Why dream of changing windows in the house. The interpretation of the dream appears in dream books. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima


To correctly interpret the dream and find out what the window is about, you need to refer to the dream book. But first, you should carefully remember all the details and nuances of the dream, its plot, meaning and ending, as well as the emotional state of the dreamer in the dream. Such details are very important, because sometimes the slightest inaccuracy in the reproduction of a dream leads to its incorrect interpretation.

Why do you dream about a closed window?

A dream in which a closed window is visible is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of abandonment, “closedness” of the dreamer himself. Such a dream can warn that excessive care with one’s feelings and total distrust of all humanity can lead a person to loneliness. Also, this dream may signal that an unfavorable time is beginning, and some opportunities will be closed to the dreamer.

Why do you dream about an open window?

An open window in a dream symbolizes, according to the dream book, a person’s readiness for a new relationship or the next stage in life. Also, this dream can call the dreamer to take decisive action, showing that the opportunity to implement his plans is open.

Why do you dream about a broken window?

Such a dream may foretell a future period of failures and difficult relationships with loved ones. Broken glass in a window symbolizes the collapse of hopes and plans, and in the near future the dream book advises you to refrain from serious steps and plans, both in your personal life and in the work sphere. Also, a dream in which a window broke can symbolize (according to the dream book) about a person’s problems related to the intimate sphere and sexual relationships with a partner. A broken window in a dream can mean the destruction of stereotypes and a way out of the framework that was imposed by upbringing.

Breaking a window in a dream means, according to the dream book, that thoughtless and fleeting intimate relationships will not go unnoticed and someday they will remind of themselves, significantly complicating an established life. A bird (dove) hitting a window in a dream means that unexpected but rather pleasant news will come soon.

Why do you dream of knocking on a window?. This dream is interpreted by the dream book as upcoming trials in the dreamer’s life, on which his family life depends. Hearing a knock on a window in a dream symbolizes quick changes and chance acquaintances; if you wake up from a knock, it means drastic changes will be stunning.

Why dream of looking out the window

If in a dream you have to look out the window, it means, according to the dream book, in real life a person is surrounded by loving people, and peace and tranquility reigns in the house. The meaning of a dream in which you have to look into the window of someone else’s house (or apartment) depends on what the dreamer sees in those windows: good means success in business awaits, bad means future failures. Looking through a window and seeing some kind of action means, according to the dream book, changes in business.

A dream where you have to look through a window can be interpreted by the dream book according to what is opening in it. If the view from the window in a dream is a gray and dull picture, it means that no drastic changes are expected in the near future, everything will remain the same - the same daily routine. A beautiful view from a window in a dream symbolizes big and positive changes in the dreamer’s life, which may be associated with a change in place of work or place of residence.

Why do you have a dream where a bird flew into the window?

A dream in which birds fly out the window promises a quick meeting with your loved one. If a bird flies into the window in a dream, it means that the dreamer will soon hear important news; what nature of the news will depend on what kind of bird he dreams about. The dream book interprets a dove flying out the window as the approach of joyful and bright events, success in business and happy days in the family. For an unmarried girl, a dream in which a dove flew into a window could mean an early meeting with her betrothed.

A dream where a crow flew into the window, according to the dream book, means receiving sad news concerning the dreamer’s loved ones, relatives or friends. Also, if you dream that a bird flew into the window, such a dream can reflect the dreamer’s internal worries about his family and friends.

If in a dream a bird knocks on the window, which means that you will soon learn some important news or information that will become useful in the future. A dream in which a dove knocks on a window, according to the dream book, foretells good news, good news and joyful news.

The dream in which he sits pigeon on the window, means, according to the dream book, that the dreamer has several loyal friends who are able to give up what they’re doing, “fly in” and provide help. This dream can be interpreted as a meeting with an old friend or meeting a new potential friend.

Why dream of washing windows

This dream, as the dream book says, is a good sign and can be interpreted as the beginning of a new stage in life and the end of the problems and adversities that have plagued a person. Washing windows in a dream is considered a good sign for spouses who are in a long and serious quarrel. Reconciliation will soon take place, which will bring peace, harmony and tranquility to the family.

Washing windows in a dream, interpreted by the dream book how to rid a person of internal complexes and change ingrained opinions. Also, this dream can symbolize that new opportunities and great prospects are opening up for a person.

Why do you dream about falling and jumping from a window?

Why do you dream of falling out of a window?. Such a dream may mean that a person’s priorities are incorrect. Falling from a window in a dream symbolizes nervous tension, future stress and moral fatigue from the events experienced. If you dream that a person has fallen out of a window, it means that someone will appear in the dreamer’s life about whom he will be very worried and worried. According to the dream book, falling from a window yourself is interpreted as an impending danger or financial instability of the dreamer, which can lead to loss of property.

A dream in which one dreams falling from a window, according to the dream book, may suggest to the dreamer that he needs to mobilize all his strength to realize his dream. And you shouldn’t relax and become limp in such a difficult period, because there will be no result. If in a dream a child falls from a window, it means that in reality you are very worried about your child and not without reason. It is worth listening to the words that your child tells you, even if they seem impossible.

If in a dream someone else's child fell out of the window, according to the dream book, means that the dreamer subconsciously experiences a feeling of insecurity and self-doubt and is in dire need of support from family and friends.

Why do you dream of jumping out of a window?, the dream book will explain. A dream in which you have to jump from a window is interpreted differently and has several meanings. The most common interpretation is a person’s tendency to act recklessly, which can cause a large number of problems in the near future. Jumping out of a window in a dream can mean the dreamer’s struggle with stereotypes and family traditions.

If you dreamed that another person was jumping from a window, it means, according to the dream book, that the dreamer will have to take patronage over an unpleasant person or communicate with negative people on whom his future career depends. If in a dream you only think, but do not dare to jump from a window, it means that a favorable time will soon come and your sense of self-preservation will protect you from eloquent and negative statements towards people on whom your fate to some extent depends.

Why do you dream of going out through the window?. This dream suggests that to solve the current problem, you should use a non-standard approach to the situation. And the more creative and incredible the idea, the greater the likelihood of a successful solution to the case. Climbing out a window in a dream can symbolize a person’s struggle with prejudices and prejudices. Also, climbing out of the window is interpreted as avoiding debt and other financial obligations.

Natural phenomena outside the window

Warm summer rain outside the window in a dream, according to the dream book it is interpreted as an idyll and happiness in family relationships. A dream where you can see snow outside the window means in reality changes for the better, as well as feelings of peace and tranquility. A strong wind outside the window can be a harbinger of a hidden threat in the form of ill-wishers who will soon reveal themselves. A dream in which there is a heavy downpour outside the window is interpreted by the dream book as upcoming worries about one’s loved ones and relatives, as well as a person’s subconscious thirst for new knowledge.

raging Hurricane outside the window in a dream means that serious obstacles and problems will soon appear, which in the end will be solved with great difficulty. A storm outside the window is interpreted by the dream book as a threat to succumb to strong passion; for married women, such a dream can foreshadow a huge scandal with her husband due to suspicion of infidelity of one of the spouses.

The dream in which you have to watch the snowstorm through the window, portends young girls to take the first step towards a new stage of relationships, because the young man has adopted a wait-and-see attitude and the development of your relationship depends entirely on the girl. A tornado outside the window indicates the dreamer’s desire to succumb to passionate impulses or change his sexual partner.

If in a dream the wind blows through a window and opens it wide This means that new nuances and successful ideas will arise in resolving a controversial business issue. For married women, such a dream promises a new stage in family and intimate relationships; this new round will be like a breath of fresh air.

Windows house and interior

According to the dream book, installing new windows in your home means a person’s desire to change his marital status. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent reunion with their loved one in a legal marriage.

A dream where you can see a house without windows, symbolizes a hopeless situation that the dreamer will not be able to cope with on his own. Only the support of friends and the patience of loved ones will help solve the tangled tangle of intrigues and problems.

Room with windows is interpreted by the dream book as a sudden opportunity for a person to expand his horizons. This dream also means an upcoming exciting trip that can change many of the dreamer’s ingrained opinions and rules.

Why do you dream curtains on the windows. The dream book interprets such a dream depending on the condition of the curtains on the windows: if they are faded, greasy and dirty, it means shameful scenes and unpleasant quarrels on a very delicate topic. If the curtains are airy and beautiful - to secret love and innocent flirting, which will bring fleeting joy and quickly become a thing of the past. Hanging curtains on windows in a dream suggests a change in status (marriage, widowhood, divorce), or the appearance of a new sexual partner.

A large window in a dream is a symbol of great opportunities, as well as hidden personal potential. In order to reveal yourself to people, you just need to believe in yourself.

A dream in which you can see many windows, speaks of a broad soul and ease of perception of the dreamer’s life. Such qualities will help you soon find your soulmate or achieve a promotion.

Changing a window in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a hint in solving a difficult situation. Try to change your opinion about people, and also take a non-standard approach to solving problems that arise, otherwise you will not be able to cope with them.

Why do you dream clean windows. This dream symbolizes joy, happiness, radiant smiles and good mood. A person does well in all areas, family, personal (spiritual) and work. It is also a sign that shows that the dreamer is moving in the right direction, has the right goals and is following the right path.

If you see in a dream dirty window, which means a person should understand himself. Accumulated anger and other negativity cloud a person’s eyes, forcing him to look at others through the prism of negative experience and hatred. This approach to life will very soon destroy all your plans and become a huge obstacle to achieving your cherished goal.

Old window, with worn and cracked frames in a dream, according to the dream book, signals that you should take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps, by getting rid of several people who are actively trying to impose their opinions and their meaning in life, you will eventually acquire your own.

Inserting a window in a dream means, according to the dream book, changing your priorities and goals. Also, this dream can be read as the appearance in a person’s life of a person who can turn his worldview upside down.

In order to find out in more detail what you dream about paint windows in a dream, according to the dream book, you should pay attention to what paint they will be painted. White – hope and a bright future, black – insurmountable obstacles, red – unbridled passion and vices.

Other variations

A dream in which you saw a man in the window, is interpreted by the dream book as the appearance in the dreamer’s life of a person who can influence his future fate. Whether this influence is positive or negative depends on the emotional content of the dream.

If the girls dreamed man in the window, is interpreted by the dream book as a picky attitude towards them of a beloved young man. The chosen one finds fault with the girl’s appearance and behavior, making her feel ugly and developing her lack of self-confidence. This dream is a sign that advises you to get rid of such relationships.

If you dreamed about it in a dream light in the window, which means there is a way out of even the most difficult situation. For people who are mired in litigation, such a dream can mean a quick solution to a long-drawn-out issue.

You can find out the interpretation of the dream of a window, as well as why you dream of climbing through a window, using a dream book. This dream means that you need to engage in your spiritual development, and show all your ingenuity and perseverance to achieve your goal. A dream in which you have to climb through a window denotes the dreamer’s desire to learn something new, unknown (maybe forbidden). If a girl dreams that a man is climbing through the window, it means that she is ready for a serious relationship and the love of her life will soon appear on the horizon.

Why do we dream of windows in different dream books?

Why do you dream about a window in Miller’s dream book? This dream is a harbinger of the collapse of a person’s hopes and desires. All attempts made to stop the destruction will not lead to anything good, but will only lead you into a stupor and despondency. Closed windows are a symbol of neglect and abandonment. Seeing broken windows in a dream means tormented torment associated with suspicions of infidelity.

Sit on the windowsill according to Miller's dream book means that you will soon become a victim of your own reckless and thoughtless actions. Entering a home through a window in a dream means being caught in dishonest frauds. Running away through a window from someone means that you will become a victim of someone's dishonest machinations. Looking through the window while passing by means a collapse in your own enterprise, which threatens the loss of honor and respect even of those people for whom you tried.

Why do you dream about a window? according to Freud's dream book. Looking through a window in a dream indicates that in real time the dreamer is trying to isolate himself from his partner, preferring not to let him into his soul. Such a reaction may be dictated by the fear of being betrayed and abandoned. In order for the relationship between partners to develop harmoniously, you should begin to gradually open up to your partner, otherwise all efforts to create a family may be in vain.

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Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

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    My dilapidated house, I see it from the street, it’s not plastered, one frame is intact, but the other window is boarded up, and I’m trying to prove to someone that the house is made of reeds, but I see that it’s made of sticks or slats.

    My room has three new plastic windows, which I replaced two years ago. And I dreamed that one of the windows was the old one again, as if my mother had taken the new one and put the old one back, and in the dream I swore at her for this. And then I look and outside this window the nature is beautiful, trees, meadows, fields, streams and a road. And I really want to go outside the window. And I woke up.

    Why such a dream? It began to get dark, and suddenly there was a strong knock on the door, I opened it, and there was no one there, then I looked out the window, then I saw a lot of teenagers, it was getting dark and I couldn’t make out their faces, but they were calling me then I opened the plastic window and I stuck my head out to find out what was the matter, and they immediately attacked me with their fists, hitting me on the head so hard that I couldn’t say a word!! And then I woke up, just wondering why such a dream???

Looking out the window means calm, peace, a safe situation.

Getting out of it or falling out of it means failure from a frivolous undertaking, a quarrel.

Getting into it is careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered. The desire to return “to yourself”, to become the same, to forget something. A secret from the family, incestuous attraction.

Breaking a window means trouble.

Looking out of the dormer window is hope.

Seeing bars on the window means separation.

To install bars is to deprive yourself of joys out of fear of life. Avoid interesting ventures.

To climb into a dark room through a window is to experience a passionate desire.

If you break a window outside in a dark room, you will lose your innocence, and you will also have to remember this for some reason.

Inserting glass into a window means taking precautions.

Looking through the broken, cracked one, we must continue the fight, despite the failure.

Seeing an empty window frame is a mockery; your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

The wind throws the window open during the day - something new comes into life, but you don’t notice.

It opens at night - something new and important is clearly entering your life, but the consequences of this are still unclear.

The wind blows something away - something new will invade your life and confuse all your plans.

And he extinguishes the candle - news of death, thoughts of suicide.

The wind throws open the window, and you try in vain to close it - you feel fear of the world.

Seeing a bright window with tulle curtains means harmony of the outside world in your spiritual life.

Hanging them means embellishing your ideas about the world for the sake of peace of mind.

The curtains on the window are burning - some rapid turn of events.

Sealing the window for the winter, drawing a thick curtain - a premonition of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

The window in your room seems too big - to feel insecure, to be afraid of someone.

Too small - suffocation, heart attack, captivity.

There are pink glasses in the window - you are imposing on yourself someone else’s ideas about the world.

Green glass - something urgent and painful comes from outside into your soul.

With yellow glasses - irritation and envy prevent you from seeing things correctly.

With blue glasses - melancholy and sadness.

With red glasses - hatred and vindictiveness dangerously distort your ideas about the world.

Seeing stained glass in your windows means trying in vain to isolate yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully - unclear fears, some damage.

Opening is an expectation that seems hopeless.

To be near an open window in a room and be afraid that someone will break in is to experience fear of the future.

A thing, an animal or a flying bird thrown through your open window are messengers of the future, they speak about its character.

Someone climbs through the window - an important acquaintance for your future, dark forces awaken in you.

To watch for him and hit him is a sign of inner, hidden despair in relations with the world.

A woman climbs into a window - a new hobby.

Locking shutters in a dream is a futile precaution.

The window is in the cobwebs, in the cracks; Looking outside through the shutter means feeling spiritual stagnation due to a secluded lifestyle.

To be in a room without windows and doors means to look in vain for the way to people; you will have to grieve alone.

The window is the entire wall, behind it there is light and greenery - harmony of the external and internal world.

Behind it there is darkness and monsters - you live, turning your face exclusively to your inner world.

The view from the window, there is a snowstorm outside the window, to see a storm - the storms of life will pass by.

Heavy rain is something good and joyful.

Desert - taking an irreconcilable, uncompromising position in relation to the outside world, trying to subjugate it to your will and suffering from it.

Destruction, ruins outside the window - to destroy something in your relationships with people, to be left alone.

The sea is outside the window - you need to strictly control your actions.

If it is peaceful - great happiness, joy.

Seeing a big river outside the window means living away from the flow of life and yearning for the bustle and noise.

You can see the landscape open to the horizon from the window - its details symbolize your worldview.

Pitch darkness outside the window - an unknown future, an incomprehensible present, you are turned to the world of magic and dark forces.

The blank wall of another house outside the window - someone is influencing your destiny, trying to drive it into a certain framework.

The street outside the window - trouble hangs over you, seeing the world from the outside.

Garden, trees outside the window - living immersed in memories, perceiving the world through the eyes of another person, not having your own opinion.

Outside the window, to see a strange perspective of buildings directed directly at your window - to completely immerse yourself in the life of your body, to rob yourself spiritually.

To see demonic hari outside the window - your passions are blocking the world from you, you see only them.

Fixed faces - someone is watching you intently.

Teasing faces - someone wants to force you to act according to their will.

The unbearable light outside the window is an invasion of unknown forces into your life.

To see a window with an empty room outside means to experience a strong longing for another person.

With a room where people walk around - yearning for a person who doesn’t need you.

There is another room right outside the window - love and harmony will replace the entire outside world for you.

Seeing a staircase leading up from a window means hope for relief, deliverance, liberation.

In an apartment, having a window only between rooms means being locked in the world of your family and being burdened by this.

Outside the window, the road stretching beyond the horizon hangs in the air - one is burdened by oneself, striving to break away from everything familiar.

Outside the window there is a burning house - peace and happiness.

The skull looks out the window - to realize that in the outside world there are no people dear to you, to yearn for the deceased.

They knock on it, but it is not clear who it is - a warning of misfortune, an imperious demand to fulfill one’s duty, greetings from the afterlife.

Someone in the dark is knocking - an obligation that conscience does not allow to fulfill.

To look into a dark window from the street is in vain to try to understand someone else’s soul and someone else’s life.

Seeing your family sitting peacefully through the window is a premonition of separation.

If you are sitting there with them, leave it of your own free will.

Seeing someone else's family means yearning for peace and quiet.

To see scenes of love in the window is to feel the coldness of your soul and suffer from it.

Seeing a murder or a fight means discord within your “I”, misfortune in your environment.

Looking at an abandoned room through a window means feeling useless.

To see a dead person in her is to live automatically, without putting inner fire into your actions.

Seeing animals instead of people means you are tormented by passions and will be led astray from the right path.

Seeing unusually illuminated windows, a ball outside the window - all sorts of things are going on, something is being planned against you.

Seeing dinner being prepared outside the window - depending on the circumstances: something pleasant or evil is being prepared for you.

A ghost sticks out in a white window - you can’t recognize yourself, you can’t be surprised at your thoughts or actions.

People are frightening you from behind the window; you should be interested in someone else's life.

They throw a net at you from the window - fear of addiction.

A pot is being poured out or slop is being poured on you - you are about to experience kindness from someone else’s family.

A person falls out of a window on you - to suffer for someone else, to be guilty without guilt.

A pole sticks out of the window - if you quarrel, you will be refused the house.

The pig's snout sticks out - this is your home and your image, you have to reproach yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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What does the dream Window mean?

If you dream about windows, this promises a fatal end to the feelings that have flared up. Perhaps your chosen one will leave you or you will be separated from your loved one.

Closed windows dream of loneliness and infidelity. A dream in which you climb into a house through a window means that you will try to deceive your loved one. Sitting on a window in a dream foreshadows committing a stupid act, because of which you will lose the love of your chosen one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Seeing a Window in a dream

A window means your position in relation to the world around you. If the window is open, it means you are open and trusting. If the window is closed or curtained, you tend to be secretive and self-absorbed. If the window is dirty and cloudy, it means you are looking at the world “through dark glasses”: your anger or bad mood prevents you from seeing the world as it really is. If the glass is transparent and clean, it means that you look at the world and are aware of what is happening - circumstances and momentary moods cannot mislead you about what is happening.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Window

Symbolizes contact with the outside world.

Most often, such dreams indicate that some extraneous events can distract your attention or even throw you off balance.

Looking out of the window and observing some events or objects is a hint of circumstances that may hinder you or force you to switch to other things.

Bright light outside the windows in a dream: a sign of very bright events.

Darkness outside the windows: usually suggests that you are too withdrawn into yourself and your problems.

To see a gaze directed at you outside the windows: portends someone’s interference in your affairs, which could confuse your plans.

Looking into other people's windows yourself: a sign of disappointment. Perhaps you will find yourself drawn into other people's problems, or your plans will lead to a completely different result than the one you expected.

Climbing into someone else's window: means the opportunity to get involved in an unwanted story.

Climbing out through a window in a dream means that extraneous events can completely confuse you, putting you in an extremely difficult and dangerous situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Dream about a Window

The window is usually dreamed of as a harbinger of the end of brilliant hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected fruits.

Closed windows are an image of abandonment.

Broken windows foreshadow miserable suspicions of infidelity directed at you.

If you yourself broke a window in a dream, then in reality intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life. You will face a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve.

In a dream you were sitting on a window - you could become a victim of stupidity or recklessness.

Looking out the window - in reality, you often isolate yourself from your partner.

If something doesn't turn out the way you wanted, you withdraw into yourself. With this behavior you are causing irreparable harm to your relationship. Learn to divide all problems in half and solve them together - then there will be harmony in the relationship.

If you climbed into the house through a window, you will be caught cheating.

They ran through the window - as if trouble would happen.

If you looked into someone's window while passing by and saw strange things - you may fail and lose the respect of others.

D. Loff interpreted such dreams interestingly: “Windows often show us the world as it could be, but do not allow us to feel it. Windows can be tricky and mislead us. This can mean frustration, defensiveness or illusion.

In a dream about imprisonment, a window can symbolize a desired person or an environment in which you cannot currently find yourself. This is a common phenomenon in life.

If the environment outside the window looks hostile and you find yourself on the other side of the window to experience this, you discover that you have been deceived.

Sometimes you can see in windows something that isn't really there. Perhaps it's time to overcome your insecurities in your own skin, feel the rhythm of life, and not watch it pass by.

If the opposite is true, and the pastoral scene outside your window turns out to be a disturbing reality, then you may feel that life is deceptive and does not always deliver on its promises.

A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who engage in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from the bustle of the world. These kinds of windows can open up realities that you can potentially immerse yourself in.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a Window mean in a dream?

Window - If you dreamed of looking out of a window, this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner, become isolated if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted. In this way, you hope to keep your relationship intact. Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to this very relationship and your role in it, in particular.

You cannot bear the entire burden and take on all the responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep your relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together. Breaking a window in a dream means that in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life and you will be faced with a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve overnight.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What does a Window mean in a dream?

An open window means a gift or profit.

Falling out of it means a major quarrel; a closed window before a fight is a harbinger of boredom.

You look out the window - such a dream is calm, peace, a safe situation.

Climbing out or falling out of a window means failure from a frivolous undertaking, a quarrel, careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered.

Seeing bars on a window means separation.

Inserting glass into a window is a sign that you should take precautions.

Window frame - to ridicule you, your intimate life will become the subject of gossip and gossip.

The wind throws open the window during the day - you don’t notice the changes in life.

The curtains on the window are burning - to a rapid turn of events.

Sealing a window for the winter, closing it with a thick curtain is a harbinger of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

Standing at an open window in a room and being afraid that someone will break in means experiencing fear of the future.

A woman climbs into a window - to a new hobby (in both men's and women's dreams).

A window in a cobweb, looking through the cracks of the shutter onto the street - feeling mental loneliness due to a secluded lifestyle.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Meaning of sleep Window

Seeing windows in a dream is a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not live up to the hopes that you placed on him and will cause a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair in your soul.

Closed windows are a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him.

A broken window is a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason based on gossip.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Window in a dream?

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Window

If a person sees himself looking out of a window in a dream, it means that his call will be heard by his god.

Interpretation of dreams from the Egyptian dream book

Dream meaning Window

A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise that is important to you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

See a Window in a dream

Seeing windows in a dream is a harbinger of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise collapse, leading you to despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

Seeing closed windows is an image of abandonment. If they are broken. You will be haunted by miserable suspicions of infidelity.

Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness. Entering a house through a window means that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal.

Running through a window means that you will get into trouble, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.

Looking out the window while passing by and seeing strange things foretells that you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream Prediction Window

A look at the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal). Climbing through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Climbing out, getting out of a window is a problem, a way out of a difficult situation. An open soul is open to the world and other people; regret. Break a window and get out to fulfill forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse. Looking out the window, life prospects and plans, upcoming events, it matters what the landscape is like.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Seeing a Window in a dream

Open to see is a sign of the bad state of family affairs.

A closed window to see means a good state of affairs.

Climbing out the window portends bankruptcy.

Falling out of a window portends an unprofitable lawsuit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless Dream Book

What does the dream Window mean?

Window: one of the channels connecting the crown with the higher planes. You saw at this level what was happening.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Yogis

Seeing a Window in a dream

A look out the window from inside the house reflects a view of the world, an outlook, and a search for opportunities.

Looking out the window of a house from the street side shows a desire to get to know someone or something better.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean? Window

A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities.

Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another.

A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle.

A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Dream about a Window

Window - in the subconscious, a window is associated with a way out of a situation, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; window with broken glass, a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

What does a Window mean in a dream?

A dream in which you look out the window speaks of an attempt to isolate yourself from your partner.

You believe that the relationship will last longer if, if sex fails, you do not discuss anything with your partner.

However, such an opinion is wrong.

The fact is that omissions can cause irreparable harm to a relationship.

You take full responsibility, however, if something does not go well in your intimate life, both partners are to blame. Solve problems not separately, but together.

A dream in which you break a window symbolizes problems in your personal life that will affect parties not related to intimate relationships.

It will be very difficult for you to cope with troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

The meaning of dreams Window

If you dream that you are walking along an evening street and looking at the windows of houses lighting up, the dream promises the fulfillment of your hopes.

If at the same time any window opens, you will have a brilliant opportunity to realize your wildest dream.

If you see your own window outside the house, it shines clean and there is light in it, this means peace and prosperity in the family.

If the window is dirty and the light in it has gone out, scandals or illness of a relative are possible.

If you dreamed that you were looking out the window, you will witness some important event.

Which one exactly depends on what you saw there (see additional symbols).

Opening a window in a dream means you will get what you have been waiting for. Imagine that you open the window and let fresh air into the room.

Sealing your windows for the winter - your efforts today will serve you well in the future.

Breaking a window means complicating your relationship with your loved one.

If you dreamed that you broke a window, imagine that you invite a glazier and he inserts new glass.

Changing windows means favorable changes. Imagine that you are washing a window and turning on the light.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does a Window mean in a dream?

Closed - courage will lead you to your goal; climbing through an open window is an untimely undertaking; look out - get news; roof window - well-being

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of sleep Window

Seeing windows in a dream means experiencing a disappointment or waiting in vain for something.

Opening a window means success.

An open window means a wonderful new acquaintance, friendship or love.

To break a window and go outside - to fulfill your desires; to climb into a house through a window - do not disdain to use illicit means in business and relationships.

Running through the window means getting into trouble.

An open window can also mean that you will get to where you dreamed of going.

Closed - the request will remain unanswered.

Closed, dirty windows, broken glass are a sign of abandonment, sadness, disappointment and remorse.

Windows closed with shutters or boarded up are a symbol of lonely old age or death.

Sitting on the window means becoming a victim of frivolity and stupidity.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the Window predict in a dream?

Windows in a dream symbolize obstacles in business, sometimes the collapse of plans.

Breaking out a window and going outside in a dream is a very favorable dream that promises you the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

A dream in which you saw windows burning and falling out predicts: expect the death of a relative.

If you dream of a house without windows, then failure or misfortune awaits you.

Many windows in a dream are a sign of troubles and mistakes that you will bitterly regret.

Standing by the window, looking out of the window onto the street in a dream is a sign of expectation.

If you dream that you are standing with your back to the window, then you will be surprised by the news.

An open window in your dream means disappointment awaits you.

A closed window in a dream means futile expectations. Sometimes such a dream foretells that danger will pass you safely.

Climbing through a window in a dream is a harbinger of quarrels or fights, and jumping out of a window is an indication that you should take care of your health, as you are at risk of a long-term illness.

Looking into someone else's window in a dream and being surprised by what you see means that the goal you were striving for will not justify the means, and also promises you experiences, losses and risks to which you have exposed your reputation and health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does the dream Window predict?

Window - Many windows from the inside - the world of the soul and its high spaces. Obstructed ones are hidden spiritual secrets; one must make an effort to reveal them. Wide open is an invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the world above. The view from the window is what happens in a subtle way. Looking out the window while outside means looking into the depths of consciousness, you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche. Windows are round, oval, semi-oval - you have a “channel” of clairaudience. We need to use it. Climbing through a window means showing self-will and excessive persistence in spiritual knowledge. Breaking a window means breaking through the line between the subtle and dense worlds, breaking out into the vastness of the soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream meaning Window

If you were watching something from the window: in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life is becoming more and more gray and uninteresting.

It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in yourself and learn to appreciate yourself.

If you neglect this advice, those around you, noticing your “spinelessness” and desire to “go into the shadows,” will begin to use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble, purposes.

As you understand, it will be difficult for you in this case.

If you washed a window: it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing.

Probably, the dream warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends; perhaps your Judas will be among them.

Jumping out the window: someone else’s point of view is completely unimportant to you; the only thing that matters is what you yourself think.

On the one hand, such an attitude towards yourself and towards life in general is very good, but on the other hand, aren’t you afraid of falling from the high pedestal you’ve erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really get hurt, which will happen sooner or later.

Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, strange as it may seem to you, are not always wrong.

Trying to open a window for fresh air: you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you.

Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes it is as if evil fate is interfering in your affairs; so many unexpected troubles happen to you.

Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician.

Then you can give your soul “first aid” by reading any conspiracy against the evil eye and damage.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a Window in a dream

In the human subconscious, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol. A popular belief says that a bird hitting a window brings with it the death of the owner of the house.

In the old days, when children had toothache, their parents warned them: “Don’t spit out the window - your teeth will hurt.”

A dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes change and the beginning of a new life period.

If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.

To dream of a bird knocking on the window is a sign of unexpected news.

Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window means unexpected financial expenses due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As they say: “You will stand under my window.”

A window with broken glass symbolizes spiritual anguish, illness and disappointment.

Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle on your way.

A dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity.

Seeing a silhouette in a window means that something mysterious or enigmatic will happen to you in real life.

If you are trying to climb into a house through a window, in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree.

Talking to a loved one through a window in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.

A dream in which you open a window in a window means hope for better times.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book
Inserting glass into a broken window means you will try to protect yourself from something.

Looking through cracked glass - you will fight, defend your interests, despite failures.

Seeing an empty window frame means that some ridiculous rumors may be spreading about you behind your back.

View from the window: there is a blizzard or storm outside the window - troubles will pass by.

Destruction, ruins outside the window - a quarrel with loved ones and temporary loneliness.

There is a big river outside the window - you are standing apart from your friends and cannot overcome yourself.

It’s night outside - you’re afraid to make a decision.

A garden outside your window - for some reason you are very dependent on other people’s opinions.

Outside the window there is a staircase up - hope.

Looking from a window into the window of someone else's house and seeing a room filled with people means yearning for a person who does not notice you.

Seeing the road going beyond the horizon means striving for a different life.

Looking out the window from the street and seeing a fun party there is vanity, empty troubles.

Seeing a fight is a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.

Seeing your relatives means you are going to leave somewhere, separation.

Looking into a dark, unlit window is a vain effort to understand someone else's soul.

As for the “alien soul,” it has long been known that it is “darkness.” But about windows - you know so much about them; Then tell me, please, what kind of window is this that was “cut through to Europe”?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

Meaning of sleep Window

A symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible.

The desire to escape from the situation.

Waiting for change and cleansing.

Getting out from under the bed means your spouse is cheating. From under the table - to the birth of a relative, from under something else - to surprise.

Dreaming of “Getting out” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Climb out of a hole, ravine, basement, etc. - fall into a debt trap.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Window?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If someone tries to impress you without making much effort, is that person showing off? Perhaps there is an indecisive person in your circle who is superior to you only because he knows how to look at things from all sides. To see things...

What does the dream of a Window mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A look at the world or another person, situation. Expectation. Condition of the sleeping person's eyes. Premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal). Climbing through a window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Climbing out, getting out of a window is a disaster, a way out...

The meaning of a dream about a Window

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A look at the world or another person, situation. Expectation. Condition of the sleeping person's eyes. Premonition, intuition, depending on which side you look at, external or internal. Climbing through a window means excessive curiosity, knowledge of something possibly prohibited, or self-knowledge. Climbing out, getting out of a window is a disaster, a way out...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Window?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A look at the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal). Climbing through a window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Climbing out, getting out of a window is a disaster, a way out...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Window?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Looking out the window in a dream means peace, peace. Climbing out of a window or falling out of it is some kind of frivolous idea. Climbing through a window is a desire to get into other people's affairs, which can cause you a lot of trouble. Break the glass in the window frame -...

I have a dream about a Window

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see an open window is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; a closed window. Seeing is a good state of affairs. Climbing out the window means bankruptcy. Falling into it means an unprofitable lawsuit.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Swamp?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a swamp in a dream is a sign of poverty and upcoming workdays. Getting stuck in a swamp means that you will become a victim of deception. A dream in which you wandered into a swamp symbolizes damage and confusion in your business affairs. Getting stuck in a swamp for a man...

Dream Interpretation: Why Nora dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you climbed into a hole, this indicates that you are creating problems for yourself and complicating life. Life without problems seems boring and insipid to you, and complications, in your opinion, stimulate and do not allow you to wither away. All this would be good...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Window?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes contact with the outside world. Most often, such dreams indicate that some extraneous events can distract your attention or even throw you off balance. Looking out of the window and observing some events or objects is a hint of circumstances...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Transport, land or water

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a cart means obstacles in business. A cart coming towards you means finishing the job safely / something good. Loaded with something - a surprise. She got stuck - illness. Fell down - danger to the life of an acquaintance or friend. To pull it is of little benefit from the work. IN …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Abyss?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Standing before an abyss, an abyss, threatens misfortune, harm from frivolity, melancholy, fear of life. Falling into it is an accident. Slowly float above it - to be surrounded by illusions that give happiness in any circumstances. Hanging on the edge and trying to hold on -...

A broken window in a dream foreshadows a difficult period in personal relationships. You will experience mistrust and misunderstanding when communicating with family members and friends.

Make an effort to improve your relationships with others. Make concessions more often and discuss situations in which you cannot come to a mutual decision.

Open window

A plot in which there was an open window means that you are open to a new stage in life.

Be prepared to take decisive action - this will allow you not to miss the opportunity to realize your goals.

Wash the windows

Washing windows in a dream is a favorable sign. Your problems and adversities will end. You will make peace with a loved one after a quarrel, all grievances and misunderstandings will remain in the past.

Look out the window

If in a dream you looked out the window, this is a favorable sign. Family well-being, home comfort, understanding and harmony in communication with family members await you.

Close the window

A dream in which you closed a window indicates missed opportunities. You will regret that you were unable to achieve your goals and implement long-standing ideas.

Insert windows

The plot in which you inserted a window means that your life priorities and goals will change. You will have new plans and goals that will inspire you to take bold decisions and steps.

Knocking on the window

A knock on the window, according to the dream book, means unforeseen changes in life and new acquaintances. You will not be ready for the upcoming events, but they will fill your life with bright colors.

Window according to Miller's dream book

Seeing windows in a dream is a harbinger of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise fail, leaving you in despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

Seeing closed windows is an image of abandonment.

If they are broken, you will be haunted by miserable suspicions of infidelity.

Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness.

Entering a house through a window means that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal.

Running through a window means that you will find yourself in trouble, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.

Looking out the window while passing by and seeing strange things foretells that you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

Window according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were looking out the window, this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner, become isolated if something did not turn out the way you wanted. In this way, you hope to keep your relationship intact. Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to this very relationship and your role in it, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and take on all the responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep your relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.

Breaking a window in a dream means that in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life and you will be faced with a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve overnight.

Window according to Hasse's dream book

The window is closed - courage will lead you to your goal; climbing through an open window is an untimely undertaking; look out - get news; window on the roof - well-being.

Window according to the Family Dream Book

A window is usually dreamed of as a harbinger of the end of brilliant hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected fruits.

Closed windows are an image of abandonment.

Broken windows foreshadow pathetic suspicions of infidelity directed at you.

If in a dream you were sitting on a window, you may become a victim of stupidity or recklessness.

If you climbed into the house through a window, you will be caught cheating.

They fled through the window - as if trouble would happen.

If you looked into someone's window while passing by and saw strange things - you may fail and lose the respect of others.

Window according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A window in a dream symbolizes contact with the outside world. Most often, such dreams indicate that some extraneous events can distract your attention or even throw you off balance. Looking out of a window in a dream and observing some events or objects is a hint of circumstances that may hinder you or force you to switch to other things.

Bright light outside the windows in a dream is a sign of very bright events.

The darkness outside the windows usually suggests that you are too withdrawn into yourself and your problems.

Seeing a gaze directed at you outside the windows portends someone’s interference in your affairs, which could confuse your plans.

Looking into other people's windows yourself is a sign of disappointment. Perhaps you will find yourself drawn into other people's problems, or your plans will lead to a completely different result than the one you expected.

Climbing into someone else's window means the possibility of getting involved in an unwanted story.

Climbing out through a window in a dream means that extraneous events can completely confuse you, putting you in an extremely difficult and dangerous situation.

Window according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Opening a window means a surge of new strength.

Looking out the window means waiting for important news; peeking out the window means possessing someone else's secret.

A knock on the window is a possible surgical disease.

Window according to the Spring Dream Book

Looking out the window - towards the guests.

A window hammered crosswise means death.

Window according to the Summer Dream Book

Seeing a lighted window in a dream means hope.

Looking out the window - waiting for the children to return from school.

Window according to the Autumn Dream Book

Seeing a window open in an apartment means the openness of your soul.

Looking out the window means the return of your loved one.

Window according to the dream book from A to Z

Seeing closed windows in a dream means you will achieve your goal in a roundabout way and not always by honest means. Open windows mean that you will soon receive an invitation to a house where you have long wanted to go. An open window in a window portends an unexpected danger that cannot be avoided.

Getting into a room through a window means a sad outcome of your business activity, when expenses significantly exceed income.

Entering the house or leaving through an unlocked window - gather your courage and start all over again.

If in a dream you wash windows, it means that you will make a mistake by refusing a lucrative offer, which at first seems unpromising to you. Sitting on the windowsill with your legs dangling outside means in reality you will act stupidly and recklessly, trying to look independent and independent.

Leaning out of the window portends receiving long-awaited news. Falling out of a window means you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

A dream in which you are fleeing through a window - in reality you will be caught in illegal actions to achieve a goal that seems quite decent at first glance.

Dark windows mean that you will get into trouble and will not receive the support promised if the risky undertaking you decide to undertake for the money you need so much fails.

Light in the windows is a sign of hope for a better future that is just around the corner. Windows closed with shutters - you will be suspected of infidelity.

Boarded up windows of an abandoned house mean an interrupted romance and separation due to circumstances beyond your control.

Looking into other people's windows in a dream means they will no longer trust you, because you will compromise yourself with a dishonest act.

A dormer window in the attic means the successful completion of an unsuccessful business.

Window from the basement - you will experience hardship.

Seeing curtains on the windows in a dream foreshadows an unexpected visit that will cause you a lot of anxiety; curtains are a nuisance from people to whom you have done a good deed.

A broken window is a threat that can be carried out quite quickly and in the worst case scenario.

Inserting new glass into windows means bright changes in life.

Making window putty means annoying surprises.

Window according to the dream book of Simon Canaanite

Window - Melancholy, boredom - closed - the road will lead you to your goal - climb through an open window - untimely undertaking - look out the window - get news - window on the roof - well-being

Window according to the Esoteric Dream Book

There are many windows - from the inside the world of the soul and its high spaces.

Obstructed ones are hidden spiritual secrets; one must make an effort to reveal them. A wide open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the “high” world.

The view from the window is what is happening in a subtle way.

Looking out the window, being outside, looking into the depths of consciousness - you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche.

Windows are round, oval, semi-oval - you have a “channel” of clairaudience. We need to use it.

Climbing through a window means showing self-will and excessive persistence in spiritual knowledge.

Breaking a window means breaking through the line between the subtle and dense worlds, breaking out into the vastness of the soul.

Window according to the dream book of a modern woman

A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise that is important to you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment.

If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.

Sitting on a window in a dream means in reality becoming a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness.

Window according to Azar's dream book

Window - to news from afar.

Closed window - you will achieve your goal thanks to courage and bravery.

Window according to the dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Window - waiting; wide open - regret; knock it out and go outside - the fulfillment of desires.

Window according to the Modern Dream Book

Dreaming about windows is an unfavorable omen. It foretells the collapse of cherished hopes, and your innermost desires will be replaced by despair. Fruitless aspirations will become your lot.

Seeing closed windows in a dream is a symbol of abandonment.

If the windows are broken, you will suffer from low suspicions of infidelity with which those you love will haunt you.

Sitting on a window foretells that you will become a victim of your envy and reckless behavior.

Entering a house through a window is a harbinger that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve goals that seem noble to you.

Running away through a window means that you will get into trouble, which will mercilessly drive you into a corner.

If you dream that while passing by windows you look in and see strange figures, in reality you will fail in your chosen profession and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

Looking into the windows of someone else's apartment and seeing absolutely incredible things there foretells that you will fail in some business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

Window according to the Eastern Dream Book

Closed windows in your house - dream of turmoil in the soul and attacks of self-criticism; opening the window from the room to the street means a quick meeting of unexpected but pleasant guests.

Window according to Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

open - melancholy; closed - boredom.

Window according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Looking out the window means calm, peace, a safe situation.

Breaking a window means trouble.

Seeing bars on the window means separation.

When inserting glass into a window, take precautions.

Looking through the broken, cracked one, we must continue the fight, despite the failure.

Seeing an empty window frame means ridicule / your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

Seeing stained glass in your windows means trying in vain to isolate yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully - unclear concerns / some damage.

Opening is an expectation that seems hopeless.

Window according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Window - You will achieve your goal. Imagine opening a window and letting fresh air into the room.

The window is a symbol of the feminine, like most parts of the house. For a man it can also mean a desire to win.

Window according to Vrublevskaya’s dream book

Window - a look out the window from inside the house reflects a view of the world, an outlook, and a search for opportunities. Looking out the window of a house from the street side shows a desire to get to know someone or something better.

Window according to the yogi's dream book

The window is one of the channels connecting the crown with the higher planes. You saw at this level what was happening.

Window according to the Folklore Dream Book

A bird knocking or beating on a window means big trouble.

Window according to the Modern Dream Book

Open window - Boredom; closed - boredom

Window according to the British dream book

Window - Windows allow light into a room. They also allow us to look outside and people on the street to see inside. Why dream: Windows can indicate vision, looking out or in, trying to become invisible. They can mean importunity or the habit of spying on others. See also Eyes, ; Vision, ; Curtains, curtains, blinds

Window according to Artemidor's dream book

You dreamed of a Window - For a woman - A dream on Monday night means that a pleasant and useful acquaintance awaits you; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will learn good news; dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday - it means receiving a gift or money. For a man, a dream on Monday night means that you will learn a lot of news from a not very reliable source; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the dream warns that you are showing excessive distrust; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, he says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision. Close the window. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that you will refuse to do something you don’t like; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will not pay attention to a timely warning about the danger that threatens you; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - he will mistakenly refuse a lucrative offer. For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you showed reasonable caution; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that someone is watching your actions; Seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream advises you to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days. Looking into other people's windows. For a woman - a dream on Monday night means that you will learn other people's secrets; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it warns that you will have to go to a place you have never been to; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream says that you are about to take on a difficult task without sufficient preparation. For a man - a dream on Monday night means trouble for your good friends; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the dream means that you will have to turn to someone for help; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - a dream means that you accidentally learn things that will bring you nothing but anxiety. See something unusual in the window. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that you will witness an inexplicable phenomenon; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, foreshadows an acquaintance with an unusual person; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night predicts imminent changes. For a man, a dream on Monday night means that you will witness a strange incident; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you are overtired and need rest; Seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream advises you to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days. Throw a stone at the window For a boy - trying to free himself from the control of his parents, teachers or someone else. For an adult man - to decide on a risky business. For a girl - to experience resentment and humiliation. For an adult woman - trying to find protection and support.

Window according to A. Mindelle’s dream book

You dreamed of a Window - you see a window in a dream - you can be sure after such a dream: your hopes will never come true. You dream of a closed window - any business that you start, you will be able to finish barely halfway and then abandon it - either you will grow cold, or circumstances will force you to do so; your normal state is boredom. You dream of an open window - you will feel regret. You see a broken window - you will actually be tormented by jealousy. It’s as if you’re sitting in the window with your legs dangling from the windowsill - you’ve never looked so much like a clown as you will look like in the near future; you will either commit stupidity yourself, or others will commit it, but in any case you will be the victim of stupidity; someone, through thoughtlessness, will put you in an ambiguous position. It’s as if you are climbing into the house through a window - you will be caught in something unworthy or caught in some dishonest action; The best way out for you is to give up everything and be alone for a little while. It’s as if you are escaping through a window - some kind of misfortune will happen to you - it will directly relate to the business you are busy with.

Window on the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What does a Window mean in a dream? Windows provide different ways to see the world we live in and how we perceive reality. Looking out of the window means that we think of ourselves as extroverts and try to pay attention exclusively to external circumstances. Looking out the window at what's inside means we're looking inward at our own personality and perhaps the motivation behind our actions. The interpretation of opening a window depends on whether we do it from the inside or. outside. In the first case, we are dealing with our inner feelings, which may need to be avoided. In the second, with a reaction to outside opinions. Breaking through a window (through a glass door) means the first sexual experience. Stained glass window glass, due to its association with churches, as well as stained window glass, can be taken as a religious belief (see also Colors).

Window according to the dream book of the witch Medea

Window - A look from the window of a house - a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you.

Window according to the Russian dream book

What do Windows mean in a dream - the size of the windows shows the breadth of your horizons and openness to the outside world (if the windows are open).

Window according to E. Erikson's dream book

What does a Window mean in a dream - waiting for a decision, an open window - news from afar. Opening the window means taking advantage of numerous opportunities. Climbing through a window is an amazing act, unexpected for everyone. An open window in the window means trust in a person who does not know how to keep secrets. Seeing a silhouette in a window from the street is a future acquaintance. Talking through a window is a rare communication with other people. Closing the window means being careful while achieving your goal. Looking out the window - getting news. Roof window - future prosperity.

Window according to the Women's Dream Book

Window - A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise that is important to you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.

Sitting on a window in a dream means in reality becoming a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness.

Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal.

Running through the window is a sign of impending disaster, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.

Looking out the window while passing someone's house and seeing strange things there is a sign of failure in something important to you, of losing the respect of others, for which you risked your health and well-being.

Window according to a housewife's dream book

Window - a view of life. Looking out of the window is an attempt to find a solution to the problem; climbing out of the window - a desire to avoid difficult experiences; looking out the window - self-esteem or assessment of others; climbing out the window - internal feelings; open the window - show your feelings; lack of windows - reluctance to see what is happening around; self-focus; entering the house through a window is an unconventional solution to the problem; to get into someone's soul; entrance to other worlds; closed windows - do not let anyone into your inner world; feeling of abandonment; sit on the window - go with the flow; uncertainty; the situation outside the window looks hostile - the confidence that life will deceive you and your desires will not come true.

Window according to Dashka's dream book

in the subconscious, a window is associated with a way out of a situation, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; window with broken glass, a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment.

Window according to Cleopatra's dream book

In the human subconscious, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol.

A dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes change and the beginning of a new life period.

If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.

Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window means unexpected financial expenses due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin.

Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle on your way.

A dream in which you wash dirty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity.

Seeing a silhouette in a window means that something mysterious or enigmatic will happen to you in real life.

If you are trying to climb into the house through a window, in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree.

Talking to a loved one through a window in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.

Window on the Psychotherapeutic Dream Book

Seeing a window in a dream is a symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to escape from the situation. Waiting for change and cleansing. Female genitalia, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Window according to the Mayan dream book

Good meaning If you dreamed of a closed window, at the moment you are completely safe. To make this period last as long as possible, place a small pebble near each window.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed of an open window, then someone brazenly wants to break into your life. For the immediate future, keep your windows and doors closed at home.

Window according to the dream book of catchphrases

WINDOW - “window to the world”, “to open a window to Europe” - to go beyond the limited; "Wait by the window."

Window according to the Italian dream book of Meneghetti

It means an open situation in which a person can still realize himself.

Window according to Shuvalova’s dream book

It symbolizes the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to convince oneself from an unsuccessful situation (to escape through a window), to relieve oneself of guilt. The window is also a symbol of a situation when you still have opportunities for self-realization, they are not closed, and you can manage to use them for your own benefit.

Window according to the Old Russian dream book

expectation; open - regret.

Window according to the dream book of the future

The window is open, or you open it - sadness, melancholy or a harbinger of the fatal end of brilliant hopes; the window is closed, or you close it - to an imminent illness.

Window according to the Idiomatic Dream Book

“Window to the world”, “to open a window to Europe” - to go beyond the limited; “wait by the window” - waiting for something in reality.

Window according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Window - can be interpreted in terms of the function of a window in real life. A symbol of the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to escape from an unsuccessful situation (to escape through a window), to relieve the feeling of guilt (clearing the air).

The window is often a symbol of a situation still open for self-realization.

Very often, a window symbolizes female genitalia and therefore it is possible to interpret this image in connection with the fear of sexual interaction. The appearance of this image is significant even on a metaphorical level.

Window according to the dream book of relationships

A dream in which you look out the window speaks of an attempt to isolate yourself from your partner. You believe that the relationship will last longer if, if sex fails, you do not discuss anything with your partner. However, such an opinion is wrong. The fact is that omissions can cause irreparable harm to a relationship. You take full responsibility, however, if something goes wrong in your intimate life, both partners are to blame. Solve problems not separately, but together.

A dream in which you break a window symbolizes problems in your personal life that will affect parties not related to intimate relationships. It will be very difficult for you to cope with troubles.

Window according to the dream book-horoscope

The light in the window is the end of a long separation from a loved one.

Window according to the online dream book

According to the dream book, a window is a sign that your plans are not destined to come true, which will make you pretty upset.

If it is closed, you will feel lonely and unclaimed.

It opened under a strong gust of wind - quite significant changes are happening around you, but you don’t seem to care.

To see a lighted window - you are optimistic about tomorrow, and for good reason.

If you dream of a window without glass - now you especially need the care and assistance of family and friends; alone you cannot withstand the onslaught of problems that have piled up.

If it is tightly closed with shutters, you will be accused of treason.

You pass through it into the room - in order to realize your ambitious plans, you will resort to dirty methods, for which you will pay later.

A dream in which you see a broken window - due to unreasonable attacks of jealousy of your chosen one, you will be plunged into despair.

If you break into someone’s house, you will be involved in a very dubious adventure, the consequences of which will be disastrous for you.

Sitting on the windowsill is a warning that you should control your emotions so as not to become their hostage and get yourself into trouble.

If there is no light in them, in order to improve your financial situation, decide on desperate measures and suffer a serious failure, the consequences of which you will have to cope with alone, even though you were promised assistance.

If it is located in an abandoned building and is boarded up, this is a harbinger of the end of your current relationship for some objective reason.

The window you open is a symbol of your faith in positive changes that should happen in the near future.

Window frame - portends that you will become the object of everyone's evil jokes, especially your qualities as a lover will be discussed.

Inserting new glass into frames marks the beginning of a new stage in life, in which there is only room for joy and happiness.

To paint frames - you have to throw dust in someone's eyes, hide the truth behind some fictitious story, live by the motto: not to be, but to appear.

According to the dream book, climbing out the window - be careful, carefully consider your every step, otherwise you will make an unforgivable mistake.

According to the dream book, new windows foreshadow events that will transform your life; joy and success await you.

If the window is open in a dream, you are about to go on a very exciting journey that will give you a lot of pleasant impressions and new acquaintances; you will also never be left without support; there will always be reliable and trusted people nearby.

A dream in which you saw a broken window warns that someone will slander you, and this will give your significant other a reason to accuse you of infidelity; you will have to prove that this is not true.

If in a dream you look out the window, this is a reflection of your desire to hush up problems, avoid solving them, believing that this way your couple will avoid quarrels and separation, but in fact, by doing this you are only alienating your chosen one.

If you dreamed about dirty or faulty windows, this is a bad omen, promising you despondency, dreary loneliness and retribution for mistakes made, so try now to do everything possible to prevent this from happening.

Washing windows in a dream - know that sudden difficulties will prevent you from realizing your plans, but do not doubt your abilities, you will cope with everything in the best possible way.

If in a dream you close the window, it means a forced severance of a once very sincere friendly relationship that you will miss.

Accidentally falling out of a window in a dream means you will soon go on a trip that someone else will organize for you, and which will become a turning point in your life.

Jumping out of a window in a dream - in the near future your life will change dramatically, you will achieve everything you can only dream of, your abilities and merits will be appreciated.

In a dream, you knock on a window - be prepared for the fact that a lot of quite serious problems may fall upon you, which will also affect your health, but do not despair, but accept this challenge with dignity.

If you dream that you are trying to climb out of a window, something will happen before your eyes that will radically change your worldview and way of life.

Changing windows in a dream - try to find some new, non-standard solution to the problems that have arisen, otherwise you will not be able to cope with them.

Window according to the Universal Dream Book

Window - If someone tries to impress you without making much effort, is that person showing off? Perhaps there is an indecisive person in your circle who is superior to you only because he knows how to look at things from all sides.

To see things from different points and have a complete understanding of what is happening, it is better to take a seat by the window.

Window according to the American Dream Book

Window - a look into the future or past.

Window according to the Dream Book of Health

Seeing a window means the need to look at the world with different eyes; an open window - to a possible disease, often infectious; for a man it can mean a woman’s reciprocity in sexual feelings, especially if she is in the window.

Window according to the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself looking out of a window in a dream, it means that his call will be heard by his god.

Window according to the dream book of lovers

If you dream about windows, this promises a fatal end to flared up feelings. Perhaps your chosen one will leave you or you will be separated from your loved one.

Closed windows - dream of loneliness and infidelity.

A dream in which you climb into a house through a window means that you will try to deceive your loved one.

Sitting on a window in a dream portends committing a stupid act, because of which you will lose the love of your chosen one.

Window according to the Russian dream book

Window - pleasant dates.

Window according to the Russian dream book

In the subconscious, a window is associated with a way out of a situation, sometimes with the last hope.

Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, it means that there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; a window with broken glass is a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment.

Window according to the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Seeing an open window is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; Seeing a closed window means a good state of affairs; climbing out the window - foreshadows bankruptcy; falling into it portends an unprofitable lawsuit.

Window according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book of V. Samokhvalov

The window is a symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to escape from the situation. Waiting for change and cleansing. Female genitalia.

Open the window - providing an outlet for passion, escape. Female genitalia.

Breaking a window or glass door means losing your virginity.

A window with stained glass is an event in life.

Window according to the dream book for a bitch

Window - brilliantly started things will lead nowhere.

Window according to the 21st century dream book

Seeing an open window in a dream means a gift or profit.

Falling from it means a major quarrel, leading to a fight; a closed window is a harbinger of boredom.

If in a dream you look out the window, such a dream promises you peace, peace, a safe situation; you crawl out of it or fall - to failure from a frivolous undertaking, to a quarrel, careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered.

Seeing bars on a window means separation.

Inserting glass into a window is a sign that you should take precautions.

If you see a window frame in a dream, it means ridicule of you, your intimate life will become the subject of gossip and gossip.

If you dreamed that the wind was throwing open a window during the day, this means that you do not notice changes in life.

The curtains on the window are burning - to a rapid turn of events.

Sealing a window for the winter, closing it with a thick curtain is a harbinger of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

Being at an open window in a room and being afraid that someone will break in means experiencing fear of the future.

If a woman climbs into the window - to a new hobby (in both men's and women's dreams).

Seeing a window in a cobweb, looking through the cracks of a shutter onto the street means feeling spiritual loneliness due to a secluded lifestyle.

Window according to the Slavic dream book

The window leads to complications in the family if it is open, and to an improvement in relationships if it is closed.

Jumping from a window is a rash act, a great danger.

Window according to Loff's Dream Book

Windows often show us the world as it could be, but do not allow us to experience it.

Windows can be insidious and mislead us. This can mean disappointment, protection or illusion. In a dream of imprisonment, a window can symbolize a desired person or an environment in which you cannot currently find yourself. This is a common phenomenon in life.

If the situation outside the window looks hostile, and you find yourself on the other side of the window to experience this, you discover that you have been deceived.

Sometimes you can see in the windows what is actually not there - perhaps it’s time to overcome your insecurities and feel the rhythm of life in your own skin, and not watch it pass by.

If the opposite is true, and the pastoral scene outside your window turns out to be an alarming reality, you may feel that life is deceptive and does not always deliver on its promises.

A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who engage in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from the bustle of the world.

Windows of this kind can open up realities for you into which you can potentially immerse yourself. Do you open a window in a dream, walk past it without even looking, or close it? Were the images on the other side of the window clear or blurry, as if in fog?

Window according to Aesop's dream book

In the human subconscious, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something.

In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope.

Window - the birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol.

A popular belief says that a bird hitting a window brings with it the death of the owner of the house. In the old days, when children had toothache, their parents warned them: “Don’t spit out the window - your teeth will hurt.”

A dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes change and the beginning of a new life period.

If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have fewer and fewer chances to change the situation.

To dream of a bird knocking on the window is a sign of unexpected news.

Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window means unexpected financial expenses due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As they say: “You will stand under my window.”

A window with broken glass symbolizes spiritual anguish, illness and disappointment.

Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle on your way.

A dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity.

Seeing a silhouette in a window means that something mysterious or enigmatic will happen to you in real life.

If you are trying to climb into the house through a window, in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree.

Talking to a loved one through a window in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.

A dream in which you open a window in a window means hope for better times.

Window according to Longo's dream book

If in a dream you watched something from a window, in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life becomes more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in yourself and learn to appreciate yourself. If you neglect this advice, those around you, noticing your “spinelessness” and desire to “go into the shadows,” will begin to use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble, purposes. As you understand, it will be difficult for you in this case.

If in a dream you washed a window, it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. The dream probably warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends; perhaps your Judas will be among them.

Jumping out the window - someone else’s point of view is completely unimportant to you; The only thing that matters is what you think. On the one hand, such an attitude towards yourself and towards life in general is very good, but on the other hand, aren’t you afraid of falling from the high pedestal you’ve erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really get hurt, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, strange as it may seem to you, are not always wrong.

Trying to open a window in a dream for fresh air means you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes it is as if evil fate is interfering in your affairs; so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can give your soul “first aid” by reading any conspiracy against the evil eye and damage.

Window according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

The ability to look into other dimensions.

Looking into the future or past.

Window according to the Veles dream book

Window - waiting; revealed - profit, gift, guest / bad deed, trouble, regret, sadness; closed - good / boredom; with broken windows - losses, poverty; with intact and clean glass - happiness; looking out of the window is news; climb out the window - ruin; knocking it out and getting out is the implementation of the plan; falling out the window - a quarrel, an unprofitable lawsuit; Covering the window black means sadness due to illness in the family.

Window according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

Seeing windows in a dream is a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not live up to the hopes that you placed on him, and will cause a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair in your soul.

Closed windows are a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him.

A broken window is a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason based on gossip.

Window according to the Ukrainian dream book

An open window means a guest; you will regret something; look from the window - there will be news; illuminated - sum.

Window according to the Children's Dream Book

A window means your position in relation to the world around you.

If the window is open, it means that you are characterized by openness and trust.

If the window is closed or curtained, you tend to be secretive and self-absorbed.

If the window is dirty and cloudy, it means you are looking at the world “through dark glasses”: your anger or bad mood prevents you from seeing the world as it really is.

If the glass is transparent and clean, it means that you look at the world and are aware of what is happening, circumstances and momentary moods cannot mislead you about what is happening

Window according to the Gypsy dream book

What is opened to see is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; to see a closed window means a good state of affairs; climbing out the window portends bankruptcy; falling out of a window portends an unprofitable lawsuit.

Window according to the dream book 2012

The window is a reflection of idealism in general. Reminders that visions are most often far from reality.

Window on the ABC of dream interpretation

A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities.

Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another.

A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle.

A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you.

Dream interpretation window

The window symbolizes such concepts as internal and external, their separation. The window is transparent because its purpose is to let light in. The window is the personification of the eye, and the eye, in turn, personifies the human soul. The meaning of symbols is reflected in the interpretation of dreams. Why do you dream about a window?

Opinion of famous dream books

If someone, being outside, looks through a window, this personifies the desire to see the unknown. This symbolizes movement into human consciousness. We will find out what this image symbolizes in dreams if we turn to authoritative dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a window

Miller's forecasts are not encouraging in this regard. Suddenly I dreamed of a window, then those hopes that were cherished and aspirations would inevitably begin to crumble. Plans that were carefully hatched are a complete fiasco. All attempts to eliminate the causes of the crash will be unsuccessful and will lead you to despondency.

Closed windows in a dream, according to Miller, indicate abandonment. You did not finish the job you started, although the idea was quite profitable. The process at this stage is too advanced for it to make sense to continue it. Seeing a broken window in a dream speaks of your endless and not entirely justified suspicions of your partner’s infidelity.

If in a dream you were on a windowsill, then there is a high probability that you will do a reckless, stupid act, thereby causing harm to yourself.

The dreamer entered the home through a window, which means he used immoral and vile ways to achieve a goal that, in his opinion, was noble. But soon he will be exposed for this. If he happened to escape through the window, it means that he is really being pursued by trouble, which will manage to squeeze him into its arms.

When, according to the plot of the dream, you looked through the window while passing by a house, you run the risk of failing in reality when implementing your plans. Moreover, you will lose respect, even though you put your health and well-being on the line for it, says Miller’s dream book.

Clairvoyant Dream Interpretation

You dreamed of an open window, which promises success in good and bad deeds. However, for good deeds you will be credited in heaven, and for sinful deeds you will greatly repent in earthly life, states Vanga’s dream book.

The image of a closed window in dreams foreshadows a lack of understanding of all your endeavors on the part of others. You literally fight like a fish on ice and it’s all in vain.

Seeing yourself getting out of your home through a window in a dream means that you will soon expect an act that will shock and shock everyone around you. If you wanted to climb into your home through a window, this means that in reality you want to unravel the secrets of another person. But don't expect success here. And the advice from the seer is that do not meddle in the personal affairs of others, so that your own life does not seem very difficult and long.

If you dreamed of a broken window

The image of a broken window in a dream warns that you may become an uninvited guest. Therefore, do not show up to the owners without notification of the visit.

In dreams there is a situation when a bird knocks on the window. This is a harbinger of bad news. Perhaps they will notify you of the death of a loved one.

I dreamed that you wanted to open the window to ventilate the room. This warns you against being too gullible. You reveal secrets to your colleague, thinking that he is sincerely happy with you, but his joy is feigned. He will pass off your projects as his own. Be carefull.

A good omen is a dream where you wash windows. A fun party is coming up that will leave a wonderful impression of the reception, of you as a hospitable hostess and will restore the former glory of your home.

In a dream, you saw a silhouette behind glass, this promises an acquaintance with a person who plays an important role in your life.

The dream in which he talks to people through a window speaks about the dreamer’s intractability and unkindness, which is why he has no friends and feels loneliness.

Dream book of a psychoanalyst

If you looked out the window

When in dreams the dreamer looks out the window, thinking about something, Freud’s dream book indicates that he tends to distance himself from his partner, hide in his shell if something did not go as expected. This is how you try to leave the relationship unchanged. But this only harms both, preventing harmony. Rejoice and resolve all issues mutually, Freud urges.

The dreamer broke the window and the glass shattered. A whole bunch of problems in intimacy will arise, which cannot be solved in one fell swoop.

Loff's Dream Book

In a dream, the dreamer observes unpleasant landscapes outside the window, but in order to make sure of their reality, he finds himself on the other side of it and realizes that he has been deceived. The dream book encourages you to overcome all your doubts and, having convinced yourself from your own experience, feel the rhythm of life, and not watch it run past. When a beautiful picture in your dreams turns out to be stormy and very disturbing, this indicates that you are in captivity of self-deception. Not everything that life promises you can become a reality, Loff’s dream book indicates.

The window as an association of the beginning of the discovery of other realities where the dreamer can find himself. Dreams of this kind are possible for those people who are involved in occult sciences.

Windows in dreams

What did you do in your dream?

The window means going beyond what is permitted and limited. In some dreams, a window is like the only chance, or hope. In others, like birth and departure to another world. Having considered the many situations that the dream plot depicts, we will be able to predict what the dream information brings with it:

  • illuminated or darkened;
  • look into them;
  • glaze;
  • faulty or damaged;
  • climb through the window;
  • stained glass windows.

Washing windows in a dream emphasizes ambiguity at some point in your enterprise, which greatly worries you. There is a need to clarify the situation in order to remove doubts. Perhaps this indicates the beginning of another stage of life. A new love relationship or a new partnership is possible; the dreamer passionately strives for it, “clearing” the path. The dream book promises the long-awaited reconciliation of the spouses.

The illuminated window promises that hopes are not in vain. If you want to do something, then be more confident and bold. Seeing brightly lit store windows in dreams warns of expenses that will be unjustified. Windows with advertising lighting promise a pleasant time spent in nature with fun company.

Darkened windows warn of trouble that the dreamer will face in reality. A difficult financial situation will push him to take risks. Suddenly I dreamed that the dreamer was looking into other people's windows. This warns him against an immoral act, with which he will compromise himself and cause the distrust of others.

When in dreams there is a plot with faulty windows and it happens that glass is inserted into the frames, this promises clear changes. When the glass falls out of the frame and does not break, and you, despite this, want to change the glass, this means that you are not satisfied with the results of the work. The dream book gives the same forecast when you were repairing frames in a dream.

If the dreamer saw an empty frame, this foreshadows ridicule. The subject of gossip may be your love relationship.

If you happened to see a broken window in your dreams and you had to change it, this indicates your willingness to break old stereotypes and go beyond the boundaries imposed by your upbringing. There is nothing reprehensible in this. Be relaxed, of course in moderation, this will bring harmony in all respects.

If you dreamed of climbing into a house through a window, it foreshadows the sad results of your business when expenses begin to greatly exceed income. Draw the right conclusions from this subconscious message. But when in a dream the dreamer had to climb out of the house through a window, it means his thoughts and actions are not decent. Before you are caught in this, try to fix everything and reach your goal using other ways and methods.

If you are lucky enough to see stained glass windows in your dreams, it promises a bright and colorful event.

Another dream interpreter

By looking at the online dream book, you can find a lot of information about why you dream about a window.

If a bird hits the window

The plot of the dream paints a picture where the dreamer had to fly out of an open window. This is a harbinger of a major quarrel; a fight is possible.

To see in your dreams how you are trying to open the windows to let in fresh air, this indicates the bad influence of a certain person. Listen to your intuition. Don’t be afraid to do as you see fit, even if it’s not exactly the right option, but it’s decent and won’t do any harm.

A series of interpretations exists when you heard a knock on the window. A knock foreshadows imminent trials on which the harmony of family life depends. You may have to go out of your way to get her back. A knock woke you up in your dreams; the changes promise to be stunning.

When a bird hits the window and this knock wakes you up, but does not frighten you, expect good news. The knocking sound from the impact of raindrops foreshadows future worries about loved ones, or the dreamer’s thirst for knowledge, which is still manifested subconsciously.

A faint knock on the window frame suggests that someone you know needs your help.

It seems that in your dreams the knocking came from the door, but in reality it was on the window, symbolizing your deep premonitions that something will happen. And if you heard a knock, but did not see the knocker, then your wait is in vain.

I dreamed of a persistent knock, this promises an offer of sexual relations. You had to knock, which means the offer will come from you to a person who has been in mind for a long time.

If you hear a knock in a dream and open the window, it means in reality you are in a hurry to achieve something. But haste is not appropriate here, because not all the details have been thoroughly thought out.

I had to knock on the window frame, portends a disease requiring surgical intervention.

I had to climb through a window into someone else’s home, he warns against getting involved in a scam. Climbing through boarded windows means the end of a love affair for reasons that are beyond your control. Climbing out the window also means the sleeper’s craving for the unknown, possibly for the forbidden.

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