Turkey with pineapple in the oven: the best recipes, cooking features and reviews. How to cook turkey with pineapples in a frying pan, in the oven and in a slow cooker Turkey with pineapples in the oven recipe


Wash the turkey fillet and cut into layers one centimeter thick. Beat the meat with a hammer on both sides. Rub with salt and spices at your discretion. Sprinkle with lemon juice. If you like spicy dishes, then add a little hot pepper. Leave the meat to marinate under film for several hours in the refrigerator, if you have time for it.

Now prepare the vegetables. Peel the onion and cut into large rings. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water to make it easier to peel them. Cut the tomatoes into finger-thick slices. Drain (but do not pour) the liquid from the jar of pineapples. Grate the cheese medium.

Place the turkey fillets on a baking sheet greased with sunflower or any other oil. Place onion rings and tomato slices on top. Add pineapple pieces. Squeeze a little sour cream (or mayonnaise) over all this beauty and sprinkle with cheese.

Dilute the liquid that was drained from the pineapples with a small amount of water. Pour this mixture into the pan until the liquid covers just the turkey. Bake the dish in the oven at 180 degrees. Since turkey fillet does not take very long to cook, thirty to forty minutes will be enough. The cheese should have a beautiful golden brown crust.

Today, many people are interested in cooking. They bake various cakes, pastries, prepare various dishes from meat, fish, dough, and so on. But today I would like to dwell in more detail on how turkey with pineapples is prepared.

This dish is suitable for various festive events and for a regular family dinner. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.

Preparing to Cook Turkey with Pineapples

First you need to decide whether you will cook a whole turkey or just a whole turkey. If it is whole, then it can be stuffed with pineapples. If fillet is used, it can be cut into cubes.

Pineapple can be used either fresh or canned. Turkey goes very well with any kind.

The sweet-sour taste of the southern fruit will give the future dish a pleasant, unique taste and aroma.

As you know, turkey is a dietary and healthy product. The body is able to easily absorb it. Turkey meat is also notable for the fact that it contains vitamins A, E and minerals such as iodine, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and others.

The only downside to turkey is that it is a little dry. But in combination with various dairy products, fruits and sauces, this disadvantage can be avoided.

Cooking turkey with pineapple: recipes

There are quite a lot of recipes. If turkey and pineapple are taken as the main ingredients, then various types of vegetables, mushrooms and fruits can be used as additional ones. Combining turkey with them will give a unique, interesting taste. Of course, all guests will be delighted with these dishes.

Let's consider several options.

Turkey chop in the oven

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: turkey fillet - 800 grams, canned pineapple - 400 grams, 250 grams of hard cheese, 100 grams of sour cream, black pepper (ground), salt, curry - to taste, olive oil - 2 tablespoons.

First of all, prepare the meat: cut well-washed and dried turkey meat into layers about one and a half centimeters thick. Next, a hammer is used, with which the turkey is beaten to a thickness of 1 centimeter. To keep everything neat and clean, you need to beat the meat in a plastic bag. The finished meat is salted and peppered to taste. Curry is also sprinkled on top. The turkey is then set aside for about half an hour.

While the meat is rising, other necessary products are prepared. Pineapple rings can be left as is, or cut into cubes. It depends on who likes it. They are transferred to a plate.

Hard cheese (any kind you like) is grated on a medium grater into a convenient plate.

The finished marinated turkey is laid out in a mold and greased with sour cream. Pineapple is placed on top. All this is sprinkled with grated cheese. Then the mold is placed in the oven for about half an hour. After this time has passed, the turkey is removed from the oven and left in the pan for about ten minutes.

The last step is to prepare the dish before serving. As a side dish, you can offer various salads, rice, mashed potatoes or pasta.

If desired, you can add other types of spices: paprika, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, basil, sage and so on.

Turkey with tomatoes

This recipe is similar to the first one, but there are additional ingredients. The preparation steps are the same. The difference is that the turkey in the pan is first coated with pineapple syrup with the addition of one tablespoon of lemon juice. Next, lay out the onion, cut into rings. Tomato slices on top of the onion. Next come the pineapple rings. Cheese on top. All this is baked in the oven for about fifty minutes.

Turkey with champignons

The third recipe for turkey with pineapples in the oven is also easy to prepare. It differs in that instead of tomatoes, champignons are used in this case. Then lay out the onions and pineapple rings. Next comes the cheese. If desired, you can use other types of mushrooms. The remaining manipulations are the same as in the first and second recipes. Bake in the oven for half an hour. You can serve it by sprinkling with herbs and garnishing with cherry tomatoes.

This dish has a divine taste and a pleasant appearance.

Turkey in a frying pan

In addition to the oven, turkey can also be cooked in a frying pan. Let's look at several recipes for preparing turkey fillet with pineapples.

  1. Peel the onion (2 medium-sized pieces) and finely chop. Wash, peel and grate carrots (3-4 pieces). Wash the turkey fillet and cut into small cubes. Also cut fresh or canned pineapple into cubes. Next comes the cooking process. First, fry the onion in a frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown. Next, carrots are added to it, everything is stewed thoroughly. Next comes the turkey fillet. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can add nutmeg, coriander, paprika. Everything is thoroughly mixed and fried for about ten minutes. Pineapple syrup is poured into the frying pan. All this is stewed for about forty minutes. If necessary, you can add pineapple syrup. Then add the diced pineapple to the pan. Everything is mixed and simmered for about ten minutes. The dish is ready. It should be served on a plate. Garnish the dish with a sprig of rosemary.
  2. The second recipe for turkey with pineapple in a frying pan also does not require much effort. In terms of ingredients and method of preparation, everything is done in the same way as in the first recipe. Only instead of pineapple syrup, thin sour cream or milk is poured. This will allow you to cook the most tender meat that will “melt in your mouth.” Cooking time will take about an hour. You don't have to add pineapple when stewing. They will decorate the finished dish.

Favorite salad

If you have ready-made boiled turkey meat, you can prepare a very tasty turkey salad with pineapple. For this you will need - three hundred grams, Chinese cabbage, canned pineapples - 1 can, sour cream with a fat content of 15%, sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons, salt, pepper - to taste, mustard - 2 teaspoons, two cloves of garlic.

Cut the meat and pineapples into cubes. Peking cabbage must be torn into pieces by hand. Everything gets mixed up. For pouring, prepare the sauce: sour cream, butter, mustard, squeezed garlic cloves, salt, and pepper are mixed. Pour the resulting mixture over the meat and pineapples.

This salad turns out juicy, light and healthy, with a spicy taste and aroma. You can add berries, nuts, raisins.

You can also make this turkey and pineapple salad. It is very easy and quick to prepare. Boil turkey and three eggs. Next, the salad is laid in layers: lettuce, meat, mayonnaise, pieces of canned pineapple, eggs, mayonnaise, grated hard cheese. A minimum of products, a minimum of effort - and a delicious salad is ready!

You can make other delicious salads with turkey and pineapple. You can add bell peppers, sweet corn, eggs, and so on as ingredients. And of course, these dishes will please anyone.


This article discussed the basic recipes for preparing baked turkey with pineapples, turkey stewed in a frying pan, and salads with turkey. Without a doubt, these delicious dishes will charm guests, as evidenced by the reviews. Everyone will admire the culinary skills of the hostess. And children will be delighted with the pleasant sweet and sour taste of the dishes.

A simple and quick-to-prepare turkey with pineapple in the oven will save any housewife if guests come unexpectedly. After all, it is nourishing, and fast, and healthy, and tasty - this is emphasized by many women.

Every housewife should take note of these recipes.

Turkey baked in the oven, stuffed with apples, cheese and pineapples is a traditional American dish, the main dish of the Christmas holidays.
The turkey is marinated with garlic and spices, then stuffed with apples, cheese and pineapples, after which it is baked whole in the oven and served with an awesome sauce.


  • 1 turkey (about 8 kg)

Turkey marinade:
2 heads of garlic,
30 gr. olive oil,
Provencal herbs (rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint, savory, oregano, marjoram in a mixture or any of them), nutmeg,
salt, black pepper.

Turkey stuffing:
4 apples,
300 g canned or fresh pineapples,
100 g cheese,
5 cloves of garlic,
half a lemon,
2-3 sprigs of rosemary.

Provençal herbs, nutmeg,
salt, black pepper.

Turkey recipe

  1. Defrost the turkey, if frozen (at the rate of 30 minutes per half a kilo of turkey in cold water on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator).
  2. Wash the turkey both outside and inside, then dry it with a towel.
  3. Prepare the marinade. Peel two heads of garlic, then press them using a garlic press into a deep bowl and pour olive or vegetable oil over the garlic, add spices, salt, black pepper and mix. Let the garlic and spices steep in the oil (15-20 minutes) and the marinade is ready.
  4. Marinate the turkey. Place the turkey in a large bag, put some of the marinade on top and inside the turkey and rub it with your hands, outside and inside. We wrap the turkey tightly in the same bag and leave it to marinate overnight. Turkey cooks in the oven for about 50-60 minutes per 1 kg of its weight, so we’ll calculate in advance when to start cooking.
  5. Preparing the stuffing for the turkey.
    We do not chop the rosemary sprigs very finely, we peel the garlic, but do not chop it, it will be used in the filling with whole cloves.
    If the pineapple is fresh, peel it and cut into cubes; if canned, drain the water and cut the pineapple into cubes. Cut the cheese into thick slices.
    Peel the apples, remove the core and cut each apple into 8 pieces.
    Add apples to pineapples, spices and cheese, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, salt and pepper, sprinkle with Provençal herbs and nutmeg on top.
  6. Remove the marinated turkey from the bag and stuffing. Stuff the turkey tightly with the prepared stuffing and tie the legs together.
  7. Cooking turkey. We cover the baking sheet with two strips of foil about a meter long, and place a third sheet on the seam. We lay out the turkey, carefully wrap it on all sides with this third foil, like a backing (so that all the juice remains in this part of the foil). Then loosely wrap the turkey in the pan with the main part of the foil.
  8. Before you start baking the turkey, preheat the oven to 250 degrees, and only after that (not before!) put the turkey in the oven. This is necessary so that the high temperature treats the turkey skin and the juice does not start leaking out of it during cooking; in this case, it will be much juicier.
  9. The turkey is baked in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for 30 minutes, after which the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees, and at this temperature the turkey, completely wrapped in foil, is baked for the rest of the estimated time MINUS 30 minutes. During these 30 minutes before the turkey is ready, remove the bird from the oven, carefully (so as not to spill the juice on the baking sheet) unfold the foil and by piercing the bird with a knife (you need to pierce its most fleshy parts - the chest and thighs) we make sure that it is completely baked. If the turkey is baked, the juice will be absolutely transparent when pierced; if it is scarlet, it means you either calculated the time or the temperature incorrectly. In the latter case, carefully wrap the turkey in foil and place it back in the oven to bake until fully cooked. If you are convinced that the bird is ready, you need to make something like a “dish” out of foil and pour the juice over the turkey in this unwrapped form and place it back in the oven in order to achieve the appearance of a charming baked crust.
  10. After unwrapping, the turkey is baked in the oven at 200 degrees. This is one of the most critical parts because your turkey can char very quickly. Therefore, we do not leave the oven for a minute, almost every 5 minutes we take out the baking sheet with the turkey (i.e. at least 5 times!!!) and very carefully pour the juice over the entire surface of the bird. If the turkey is baking in only one place, you can place a piece of foil on top of that place.
  11. Prepare turkey sauce. Let's prepare a simple but very tasty sauce for turkey. Using a ladle, take a full deep bowl of juice obtained after roasting the turkey, chop 1-2 heads of garlic into it and add chopped herbs: either the same fresh Provençal herbs, or even parsley, dill or cilantro. This sauce will be much tastier and more appropriate than ketchup and mayonnaise!

Serve turkey baked in the oven, stuffed with apples, cheese and pineapples for the holiday table. Bon appetit!

Following tradition, in addition to a variety of appetizers, the main meal is served. Poultry, fish, mushrooms - anything. The main thing is that it is tasty and a little unusual. One option for such a treat could be turkey with pineapples in the oven. It will take about an hour to prepare. Of this time, 40 minutes are for baking.

Ingredients for turkey baked in the oven

If you need to prepare a dish for a large number of guests (for example, 12 people), you will have to prepare:

  • 2.4 kg turkey breast (it is better to use 2 identical pieces)
  • 6 pineapple slices
  • 12 thin slices cheese
  • 2 tablespoons each of honey and vegetable oil
  • piece of ginger root
  • 10 sprigs rosemary
  • salt, chili pepper, ground black pepper

Turkey with pineapples in the oven: how to cook

The oven must be turned on so that it warms up to 190 degrees by the time you add the meat. Make 11 deep cuts in each piece of turkey.

Finely chop the chili pepper, removing the seeds. Grate ginger root. Mix honey, salt, chili, ginger, pepper, vegetable oil. Rub this mixture so that it gets on both sides of each slice. Fresh pineapple mugs are peeled, cut in half, and the hard center is removed.

Starting from the edge, open the petals of meat and place a slice of pineapple and cheese in the first cut, a sprig of rosemary in the next, and so fill the entire piece. The same thing is repeated with the second one. The stuffed turkey breasts are placed tightly in the pan so that they do not fall apart into pieces. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Then remove the foil and continue baking for another 20-25 minutes until browned.

Unusual? Tasty and satisfying? Original? Yes, yes and yes again! Turkey with pineapple is exactly what you have been looking for. Now everyone is trying to cook something that the world has not yet seen. Here are five new and unusual recipes for preparing just such a dish!

Simple recipe

How to cook turkey with pineapples in a frying pan:

  1. Wash the fillet, trim off fat if necessary;
  2. Cut into small pieces and set aside;
  3. Peel the caps and stems of the mushrooms and cut into cubes;
  4. Open the jar of pineapples, drain the syrup, and cut the rings into eight pieces;
  5. Pour oil into the frying pan and give it time to warm up;
  6. Add butter, melt, stir;
  7. Place the fillet in the pan and cook, stirring, for five minutes;
  8. After this, add the mushrooms and combine the ingredients;
  9. Turn on high heat and cook the meat and mushrooms for a quarter of an hour;
  10. When most of the liquid has evaporated, add curry, paprika and salt;
  11. Pour in the pineapple syrup and add the pieces of fruit;
  12. Stir, cover and continue cooking;
  13. Simmer for another five minutes, then turn off the heat and let it brew a little longer.

Turkey in sweet and sour sauce with pineapples

  • 30 g starch;
  • 300 g pineapples;
  • 1 onion;
  • 80 g tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 550 g turkey fillet;
  • 20 ml oil.

Time – 1 hour.

Calories – 86.


  1. Peel the onion, rinse it and chop it coarsely;
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and simmer until translucent;
  3. During this time, wash the meat, peel it and cut it into any shape;
  4. Season the turkey with spices, roll in starch and add to the onion;
  5. Fry, stirring, until an appetizing golden crust;
  6. Remove the pineapples from the jar, add the tomatoes to the syrup;
  7. Mix the mixture and pour it into the frying pan, add spices;
  8. Cut the pineapples into small pieces and add to the meat;
  9. Bring to a boil and cook for thirty minutes over low heat.

Turkey meat with pineapples, baked with cheese

  • 550 g turkey;
  • 1 onion;
  • 140 g hard cheese;
  • 20 ml oil;
  • 60 g mushrooms;
  • 270 g pineapples.

Time – 1 hour.

Calories – 116.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the fillet, clean it from films and dry it;
  2. Cut into portions and beat each piece with a hammer;
  3. Season to taste on both sides, rub in;
  4. Peel the stems and caps of the mushrooms, chop into thin slices;
  5. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into rings;
  6. Grate the cheese using a grater and cut the pineapples into pieces;
  7. Cover the pan or baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper;
  8. Grease it with oil and place the meat fillet on top;
  9. The meat should be in one layer, and mushrooms should be placed on top of it, also in one layer;
  10. Next are onion rings and then pineapple rings;
  11. At the end, generously sprinkle all the pieces with cheese and put them in the oven for half an hour;
  12. The temperature inside the cabinet should reach 170 degrees.

Stewed turkey fillet with pineapple in a slow cooker

  • 1 can of pineapple;
  • 350 g turkey;
  • 30 g flour;
  • 1 onion;
  • ½ bell pepper;
  • 30 ml soy sauce.

Time – 1 hour.

Calories – 80.

Cooking principles:

  1. Wash the pepper, remove seeds and membranes, cut the pulp into strips;
  2. Peel the onion, rinse and chop into half rings;
  3. Rinse the turkey, trim if necessary and cut into pieces;
  4. Place onions and peppers in a multicooker bowl, place meat on top;
  5. Season with spices to taste and cook in baking mode for twenty minutes;
  6. During this time, chop the pineapples;
  7. When time has passed, mix the contents of the multicooker and add pineapple;
  8. Drain the syrup from the pineapple jar, add flour and soy sauce to it, break up the lumps;
  9. Pour the mixture into the turkey, close the lid and cook for another thirty minutes.

- delicious, aromatic baked goods using simple recipes.

Sterlet soup - recipe. This fish is very tasty, so the dishes made from it turn out great.

How to cook catfish shish kebab on the grill. The fish not only needs to be fried, but also properly marinated.

Poultry salad with pineapple recipe

  • 450 g turkey;
  • 230 ml mayonnaise;
  • 80 g cheese;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 pinches of curry;
  • 160 g ham;
  • 140 g pineapples.

Time – 50 minutes.

Calories – 227.

Assembling the salad:

  1. Place the eggs in a saucepan, add water and put on fire;
  2. When the water boils, time it to cook the eggs until they are firm in the center;
  3. Cool them, peel them, cut into cubes;
  4. Rinse the turkey fillet, clean if necessary;
  5. Rub with spices, sprinkle with oil and wrap tightly in foil;
  6. Place in a baking dish or on a baking sheet and put it in the oven;
  7. Bake for 35 minutes at 80 degrees;
  8. When time has passed, remove the meat and cut into cubes the size of eggs;
  9. Cut the pineapple, cheese and ham into cubes of the same size;
  10. Add the juice of half a lemon and curry to the mayonnaise;
  11. Stir to bring the sauce to a uniform texture and color;
  12. Mix all ingredients, add mayonnaise and season to taste.

How to Cook Turkey Stuffed with Pineapples and Apples

  • 1 turkey carcass (about 8 kg);
  • 120 g cheese;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 350 g pineapples;
  • 5 pieces of garlic;
  • 3 branches of rosemary;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 4 apples;
  • ½ lemon;
  • nutmeg;
  • Provencal herbs.

Time – 8 hours + 20 minutes + marinating.

Calories – 88.

Product preparation:

  1. If you have a frozen bird carcass, then you need to defrost it in cold water at the very bottom of the refrigerator. It takes one hour to make one kilogram of carcass;
  2. Rinse the finished turkey outside and inside, and then wipe it dry on all sides;
  3. Peel the garlic heads, crush them using a crush and place in a bowl;
  4. Add olive oil, some spices, salt and mix;
  5. Put the mass aside for twenty minutes, because it needs to brew;
  6. Place the bird in a bag and place half of the marinade inside, rub it inside;
  7. Rub the outside of the turkey with the other half;
  8. Seal the bag and marinate the bird overnight. At this time, it is worth calculating when you will need to take the bird out of the refrigerator to bake, since it bakes for one hour per kilogram of weight. That is, an 8-kilogram carcass will spend about eight hours in the oven;
  9. To prepare the filling, you need to rinse the rosemary and chop it;
  10. Peel the remaining five cloves of garlic;
  11. Peel and cut fresh pineapple into cubes; if canned, remove the syrup and cut into cubes;
  12. Remove the wrapper from the cheese and cut it into thick slices;
  13. Peel the apples, cut each into eight pieces, removing the centers;
  14. Combine apples, cheese, pineapple and rosemary;
  15. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, nutmeg, herbs, salt and pepper into the ingredients;
  16. Mix all the ingredients and stuff the marinated turkey with them;
  17. The bird's legs must be tied;
  18. Cover the baking sheet with two sheets of foil, the length of which will be one meter;
  19. Where they meet (seam), place the third sheet;
  20. Place the bird in the center and wrap it as correctly as possible in the third sheet;
  21. After this, wrap the other two sheets, but not tightly so as not to tear them;
  22. Preheat the oven to 250 Celsius;
  23. Once heated through, place the turkey inside;
  24. Bake for thirty minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees;
  25. Next, bake for the calculated amount of time;
  26. Half an hour before the end of cooking, remove the baking sheet/mould with the turkey and carefully open the foil so as not to lose the valuable juice that the meat gave;
  27. Start piercing the bird in the breast and thigh area;
  28. If the juice is clear, it is ready; if it is scarlet, then it needs more time, which means you need to wrap the foil back and bake the meat until done;
  29. If the meat is ready, then leave the foil unfolded and return it to the oven to get a golden brown crust at 200 Celsius;
  30. Every five minutes the bird needs to be watered with its own juice and checked to make sure it is not browned too much. Serve the cooked turkey immediately to the table.

To prepare a stuffed turkey, we strongly recommend that you buy the carcass early in the morning. Then it is more likely that the bird is fresh and was killed several hours ago.

If you don't marinate your turkey before you bake it, unfortunately, you won't end up with the same delicious, flavorful, tender, tender results. Marinade softens the meat, thereby making it more tender.

To prevent the ends of the legs from turning into coals, we strongly advise you to wrap them in foil. Then they will be safe and will turn out golden brown and not burnt.

Cook turkey with pineapples for yourself and your family and you will understand that you need to cook new dishes more often. From them you get not only new tastes, but also new experiences that each of us needs so much.

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