Buckwheat porridge with milk. Buckwheat porridge with milk - delicious recipes for children and not only


Each of us has tried delicious and juicy buckwheat porridge with milk at least once in our lives, seasoning it with butter and other spices to taste. But not everyone can cook the same porridge so that it turns out crumbly and juicy! It's all about the lactic acid contained in milk: it prevents the buckwheat kernels from boiling, so first the porridge is boiled in water and only then milk is added to it. However, this does not apply to dishes prepared in a slow cooker - the equipment maintains the required heat for a long time, and the porridge is boiled. Therefore, you should consider adding water and milk in equal proportions to make the porridge tasty and well prepared.


You will need for 2 servings:

  • 150 g buckwheat
  • 200 ml hot water
  • 150 ml warm milk
  • 2-3 pinches of salt
  • butter and sugar - to taste

How to cook buckwheat porridge with milk

1. Sort out the buckwheat, removing the black grains, rinse it several times and pour it into a saucepan or small cauldron, a container with a non-stick bottom. Fill with hot water and place the container on the stove.

2. Add salt (if you salt your dishes). Boil the porridge for 10 minutes until almost done.

3. Pour the milk into a jug or cup, heat it in a microwave oven or in another saucepan almost to a boil, since cold milk cannot be added to the porridge being prepared: the kernels will not boil after adding cold liquid, but will close again, and you will have to add them during cooking another 10–15 minutes.

4. Pour hot milk into the saucepan, reduce the heat to minimum and boil the buckwheat porridge in milk for 7-10 minutes until completely boiled.

5. During this time, the milk will create a slight foam, and the buckwheat groats, as they swell, will draw the milk into themselves and become more juicy and tasty.

Porridge is a great start to the day. It is tasty, healthy, and charges our body with the necessary energy. After a portion of such a hearty breakfast, your stomach will not remind you of hunger until lunch. Milk porridge is loved not only by children, but also by adults. You can make absolutely any cereal based on milk. Many people do not like milk, forgetting that it is a source of calcium, the use of which is so necessary for our body. It is important to remember that there are specifics to preparing milk. For example, make sure it doesn’t burn or avoid foam formation. Let's get started and look at some of the tricks for the perfect dairy breakfast.

Milk buckwheat porridge

Kitchen tools: 2 pans, spoon, bowl.


Step-by-step preparation

Buckwheat porridge with milk for a child should be slightly sweet and low-fat.

Video recipe

If you have any questions during the cooking process, watch a good cooking guide on video.

Beneficial properties of buckwheat

Buckwheat is the only cereal crop to which no fertilizers or genetic modifications are used. Therefore, it is considered a harmless product. It will be an excellent option for those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Buckwheat contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates and many amino acids, which makes it an invaluable product for patients with diabetes and people suffering from heart disease.

If we analyze the environmental situation in recent times, it will become clear that the human body needs to be cleansed of waste and toxins. Many nutritionists recommend annual cleansing of the body with green buckwheat. And here What buckwheat definitely doesn’t have is gluten- complex wheat protein, which causes allergies in many, and especially children.

Cooking features

How to cook buckwheat porridge with milk so that it turns out aromatic and tasty? Just follow simple tips and you will see that nothing is complicated.

  • As soon as you put the pan with milk on the fire, immediately add a teaspoon of sugar and do not stir with a spoon. The sugar will gradually dissolve at the bottom, enveloping it, so the milk will not burn.
  • To prevent the milk from running away, you need to grease the circumference of the pan with butter.
  • Foam formation can be reduced by reducing water evaporation. You can do this by covering the pan with a lid.
  • It turns out rich and nutritious.
  • Some people are allergic to lactose, a protein found in milk, so this is an alternative option.

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Buckwheat porridge with milk is one of the most popular breakfasts in our country. This cereal is quick to prepare, inexpensive, and fulfills the main purpose of morning meals—it saturates you with energy. In addition, the rich composition of buckwheat brings significant benefits to the human body.

Benefits and harms

Buckwheat porridge is enriched with vitamins, minerals and other important substances. It contains a large amount of fiber, which allows the product not only to help cleanse the body, but also to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, buckwheat contains folic acid and rutin - these substances very successfully fight diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, strengthen blood vessels. Experts recommend consuming porridge for those who are depressed or periodically nervous. Components such as magnesium, B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids can improve the situation for the better.

Of course, eating buckwheat porridge is recommended for people on a diet. Such a dish, eaten for breakfast or dinner, will not only benefit the body, but will also help you not to worry about extra calories. It is important to mention that the protein and valuable amino acids present in the composition will help you lose excess weight without suffering from problems with sagging skin. In addition, porridge is very easy to digest, without causing a feeling of heaviness or discomfort.

Even if a person has any problems with intestinal function, eating buckwheat is allowed and even indicated.

It would be good to clarify that although porridge cooked in water is considered the most dietary, for breakfast nutritionists still recommend a product prepared with milk. The benefits of the dish will double, and the energy boost will be guaranteed. Buckwheat milk porridge is not particularly harmful, but it is important to remember that regularly combining these two products can cause diarrhea, flatulence and other digestive problems. In addition, milk that is subjected to heat treatment loses most of its beneficial properties, but adds calories to the dish.

Preparation of cereals and proportions

Before cooking, buckwheat requires some manipulation. First you need to sort it out, trying to remove all the specks and black grains. As a rule, a sufficient amount of contamination is typical for cheap cereals, therefore, if you want to shorten this stage, you should purchase high-grade buckwheat. Then the buckwheat is washed with cold water. This is done either in a colander under the tap, or in a bowl, from which the water is drained and changed until it becomes completely transparent. This procedure increases the benefits of the final product and also prevents coloring of the milk.

The taste and consistency of the dish largely depend on the selected proportions of dry and liquid products. If the porridge should be runny, then the proportion should be one to ten, if viscous, then one to eight. In cases where a very thick consistency is required, the proportion is modified to one to six. Since milk can be added at any time, the selected ratio can be easily changed according to the wishes of the cook.

Cooking time is determined based on the liquid used. In the case of water it is a third of an hour, and in the case of milk from half an hour or a little more.

Delicious recipes

Cooking buckwheat porridge is not particularly difficult, since the recipe can be adapted to any available tools, and the proportions can be easily adjusted during the process. It is customary to make the dish either exclusively with milk or a mixture of milk and water, or with cream with a low fat content.

In the oven

You can make buckwheat porridge with milk correctly in the oven. It will be most convenient to cook in pots, although, of course, you can use the traditional form. The ingredients you will need are two glasses of cereal, four glasses of plain water, 30 grams of butter, two glasses of milk and four to six tablespoons of honey. Each pot is filled with two glasses of water, cereal and salt. The dish needs to simmer for about half an hour until the water has completely evaporated.

At the next stage, butter is added to the porridge, milk and liquid honey are added as a sweetener. The pots are returned to the oven, where they are brought to a boil, after which the fire is turned off, and the porridge is infused inside for a quarter of an hour.

On the stove

Of course, the easiest way is to cook buckwheat for breakfast in a saucepan. To prepare this dish you will need a cup of buckwheat, about four cups of milk, a cup of water, two tablespoons of sugar, 30 grams of butter and a teaspoon of salt. Water is brought to a boil in a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls, after which the washed cereal is poured into it.

Cook the buckwheat over low heat for about eight to ten minutes. The exact time is determined by the condition of the cereal - it is important that it absorbs all the liquid.

At the next stage, milk is poured into the pan, the substance is brought to a slight boil and remains in this state for about a quarter of an hour. You need to cook the dish, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. If the porridge is not liquid enough, you can add a little more milk to it. The fire is turned off, sugar and salt, as well as butter, are placed in the saucepan. The milk porridge is mixed, closed with a lid and removed for a quarter of an hour. Additionally, the container can be wrapped in a terry towel or blanket.

Buckwheat does not combine well with most fruits and berries, but it feels ideal in the same plate with a banana. To prepare, you need half a liter of milk, 90 grams of cereal, about one and a half tablespoons of granulated sugar, a little salt and a large ripe banana. Buckwheat is cleared of debris and washed, after which it is filled with not very cold milk. The saucepan is placed on low heat and closed with a lid.

Somewhere “halfway” the dish can be sprinkled with sugar and salt. At the same moment you need to add either a banana cut into small pieces or crushed. The porridge is finally cooked and, if desired, supplemented with butter.

It would be a good idea to prepare buckwheat porridge with pumpkin. The required ingredients include 330 grams of vegetable, one onion, a little rosemary, a glass of cereal, three tablespoons of olive oil, half a liter of milk, a clove of garlic and spices. First, buckwheat is boiled in salted milk, or the cereal is covered with water, boiled a little, and then finished in hot milk.

At this time, finely chopped onion is sauteed in olive oil, the same happens with garlic and rosemary. In the same oil, but individually, pumpkin pieces are fried, after which “assembly” occurs: the vegetables are combined with the frying and cereal. If desired, everything can be salted and seasoned with spices.

In a slow cooker

Buckwheat porridge with milk can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. By following the instructions step by step, you will be able to get a wonderful, tender dish. To create the dish you will need a glass of cereal, three glasses of full-fat milk, three heaped tablespoons of sugar, a large piece of butter and a pinch of salt. The buckwheat is prepared properly and then poured into the bowl. The future porridge should be immediately salted and sugared, and covered with cubes of butter on top. The ingredients are poured with milk, and the “Cereals” program is set in the multicooker. If there are concerns that the porridge will be too sweet, you can prepare it without sugar and add sand just before serving.

Another option for preparing buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker will appeal to young children. The ingredients for such a dish include 160 grams of cereal, a pinch of salt, 120 milliliters of high-fat milk, 35 grams of butter, 380 milliliters of water, sugar or honey. The processed cereal is placed in the multicooker bowl, after which it is filled with plain water. The “Extinguishing” program is turned on, and the equipment works until all the moisture is absorbed. Then butter, salt and the sweetener of choice are added to the bowl. The program changes to “Milk porridge”, the dish is prepared in this way for about eight minutes.

The finished thin porridge is immediately served to the table. You can also supplement milk buckwheat with banana and apple.

In addition to a glass of cereal, you need to prepare one apple, one banana, one glass of milk, three glasses of water, a tablespoon of sugar, butter and cream. First, the cereal is cleaned and washed, and then poured into the multicooker bowl. The apple is peeled and cored, after which the fruit is cut into medium-sized cubes.

The fruits are sent to the bowl, the whole mass is poured with three glasses of just boiled water, and the “Grain” program is turned on. While the porridge is cooking, the banana is either cut into small pieces or transformed into puree. When the program is completed, the banana along with a glass of milk goes to the porridge, and all the ingredients remain heated for ten minutes.

The combination of buckwheat and cottage cheese will be unexpected, but very tasty. The recipe requires 300 grams of cereal, the same amount of cottage cheese, 600 milliliters of water, 100 grams of butter, lemon zest, a pinch of cinnamon, a teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons of sugar, 400 milliliters of milk and two eggs. If desired, you can add sour cream. Buckwheat is processed as required, then poured into a multicooker, in which the “Frying” program is selected.

The beans are roasted for ten minutes. After this, the cereal is filled with water, mixed with salt and butter and cooked for 50 minutes in the “Milk porridge” program. Cereals." At this time, eggs with cottage cheese, sugar, zest and cinnamon are combined in a separate container. The finished porridge is mixed with this substance, everything is processed in the “Steam Boiler” program for another forty minutes. It is recommended to serve the dish with sour cream.

To learn how to prepare buckwheat porridge with milk, watch the video below.

Breakfast should be hearty and, of course, quickly prepared. Therefore, buckwheat with milk can become a real lifesaver. In addition to the fact that after such a meal you will not have to feel hungry for a long time, there are also many useful substances. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins PP, E, B1 - B12, H, D, microelements: magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, manganese, sodium, copper - all this is present in something so simple and familiar to us all dish. And if you think that there is nothing complicated in its preparation, you are right, but even here there are some little tricks.

Buckwheat with milk recipe for breakfast

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • buckwheat 1 cup;
  • water 2 glasses;
  • milk 2 glasses;
  • sugar 2 table. spoons;
  • pinch of salt;
  • butter 0.5 table. spoons;
  • vanillin (optional) on the tip of the knife.

It is better to take the grains fried. It will give the porridge a beautiful color and aroma. But unroasted grains will make the dish viscous, but it will contain much more vitamins.


If desired, you can add more oil to the porridge, this will only improve its taste. But there will also be a noticeable increase in calories.

Some housewives prefer to pour milk over cooked buckwheat porridge when serving. This option is allowed, but it is worth considering that cereal boiled with milk turns out tastier.

This buckwheat with milk recipe can also be used as complementary food for small children. To do this, the cereal must be ground in a coffee grinder, boiled in water for about half an hour, poured with milk and boiled. In this case, there is no need to add sugar or butter.

Now you know how to cook buckwheat with milk correctly. And may your breakfasts be healthy and your loved ones well-fed. Bon appetit!

Porridge with milk is the first complementary food, “kindergarten” food, and delicious memories of grandma that last a lifetime. This is exactly the kind of porridge we will cook today - buckwheat with milk. It would seem that what could be difficult about preparing it? Absolutely nothing!

Absolutely... but not all mothers know how to cook real buckwheat porridge with milk. Most often, buckwheat is boiled separately, then it is placed in a plate and poured with warm (hot) milk. But this is not buckwheat porridge with milk, this is porridge drenched in milk! But the real dish is prepared according to a different recipe.


  • milk - 2 cups
  • buckwheat – 1 cup
  • Salt and sugar - at your discretion
  • Oil - to your taste


For tasty buckwheat porridge, you need to cook the cereal correctly, namely, take the correct ratio of water and buckwheat. This ratio is relevant not only for this recipe, so remember and prepare the correct buckwheat porridge, even if it is without milk.

We will measure with a faceted glass, which you can replace with any other container. So, for a glass of buckwheat you need 2 glasses of water, that is, the ratio of cereal to water should be 1:2.

Pour the buckwheat into a saucepan, pour in water or rinse first if the buckwheat is not very clean. Let's cook. Here is an important nuance: first turn on high heat, and when the water boils, add some salt, reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. We also decide at this moment whether to add sugar or not. Cook under the lid.

In exactly 15 minutes the buckwheat will be ready. All liquid will evaporate.

This means it’s time to pour in the milk, and cold milk.

Without covering with a lid, let the milk boil over medium heat. Turn it off and then cover it. Let the buckwheat porridge sit until it absorbs the milky taste. About 5-10 minutes.

Now real milk buckwheat porridge is ready, surprisingly tender and aromatic. Your child will love this porridge. And the adult members of your family too.

Tip: When serving, you can put a piece of butter on the plate. Or spread butter on a piece of bun.

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