How to make beer in BDO: preparation method. Food to increase experience gained


In this article you will learn how to get the required number of failures (fails, varnishes) in Black Desert Online to improve your equipment.

How to make fails (failures)?

On Replas you can pick up 18-19 fails, but then you will have to gain fails on I+ enchantment items. If the acceptable number of fails has already been filled, but the weapon or armor still does not want to be sharpened, it is better to leave these fails on this character, and move on to another and start all over again. You shouldn’t waste a huge amount of fails on low sharpening, they will come in handy later. After all, fails in the game cannot be bought, even for real money.

If it so happens that you already have a bunch of failures on all your twinks, then , where you can transfer the failures, will come to the rescue. It is sold at the blacksmith.

With the introduction of Drieghan, a new item, “Fossilized Dragon Scale,” was added. Petrified Dragon Scales can be dropped from Drieghan monsters.

You can exchange from the Commander of the Order of Trina Valks in Calpheon:
— 30 ​​pcs. fossilized dragon scales for Council of Valks (+20)
— 350 pcs. petrified dragon scales for Council of Valks (+40).

Where can I get the missing files?

To add some fails, you can use Valks' Protest. Valks's protest adds +1 failure (failure) to the accumulated ones. You can throw a maximum of 10 failures using Valks' Protests.

Valks' Protests can be obtained by disassembling the suit from the pearl shop in the Extraction menu at the Blacksmith.

January 30, 2019 was added Dark saturation system. You can now exchange sharpened equipment for fails. Dark saturation can also be used if the chance of enhancement is +1 or more.
You can remove fails from equipment in a special window of the Black Spirit. After removing the files, the equipment will disappear.
If the enhancement chance is 0, then Dark Infusion is available for equipment of any rank. If the enhancement chance is +1 or higher, then Dark Infusion is only available for equipment of green rank and higher.
Dark saturation is only available for equipment of a certain level: weapons no less than +8 and armor no less than +6.
If you try to do Dark Saturation with an increased chance of enhancement, both success and failure are possible with a certain probability.
Dark saturation for equipment inlaid with stones or enhanced with Caphras stones is no longer available.

Weapon upgrade levels Number of improvement failures
+8 +4
+9 +5
+10 +6
+11 +8
+12 +10
+13 +12
+14 +14
+15 +16
I +20
II +26
III +33
IV +45
V +75

Armor upgrade levels Number of improvement failures
+6 +3
+7 +4
+8 +5
+9 +6
+10 +7
+11 +8
+12 +10
+13 +12
+14 +14
+15 +16
I +20
II +25
III +30
IV +40
V +70

Black Desert: how to make fails (lucks, failures) updated: November 29, 2019 by: orbit-games

Black Desert - Production (craft)

Production (craft)

Below you will find two guides designed to introduce you to the Black Desert crafting system. You will find answers to questions such as:

How many types of craft are there in the game;
- why do we need machines;
- what you need to purchase to start crafting;
- why do you need to upgrade your crafting level as soon as possible;
- what exactly are the workers crafting;
- Do workers need their own home?
- how long does it take to improve a house?
- why do you need the "Economy" skill and mini-craft.

Video guide from OneGam3r

Text guide from Erinyes.

In the world of Black Desert, items can be crafted in two ways:
1) independently, using equipment installed in the house (cooking, alchemy),
2) with the help of hired labor (all processes of processing and production of objects made of wood, metal, creation of jewelry and useful goods).

These methods are different in implementation, so we will consider each separately.

1) Independent production of objects using equipment installed in the house.
This method can only be used in a) cooking and b) alchemy.

Purchase of special equipment
So, before you start cooking or making alchemical potions, you need to purchase special equipment and install it in your home.

You can purchase kitchen equipment from a furniture dealer, which is found in every town and city, or from a chef. You can also get it from the cook for the quest. In addition, the machine can be made independently.

You can purchase an alchemical laboratory from an alchemist, or make it yourself.

Equipment installation
Installation of equipment for making food and crafting alchemical potions takes place in your own home. How to do this can be found in the home ownership guide.

Cooking equipment

Alchemy machine equipment

A) Cooking

Having purchased and installed kitchen utensils in your own home, you can move on to cooking. The Cook can teach you this process through the quests he performs.
The knowledge about recipes you acquire from him will depend on the degree of your relationship with him and the completion of the quests given to him. The history of the recipe includes more than 1000 unique recipes.

For all other dishes, you will have to figure out a clear recipe in grams (pieces) through trial and error, mixing different ingredients. So you don’t have to buy recipes from the chef if you like to experiment on your own.

We warn you! Unlike other crafts, if you don't follow the recipe you may end up losing ingredients.
All manufactured food allows you to receive a variety of positive effects.

The most popular (often found in recipes) ingredients in cooking are potatoes, wheat, obtained by hired workers, and meat obtained directly from hunting. Also seafood and fish obtained by fishing, using a fishing rod, which can now be purchased from a merchant or crafted yourself, and vegetables and fruits grown in the garden using seeds.
You will also need additional ingredients for cooking, which can be purchased from NPC cooks - water, salt, sugar.

We will look at the process of obtaining ingredients and making food, recipes and resulting buffs in a separate guide, “Features of Cooking.”

B) Alchemy

The process of making alchemical potions is similar to cooking, only it is carried out on an alchemical machine.

2) Making items using hired labor
In the Home Ownership guide, we already talked about how houses are purchased and upgraded for a certain type of craft. The same was said about hired workers.

At the third CBT, the number of workshops was significantly changed; now in production it is possible to both process primary resources for ingredients in production, and produce finished items.

The quality and type of items obtained depend on the level of the workshops (the more upgraded it is, the more types of items are available for crafting, and the higher their characteristics).

On the map, workshops are marked with special icons.


Before you start producing products, you need to familiarize yourself with the required list of ingredients. Some are mined in their pure form, and some are obtained through processing and processing, which we covered in the guide to gathering and processing resources. And for improved armor you will need lower quality armor.

We have already said that each character can independently extract, process and process resources. However, collecting resources yourself is not the most effective way of gathering. You can hire workers for all these functions while you do other things.

To start production, you must prematurely put all materials into storage (in the city where the houses with workshops are located).

Production process

The character cannot enter the workshops; the crafting process is carried out by hired workers, whose employment contract is purchased from the corresponding NPC.

Then we select the desired workshop and send a worker. The production process is quite long.

Upon completion, you will be able to pick up your items from the city storage.

In this guide we will example We will show you the process of making a fishing rod.

1) First, you will need to purchase a house with cooperation points and turn it into a workshop for the production of gathering tools.
2) After this, collect the necessary resources and process them into the appropriate ingredients.
3) Next, place the ingredients in the storage of this city and select the tools that need to be created (in our example, a fishing rod).
4) Then select the employee and send him to work.
5) After completing the creation process, the produced item will be placed in the city's storage.

Some interesting features between crafting and collecting.

1. Some items can only be created in the city, while raw materials for crafting can only be collected in other locations. Therefore, the raw materials must be transferred to the same city where the crafting will take place.
You can do this in two ways:

  • either manually transport raw materials from one city or put them in a storage facility in another city yourself,
  • or send it using the NPC delivery service.

2. For complex components, such as a cart or a boat, many ingredients must be made from various intermediate raw materials. You can send several workers to work on different parts, and also upgrade the house to process individual ingredients of a cart or boat.

Not just another MMO.

Despite how it looks, Black Desert Online is not an easy MMORPG. There are a lot of fantastic ideas hidden within it, but figuring out how everything works will be really difficult - something that the lousy English localization won't help with. Fear not, I have seven tips to help you begin to navigate and make sense of Black Desert Online's tangled web of searching, trading, and adventure.

In most MMOs, quests are the only way to level up your character. We know that when we arrive in a new city, we must run around it, collecting tasks and completing them before we leave. In Black Desert Online, this will lead you to despair due to the huge number of quests, most of which do not give any experience at all. Instead, focus on the quests that the Black Spirit you meet at the beginning of your journey gives you, or those that the city of Velia offers you, this will lead you to various activities such as crafting and trading. You should also pay attention to quests marked with an exclamation point, as they are important to the story and worth completing.

While most quests won't level you up, they will give you experience - something we'll get into in detail in a minute. Choose between quests and prioritize those that give you special items, supplies, and expansions, or teach you something new. If you want to level up your character, the best way is to go kill monsters, which is a good thing because the combat in Black Desert is quite interesting.

Doing everything yourself is for losers, so invest in good causes and get hired NPC workers to do the hard work for you. In Black Desert, contributions are a refundable currency that you can use to invest in trade routes and production chains to easily earn a lot of money. You receive this currency from most tasks, and although you will have very little investment at the beginning of the game, you will quickly earn more. The system seems a little obtuse, but taking the time to learn how it's done can save you a lot more.

As you'll discover, each area of ​​the world represents a point that you can unlock by using contributions and linking them together with other points leading back to the city. In each city there is a boss over the workers, from whom you can buy them and send them to points to extract special resources. You can also use contributions to buy back property, turning houses into workshops and hiring more workers to create and refine resources. It's all quite complicated, but it's a great source of passive income. If you're not interested, invest in houses and turn them into warehouses to use as safe deposit boxes.

One of the worst things you can do is play Black Desert Online like it's just another MMORPG - which it isn't. While the temptation to reach level 50 can be strong, I really encourage you to take the time to interact with the NPCs and get lost in the atmosphere. Black Desert Online is incredibly crowded, and if you try to swallow everything in one go, you'll get a stomach ache. Moreover, moving slowly and exploring the world will increase your character's knowledge. In Black Desert Online, knowledge is power.

The monsters you kill, the things you find, the characters you talk to, all contribute to your character's knowledge store, and not just give you a little knowledge about the legend in the game world. When you gain enough knowledge on a topic, such as meeting all the merchants in a certain city, you gain more energy for it, which in turn allows you to create or collect more. Energy is replenished quite quickly, but you will need its reserve when you continue to travel. If you spend time scouring the area and talking to characters, you can gain more energy and a better understanding of the legend and history of Black Desert. It also allows you to read something on long trips between cities.

Black Desert requires you to do more than just log into the game, run through a dungeon or two, and exit. You still have plenty of options even if you take a break to get yourself a snack. Instead of going out, try leaving your character fishing with a fishing rod. It will automatically start fishing, maybe slowly, but it's a great way to improve your fishing skills and earn some money while you're away from the computer.

Even if you have no energy left for fishing, you can always load your donkey with goods and send your character to distant cities to earn easy money. Just remember to check periodically, or plan your routes carefully to avoid encounters with bandits who like to hang out on the roads. Additionally, the workers you hire to collect only remain active while you're in the game, so staying in Black Desert even when you're not playing can earn you valuable resources.

You get your first horse, and it can be a lot of fun because they can get you where you need to go faster than if you walk. But horses are more than just a fast way to get around, they can be equipped with weapons and can be used in combat, gain skills, produce offspring, and can be sold to other players for a tidy sum. Honestly, you could spend all your time in Black Desert doing this and becoming a horse whisperer. So take the time to learn how to properly handle your horse.

Horses are a big responsibility because they don't appear and disappear with the wave of a magic wand. If you get off your horse, leave it somewhere unattended, and go explore the area, there is a high chance that it will die as a result of an attack by monsters. Taking the time to find a safe place for him, and always have carrots on hand to maintain his stamina, will save you a lot of money on your horse's grooming costs. If you train your horse and teach him new skills, he can become an invaluable partner.

Leveling up spare characters in most MMOs can be quite painful as you go through the same story to try a slightly different style of play. However, Black Desert is very non-linear, and makes leveling up spare characters less of a chore. Once you have watched the introductory video, you can go anywhere in this world. It's even better if the characters unite into a "family", sharing money and access to each other's houses and warehouses. One thing they cannot share is energy.

While you may find it appealing to create a jack-of-all-trades character who can do everything, you will never have enough energy to spend on crafting and gathering. Instead, create a backup character to focus on crafting while you save up your main character's energy for more important things. This will also allow you to learn how each class performs in combat and how each is different. Switching between characters is quite easy, you don't even have to leave the game.

Ok, this will be what exists by default, but you'd be surprised how much single-player focused MMORPGs have become lately. Black Desert Online doesn't actively penalize those who play solo, but to do so is to miss a crucial aspect of the game. Although they have not yet been released, sieges will help players in guilds take control of territories several times a week. Without traditional raids or end-game dungeons, sieges will become the primary pastime of communities, after the process of fighting for victory. Skipping this because you didn't join a guild would be a big mistake.

Guilds themselves are often much more complex than they appear at first glance. Instead of just joining, you sign a contract and receive a daily salary from the guild's vaults. You can also take part in special guild quests to increase your salary, in addition to special guild skills that can provide you with effects such as increased gathering speed. Playing with friends has a very positive effect on the experience you gain from killing monsters, so you'll never want to kill alone again. Plus, it's great to have someone to talk to, isn't it?

As you have already noticed, for various cooking recipes you may need various ingredients from seafood salt to alcohol. I’ll briefly tell you where certain ingredients are obtained:

  • Many of the products obtained in cooking can later serve as ingredients for more complex products.
  • Mushrooms you can assemble it yourself. Mushrooms grow independently in the wild, and you can also plant them in.
  • Fruits obtained by harvesting crops from the garden. All fruits in recipes are interchangeable.
  • Butter can be obtained by mixing cream and salt.
  • Cheese obtained by drying milk.
  • Milk mined on the farm. To get milk you will have to find a cow on the farm and milk it by pressing the R button to interact and completing a mini-game.
  • Onion, garlic, black and red pepper obtained by growing in the garden.
  • Honey can be obtained by sending workers to special mining points, as well as by knocking down a beehive with an arquebus.
  • Aloe can be grown at Ato Farm and harvested by hand (Media).
  • Salt, Sugar, Yeast, Sauce Base, Wine Vinegar, Cooking Water, Olive Oil, Pure Alcohol, Seasoning, Grapeseed Oil can be purchased at the hotel or from a merchant.

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Crafting (Production) is an important aspect of the game. With it, you can get a lot of useful things - for example, the best pieces of equipment or equipment for siege. Moreover, weapons (guns, ladders, barricades and artillery pieces) cannot be purchased, but can only be made independently.

The guide is under development! The information it contains may be inaccurate or incomplete.

The production system in Black Desert provides ample opportunities to create your own content. You will have to manage your houses, work caravans, etc. Thus, the developers tried to implement some elements of the RTS genre into the game. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time on production, but it is a lot of fun!

This guide contains the latest information on the crafting process in Black Desert. The guide will be updated as new data becomes available. In addition, this is the most complete guide that can be found on the Internet.

1. Houses in Black Desert

A house is a very important object for a player interested in production. This is where the workers live and the equipment is located. Moreover, you will have to build a storage facility to store resources and materials. Every serious business begins with finding a home.

The production system in Black Desert Online means that you will rent several houses, because... Different types of production require different facilities. For example, if you want to make objects from wood, you will have to find a suitable house for this. For more information, read the Home Ownership Guide.

2. Crafting equipment

If you own a home, you can purchase the equipment and place it inside so you can use it whenever you want. Currently you can buy equipment for cooking and alchemy. Cooking tools can be purchased from a furniture merchant, and an alchemy laboratory can be purchased from an alchemist. Traders can be found in any city.

Note: You can use such equipment yourself, i.e. go into the house and interact with objects directly. To use equipment associated with other professions, you will have to hire workers and improve the house. Additional information can be read below.

3. Gathering resources

Obviously, crafting items requires resources. There are 6 collectible professions in Black Desert, but you are not required to have them all. In order to start collecting resources, you need to purchase special tools. Remember that tools don't last long. Each of them has a strength scale, i.e. you will not be able to use broken items. In addition, worn out tools cannot be repaired and you will have to purchase new ones each time.

4. List of tools

In Black Desert, you cannot craft items using Blacksmithing, Woodworking, or Jewelcrafting without first preparing them. You will have to hire workers and upgrade your house to a workshop. Any home can be improved. A workshop is a place where your workers will make various items, depending on the type of room.

There are 4 types of workshops:

Woodworking, any items made of wood - furniture, wooden weapons, tools, etc.
Forge, any metal objects - armor, weapons, tools, etc.
Jewelry workshop, any jewelry and upgrade for weapons.
Trade shop, all items used in trade.

It should be noted that the character cannot create items in the workshop on his own. You can only select the desired item and entrust its production to a worker. Once the job is completed, you can pick up the item from storage.

The mechanics of crafting items in Black Desert are different from those found in other games. The character cannot produce items on his own and must hire workers.

Workshops can also be upgraded. Improvement increases the quality of produced items and expands the range.

Transport hubs provide communication between different locations. If you look at the map, you will notice that all major cities are connected by roads, and on each road there are several transport hubs. To activate a trade route, you must check in at all transport hubs located on the road that connects the two cities. Transport hubs are not just for trade. In order to send a worker to extract resources in a certain area, it is necessary to scout all the transport hubs on the way to this area.

To activate transport nodes, reputation points are required, which can be obtained during upgrades.

  • If you can't collect resources, check your interaction points and tool durability.
  • If workers do not want to go mining, check your bank (it may be full).
  • If you can't hire a new employee, add an extra bed to your home.
  • If you are looking for a specific tree, consider the climate in the location. Perhaps this tree grows where it is warmer (or colder).
  • Remember that employees are tied to the region. They only work near the city to which they are attached.

As you can see, the production system in Black Desert is quite original and does not boil down to mindless collection of resources. You can build your own sandbox and manage all processes yourself. Just like in a real factory, isn’t it? There are no MMORPGs with these mechanics anymore, which is why the production system from Black Desert is considered the best.

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