins for eyes Doppelhertz Active

Nutritional supplement with the main components of retinol, lutein and blueberry extract. Can be used without consulting a doctor.

Cost ranges from 250-300 rubles for 30 tablets. The effectiveness of the drug is manifested with stable, systematic use.

Reviews of Doppelherz eye vitamins:

  • “Doppelhertz Active eye vitamins turned out to be useful not only for vision, but also for the skin. I am very glad that this particular drug was recommended to me. And very inexpensive."
  • “My eyes hurt, especially after long periods of sitting in front of the computer or TV. I decided to take Doppelhertz for my eyes. It seems to help."

Strix eye vitamins with blueberries

Vitamins for eyes with blueberries and carotene. Can be used as a prophylactic. They have the ability to relieve unpleasant sensations in the eyes of people who periodically or constantly work with welding and spend a lot of time at the monitor.

There are 30 tablets in a package. Cost within 500-700 rubles. Take a tablet per day for a course of 30 days. No cases of overdose have been recorded.


  • “Alas, the money did not come back. I took the course, but it didn’t help one bit.”
  • “Although the drug is expensive, vision is more expensive. I bought it, I drink it, there are already positive results, even though the course is not finished.”

Japanese eye vitamins

A large assortment of multi-component liquid preparations recommended for both ordinary eye fatigue and more serious problems.

Cost from 600 to 1400 rubles. Directions for use: a couple of drops for each eye, 2-3 times a day. Use until discomfort disappears.


  • “The Japanese decided to deal with the problem directly - well done. The most interesting thing is that the price for a foreign drug is absolutely acceptable.”
  • “The drops are very convenient to use. Tired eyes - she started dripping. The discomfort goes away in a minute.”

Vitamins for eyes Slezavit

Domestic multicomponent preparation with blueberry extract. It perfectly resists age-related degenerative processes in the organs of vision, therefore it is recommended for older people.

It can also be used by young people with vision problems of various etiologies. Cost within 500-600 rubles. There are 30 capsules in a package. The course of admission is one month.


  • “The doctor prescribed it for a girl with farsightedness. I liked the result."
  • “Whatever Slezavit, what other drugs - whatever vitamins for the eyes you take, the names are different, the effect is the same. The price is a little expensive - we’ll look for something cheaper.”

The state of the cardiovascular system greatly depends on the amount of vitamins in the body. What vitamins are needed to strengthen the heart?

Vitamins for eyes Focus

A preparation with vitamins and blueberry extract. Recommended as a preventative against eye diseases and as a drug to improve the results of therapy against cataracts, glaucoma, retinal destruction, and night blindness.

There are 20 tablets in a package. Cost within 300 rubles. Take once a day for one and a half or two months. Not prescribed for children under 14 years of age.


  • “I didn’t think that eye vitamins had any benefit. I drank Focus and realized I was wrong.”
  • “The name of the drug is suspicious.”

Vitamins for eyes Vitrum Vision

A multicomponent preparation containing not only vitamins, but also blueberry extract. It is popular because it is considered to be a very effective eye vitamin.

Recommended for heavy loads due to long hours of work at the computer, for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, night blindness. Vitrum eye vitamins are suitable as a maintenance drug after surgery.

Available in packages of 30, 60, 100, 120 tablets. Cost 250–350 rubles.

Any clouding of the lens of the eye is called. With the development of this disease, the function of the organ of vision is impaired. At the initial stages of cataracts, conservative treatment is possible with drugs that can slow down the rate of development of pathological processes in the lens.

The main theory of the occurrence of cataracts is the aging of the lens fibers. After 40 years, the processes of lipid peroxidation in the body intensify and the antioxidant protection of cells decreases. The transparent fibers of the lens gradually begin to become cloudy. That is, the development of opacities in the lens is a physiological process that appears in all people, but at different ages. This type of cataract is called senile cataract.

What are the signs to suspect cataracts?

In the initial stages, cataracts are manifested by slight blurred vision, the appearance of spots in front of the eyes, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. When the clouding increases in size, a decrease in vision and a change in color perception occur. The patient begins to see as if through foggy glass. With central cataracts, vision deteriorates in bright light, with peripheral cataracts - at night.

Mature cataracts are characterized by almost complete loss of vision. The background of the pupil becomes white instead of black. In this case, the patient is able to see light and distinguish day from night.

There is no pain with cataracts. Vision decreases gradually and painlessly. The patient may notice that he needs to frequently change glasses for near and distance.

Are drops effective for cataracts?

The only treatment for mature cataracts is surgical removal of the lens and replacing it with an artificial lens. But in the initial stages of the disease, using eye drops can slow down the process of clouding of the lens and reduce the severity of symptoms. In addition, the use of special drops is necessary after surgery to prevent possible complications.

Types of drops

Eye drops to improve vision for cataracts vary depending on the active substance included in the drug, manufacturer, and indications. There are:

  1. Drugs for the treatment of the initial stages.
  2. Drugs for the prevention of disease.
  3. Eye medications used after surgery.

It must be remembered that any medications for cataracts (even those with a completely natural composition) must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. He will determine the stage of cataracts and tell you which eye drops for cataracts are more effective in this case.

Drops for the treatment of cataracts

  1. Oftan-katachrome(may be found under the name Katachrom). Combined antioxidant drug with a reparative effect. Improves the exchange of nutrients between the lens and the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye, thereby reducing the rate of fiber aging. Activates cellular respiration. Oftan katachrome occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of eye drops for cataracts.
  2. Quinax. The principle of action of this medicine is based on its ability to stimulate enzymes that resolve lens opacities. Quinax increases the antioxidant protection of cells and slows down the process of changes in protein molecules in the lens.
  3. Taurine. The substance improves metabolism in tissues and has a reparative effect. The composition contains an amino acid produced in the human body.
  4. Taufon. The drug is an analogue of Taurine. Improves energy processes in tissues, stabilizes the functions of cell membranes. With long-term use, it restores normal metabolism in the structures of the anterior segment of the eye.
  5. Vita-Iodurol. The medicine contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins and amino acids. Active ingredients improve blood supply to the tissues of the eyeball and prevent the deposition of protein molecules in the tissues of the lens.
  6. Catalin. Japanese remedy for cataracts. The drug prevents the transition of water-soluble protein to an insoluble form. This slows down the growth of opacities in the lens.
  7. Cataxol. The drug protects the lens fibers from oxidation and dissolves opaque protein complexes.

Drops for the prevention of cataracts

  1. Ujala. Indian eye drops contain only natural ingredients. The drug has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. When taken as a course, it reduces the rate of cataract development.
  2. Hey Pee Wee. The medicine is a combination of propolis extract and silver purified water. Slows down the development of degenerative processes in the lens.
  3. Vitafacol. The product contains synthetic antioxidants. Vitafacol improves cellular respiration and metabolic processes, preventing the development of cataracts.
  4. Khrustalin. The medicine contains antioxidants and B vitamins. Drops stimulate tissue regeneration and reduce the intensity of lipid peroxidation.

Medications after surgery

The duration of the recovery period after cataract surgery depends on the type of surgery. With EEC (extracapsular cataract extraction), patients are prescribed antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating drugs for a long period - about 1 month. If the lens replacement surgery was performed through a small incision using a laser, these medications are prescribed for 1 week.

In the postoperative period the following are used:

  1. Signicef. An antimicrobial drug of the latest generation, classified as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. After topical application, it does not have any unwanted systemic reactions. If there are complications, the ophthalmologist may prescribe an antibiotic that acts on a specific type of microorganism.
  2. Diklo-F. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Drops relieve pain, reduce the severity of inflammation and redness of the eyes. In case of severe swelling of the eyelids, the doctor may recommend longer use of drops.
  3. Vitabact. Antiseptic drug. Vitabact can be used for a long time, even after stopping the antibiotic.
  4. Korneregel. The medicine is in the form of a gel and has regenerating and moisturizing properties. The drug must be used in patients after EEC to prevent suture dehiscence. It is necessary to continue use for some time after removal of the suture material. This will speed up healing.

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