Marianske Lazne - attractions, sanatoriums, hotels, entertainment. What is worth seeing in Marianske Lazne? Interesting places near Marianske Lazne


The Czech Republic is one of those lucky countries that has its own Marianske Lazne - the second largest sanatorium city. According to a long-standing tradition, not only residents of the country come here, but also many foreigners, including Russians. Hospitals and hotels in Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) offer traditional and modern therapy for various diseases. We will tell you about the specialization of the resort, what are the features of relaxation in this place, and what you can do there.

Geographical position

Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located in the Bohemia region near another famous resort town, Karlovy Vary. Prague is 180 km from here. The city is surrounded on three sides by pine forests and hilly terrain, making the landscapes very picturesque and suitable for walking. Marianske Lazne is located approximately 600 meters above sea level. Being located almost in the center of Europe makes it easy to get here from different places and airports. Although the most popular air harbors for vacationers remain Karlovy Vary and Prague. The area of ​​the city is only about 50 square meters. km, the local population is about 13 thousand people, but more than 50 thousand vacationers come here every year.

Climate and weather

The Marianske Lazne resort (Czech Republic) is located in the very center of the mainland, and this determines the local climate. It is soft and comfortable. The city is a year-round resort, and this is due to favorable weather conditions. There are about 1,700 hours of sunshine here throughout the year. The region is characterized by a fairly high amount of precipitation (700 mm), the largest amount of which falls in the summer months. But at the same time, the climate does not feel humid, since the water evaporates quickly. Summer is the most comfortable time; the air at this time warms up to +20 degrees on average. It rains about once every 3 days, but these are usually short periods and there are no prolonged downpours. Winter in Marianske Lazne is quite warm and snowy. The average temperature at this time of year is minus 5 degrees. In winter there is often fog, which makes the city even more beautiful.

History of the settlement

The official date of the appearance of the city of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is considered to be 1273. However, it is known that people lived here long before that; they were attracted by the convenient location among forests rich in water and food. Although the territories were swampy, this also turned out to be strategically advantageous - there was no need to build fortress fences against enemies, they simply did not reach here. At the end of the 12th century, a monastery was founded here, which began to extract salt and tried for the first time to organize treatment with water from the springs. But only at the beginning of the 17th century a hospital began to function here and patients began to arrive. In 1679, a large study of the peculiarities of local sources was carried out and a book about it was published, which contributed to the growth of the popularity of the resort. At this time, the monks carried out the first work to clear access to the springs and began to bottle the medicinal liquid.

But the real life of the resort begins only under Empress Maria Theresa. At this time, the lands were purchased from the monks and began to be populated by people who wanted to be cured of any illness, as well as by entrepreneurs. The city takes the name Marienbad in honor of the source of the Holy Virgin Mary. At the beginning of the 19th century, the settlement experienced a real construction boom. In 1865, the resort received the status of a city, and in 1871 the railway came here, which ensured a stable influx of vacationers and contributed to the rapid development of the resort infrastructure. At the end of the 19th century, the future king of England Edward the Seventh came here, and this immediately greatly raised the status of the resort. Luxurious hotels open here, and in subsequent years many aristocrats come to Marianske Lazne, and various high-level meetings are held. In the second half of the 19th century, this place was also discovered by the Russian aristocracy, for whom trips “to the waters” in Europe were an important part of their way of life. For example, Nicholas II was here. At one time, the Russian writer I. Goncharov wrote the novel “Oblomov” here, and the resort was also visited by I. Turgenev and N. Gogol. Marianske Lazne was also loved by European bohemia; F. Chopin and G. Spontini visited here. At one time, the resort was visited by the German poet I.V. Goethe.

After the First World War, the resort experienced another breakthrough in development, many patients from Czechoslovakia came here, new sanatoriums and hotels were built. A short period of oblivion for Marianske Lazne began after the Second World War, when Karlovy Vary took away the glory of the “first resort”. A new period of dawn for the Czech health resort began after 1989, when the active revival of resort traditions began and attracted a large number of vacationers from other countries, primarily from Germany.

Resort specialization

The balneological resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), where treatment is aimed at the overall health of the body, also helps to get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract, and respiratory organs. Therapy is carried out using mineral waters from local sources. There are more than 100 of them around the city, but only 8 springs are actively used within the resort. The temperature in them is about 6-8 degrees. Water has a different chemical composition, which allows it to be used for different purposes. The healing liquid is used for drinking, bathing and inhalation; in addition, doctors use mud and peat from local swamps and natural healing gas, which has its own name - Mariin.

In addition to the listed diseases, local waters show proven effectiveness in the treatment of gynecological, urological and neurological ailments. Today, Marianske Lazne sanatoriums are modern, well-equipped complexes. They offer a wide range of services that are not only aimed at treatment, but also help to carry out preventive and health-improving procedures. Also today, many sanatorium programs have a cosmetological focus; there are many care services, as well as complexes that help reduce weight and increase the overall vitality of the body.

Resort infrastructure

There are numerous sanatoriums in the city to treat various ailments. Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is widely known for its luxurious hospitals, where world celebrities and aristocracy often improve their health. There are about 20 large sanatoriums here, and there are also countless spa hotels and inns, while staying in which you can go for treatments in hospitals or take a range of services at the hotel. The mineral springs are open and free, and anyone can drink from them. But it is still recommended to do this under the supervision of professionals.

The town of Marianske Lazne is small, so it is easy to reach both hospitals and leisure facilities, shops, and attractions.

Features of the holiday

Since Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is primarily a resort, vacations here are organized accordingly. It has all the conditions for a leisurely and comfortable pastime. The main contingent of vacationers are people of retirement age. Therefore, there are no noisy discos and extreme entertainment in the city. However, there are many attractions and walking routes. For treatment, according to experts, a minimum of 21 days is required. In order for patients to feel comfortable, all conditions have been created here: a cultural program, shopping, many restaurants, beautiful nature. But still, young and mobile tourists may find Marianske Lazne a bit boring. People come here specifically for treatment.


The resort town itself is an attraction. Its architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is pleasing to the eye, its cozy streets invite strolls, and its graceful colonnades provide pleasant shade. The main attractions (Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic) are three cathedrals. The Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Goethe Square, the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Vladimir and the Anglican Church. Vacationers can also visit the city museum and explore Chopin’s house. In the vicinity of the city there are several natural attractions: the Kladska and Smradeh nature reserves, the Forest Spring, and the geological park. Also of interest are the Teplá Monastery and Kynžvart Castle. For mobile tourists, excursions to Karlovy Vary and even Prague are organized.

Where to stay

Visitors have two main accommodation options: sanatoriums or hotels. For quality treatment, it is better to choose special institutions. They offer a good range of services and employ competent specialists who will develop an effective therapy program in accordance with the patient’s condition. For those who want to relax and simply improve their health, the Marianske Lazne resort (Czech Republic) is also excellent. The Krivan Hotel, for example, in the city center perfectly combines the capabilities of a sanatorium and a hotel. Many boarding houses have a variety of medical equipment and employ doctors and cosmetologists. Marianske Lazne is predominantly a high-end resort, although there are also more modest accommodation options that offer a decent level of services. There is also the possibility of living in rented apartments, which will be quite affordable.

Things to do

Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), photos of which amaze with the beauty of their architecture and landscapes, offer a wide range of entertainment. First of all, these are, of course, walks and excursions. There is also a theater in the city all year round where you can watch performances and concerts. Music and theater stars often come to Marianske Lazne on tour; several major festivals are held here. The city has several very good sports facilities where you can practice not only traditional fitness and tennis, but also horse riding and golf.

Practical information

The resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located within the Schengen zone. Therefore, Russians will need a visa, which is not difficult to obtain. The city is connected to major transport centers of the Czech Republic and Germany by good roads and railways. Therefore, getting here is not a problem. Since the resort is generally aimed at wealthy people, prices here are higher than in other cities in the Czech Republic, although they are quite competitive compared to health resorts in Germany or Austria.

The historic city center is located around a charming cast-iron colonnade and the Cross Spring with a rotunda. Not far from it is the famous Singing Fountain. This is a real miracle of technology and at the same time an architectural rarity. Think about it: an 18-meter round pool with ten large jets and more than 250 small nozzles, with the central jet reaching a 6-meter (!) height! But that's not all. The main thing is the fountain’s repertoire: works by Johann Strauss, Giuseppe Verdi, Gioachino Rossini, Karel Zich and many other great composers sound in unison with the multi-colored jets rising to the sky. During each of its “performances” the fountain attracts a huge number of listeners. And every time at the end of the next work, friendly applause is heard.
Opposite the fountain is the luxurious Spring Pavilion with a light, elegant colonnade and bright, intricate frescoes.

Most of the buildings in Marianske Lazne date back to the second half of the 19th century, when elegance of form and richness of external and internal decoration were in fashion. One of the most beautiful architectural structures of the resort is the Church of St. Michael. This temple contains the only porcelain iconostasis on the planet, decorated with gold and cobalt. The altar was made in Russia in 1900 and received the Grand Prix de Paris at an exhibition in Paris.
Another religious attraction of the resort is the Temple of Mary. It is located in the center of the Goethe square among other beautiful buildings. Interesting fact: a staircase leading to the entrance to the temple consists of 33 steps, which symbolize 33 years of Christ’s life. The inside of the church is very beautiful and bright. If your visit to the church falls on a Sunday, be sure to listen to an organ concert.
Marianske Lazne was and is visited by people of different religious confessions - Catholics, Orthodox, Jews. Therefore, here you can find Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Anglican, Orthodox churches.
The Russian Orthodox Church of St. Vladimir is over 100 years old. It was built specifically for Russian guests of the resort and its rich interior and unusual architectural design still amaze the imagination.
After King Edward VII of England visited Marianske Lazne, the flow of guests from this country began to gradually increase. On the initiative of the British, an Anglican chapel was built in the city. The Evangelical Church is also interesting, famous for the fact that in 1923 an organ concert by Albert Schweitzer took place here.

One of the most original attractions, which invariably delights both children and adults, is the so-called Miniature Park, which is a mini-city made from copies of the most famous architectural structures of the Czech Republic. It’s as if you can see castles, towers and even entire cities of the Czech Republic from a bird’s eye view.
Another city open-air museum, also located within the city, is a geological park. It occupies a large area of ​​about 10 hectares, and here you can see rare natural formations of the Slavkovsky or, as it is also called, the Imperial Forest.

In Marianske Lazne there are many gazebos, which offer beautiful views of the picturesque surroundings of the resort town. There is a belvedere here for Princess Amalia of Altenburg, who visited the city at the beginning of the 19th century. Or the Mesceri gazebo, decorated with rich paintings and named after the Bohemian proconsul Mesceri do Tsoora. But the tasteless Clementine gazebo will amuse its visitors with the fact that its shape is very reminiscent of a toadstool. The abbot of the Tepel Monastery, Alfred Clements, loved to sit in it. One of the favorite places for guests of Marianske Lazne is undoubtedly the Charles Cross belvedere. From here you have a magnificent view of the three main alleys of the resort - Goethe Allee, Reitenberger Alley and Skalnik Allee.
The resort pavilions, where medicinal springs are located, are also very interesting, and are often the purpose of walks for vacationers.

Attractions in the vicinity of Marianske Lazne

Tepel Monastery
The monastery belongs to the Premonstati order and was founded in 1193 by Voivode Groznata. Over the long history of its existence, this religious shrine of the Czech Republic has had to endure periods of both greatest prosperity and almost complete oblivion. Of course, little has survived from the original appearance of the building, and therefore what we see now is the result of a global restructuring at the turn of the 17th-20th centuries.
The Tepel Monastery lives a fairly eventful life and is accessible to visitors around the clock. There is a unique library with about 100 thousand volumes of rare books, as well as priceless manuscripts. It is interesting to visit the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which belongs to the monastery; the symbiosis of Romanesque and Gothic styles gives a certain flavor to the building.

A medieval fortress with an elegant faceted tower and a small cozy town at the foot of the mountain on which it rises. At first, the fortress served as a defensive structure, and during the reign of the Dukes of Luxembourg, important international meetings were held here. Today the castle houses a museum with a historical composition. By the way, many famous personalities liked to visit Loket, including Goethe.

Kynžvart Castle
This Baroque castle was built at the end of the 17th century for Chancellor Clemens Wenzel Count of Metternich-Wittenburg. Kynzvart is a country residence built in the style of the majestic Viennese Empire and classicism with an adjacent luxurious park.
Metternich was a man of refined taste, as evidenced by the huge number of works of art he collected in the castle. Here you can also see collections of ancient coins, medals, porcelain, weapons and all sorts of rarities.
Of course, like any real castle, Kynžvart boasts a rich library with unique manuscripts and first printed publications. In addition, excellent classical music concerts are often held here.

One of the oldest cities in the Czech Republic, which always delights tourists. The historical center of the city, as it should be, is a protected area. Cheb, with its cobblestone streets and small cozy houses, can be compared to a visual aid to architecture. Here stands an old half-timbered house in the German style with characteristic wooden frames. Surely there was some kind of butcher shop or workshop on the ground floor. But, very close by stands an elegant Renaissance building with fancy lace paintings on the walls. The symbol of the city's central square is the famous Špaliček - an unusual complex of 11 houses, separated by Kramarska Street, which has been formed since the 13th century. In addition, there are many art salons in Cheb, a visit to which will surely bring pleasure to art lovers.

Nature reserves
The calming silence of the forests and the gentle murmur of streams, a kaleidoscope of fallen leaves on the ground, small lakes with crystal clear water and green caps of moss perched picturesquely on the stones... You can wander along the paths of Marianske Lazne reserves for hours, leaving the burden of everyday problems at home and feeling something special, no An incomparable feeling of unity with nature. Immerse yourself in the beautiful bliss of contemplation and just be yourself.


Marianske Lazne

Marianske Lazne is one of the largest balneological resorts in the Czech Republic, located in a picturesque valley at an altitude of 600 meters and surrounded on three sides by mountains. The Czech name of the resort, Mariánské Lázně, is often translated into Russian: Marianske Lazne, Marianske Lazne, and Marianske Lazne, but in our article we will focus on the most, in our opinion, readable and familiar version of transliteration - Marianske Lazne or, in the old manner, Marienbad. We hope that our modest guide to the resort's attractions and festivals will help you plan your vacation and not miss anything interesting. You will also find in the article interesting ideas for souvenirs and useful life hacks for a comfortable stay in Marienbad.

History of Marianske Lazne

The history of Marianske Lazne dates back to 1197. It was then, more than eight centuries ago, that Voivode Groznata founded a monastery in the town of Tepla. The territory of modern Marienbad at that time consisted of tens of hectares of wetlands. For more than four hundred years, the monks improved the lands, cleared roads and, without knowing it, turned a godforsaken corner of the forest into a healing resort. But the ennoblement of the region began especially actively around the mid-to-late 13th century, when monks found sources of mineral water and accidentally discovered its healing properties. Being pious people, but far from stupid, they realized that they could make good money on water and the news about miraculous springs began to spread throughout the Czech Republic, and then throughout Europe.

The first scientific studies of the properties of water were carried out at the dawn of the 17th century, but 1779 became a turning point in the history of the resort town. Jan Neer, who worked as a doctor at the monastery, received the consent of the abbot and prescribed a drinking course to several volunteer monks suffering from digestive problems. Dr. Neher closely monitored the condition of the patients, experimented with dosages, ultimately achieving excellent results: in most subjects, digestion returned to normal, appetite appeared, and sleep became sound.

Marienbad developed rapidly, more and more sanatoriums were built, the number of guests from other cities and countries grew steadily. And it’s not for nothing that the 19th century is considered the Golden Age of Marianske Lazne. Reviews from prominent personalities about holidays and treatment in the outback of the Czech Republic, surrounded by mountains and forests, served as excellent advertising for the resort. At one time, the following people came to Marienbad to improve their health: Johann Goethe, Chopin, Wagner, Gogol, Goncharov, Turgenev and many other celebrities. As you can see, guests from the Russian Empire actively visited the resort. Rumor has it that members of the royal families, in particular Nicholas II, left the Kremlin for a course of medicinal water. In the last century, the resort, like the whole of Europe, was shaken by many crises, but in the end Marianske Lazne went through all the hardships, was reborn from the ashes after World War II, survived the Velvet Revolution of 1989 and became one of the leading balneological resorts in the Czech Republic and Europe.

Sights of Marianske Lazne

Marianske Lazne is a small town (just over 50 km2), quiet and cozy. Young people don’t come here to party in nightclubs and inject adrenaline into their blood by playing active sports. The main attraction of Marienbad is its architecture. All kinds of temples and palaces, castles and colonnades, parks and fountains - this is what the guides show the resort guests. Choose memorable places and plan your own excursions in Marianske Lazne!

Colonnades and pavilions

Let's start a virtual tour of the city with the closest thing to us in spirit - or rather, with the buildings and structures that protect them. In Marienbad and its surroundings, over the entire history of the city, more than 120 springs have been discovered, 40 of which are today used with varying intensity to treat patients. The vast majority of sources are fenced and hidden from natural adversities by gazebos and pavilions, but colonnades have been erected around the most popular ones. The most recognizable and largest is the Main Colonnade, also known as the Colonnade named after. Maxim Gorky, where the Carolina, Rudolf and Krestovy springs are connected.

The covered promenade gallery was opened in 1889 on the site of the old Kurhaus. The colonnade is made in the Baroque style with the addition of modernist elements. Its length is 119 meters, width 12 meters. The gallery was intended for leisurely walks for patients and drinking mineral water, but now the colonnade has become a gathering point for tourists and local residents, since around it lies a picturesque park with shady alleys, benches and the famous Singing Fountain. It is here that all kinds of concerts, exhibitions, fairs and street performances are held all year round. Take the time to step inside the gallery and admire the vaulted ceilings dotted with intricate frescoes by Josef Vyletal.

Observation platforms

The atmosphere of calm and tranquility is felt in Marianske Lazne most strongly outside the city, away from tourists and sanatoriums. Many wonderful places for relaxation can be found in the hills surrounding the resort. There are several dozen observation platforms, but six of them are especially popular.

  • Amalia observation deck. In 1827, the Prince of Saxe-Altenburg ordered the construction of a wooden pavilion on Žižkov Hill for his wife Amalia. Previously, the site was called “Belvedere”, but after the installation of the pavilion the name was changed.
  • The Rise of Friedrich Wilhelm. On the same Žižkov Hill, but on a different slope, there is a neo-Gothic observation deck built in 1857 in honor of King Frederick VI.
  • Mesceri observation deck. In 1850, Marienbad was visited by a very distinguished guest - the governor of the Czech lands, Baron von Mesceri. The local authorities showed maximum hospitality and, as a tribute of respect, built a pavilion for the distinguished guest on a plateau outside the city with a picturesque view of the rocks and stones surrounding the resort.
  • Hamelika observation deck. The most beautiful and breathtaking place in Marianske Lazne, according to many travelers who have been here. The construction of the platform and the 20-meter observation tower took place between 1875 and 1878 on the top of a hill 722 meters above sea level. From a bird's eye view there is a magnificent view of the Czech Forest and Dylen Hill.
  • Carola observation deck. Not far from the Forest Spring, on the hillside, you will find an observation pavilion built in 1875 and named after Carola, Queen of Saxony, who visited Marienbad.
  • Tower on Lord's Hill. The newest of all the resort's observation platforms, opened in November 2008. Get ready for a little warm-up, because to the top of the 40-meter tower you will have to climb a staircase of 207 steps (like climbing to the 15th floor). But the place was chosen very well; the observation deck offers a picturesque view of Marianske Lazne, Slavkov Forest and Dylen Hill.

Monastery of Tepla

Our historical essay about Marianske Lazne has repeatedly touched upon the monastery, from which the history of the city began. So, it still exists and opens its doors to guests all year round! We have already written that it was built in 1197. Since then, it has been rebuilt twice: in the 17th century, the entire decoration was changed from Gothic to Baroque, and several buildings were also completed; and at the very beginning of the last century, work on the modernization and restoration of the monastery was completed.

The oldest building is the Church of St. Mary, in which the founder of the monastery was buried. But no matter how hard the architects tried, the styles were so mixed that you won’t find another building like it in the entire Czech Republic: a Romanesque nave, a Gothic apse, and the interior decor and turrets are 100% Baroque. Inside, guests will find a real art museum: exquisite sculptures, paintings, stained glass windows and ancient paintings will tell about the history of Marianske Lazne. But it’s better to see once, as they say. The library at the monastery deserves special attention, as it has collected unique handwritten and printed books on shelves, sometimes over a thousand years old. I am glad that tourists have access to almost all the rooms and buildings of the monastery.

Boheminium Park

It's also a miniature park. It is no coincidence that Boheminium was recognized as a park of national importance, because in just two decades of existence (the opening took place on June 19, 1999) it has become one of the most visited tourist places in Marianske Lazne. Initially, the park’s exposition included 25 small copies of the most famous buildings in the Czech Republic, but every year their number gradually grew and as of 2017 there are about 50 of them. Walking along the neat alleys, you can look at amazingly accurate models (made on a scale of 1: 25) such buildings as the castles of Cervena Lhota, Karlova Krona, Kinžvart and Karlštejn, the town of Uherské Hradište, the castle tower in Krumlov, the Black Tower in Budejovice, the farm in Holesovice, the cable car on Mount Jested and several dozen others. Do not forget that all models are installed outdoors and in bad weather the excursion will not be much fun. The park is open from April 1 to November 2, daily from 10 am to 6 pm.

Kynžvart Castle

The prototypes of many models of the Boheminium Park are located here, in Marianske Lazne. For example, Kinzhvart castle (sometimes the Kunzhvart variant is found on the Runet). Neither more nor less, but Kynžvart Castle, built on the outskirts of Marienbad, is today considered one of the best architectural monuments in the entire Czech Republic. Made in the neoclassical style, the luxurious mansion is surrounded by 100 hectares of English park, decorated with rare species of trees and flowers, cozy pavilions, gazebos and a pond. The castle is valuable not only for its architecture, but also for the collections of coins, weapons, awards, porcelain and the huge Chancellor's Library stored within its walls. There is no systematic exhibition, and rare, unusual and sometimes very valuable antiques are simply arranged in rooms and halls in the order in which their previous owners left them. You can walk around the Kynžvart castle and park all day and learn a lot about the history of Marianske Lazne and the Czech Republic.

Prince Vladimir Church

The first attempts to build an Orthodox church in Marianske Lazne were made back in the 20s of the 19th century, but problems constantly arose: there was no funding, or it was impossible to agree with the authorities on the provision of land. Only in 1899 the church was allocated 800 m2 of land and in July 1900 the first stone was laid for the foundation. The temple was built in the Russian-Byzantine style; both domes of the church are crowned with onion domes. The decoration of the Prince Vladimir Church is interesting, first of all, with wall paintings, a ceramic two-tier iconostasis and icons of 17th-century writing.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Another famous object of the temple architecture of Marianske Lazne is the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary, founded in the mid-19th century. The church is made in the neo-Byzantine style; from Goethe Square there is a view of the central arched entrance, above which there is a Gothic stained glass window in the shape of a rose and two bell towers with a clock. A staircase of 33 steps leads to the entrance, which is a reference to the biblical age of Christ. The outside of the church is decorated with sculptures of saints, figured windows and decorative cornices, the inside is decorated with gilding, stucco molding and images, the upper vault imitates the starry sky, and red granite is used to decorate the elements. Be sure to go up to the terrace, which offers a beautiful view of Goethe Square and the adjacent old streets.

Geological Park

Lovers of nature and hiking can head to the outskirts of the city and take an interesting route through the Slavkov Forest. The territory of the park is 10 hectares, and if you slowly walk along the natural path, you will complete the route in about an hour. It runs through a deciduous forest, in which you will often encounter rare species of trees and shrubs, herbs and flowers. A lot of useful and interesting information can be gleaned from information stands installed along the entire trail. 20 panels describe the ecology and geological features of the region, and provide infographics about the surrounding vegetation, wildlife and fossil minerals. The forest is very fresh and a morning walk is a great way to recharge your energy for the whole day.

Events and festivals in Marianske Lazne

The peak influx of tourists to Marianske Lazne falls from March to October and, perhaps, you should not be surprised by the fact that the bulk of major cultural and sports events, festivals and fairs occur during the warm season. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a brief calendar of events in Marianske Lazne.


The third Saturday in June is Children's Day, also known as Indian Day. Competitions and contests are held for children and their parents, symbolic prizes are awarded, and animators work at the festival. So the kids won't be bored.

At the end of June, the local hippodrome hosts speedway competitions, a type of track motorcycle racing. If you love high speed, drive and competitive passion, then you will definitely like this event. And car enthusiasts should definitely attend the annual rally of historical cars, held in early July. Continuing the theme of sports, we note three more events: the city race Spa Run, a road cycling race around Marianske Lazne in July and a mountain bike competition in August.

Fans of classical music and cinema will also have something to do in the summer. Throughout the last week of June, the jazz music festival “Jazz Resort” takes place near the Main Colonnade. Since 1959, every year, in the third week of August, the Chopin Festival is held in Marianske Lazne. And in the last days of August, the Marienbad Film Festival starts - a film festival that is inferior in popularity to Karlovy Vary, but this does not make it any less interesting.


Autumn events are mostly related to literature and folklore. Thus, in mid-September, the 4-day international folklore festival “Marianskaya Autumn” begins, filling the surroundings of the colonnade with bright national costumes and the sounds of folk music. In October, Goethe's Autumn takes place, the main literary festival of the year in Marianske Lazne. Active young people should enjoy the Snow Film Fest, a film festival that screens documentaries and feature films about extreme winter sports: mountaineering, snowboarding, skiing, etc.


As throughout the Czech Republic, the main event of winter is the celebration of New Year and Christmas. At the beginning of the second week of December, a Christmas market opens, where you can buy all kinds of sweets, get acquainted with the customs of Advent, listen to Christmas tales, and folk craftsmen exhibit the best handicrafts. A significant event is the lighting of the Christmas tree near the colonnade. Among the important sporting events, it is worth noting the European Cup in parallel slalom, the Snowboarding World Cup and the open chess festival, in which both professionals and amateurs take part. You have a chance to make history in Marianske Lazne! Ski competitions among amateurs are also held near the springs.


March is notable for bench modeling competitions, during which competitors present small but amazingly accurate models of cars, motorcycles, airplanes and other equipment to the jury and all guests of the event. Back in March, the Expedition Camera Film Festival takes place. The name speaks for itself: all films are dedicated to adventures, conquests and the beauty of wild nature.

In April, residents of Marianske Lazne celebrate Maslenitsa and Easter (which may fall in May), accompanying the festivities with the traditional customs of painting eggs, weaving whips and dancing. In late April, the traditional opening of the Singing Fountain in the city center takes place after winter. The Witch Burning Festival is celebrated in the Karkonosze Mountains. But no horrors or echoes of the Inquisition! Only costumed festivities, accompanied by eating fried sausages, children's theater performances and a mask competition. April ends with an exciting petanque tournament among amateurs. If you love this French national sport, then come to Ferdinand's Spring and challenge the local masters.

The main event of May, and the whole spring, is the opening of the holiday season. On the second weekend of May, all sources are consecrated during a solemn procession, and a service is held in the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary. And the whole celebration is accompanied by a symphony orchestra. Loud music is heard throughout the city, sweets and crafts are sold in bright tents and tents at the fair, people dress up in historical costumes and go crazy in every way. Within reason, of course. Important events for Czechs are the celebration of the liberation of the city and the festival of mutual understanding. These holidays, of course, should be respected, but they are unlikely to arouse interest among tourists.

How to get to Marianske Lazne

There is no international airport in Marianske Lazne, so tourists from Russia and Europe will most likely have to get to the resort either from Prague (150 km) or from Karlovy Vary (50 km). The fastest and most comfortable way to get there is by car: catch a taxi, rent a car, or order a transfer from the airport directly to the hotel on our website. But if you want to save money, you can hit the road by public transport, at the same time you will have time to admire the surroundings from the window and get to know the Czechs better. Here is an example of a route from the airports of Prague and Karlovy Vary.

From Prague. The first way to get to Marianske Lazne is by train. To do this, we leave the airport terminal, cross the road, leaving exit D behind us, and find ourselves on the platform of the bus station with an electronic display. We find Aero Express on the list, going to Hlavní nádraží (Railway Station), pay the driver 60 euros per ticket and quickly arrive at the place. The average travel time by train is 2 hours 54 minutes (from 239 CZK), express trains take 2 hours 17 minutes (from 309 CZK). The departure interval of trains to Marianske Lazne from Prague is 1-2 hours.

An alternative to the train is to travel by bus. In this case, from the airport you should go to the ÚAN Florenc bus station, located 1.5 kilometers further than the central railway station: you can walk from it or take one metro stop. Buses to Marianske Lazne also depart from Praha Zličín station. Routes that pass through or have a final stop at the Mariánské Lázně autobusové stanice station are suitable for you. The average length of the route is 170 kilometers, travel time is 3 hours, ticket price is 180 CZK. We see that it’s cheaper to travel by bus, but in reality it takes half an hour, or even more than an hour longer.

From Karlovy Vary. Many buses on the Prague - Marianske Lazne route go through Karlovy Vary, so you can check the schedule and catch it at the city's main bus station. You can also choose direct flight No. 7107 or routes with transfers in the city of Toužim - No. 421105 3 and 421445 13. The journey by bus will take about one to one and a half hours. In an hour and a half you can get to Marianske Lazne by train: departure from the lower station Karlovy Vary dolni n., arrival at Marianske Lazne mest, the price of the trip is 119 CZK, for example, trains No. R 612 Svatava and OS7356 are suitable.

What to bring from Marianske Lazne

The range of souvenirs in Marianske Lazne is almost completely identical to that in Karlovy Vary, but there are also a couple of branded gifts. First things first.

  • Waffles. The famous Czech scarves have been produced since 1840 not only in Karlovy Vary, but also in Marienbad, at the Opavia factory. Branded products can be recognized by a blue developing stripe with the brand name, Opavia, and a gold waffle semicircle. The most popular product is Lázeňské oplatky “Kolonáda”. Translation will probably be superfluous.
  • Mineral water. Pharmacies and stores sell bottled water from springs, such as Magnesia. And it’s better to buy it, rather than collect it yourself from a source, so you’ll have a better chance of bringing home a truly healing drink, and not stale water.
  • Mugs. Not ordinary mugs, but pump bottles - highly artistic cups with a spout for drinking mineral water. They are produced in the village of Stanovishte, on the outskirts of Marianske Lazne.
  • Alcohol. There is a lot of Becherovka in stores, but it is still a symbol of Karlovy Vary. It’s better to look at the Mariansko Lazensk liqueur, infused with 13 herbs. The digestive tract will tell you “Thank you!” if you take the liquor in small portions. A good gift for friends would be the products of the local brewery “Chodovar”: beer of the same name, unusual beer vodka “Chodská Pivovice” and its own brand of mineral water “IL-SANO”.
  • Tea. The memory of pleasant and refreshing walks through the Slavkov Forest will help preserve the aromatic fruit tea produced by the local company “Dr. Popov."
  • Cosmetics. The healing water of the mineral springs of Marianske Lazne formed the basis of natural cosmetics of the MarienQ brand. The recipe for its creation also includes Original Mariana peat (Originální Mariánská rašelina), which has a cosmetic and analgesic effect. This peat, by the way, can be purchased separately.
  • Decorations. In Marienbad you will find several large jewelry stores whose windows are filled with exquisite gold and silver jewelry, often featuring Czech garnet.

Those who are going to combine relaxation and treatment can safely go to Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic. This is one of the most famous and popular balneological resorts in Europe. The sanatorium city with developed infrastructure has created unique opportunities for restoring health.

It will certainly delight lovers of antiquity with its attractions. First-class sports facilities will allow you to find hobbies regardless of the time of year. The distinctive features of this small amazing town are the energy of life and the breath of history, which can be felt everywhere.

Marianske Lazne is a large medical resort located in the Czech Republic. This city has long been known as a center of sanatorium and resort recreation. Travelers from all over the world, including from Russia, come here for treatment and relaxation. In Czech, the name of the city sounds like Mariánské Lázně, in Russia it is usually called Marianske Lazne. This is what this city offers to tourists from all over the world:

  • a variety of health programs in local health resorts: sanatoriums, boarding houses and holiday homes;
  • treatment of serious diseases by highly qualified doctors in large medical centers;
  • hydrotherapy using healing water from local thermal springs;
  • healing and rejuvenation of the body in spas and wellness centers located on the territory of large hotels.

How to get there

To get to Marianske Lazne, you first get to Prague. From there, a traveler will get to Prague in three ways: by plane (a fast and convenient way), by train (cheaper than by plane, but longer) and by car (convenient and inexpensive, but traffic jams can delay a tourist for a long time). Arriving in Prague, at the railway station they buy a ticket for the next train to the city of Marianske Lazne. Or you can go to the bus station and buy a bus ticket to your destination. Both options are quite comfortable.

Since Marianske Lazne is a rather small city, you can move around on foot. If desired, rent a car. The city has very high quality roads, and a car trip will certainly bring a lot of joy. And those who prefer public transport can use the trolleybus. There are many trolleybus stops in the city, well equipped and protected from the rain. At each stop there is a public transport schedule with a brief description of the main routes. The trolleybus allows you not only to cross the entire city, but also to get to those settlements that are located outside the city. There are also a large number of health resorts and sanatoriums.

The largest cellular operators operate in the city. For those who come to Marianske Lazne, it will be most convenient to buy a new SIM card to communicate with family and friends. Local mobile operators provide high-quality communications at affordable prices. Most local cafes and restaurants, as well as hotels, have free wi-fi internet. You should contact the administrator for your password and login.



The city has a fairly mild and pleasant climate. Near the settlement there are forests with giant pine trees. The hilly terrain is conducive to hiking, so Marianske Lazne is an ideal option for fans of active recreation. The air humidity is quite high, but this does not cause discomfort. People come for treatment and recreation all year round, but the height of the tourist season here is in the summer, when the average air temperature is about twenty degrees Celsius. In winter it is very warm, no more than minus five. When thick fog descends on the city in the midst of a snowy winter, the old areas of the city look especially romantic and picturesque.

Healing springs

There are more than a hundred thermal and artesian springs in the resort area. However, there are only eight of them directly within the city. The average water temperature is about six to eight degrees. Water is consumed both internally and in the form of inhalation. You can also swim in healing springs. On the recommendation of doctors, water procedures are carried out using therapeutic mud and peat from swamps in the vicinity of the city, which has beneficial properties. Local residents love their homeland very much and are proud of their famous fellow countrymen, so they gave many springs beautiful and romantic names in honor of prominent residents of the Czech Republic from different times. The following healing mineral springs are the most popular among local residents and tourists who come here for recovery:

  • Cross Spring;
  • Rudolph;
  • Maria;
  • Parish;
  • Forest;
  • Ambrose;
  • Ferdinand;
  • Carolina;
  • Alexandra.

Where to go

Tourists come to Marianske Lazne not only for recovery, but also for new experiences. This resort city is a great holiday destination for those who are going on vacation with their family, children or loved ones. Those who are in this city for the first time and do not yet know where to go can turn to the administration of the hotel or sanatorium for help.

Many sanatoriums and boarding houses offer a variety of guide offers. Those wishing to get to know the city better are offered exciting excursion routes at affordable prices. In some sanatoriums, the cost of excursion services is included in the price of the tour in advance; this is clarified in advance. There are guides who speak Russian well, since in Soviet times the Russian language was actively studied in the Czech Republic, and many Czech cities have Russian sister cities.

Competent and friendly guides will tell you about the history of the city and also suggest what you can see on your own. Vacationers in sanatoriums and boarding houses will not have to get bored and think about what to do between procedures, since there are a lot of really interesting places in the city.

Features of accommodation

The city of Marianske Lazne is divided into several districts:

  • resort area, where numerous sanatoriums and boarding houses are located;
  • an industrial area where the main enterprises of the city are located;
  • residential areas where the local population lives;
  • historical Center.

Where to stay when arriving in the city? There are several options. For those interested in health improvement, it is best to stay in one of the local health resorts. And those who come to the city for cultural experiences are recommended to stay in one of the hotels in the historical center. Where it is better to live, everyone decides for themselves, based on the purpose of the trip. The cost of living both in hotels and in sanatoriums can be different - depending on the level of comfort. However, it should be noted that all local hotels and motels pay great attention to the safety of residents.

Main attractions

Lovers of antiquity are advised to visit Catholic churches: the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary. These are traditional stone Catholic churches in the Gothic style. They are in effect, and those who wish can attend holiday services. They take place on Sundays and major holidays. Concerts of classical organ music are also periodically organized in churches. The schedule of services and other events is clarified in advance with the temple administration. They also visit the Monastery of Heat.

Those who are partial to art should definitely take a look at the famous city theater on Třebíski Street. The theater building was built in the classicist style, with a traditional colonnade and portico. It features a local theater troupe, as well as performances by visiting actors.

Music lovers can expect a visit to Chopin's house. It is best to book a tour. The guide will fascinatingly talk about the life of this wonderful composer, about his connection with the Czech Republic, and will also show personal belongings of the great musician and rare books with musical editions of his works. Literary and musical evenings are often held in the living room of Chopin's house, at which famous Czech composers perform outstanding works by Chopin. Also, the administration of the Chopin House regularly holds music festivals dedicated to the great musician.

For those who want to learn more about the history of the city, it’s time to visit the Museum of Local Lore. The museum exposition tells about the history of the city of Marianske Lazne and its nature. Among the exhibits are works of art of various genres created by local artists. Art and popular science exhibitions are regularly held in the museum's halls.

Fans of antiquity will enjoy visiting Kynžvart Castle, a typical European castle of the Middle Ages. Visitors to the castle will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of the European nobility of the Middle Ages, and also take interesting photos outside and inside the castle.


Fans of active recreation will definitely not be bored in the city of Marianske Lazne. Those who love nature and sports are advised to visit the following places:

  • Royal Golf Club. As the name suggests, the golf club has a long history and is designed for the local elite. But on the territory of the golf club there are sports grounds for city guests. Under the guidance of an experienced coach, they master the art of golf and hit their first ball in the hole.
  • Boheminium Park. The park got its name from the word Bohemia, which was the former name of the country of the Czech Republic. In the miniature park you have the chance to take a walk, have a good rest with your children and see masterpieces of world architecture in miniature.
  • Smradeh Nature Reserve. This is one of the largest Czech national parks. The Smradeh Nature Reserve is a very beautiful place where you can find rare plants, as well as rare animals and birds. You cannot leave garbage or light fires on the territory of the reserve. You will have to pay a fine for violating the rules of behavior in the protected area.

Features of national cuisine

Czechs love to eat delicious food. Here everyone will find something to try. The national Czech dish is dumplings - pieces of dough with various fillings, which are boiled in broth, like dumplings. Czechs also love sausages, sausages, and pastries. And, of course, beer is considered the real brand of this country.

You should definitely try the famous Czech beer. Those vacationers who cannot drink beer for health reasons will try the non-alcoholic version of this drink. There are several breweries in the city. Those who come to Marianske Lazne on a sanatorium package can eat quietly without leaving the sanatorium.

In most sanatoriums and boarding houses, vacationers are provided with free four or five meals a day, and there are several menu options, depending on the doctor’s recommendations. Those who decide to stay in a hotel or inn visit inexpensive restaurants and cafes in the city center, for example, in the square near the Singing Fountain. Book a table indoors or stay outside and leisurely watch the life of the busy city.


For those who love a festive atmosphere, it is best to come to Marianske Lazne at Christmas. Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25, 13 days earlier than Orthodox Christmas. On holidays, local residents have days off. Festive services are held in churches, people give each other gifts. Various fairs and sales are held where people can buy original souvenirs as gifts for family and friends. A large Christmas tree is decorated in the central square of the city. Winter in the city is mild and snowy, so these days the city resembles a picture from an old Christmas card.

What to take with you

Those who are going on holiday and treatment to the city of Marianske Lazne should definitely take with them:

  • costume and necessary accessories for healing water procedures;
  • sports suit for outdoor activities, for walks in the park and pine forest;
  • Golf lovers will definitely want to visit the Royal Golf Club, so take the necessary golf equipment with them. However, if you can’t take them with you, that’s okay. At the golf club you can rent clubs and other accessories; the choice of equipment is very large, from amateur to professional;
  • those who have purchased a ticket to the sanatorium in advance will certainly take with them a sanatorium-resort card with doctor’s prescriptions. The map must be in two versions: in Russian and in English or Czech.


What to bring to your family and friends from Marianske Lazne? The choice is quite large. Lovers of alcoholic beverages will be happy to bring home branded Czech beer and the famous liqueur called Becherovka. Those with a sweet tooth should be pampered with the famous Czech waffles.

There are confectionery shops in the city, which offer a large assortment of waffles from the local Opavia confectionery factory. The company has been operating for almost two hundred years. Wafers are distinguished by their branded packaging, which depicts a blue ribbon with the name of the factory. Sold in cardboard packages and cans of various shapes. The sweet product is produced with various fillings and from different doughs. This is a wonderful treat for evening tea with the whole family.

The city center is famous for its large shopping malls and small souvenir shops. There you can buy traditional Czech souvenirs, clothes and shoes, and jewelry. The Czech Republic has long been famous for its leather goods, so local stores have a large selection of leather bags, jackets, and hats.

Holidays in the Czech city of Marianske Lazne are not only treatment and quick relief from health problems, but also rich cultural leisure. Both children and adults will definitely enjoy this city. Here everyone will find something to their liking: treatment, relaxation, trips to historical places, entertainment. At the same time, they keep in mind that an organized vacation in a sanatorium is one of the best versions of getting to know the resort city. For those who do not like to depend on others, another option is suitable: independent city walks with accommodation in one of the local hotels.

Cold springs flow throughout the area Slavkov forest, and within the city their number reaches 40. The waters of Marianske Lazne are used for drinking, bathing, inhalation; in addition, therapeutic mud and gas are used.

In parallel with the wellness program, you can visit the historical sights of Marianske Lazne, attend the theater and concerts in the cultural center " Casino", take a walk in the miniature park.


The first thing worth seeing in Marianske Lazne is the covered gallery “Colonnade”. They are brought to it with water of varying degrees of mineralization. The gallery looks like a narrow structure, closed on one side by a wall and decorated with columns on the other. The colonnade in Marianske Lazne is surrounded by a park, so you need to get to it on foot.

Singing fountain

In front of the gallery there is an equally famous attraction of the resort – the Singing Fountain. The decorative structure looks like a flower made of stone and metal. The fountain looks especially impressive in the evening. The combination of music, water and light reflections creates an indescribable visual effect. The singing fountain repeats the program from 7 am in an hour.

Evangelical Church of Corpus Christi

Small, like most evangelical churches, the building is practically devoid of decorative elements, but benefits from the abundance of large windows. The interior decoration is very simple, the main decoration is the altar, decorated with paintings in the form of the figure of Christ, onto which light falls from large windows.

In contrast to the restrained decoration of the room, it looks majestic. Address: Evangelicky kostel, Mirove namesti, 90/7. It is not always possible to see the interior decoration. Services are held only on Sundays in the summer.

Marianska Tynice

This attraction, one of the most famous and oldest pilgrimage churches in Marianske Lazne, is worth seeing for all visitors to the city. The lower floor is occupied by the regional museum, containing collections of high historical value. Located on the street Marianska Tynice 1, 331 41 Kralovice.

Chopin House

The boarding house consists of two buildings. One of them houses the Chopin Society. The second room is used as a concert hall. The museum's exhibition is dedicated to the work of Chopin and tells about his visits to the Czech Republic. There is a hostel in the building. Address: Hlavni 47, Marianske Lazne. Museum visiting hours are from 14.00 to 17.00. Ticket price for adults – 20 CZK, for children - 10 CZK.

Kunžvart Castle

The simple but elegant building of the castle is U-shaped and built in a strict classical style. One of its halls houses the best collection of ancient literature in the country - the Chancellor's Library. You can get there by bus No. 410320 or 410330. You can see the attraction from 04 to 10 months of the year, from 9.00 to 16.00 (break from 12 to 12.30) all days except Monday. Ticket price - 110 CZK.

Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary

The church building, built in the mid-19th century, has semicircular windows and an octagonal roof. Inside, the church amazes with stucco and gilding. From the terrace of the church there is a beautiful view of the square and the surrounding area. Attraction address: Goethovo namesti 110/31.

Museum of Local Lore

In 1823, the famous poet, naturalist and thinker lived and worked in the mansion Goethe. In the museum you can see the decoration of his room. The mansion is located next to the Geological Park, which occupies a large area and is also worth a visit. Located on the street Goethovo namesti 11.

Monastery of Tepla

This active monastery is one of the most interesting attractions not only in Marianske Lazne, but throughout the Czech Republic. The monastery library contains many valuable ancient books. The museum contains ancient, unusual or memorabilia items. Address: Kanonie premonstratu Tepla, c.p. 1, Tepla. The monastery receives visitors from 11:00 to 15:30 (in summer until 17:00). Ticket price: 100 CZK.

Royal Golf Club

The club is the oldest in Europe. It is located in a picturesque place, near a pine tree Slavkov forest, thanks to which it quickly gained popularity. Over the years, it has been visited by many foreign guests, including famous and crowned heads. Address: Royal Golf Club Marianske Lazne, 353 01.

Boheminium Park

If you find it difficult to choose attractions, or don’t know what to see in Marianske Lazne and the surrounding area, then you should definitely visit the miniature park. It features 1:25 scale models of famous Czech buildings. Interesting children's events are always held in the park.

Address: Park Boheminium, area Krakonos 665. Visits from 10:00 to 18:00. Ticket price: adults – 150 CZK, teenagers 1-15 years old – 100 CZK, children 2-10 years old – 50 CZK, family ticket for four – 350 CZK.

Prince Vladimir Church

The Orthodox Church has an interesting shape and is decorated with two domes. The interior of the temple is represented by ancient icons, some of them painted in the 17th century. Location: Ruska 347/9353 01.

Memorial Cemetery

This is an unusual cemetery - there are no graves here, instead there are natural stones with the names of soldiers who died in the First World War. Tourists can enjoy the picturesque landscape and birdsong here. Address: Marianske Lazne 693, 353 01.

Forest spring

The source is located next to Třebíz stream in the park area. A hiking trail leads to it, which becomes difficult to pass in winter; therefore, from October to April, the source is closed to tourists vacationing in the area.

In general, Marianske Lazne, whose attractions are so numerous that it is impossible to fully see them in a couple of days, is a small but very picturesque resort. It is quiet enough for a measured, relaxing holiday with your family. If you wish, you can additionally visit nearby cities, such as Prague or Karlovy Vary.

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