How different zodiac signs change. What is the most unfaithful zodiac sign? How an Aries man and woman experience betrayal


Belonging to one of the zodiac constellations affects all spheres of a person’s life, including love. It turns out that in accordance with a man’s Zodiac Sign, one can even predict the likelihood and reason for his betrayal.

Often, women who have experienced betrayal plunge into endless soul-searching, looking for the reason for their lover’s betrayal within themselves. But it is quite likely that this self-flagellation is unjustified: the stars simply decreed that a person is constantly overcome by a thirst for something new. To prevent unpleasant situations and find out what to expect from a relationship, learn about the reasons for male infidelity depending on your Zodiac Sign.


The impulsive Aries is very prone to love affairs. An easy-going attitude to life and a desire to conquer new heights can lead, in extreme cases, to cheating “out of sport,” and in the easiest case, to constant flirting with other women. At the same time, Aries is unlikely to admit his guilt: it’s just a “hunter’s instinct”, no love. A woman who is next to Aries just needs to be forced to conquer herself every day, not allowing Aries to relax. Then he will have neither time nor desire left for other ladies.


Of all the signs, Taurus is the least likely to cheat. Usually, from their youth, they strive to find “the one” in order to stay with her forever, give their love and lay all earthly blessings at her feet. Taurus create strong family unions, and their betrayal is a signal that something is dysfunctional in the family. In this case, you should think about whether you have done something that prompted an exemplary family man to seek support from an outside woman. And Taurus also perceive coldness from their beloved very painfully: give him more love, and he will never look at another.


Those born under the sign of Gemini are naturally endowed with an unstable character. In an alliance with them, you can achieve complete harmony and mutual understanding, and here, it would seem, it’s time to live peacefully and rejoice... But no - suddenly a man commits spontaneous and unconditional betrayal. And the reason is that from this harmony and understanding the Gemini man may become bored, and he will go in search of thrills. In addition, Gemini is a rather narcissistic sign, and in the process of flirting and winning a lady, he asserts himself and proves to himself his own irresistibility.


Up to a certain point, Cancers generally do not feel the desire to enter into a serious relationship, limiting themselves to short-term, non-binding romances. A woman entering into a relationship with Cancer should look at his behavior and think about whether she is just another passing hobby - in this case, the likelihood of betrayal is very high. After thirty, Cancers think about a family, but present a whole list of requirements for their future or current wife. Any violation of the requirement is fraught with a walk to the left, in which Cancer will blame the other half, but not himself.

a lion

Leos are incredibly charming, and therefore are always surrounded by female attention. However, they are very picky about relationships and strive for harmonious and sincere relationships. They rarely cheat, and the main reason for cheating is a blow to Leo’s pride. If a woman reproaches him for something, expresses dissatisfaction too sharply with some insignificant trifle, or insults him in the heat of anger, the suspicious Leo will go to restore his self-esteem to the one who will tell him how beautiful and underestimated he is. Therefore, during quarrels, be careful not to provoke the faithful, but touchy Leo.


A zodiac sign with a fairly stable character. Strives for complete mutual understanding and is happy when he and his loved one have common interests. She will never commit treason just like that: a Virgo’s betrayal can only be provoked by deception on the part of a loved one or an incomplete relationship. Therefore, Virgos need to express their dissatisfaction directly - hushing up the problem will create a tense atmosphere, from which Virgo will try to free itself in the arms of another woman. And you definitely need to strive for harmony in relationships, paying attention to both the physical and spiritual aspects.


Libras value stability and comfort very much. Men born under this sign usually choose feminine and calm girls who are ready to support the family hearth. If everything goes smoothly, betrayal is unlikely. But if a woman begins to show emotions too violently and demonstrate sudden mood swings, or, even worse, violates the stability Libra loves so much, the man will go to someone who is more balanced and patient. Most likely, he will return later with sincere repentance, but the fact remains: for Libra, comfort and tranquility are what love is.


Unbridled jealousy, rapid changes of emotions, uncertainty of desires - all this is very clearly manifested in Scorpios and makes their betrayal very likely, despite the fact that they experience a sincere feeling of love for their other half. Outwardly, everything in a relationship may be quite good, but the tendency to silent reflection and searching for a problem, characteristic of this sign, will encourage Scorpio to calm down his emotions on the side. Jealousy, to which you did not even give a reason, can also push him to cheat. The saddest thing is that practically nothing depends on the woman in these cases - it’s just Scorpio’s nature.


Sagittarians are idealists who constantly need a boost of emotions. They are able to easily break off a long relationship for the sake of a momentary infatuation - their amorousness is so strong. Each new woman at the moment of falling in love is perceived as an ideal, and when emotions subside, they switch to other representatives of the fair half of humanity. Therefore, you should not really trust the feelings of Sagittarius: they tend to give a woman real happiness and intense emotions, assure that this has never happened in their life - and then say the same thing to another. They will not cheat only on the woman whom they truly love, with all the shortcomings.


Capricorn men are distinguished by enviable constancy. They rarely start short-term romances, because they are aimed at creating a strong and harmonious union. Having found a suitable person, they give them all the feelings without reserve. Insufficient emotional return on the part of a woman, manifestations of mistrust and jealousy can push someone to cheat. Capricorns will try to solve these problems, but if this is to no avail, they will most likely end up breaking off the relationship or cheating. Therefore, a woman who is in a relationship with Capricorn needs to value his feelings and give him as much as she receives.


Aquarians cannot stand pressure from women. If the lady of his heart presents Aquarius with a list of demands every day, then he will go to the one with whom it will be easier for him. Among other things, Aquarians are very fond of originality and initiative. Therefore, an obsession with everyday issues, an overly serious attitude to life and an inability for spontaneous actions on the part of a woman can also push him to look for bright impressions on the side. Qualities such as the ability to appreciate every moment of life and see beauty in everything around you will be appreciated by Aquarius and will keep him from cheating.


A fairly faithful Zodiac Sign. He greatly values ​​the intellectual principle in a woman, which is why his feelings rarely flare up spontaneously: usually a man gets to know a woman for some time, and only then, if the chosen one suits him, does he begin to cultivate love in himself. It is important for Pisces to see a good interlocutor next to them, a wise friend with whom they can talk as equals. If there is no spiritual unity, and a man cannot realize with his companion what seems important to him, he may decide to cheat. Therefore, in a relationship with Pisces, the ability to listen, understand, and give wise advice is necessary.

Cheating is generally a terrible thing, but pleasant. Which zodiac signs forgive themselves more often?


In fact, we must remember that Aries are big Don Juans. Aries, when they have a new love, spend too much time on the computer behind closed doors.

Love adventures for Aries are an exciting sport. An Aries man values ​​sex more than anything else in life. The Aries woman is more attached to her partner, but only until she gets bored with him. Their constant desire to control everything and manage everything usually scares men away. When it comes to cheating, Aries men are more understanding than deceived Aries women who demand an immediate divorce.

Aries does not even allow the thought of betrayal while he is in love - the feeling takes over him completely, leaving no room for a new hobby. As long as he carries you in his arms, showers you with compliments and gifts, you can be sure of his fidelity.

You will learn about Aries's betrayal from him himself. The romantic Aries knows how to turn heads with beautiful words and romantic deeds. However, he must want it himself. Aries will not hide his feelings. As soon as he falls in love, you will notice it immediately by his gaze and gestures.


If your partner is Taurus, you can sleep peacefully. Adultery is not what they crave, they like stability, they are afraid of change, they prefer not to take risks.

Taurus - most often they are looking for a partner for life, but if betrayal occurs, they will be tormented by a feeling of guilt for a long time, they will reproach themselves for weakness.

They cherish their marriage sacredly and do everything to preserve it. Taurus people are only happy when they are loved in their own home. If this is not the case, they look for love on the side. Taurus cannot live without love, tenderness, and affection. Without this, they feel unhappy and lonely.

Taurus men take a long time to choose, afraid of making a mistake. A sure sign of Taurus's inconstancy can be his increasing gloom, isolation, and pessimism every day.

There is no place for accidents in his personal life. Even for cheating, Taurus weighs the pros and cons. Of course, no one is immune from a short-term loss of reason, but after betrayal, Taurus, as a rule, torments himself for a long time and tediously.


If a person appears who is able to satisfy Gemini's sexual fantasies, they forget about fidelity.

Gemini is a very frivolous zodiac sign. They are looking for love affairs because they are bored and thirsty for change. They really like the period of courtship in a relationship; they are ready to constantly experience this period. For Gemini women, the financial condition of their partner is very important; they are attracted to the rich more than to others.

Fickle Gemini is known to be the most unpredictable and frivolous sign of the zodiac.

His life resembles an eternal search for thrills. Gemini loves, perhaps, every woman in the world.

As a rule, the reason for betrayal can be the monotony of a relationship. In addition, men of this sign are in search of adventures, including sexual ones. So, if suddenly your loved one becomes too correct and deliberately serious, it means that the matter is dirty.


Cancer is a devoted and faithful zodiac sign. Cancers often turn a blind eye to their partner’s love affairs because they value material well-being and their peace of mind.
The Cancer husband, after going on a spree, fusses, hides his eyes, often gets angry and irritated, thereby betraying his thoughts. He immediately loses interest in his family and becomes intolerant of any comments addressed to him.

Betrayal is not easy for Cancer, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, a faithful lover and a reliable partner. He doubts and looks for excuses for himself, shares his worries with friends, looks for a way out that would suit all interested parties, and will willingly shift responsibility for what is happening onto the shoulders of others.

Conservative Cancer takes love relationships too seriously. He really values ​​his peace of mind and established way of life, which will not simply put them at risk. If betrayal took place, it means that Cancer has decided everything and this is a new relationship. If you love him, fight for him. Don't get annoyed or show him that you're afraid of losing him.

Treason of Leo.

Leos are very sensual and if someone provokes them, they rush to attack. Leos - more often than other signs, enjoy love on the side. Adultery is an exciting game for them, especially if they are not recognized and neglected at home. Leo men often violate marital fidelity. For Leo women, at first it is difficult to cross the line, but then cheating becomes a habit.

Leo demands from his wife worship and admiration for his intelligence and talents. And you, wives, must always remember this. As soon as Leo notices that you are tired of praising him, Leo will begin to look for fans on the side. In an instant he will change beyond recognition - he will begin to dress fashionably and expensively, and scent himself with the most expensive and glamorous colognes. Don’t get excited - calm down - give him an expensive gift, but in general give him a little freedom - let him frolic. Understand one thing - the illicit relationship of your Leo is an exciting game for them.

Leo does not know how to hide betrayal; he is unable to resist appearing with another lady of his heart at a social event. His “friends” will consider it their duty to report your husband Leo’s inconstancy. Treason for Leo is just a game of conquest, from which he must emerge victorious.


There is no reason to worry - people of this sign are faithful from birth. They love to analyze everything so much that the concepts of deception and betrayal do not fit into their minds. Virgos are very honest in the area of ​​feelings.

Seducing a Virgo is more difficult than representatives of other signs; they are very picky, prudent and less sexual. Love on the side only happens if there is not enough of it at home. At the same time, they are very careful, hiding and dodging to the last.

Provident Virgo. A partner born under this sign, as a rule, is not a supporter of seeking adventure on the side. Virgo takes a long time to decide on a relationship and tries not to commit herself to any obligations until the very end. However, having decided on a relationship, the Virgo man is extremely prudent and careful both when choosing a partner and in hiding relationships on the side. Since Virgo behaves like a real spy, identifying a traitor is not so easy. The fact of betrayal can be indicated by a direct statement that everything is over between you.

You will understand that your Virgo has gone on a spree by these signs - she suddenly has a passion for the feast, nervousness, grumpiness towards you, and poor digestion. Calmness - increase attention to your husband, his problems, live by them. Put your house in perfect order, don’t contradict your spouse, cook delicious food, and be his true friend. Your appearance, manners and speech should be impeccable.


Libras are big romantics. Libra - representatives of this sign are real traitors. For them, their partner’s infidelity is a reason for their own betrayal. They love to have fun, so they look for varied and interesting lovers. If Libra loses interest in them or is not satisfied with something, then they easily say goodbye to them.

Libra husbands are quite fickle, so be prepared for his frequent affairs. Signs that he has a girlfriend are that he is always in a hurry somewhere, always feels tired, begins to pay increased attention to the children, washes the dishes and is interested in your daily routine.

Libras look for a variety of lovers to have a good time.

Fluctuating Libras are cheaters by definition. Constantly hesitating, doubting, the Libra man lives quite happily, combining two moralities. It is difficult for one companion to satisfy his needs, and therefore he is endlessly looking for new sensations. By the way, it is almost impossible to catch him at the crime scene. Libra is still a cheater. He can only be exposed due to an incredibly unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. Sometimes, only due to increased anxiety, devoid of visible reasons, you can guess that there is a third wheel in your relationship.


Although Scorpios are very sensual, they still prefer a stable relationship with passionate adventures at night with their partner. But if Scorpio's sexual desires are not satisfied, he can allow himself to “go to the left.”
Scorpios are always open to love adventures, but they are not as promiscuous as is commonly believed. They love passionate courtship, the freshness of new meetings and know how to perfectly hide their infidelity. Scorpios are attracted by the danger that only a secret relationship can cause. If they find out about their partner’s love affairs, they will not rush to get a divorce, but will thank him in kind.
If your Scorpio suddenly loses interest in sex, you know you have a problem. This means he probably got it elsewhere.

Scorpios themselves take revenge for betrayal, but divorce only as a last resort. They love the hot excitement of courtship and the freshness of new connections, and they also know how to hide their adventures well. Their main trump card is their sexuality, which makes Scorpios attractive to other signs.

Scorpios are complex, and sometimes they themselves are unable to deal with their feelings. Scorpio, a traitor, becomes unusually cunning, but in the heat of emotional passions, he may well blurt out too much.

Scorpio is a passionate person and if you suddenly lost your sexual attractiveness for him, you urgently need to take urgent measures - buy beautiful underwear, watch an erotic film with him, but don’t say anything so that he knows that you also know about him treason.

TREASON of Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are faithful spouses as long as they love their significant other. They are tolerant of a spouse who has violated marital fidelity, behave reasonably and with restraint, and are ready to start all over again. If it comes to divorce, they honestly divide all acquired property in half.
As lovers, they are quite energetic, since sex for them is another adventure. In most cases, he doesn’t even think about cheating, and therefore doesn’t feel guilty or unfaithful.

The brave Sagittarius has always been and remains a romantic. Love for Sagittarius is sacred. If he loves you, be sure that he will completely surrender to this feeling. A Sagittarius who is truly in love will not betray or deceive.

Only a short-term outbreak can force Sagittarius to go in search of adventure. However, having realized that the adventure is not as exciting as he wanted, Sagittarius will be ashamed and disappointed, which will allow you to figure him out. Review the circle of people your Sagittarius admires - perhaps you can spot a potential danger.

Calmly - invite him to go on a trip, this will make him forget about his heartfelt affection. Do not limit the freedom of Sagittarius, do not be jealous over trifles.

CHANGE of Capricorn.

This person is not interested in wasting time, so he prefers to be faithful and not jeopardize the relationship. The very concept of infidelity simply does not fit in his head.
Capricorns are powerful, dominant personalities. They are often paid attention only because they occupy high positions or prestigious positions. If Capricorn's partner starts an affair on the side, he can well count on understanding and a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Money and career are more important for Capricorns than the fidelity of a spouse.
Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully. This also applies to romantic relationships. Capricorn will weigh the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret. A Capricorn traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.
Stubborn Capricorn is not prone to spontaneous betrayal. If he has already gone for it, rest assured that his decision has been thought out from all sides.

Capricorn men have an important feature - they are spiritually very faithful to their wives, the family is sacred to them, therefore their sensual hobbies are temporary and have no continuation. If Capricorn develops a heartfelt interest, then they become constantly thoughtful, absent-minded, and disdain for their favorite work appears.
To improve family relationships, be patient and persistent. Calmness - draw your husband’s attention to the fact that children require his participation in upbringing, make your home more attractive thanks to cleanliness and order, so that when he starts thinking about you and the homewrecker, the comparison would be in your favor.

TREASON of Aquarius.

Before betrayal, Aquarius will think a lot, so as not to risk his freedom. They can go out with an interesting person, but it will only be one night and without consequences.
The Aquarius man, with the help of love adventures, seeks to get away from his boring ordinary, uninteresting and monotonous life. When he finds out about his wife’s infidelity, he immediately becomes conservative and correct, his anger knows no bounds. An Aquarius woman, when she finds out about her husband’s betrayal, can forget about her pain and come to terms with what happened in order to save the marriage, or decide to get a divorce or start a stormy affair in order to take revenge on her husband.
Aquarius does not like to hide, and if forced to do so, he feels uncomfortable. Secret relationships do not give representatives of this sign much pleasure, because they have to make serious efforts to keep everyone in the dark.
Unfaithful Aquarius is full of doubts and thoughts. Endless hesitations and doubts in making decisions completely betray Aquarius’ betrayal.
Aquarius husbands are not distinguished by constancy, they are changeable like the wind, and are as unpredictable in business as in love. Despite this, they are not characterized by sexual concern; they cheat most often out of intellectual interest in their partner. He begins to lie and dodge, stops communicating with numerous friends, and constantly disappears somewhere.


One of the most reliable signs. They are the custodians of relationships and are very honest with their partner. You don't have to worry - Pisces are not interested in extramarital affairs.
Pisces - they like free love, but in the end they return home to a loved one. They are very emotional and amorous. With such character traits as isolation and secrecy, it is not difficult for them to find a lover. Having learned about the betrayal, they are very upset, but they can try to forget themselves in someone else’s arms. However, grievances, unfulfilled dreams and ambitions continue to haunt them.
No matter how Pisces flourishes in the stormy waters of free love, it will always return to its harbor. It’s just that Pisces fall in love very easily, following the lead of their emotionality.
This sign has a sensitive soul and responds emotionally to communication with a partner. Signs of a new attachment are irritability and anger towards you, frequent sarcastic remarks addressed to you, concern for your health, figure and addiction to alcoholic beverages.

Anyone who has ever been deceived knows how painful this betrayal is. And although no zodiac sign is super reliable in terms of betrayal, nevertheless, some astrological tips can give you information about the degree of tendency of different signs to go “to the left”, and how to prevent these trips.

1. Aries

If the energetic Aries is thinking about cheating, it is only because the fire has disappeared in the relationship. Aries are mobile, impulsive and active, and if you don’t keep up with them, they will easily move on without you. Aries also has a very vulnerable ego that requires attention, plus the need for physical impressions with a lot of explosive emotions and sensations.

2. Taurus

Taurus is a very loyal sign, so he will be tempted to cheat when he himself begins to suspect his partner of adultery. However, Taurus is a sign of heightened sensuality, and he can give in to temptation purely for the sake of pleasure. You can restrain and distract him by showing care (both physical and emotional): a lot of admiration, intimacy and delicious dishes.

3. Gemini

The restless Gemini needs intellectual stimulation, otherwise you will not find common ground with him. Hence, regularly entertain them with engaging conversations. If Geminis are inclined to go on a spree, it is more emotionally than physically - they can easily go on intimate dates online using chat rooms and sex sites, but they are unlikely to transfer such communication into real life.

4. Cancer

Sweet and homely Cancer is generally not prone to cheating, unless he is hypersensitive. If such weakness happens to him, it is only because of the lowest self-esteem, when they need a person who will admire Cancer and give him more confidence. So, if your Cancer is overly vulnerable and does not feel wanted and needed, then he may succumb to temptation and look for warmth and comfort elsewhere.

5. Leo

This sign of bright fire always wants drama and excitement, which is why Leos generally have such a powerful and somewhat scandalous sexual reputation. Surprise Leo regularly to rid him of all sorts of left-wing thoughts that perhaps things are better somewhere. If Leo does have an affair, then, most likely, it will be with someone significantly younger - this sign is constantly drawn to the energy of youth and hates getting old.

6. Virgo

Virgo is the very embodiment of seriousness. Yes, these people can sometimes be too hard on themselves, but overall they are the most grounded and loyal partner. However, if she suffers severe disappointment from the fact that you allegedly do not give her something or criticize her a lot, then she will go in search of something new. Let your Virgo know for sure that she will not be betrayed, and you are guaranteed the most faithful and loving partner.

7. Libra

This sign is balanced and fair, he takes obligations seriously, so he does not like deception and betrayal at all. Although charming Libras absolutely love to communicate and flirt, they risk unintentionally creating a sticky situation when the flirting goes too far. If you can become a true friend to your Libra, then you have nothing to fear.

8. Scorpio

Scorpio is a mysterious, passionate and incomprehensible person, and therefore is unfairly considered the most hypocritical and unfaithful character of the zodiac. This impression is definitely misleading. Yes, he is impulsive and closed, but not promiscuous and not prone to deception. Scorpio is capable of being incredibly loyal, although he is clearly dominated by strong physical desires and a constant need for emotional impressions. If you give it to him, he is yours forever.

9. Sagittarius

Fiery Sagittarius craves action and adventure - by the way, this also applies to the bedroom. He is constantly on the move and loves to collect fresh impressions, so it is very difficult to demand unconditional loyalty from him, although it is difficult to call him optional. If you support the adventurism of your Sagittarius and do not encroach on his freedom, then everything will be calm on the personal front.

10. Capricorn

Collected and balanced Capricorn is prone to constancy, since above all he values ​​discipline and control, which protect him from even the most powerful temptations. However, this sign in return strictly demands respect and admiration from its partners, and can easily leave if it does not receive it in the required amount. By the way, Capricorn is still decent: he would rather break off a relationship than begin to cheat on the sly.

11. Aquarius

The aloof intellectual Aquarius can hardly be called a romantic, but he also needs love, devotion and attention. On the other hand, Aquarians can periodically be so absorbed in their undertakings and brilliant ideas that they themselves begin to ignore their partners and soon turn into victims of their betrayals. Aquarius is an unpredictable sign, so it needs to be kept in a state of interest.

12. Pisces

Dreamy Pisces have a vivid imagination and prefer to entertain themselves with dreams and fantasies of eternal love. Pisces' painful desire to get this love magic can make them unhappy in the end, especially as soon as the relationship moves into the zone of complete comfort. Organize magical romantic moments for your Pisces, and then they will be absolutely sure that their destiny is only you.

How do zodiac signs change?

And let’s immediately make a reservation as usual. If you think that “But mine is not like that,” then photoshop his photo to the text, print it out, hang it at the headboard and sigh sweetly before going to bed, whispering into a cozy shoulder: “You’re not like that.”

He will sleepily answer: “Uh-huh, of course,” and starry grace will descend on your bed. And the rest - suffer!


Capricorns cheat innocently. Not in the sense of sighs and childish petting. And in the sense: “well, what about such and such?” And the eyes clap-clap innocently. Here's my wife, I love her, here's the chick, I want her. Everyone should be happy. Especially considering that Capricorns, as a rule, do not get burned. If you pin Capricorn against the wall with irrefutable evidence, Capricorn will not excuse himself. He will shrug his shoulders, look at you with the surprise of a surgeon who discovered Incan gold in the appendix, and say: “You know, I’d like to eat it.” And you will go to fry potatoes, torn between the memories of finding someone else’s panties in his pocket and the attitude “it’s not justified, therefore it’s not your fault.”


Aquarius cheats emotionally. So that splinters, drool and blood fly in all directions. Aquarius is very uncomfortable hiding, so he subconsciously wants everyone to know about everything, and this nightmare will somehow end by itself. In general, Aquarius is a terribly unhappy person. He is driven to cheat by a craving for diversity and a search for something unusual. But time after time it turns out that all women have the same thing in their panties. How Aquarians live to old age in a world that constantly stabs them in the back is completely incomprehensible.


Pisces cheat inventively. Directing his rich imagination to conceal his own horizontal exploits, Pisces is able to get away with it in any situation. That is, anyone at all. Let's say you come home and find a naked woman in your bed. Treason? How could you even think! This is my cousin, who came on foot from Nyagan, where her husband beat her, she was extremely cold, so she took off her icy wet clothes and was warming herself under the blanket. Is she still giving me oral sex right now? Shame on you! I just gave her antibiotic tablets, and we push them through, because her swallowing reflex is impaired due to stress. It looks wild only in printed form. And when Pisces says this, it sounds more than convincing.


Aries cheats cruelly. If you catch him, he won’t make excuses, that’s another thing. He will sit next to you, roll his eyes dreamily and say: “you’re a grown girl, you have to understand, you should have seen her tits...”. In response to your desperate babbling “what kind of boobs, what are you talking about, how can you, I have boobs too, by the way,” he will take the phone, find a photo of the right boobs, hold it out and say: well, look for yourself. And then he will gently take you by the hand, give you a boring lecture about polygamy in men and say that, by the way, you are also very dear to him.


Taurus rarely cheats, so it is considered the most reliable partner of all the zodiac signs. There is only one small (okay, big) problem - if a Taurus cheated, it means he fell in love for real. And if the other signs can still somehow separate - here I sleep, and here is my family, then Taurus must certainly marry the secretary, since he has dishonored her. And no amount of psycho-training on “how to save a family” will help. The chain won't help either - it will smash the wall and run away. Therefore, it is advisable to castrate Taurus the next morning after the registry office - they are excellent husbands even without primary sexual characteristics.


Geminis cheat like pigs. No, to go to Tahiti and sleep with a native woman and die of syphilis. Where exactly. Geminis choose sexual partners exclusively from their close social circle. So that you can sit at the New Year's table and understand - oh, I fucked everyone here, how funny. However, Gemini also has another aspect. If you are lucky, then your Gemini does not cheat on you at all - he has enough fantasies. That is, when you are sitting at the New Year's table, he is mentally fucking someone right now. Well, yes, “lucky” is always a very relative concept.


Cancer changes obviously. That is, you don’t even need to find explicit SMS messages in his phone. As soon as Cancer, sighing, begins to sing a ballad about the imperfection of the world, about how difficult it is to build relationships with the one you love, and how interesting it can be - just yesterday a person was a stranger to you, but today there is no one closer to you - all is lost. “No one is dearer” is not about you. In general, betrayal is not easy for Cancer and he is reluctant to do it. And if he does, then the problem is not that he has an itch somewhere, the problem is that he needs his One and Only (with a capital letter). And until this ten-legged crustacean touches all the women with its claws, it will not stop.

a lion

Leo cheats surprisingly rarely. What do you expect from Leo? That he would get himself three equal females, gather them into a pride and lie in the shade of the baobab tree until they brought him fresh wildebeest liver. But in reality, Leo doesn’t like to spend extra calories wiping away other people’s tears, so it’s enough for him to know that this one and that one are ready to give themselves up at any moment. Until they give up, Leo has no moral obligation to wipe away their snot. In general, if your Leo is lazy, then you will have to kill the antelopes yourself. So please.


Virgo cheats like Bond. James Bond. If you have an affair with a married Virgo, then your dates will turn into a city quest full of mysteries. You will quickly learn to respond to “Anton, mechanic, service station,” and they will put a cyanide capsule in your wisdom tooth in case your wife calls. But don't worry, she won't call: Bond knows his stuff. Virgo is resourceful, like Maslyakov, convincing, like a Stechkin automatic pistol, and careful, like a virologist working with a genetically modified sample of Ebola. The only chance to find out that Virgo is cheating on you is the phrase: “I love someone else, let’s get a divorce.”


Libra changes masterfully. They can live for years in two families, not really trying to hide, but they still don’t get scorched. Because they have the rare ability to arrange everything so that everyone is happy and doesn’t ask questions. In addition, Libra takes marital obligations very seriously, and they themselves rarely initiate divorce. After all, why do these gestures in government agencies, if everything is already very nice and convenient? Therefore, it is important to decide: do you need a faithful husband or a husband as such? If it’s the latter, then let him have fun, it won’t go anywhere anyway. If it gets too hot, you can beat him with a mop handle and take your soul away.


Scorpio doesn't cheat. No seriously. Of course, people who are a little familiar with zoology, by definition, do not expect anything good from Scorpio. And in vain. This cutest arthropod from the class of arachnids takes love and marriage very seriously. And changing your beloved is nonsense for Scorpio. But the fact that Scorpio, a dog (let’s forget about zoology, come on), is complex and can fall in love twelve times a year - this, you see, is a completely different story.


Sagittarius cheats recklessly. Sagittarians have a big sign on their butts, like trucks, that say “NO STOPING OR TURNING.” If the opportunity arises to get into adultery, then Sagittarius will certainly get into it, so much so that it splatters the walls, ceiling, neighbors and the central square of the city with biological fluids. It’s quite easy to find out about a Sagittarius’ betrayal, moreover, from mutual friends. And - sometimes - before the betrayal occurred. Because Sagittarius won’t be able to resist telling his friends exactly whom and in what position he’s going to get married next weekend. Roll it out, baby, roll it out.

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No matter how you feel about astrological forecasts and horoscopes, it is difficult to deny the fact that men born under different zodiac signs have completely different attitudes towards family values ​​and infidelity. And it’s not even a matter of neglect of the family, these people simply cannot do otherwise, and it turns out that their zodiac constellations are to blame. Therefore, in the horoscope of some, their perfect fidelity is clearly visible, while others are capable of constant betrayal.

Aries are inherently very trusting and quickly ignite with new feelings. Aries in love cares luxuriously, not seeing anyone else except his chosen one. However, as soon as the feelings fade a little, a new item of charm is not long in coming. At the same time, Aries does not understand at all what he did, because it was Mother Nature herself who created him polygamous. Aries is very pleased with himself, so he considers more and more new hobbies quite justified, because such a treasure cannot be hidden from society! In constant pursuit of the ideal Aries quickly loses interest in relationships, while a piece of feelings remains for all former lovers. They were all wonderful.

Perhaps we can call Taurus the most reliable partner. He is completely uninterested in affairs on the side; they are faithful to their companions. This is explained by the fact that Taurus approaches the choice of a life partner thoroughly, carefully studying not only the character and appearance, but also the girl’s past. Therefore, a large number of novels is not a matter of pride and boasting for them; for Taurus, this only means that he has not yet met his beloved. If you show him your favor and he acknowledges it, you can be sure of a happy relationship. Taurus are wonderful and reliable husbands! But there is still one unpleasant moment - despite its family nature, treason nevertheless, extremely rarely, but possible. If Taurus decides on her, this can only mean one thing: he has fallen in love. And according to the law of the Taurus genre, “if you fall in love, get married,” so Unfortunately, it’s no longer worth counting on saving the family.

Twins cheat mercilessly. Moreover, without particularly caring about secrecy and without trying to do it carefully. Moreover, Geminis cheat most often with ladies from their close circle, as a rule, their wife’s friends. It is difficult to resist the charm of a Gemini; they are chic seducers and are very proud of their multiple victories on the love front. It is very flattering for Geminis to realize that both this one and the one sitting next to them at the same festive table have already been in bed with them. There are extremely rare true exceptions, such as the Gemini dreamers. It is enough for them to cheat simply in their fantasies. Quite convenient - on the one hand, it doesn’t seem to change, but...

Cancers – pathological cheaters. They do this most likely not even consciously, simply being in a constant search for that very One. Talking about the imperfections of existence can alert the spouse; this means that Cancer is already tired of the current relationship and is looking for consolation on the side. In this case, you need to show all your feminine wisdom, understand what is being done wrong and have a long, intimate conversation. Cancer also suffers; betrayal is not easy for him, because he dreams of perfection. In his ideal image, he is a chic family man and a reliable partner. Therefore, the awareness of the pain caused to his companion does not give him peace, he himself suffers. Because of this, Cancer will look for all sorts of excuses for himself, the support of friends and, of course, the shortcomings of his wife. If at these moments Cancer makes a loud scandal, the relationship will no longer be able to be maintained, he will receive confirmation for himself of the imperfection of his family and leave. Being a Cancer wife means being always on guard. As soon as he starts ranting about the difficulties in relationships, about how it is not always possible to find mutual understanding with his soul mate, you can be wary: Cancer has someone. He suffers and mourns the collapse of his hopes for a perfect marriage.

As befits the king of beasts, Leo is reasonable and even somewhat lazy. He is a king, he can afford it! Here It is laziness that very rarely leads to cheating. Leo is used to being proud of his chosen one; the opinions of others about her and the family as a whole are very important to him. He appears in public with his lady with her head held high, flaunting all her assets. Therefore, cheating is not for him. Leo is proud and a little narcissistic; it is enough for him to know that there are those who are ready to give themselves to him; he is capable of real betrayal only in the case of really serious problems in the relationship. As for the relationship with Leo, some difficulties may arise here. After all, like every king, Leo does not tolerate shortcomings and is capable of unceremoniously pointing them out. He is sure that he has already made you happy only by his presence in your life, however, with the spontaneity he tends to, he is able to embellish his victories and virtues. If you manage to curb Leo, remember that you will always have to be on top in order to satisfy the demanding views of your companion.

Virgo famous for their consistency. In addition, they are very concerned about their reputation, so rarely cheat. If Virgo starts an affair on the side, he does it with the caution of James Bond. The deceived spouse may never find out about the betrayal; Virgo carefully thinks through and hides her adventures, using real spy tricks with secret names and passwords. In addition, the Virgo man values ​​his relationships and is able to risk them only if he believes that he has met the One. So she, perhaps, can betray the cheater, only in this case she will immediately have to say goodbye to the man. Virgo does not tolerate talkers and traitors. However, there is an accurate way to find out about adultery - this is the phrase: “I fell in love with another.” There is nothing more to add here.

Scales - virtuosos in matters of betrayal. They are able to live for years in two families, successfully hiding it from both. Such a Libra man miraculously makes both of his companions happy at once, so it’s difficult for them to suspect anything. Moreover, he doesn’t put much effort into hiding, it’s just paradoxically easy for him to please everyone without offending anyone. At the same time, Libra values ​​the bonds of marriage very much, so they will never agree to divorce. It is extremely rare for Libra to betray themselves with increased excitement or uncharacteristic behavior; rather, it will just be some kind of ridiculous coincidence of circumstances.

Usually Scorpios don't change, because they take love and marriage very seriously. Cheating can happen extremely rarely if he does not love his wife. Moreover, Scorpio often quickly reveals himself, because he begins to lie and get out a lot, and he himself is able to get entangled in his lies. In fact, Scorpios are lucky to have particularly jealous companions, so they are often suspected, albeit unfoundedly. If cheating happened and Scorpio admitted everything, it’s worth analyzing everything well. After all, since Scorpio chose you, it means that you mean a lot in his life and adultery most likely happened as a passing hobby, because Scorpios are characterized by frequent mood swings and rash actions.

This sign is characterized by excitement, in all areas of life. Same with cheating. Sagittarians are unusually loving and give in to temptation very easily. If even the slightest opportunity to change arises, Sagittarius will definitely take advantage of it. He, as an adventure lover, will consider this just another adventure. In this case, the betrayal will probably be quickly revealed, since passion will not allow Sagittarius to remain silent and he will undoubtedly share his plans with his companion’s mutual acquaintances long before their implementation. This flaw, talkativeness, often does a disservice to its owner. In fact, Sagittarius lives brightly and emotionally, perceiving life as a theatrical stage on which he plays the main role. Therefore, he tries to take everything from life, including the pretty girls he meets along the way.

Capricorns are characterized by a certain snobbery in relationships. They carefully choose a life partner, make plans, weigh the pros and cons. If an already busy Capricorn decides to cheat, he will also not change his habits will think and calculate everything. Capricorn will tell a new acquaintance about his extraordinary busyness, provide routes for walks and places for dates that are the safest for him. But this is only possible if Capricorn appreciates and loves his companion. Otherwise, he is not loyal and does not really hide it. Capricorn constantly makes stupid mistakes, deep down desperately hoping that they will remain secret, but in reality understanding where they are leading. Having been caught cheating, Capricorn will innocently shrug it off, not attaching any importance to it, sowing doubts in his wife about the reality of adultery. After all, if he is not justified, then he is not guilty.

The Aquarius companion should be prepared for all sorts of surprises. Representatives of this sign are independent and do not like it very much if their behavior is pointed out to them or they are given advice. Therefore, they do not trust the first person they meet, do not like to hide, and if they have to, then feel extremely uncomfortable as a cheater. This is explained by the great efforts that Aquarius has to make to maintain secrecy and the unexpectedly small reward for such work. That's why Aquarians rarely cheat. However, this sign is characterized by a craving for diversity, and a girl who is the complete opposite of her chosen one will not be able to leave him indifferent. It soon turns out that they are not so different, and the ever-hesitant Aquarius is again looking for a lady who is not like his wife. So deeply unhappy Aquarius is constantly looking for something new, which in fact is not so new.

Pisces are real inventors. So much so that they are able to get out of any situation. Yes they cheat, but at the same time they lie so masterfully that the companion is ready to believe in any nonsense, even the most unpredictable, if it comes from the lips of Pisces. It is difficult for this sign to resist temptation; they are very dreamy and are always looking for someone who is ready to share these dreams with them. Pisces are partly naive, they treat many things with humor, and therefore do not perceive adultery as a tragedy in a relationship. However, if Pisces is cheated on by his companion, you should not count on maintaining the relationship. Pisces does not tolerate betrayal towards themselves.

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